The Resurrection: Come Lord Jesus

Come Lord Jesus

Those who take part in the first resurrection, which is the resurrection that takes place at baptism (Romans 6:3–6) the second death (i.e. the eternal death that takes place following the Judgment) has no power. Yet those who do not take part in the first resurrection, nor have their names found written in the “book of life,” will be cast into the lake of fire.

Ready for the resurrection? Are you saying, "Come Lord Jesus"?

Ready for the resurrection? Are you saying, “Come Lord Jesus”?

In the closing chapters of the book of Revelation the beloved Apostle John gets to see a glimpse of the church in its ultimate glory. It is represented as a beautiful bride, adorned for her husband; a great city with walls that cannot be breached and with gates that never need to be closed; and as a magnificent garden, even more utopian than the Garden of Eden. To all this John is told, “blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book…that do his commands, that they might have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city” (Revelation 22:7–14).

Having seen all these things John replies, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (v. 20). If your life were to end today, if the Lord were indeed to come, if you were to stand before God in judgment, would you be ready? Are you living a life in faithful anticipation of that day? Are you so prepared as to be honestly willing to proclaim “Come, Lord Jesus?” Are you ready for Jesus to come?

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