Singing in the Foyer

I am not exactly sure why I enjoy those fifth Sunday night singings in the foyer, but I really enjoy them. It’s not just because it is different, but because I am reminded again and again of the wisdom of God in making singing part of our worship. These singings allow for so much spiritual growth when we devote ourselves to them.

I enjoy singing in the foyer because we sing, and singing involves our souls. Have you considered that God could have just had us to quote or read passages of Scripture? We often sing songs, like the twenty-third psalm, which are almost completely based on selected phrases from the Bible. Why would not God just have us read those passages in unison? Would it not impact us in the same way and have the same effect? No way! Take time to think of the implication of James 5:13, “Is any cheerful? Let him sing.” Our emotions are tied directly to singing. One might be able to read Psalm 23 without his emotions being stirred, but somehow God made us so that singing touches our souls.

I enjoy singing in the foyer because I can hear so many around me singing. The design of singing is obviously vertical as our voices reach the portals of heaven, but it is also horizontal. God in his wisdom designed singing so we could speak to each other as we sing. The Holy Spirit described what happens in our worship when He said, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19). Those Sunday nights when we sit facing each other allows me to see the joy and faith you have and to be edified by hearing your words. This happens in each of our services, but singing in the foyer allows me to hear so many of those who are there encouraging me to serve the Lord.

I love singing in the foyer because there is a great sense of us being of one heart and mind. The Lord established the church and that church is a family. We are a body where each of us plays a vital role in each other’s life, and this is possible because we are all in the same family, the same body. We have the same goals and values in life. We have the same purpose for living. Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21).  This is so apparent to me as we sing together.

I also love singing when we are not in the foyer. Reread this article and realize that what is said of singing in the foyer can happen all the time. It seems easier on those fifth Sunday nights, but singing is of Divine origin, and He designed it to fit every occasion. This Sunday, make a special effort to sing from the depths of your souls as your praise God and speak to those who have your values. It will change your life!

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