Respond to the Master’s Calling

Respond to the Master’s Calling

The world of Mary and Martha had been turned upside down. Lazarus, their only brother, was sick, and they sent a message to Jesus. We are not sure exactly where Jesus was in Galilee, but he could have been more than 70 miles from these two godly women. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Martha heard that the Lord was approaching their home, and she went out to meet Him. “Lord, if You had been here my brother would not have died.” Can you sense the emotions in her words? Her sister said these same words to Jesus when she went to meet the Lord. Martha was the one who told Mary that the Lord was there. Her words, “The Teacher  (the KJV has the word “Master”) has come and is calling for you” (John 11:28). Consider this sentence and how it applies to each of us.

Will run to the Master's calling?

Will run to the Master’s calling?

The Master…” What a title to describe the Lord. He who had mastered the storms in Galilee and had mastered temptation of Satan was now there with them. They knew of His power over sickness, for He had shown it repeatedly. What they failed to see was that He could also master death. He is truly the King of all kings and the Lord above all lords and the conqueror of death, the grave and Hades.

The Master has come…” The coming of the Supreme Master and Teacher had been prophesied by the Old Testament prophets, and He now stood outside the home of these two sisters. It was not a fond dream that some might have had that He would come—they were there and heard Him. They saw the impact of His words, “Lazarus, come forth.” How blessed they were, and even more, how blessed we are that God has fulfilled His promises about the coming of the Master.

“The Master has come and is calling…” We sing so many songs that speak of His calling. “Hear the sweet voice of Jesus say, ‘Come unto Me, I am the way.’” We have called on Him because we heard His call saying, “Come unto Me all you who labor” (Matt. 11:28). Mary heard that Jesus wanted her to come, and she ran from the house to meet Him.

“The Master has come and is calling for you.” Think of how tragic it would be if the Lord was selective in choosing those He wants to come to Him. Just suppose He had invited every person to come, except you. Think of what you would have lost. However, He longs for all men to come. He died for all, and most importantly He died for you! How have you responded to His call?

Mary had the right to ignore the message from her sister, but think of the great blessings she would have missed. Of even greater importance, think of what you lose when you fail to respond to His call. God, help us to run like Mary!

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