Six Souls who May Keep America From Falling

I’m sitting trying to think of a single Christian I know in America who does not love this nation. I’m sure they exist, but I do not know anyone who does not salute the flag, think of veterans on Memorial Day or stand respectfully at the singing of the National Anthem. In fact, I cannot think of any I know who does not resent those artists who change the music to that part of the song which speaks of “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” They resent those singers who use the occasion to manifest their own voices.

Yes, we all are concerned about the future of this land. One cannot read the Bible without seeing how God deals with nations. His holy nature cannot let the ungodly prosper forever. Solomon said, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Pro. 14:34). America has been exalted, but America is now far from righteous. Add to this the words of David, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17). Has America forgotten God? We are concerned about the future of this nation.

So what can we do about it? Some think that the cause is hopeless. America, founded on many of principles of the Bible, is faltering. Shall we throw up our hands and quit?               Others think that the answer lies in better government. They overlook the fact that the government is a reflection of the people who elect the officials. Corruption in Washington comes from voters who elect and send ungodly men to represent them. We need more godly men to lead us, but this is not the solution because the ungodly outnumber the godly.

There is a solution. The answer is found in Genesis 18. God was ready to turn into hell five cities which had forgotten Him. As He approached Sodom and Gomorrah, He revealed His intentions to Abraham. This friend of God knew the one thing which could alter His plan. Ten righteous souls would have caused God to spare the cities. There were only four righteous people in those cities. Sodom was destroyed because of a lack of six more souls!

So what about us? What about our land? If you knew that six more souls would insure your children and grandchildren could live in America, what would you do? Would you seek for six more souls?

This past Sunday we asked you to give us a list of six souls you want to lead to Christ. These names will become part of the daily prayer life of this church. Thank you for your response. Our next united effort is in just two weeks when Sam Jones is with us. Be part of this effort to find six more!

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