Signs of the End of the World

Signs of the End of the World

So many think that the signs of “the end of the world” given by Jesus the week before He died show that it won’t be very long until Jesus shall appear. It is true that Jesus gave signs when the “end of the world” would come, but what “world” did He have in mind? When the disciples asked for these signs given in Matthew 24, what were they asking about?

Look at the context. Jesus had taught the parable of those who had refused to pay the owner for the use of his vineyard. He sent servants to ask for the payment and all of them were abused. He finally sent his son and they laid out plans to kill him. Read the parable of God sending His Son to the Jews in God’s vineyard. What was the expected response on these wicked men? “He will destroy those wicked men miserably, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers” (Matt. 21:41). Jesus further then amplified the application of the parable when He said, “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it” (Matt. 21:43).

Look closer at the context of the signs. In Matthew 23, He told these same Jewish leaders that God’s plan was to bring judgment on the Jewish nation who had killed all the prophets sent to them and would soon to kill the prophets Jesus was sending to them. He said that wrath and judgment was to come on the generation then living (Matt. 23:34-36). God’s judgment was to come on those who had killed God’s messengers/prophets and were at that moment planning to kill His Son. It was to happen in that generation. God was no longer with them and their “house was left…desolate” (Matt. 23:38).

He then walked out of that desolate house, and they showed to Him the beauty of that house, that temple. Jesus’ response was that the time was coming when not one stone of the temple would be left on another. He left the city and Peter, James, John and Andrew said to Him, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled?” (Mark 13:3-4). The house was desolate. God was about to destroy it, and the disciples wanted signs it was about to happen.

Jesus gave the signs and then said, “When you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place” (Matt. 24:33-34). He had told them the Jewish nation was to be removed, its temple destroyed and these disciples would see all these signs! It was to all happen in the generation then living on the earth.

There is more to be said about the signs of “the end of the world” in next week’s article.

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