Share the Dream: Evolution, Racism, and the Origin of Races

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I have a dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in our nation’s capital. Thanks to his non-violent approach and his gift for oration, King—along with hundreds of others—led this country toward the American Civil Rights Movement and away from racism and desegregation. While no one would argue that the task of providing equal rights is complete, the landscape today reflects that numerous changes have occurred over the past fifty years.

In many respects, it appears things are moving in the right direction. Racist signs and separate water fountains have been removed, and laws have been put into place to ensure equality. However, while changes have been made, and society appears to be moving collectively in the right direction, a silent current has been moving individuals in the opposite direction. This opposing current has a strong undertow, and will eventually be looked upon with disgust and repugnance. This racist tenet remains cloaked under the banner of evolution.

If the evolutionary theory of “survival of the fittest” is correct, then the animals living today are “the fittest.” In essence, this godless theory teaches we get better over time. Now apply this theory to mankind. According to evolutionists, mankind evolved out of Africa and eventually migrated to Europe and Asia. And yet, how does every single form of media portray early “Neanderthal” like creature? Has National Geographic ever depicted an “early man” or ape-like creature with fair skin? The common theory being taught in classrooms today is that dark skinned people evolved out of Africa and eventually gave rise to fair skinned populations in Europe and Asia. A cursory glance will quickly reveal that early man is always depicted with dark skin. Mankind supposedly got “fitter” and lost that color. Allegedly, Caucasians evolved from the Negroid race—thus, fair skinned people are allegedly a more evolved, and thus, superior race.

Now consider that this is the only legalized theory of human origins in public classrooms today. Students all across America are being shown images of dark skinned, ape-like creatures that paved the way for white men. Ironic, is it not that the ACLU, an organization that is supposed to advocate “individual rights by litigating, legislating, and educating the public,” is defending a theory that undermines the core of their mission. The ACLU is defending an atheistic theory that by its very definition demands that there is an inferior race.

On college campuses all across this country Charles Darwin’s infamous Origin of Species has become a staple of required reading. But how many people are aware of the full title of Charles Darwin’s book? While new editions have deleted the subtitle, Darwin’s original work was titled: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection—or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.Darwin’s phrase “favored race” indicates that he thought – and taught – that there is a race that is not favored. In his second book, The Descent of Man, Darwin noted:

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout th

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