Roman Road to Salvation

The Real Roman Road to Salvation

“The Roman road to salvation” is a term in denominationalism that refers to salvation as Paul mentions in the book of Romans, which usually culminates with Romans 10:13 and an invitation to pray “The Sinner’s Prayer,” all of which are either taken out of context or seriously flawed in their interpretation. Since it falls short of what Paul says in this New Testament book, consider the real “Roman road to salvation.”


The Roman Road to Salvation?

Just as Paul begins his “gospel of God” (1:1) with an introduction of Jesus (1:3-4), our salvation lies firmly planted in what Jesus did for us. The first four books of the New Testament declare that Jesus came to fulfill the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17) by living it perfectly, as no mere human could do (John 7:18; 8:46). With such being the case, He voluntarily offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins (Rom. 3:24-26; 5:6-11). Nevertheless, demonstrating His power of deity and role of Savior, He was resurrected from the dead (1:4). All of this was necessary since Adam unleashed the consequences of death by his disobedience (5:12-21).

Now, how do we learn about such? There is no way to understand what God has done for man without God declaring it to him (1:16-17). He quotes from Habakkuk 2:4 to show that salvation has always been by the activity of faith. Hebrews 11 shows many from the Old Testament who demonstrated such, and Paul will continue through this epistle to declare that the Law of Moses with the Jews was not the way, but faith in God exhibited by both Jews and Gentiles (3:27-4:25).

After discussing how evil man has become by following a lifestyle of sin (1:18-2:3), Paul declares, “…the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance” (2:4). Then, he discusses in the next chapters how that he holds every man accountable—Jew or Gentile. This leads to the oft-quoted verses of the sinfulness of man (3:10, 23), showing that sins plagues both Jews and Gentiles.

Now, why is it that hardly anyone wants to declare what Paul discusses in the first part of Romans 6? In clarification of their misunderstanding of the grace of God in relationship to their sins, he reminds them that they were “baptized into Jesus Christ” (6:3). Since he explains that baptism complies with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus (6:4-6), how else would one access the saving blood, located “in Christ” (cf. Gal. 3:26-27; Acts 22:16; Rev. 1:5)? He later says that they “obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin…” (6:17-18). When were they free from sin? They became free after their faith responded in obedience. This is the real meaning of Romans 10:13, for the context declares it (10:16-21). If we desire salvation from sin, we must also do as the Romans did and obey the gospel, not pray the sinner’s prayer.

If I am wrong, please show the error of my ways, but if I am right, please obey it today!

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