Rebuilding the Faith Rally

This week’s letter comes to you from Washington, D.C., where some of the Focus Press staff has gathered to lay the groundwork for June 26th’s “Rebuilding Faith Rally.” If you haven’t heard about the rally or want to know more, check out the website We’re praying and working hard to make the rally a day of uplifting, inspiring, and empowering messages for Christians so we can turn the tide in the war being waged against God’s truth with regards to abortion and homosexuality. This week I want to give three reasons why we’re hosting our day of Rebuilding Faith. So, why are we hosting a rally on the National Mall?

First, it’s time we let our voices be heard. Too many congregations aren’t hearing what they need to hear from the pulpit when it comes to these issues. Even in those congregations where the truth about anti-Christian political issues are preached, we can always do more to take that message outside the four walls of our church buildings. Our religion must be externalized in both a figurative sense (with our actions reflecting what’s in our hearts) and in a literal sense (with our beliefs leaving the pew with us and going along with us as we leave our buildings). What better way to do that than to gather together with Gospel preachers and political officials to focus on God’s truth? Bible-believing Christians are being pushed into the corner and silenced at every turn, and we can’t afford to continue to be silent as our rights to preach and speak the truth grow more and more endangered through “tolerance” every day.

Second, it’s time we set the record straight. When we gather, we will not be gathering as a group of people who hate homosexuals or pregnant mothers who want to make a “choice.” It’s time we make it clear to the culture around us that the things we say about such cultural issues are out of love for both the people around us and for the truth of God’s Word. It’s easy for those outside the church to paint us as unloving or overly judgmental, and at times we make it even easier for them by saying the wrong words or approaching the issues in the wrong way. When we gather to speak the truth and fellowship with kindred spirits, we’re going to discuss the importance of speaking out against sin but we’re going to do it the right way. The world is always going to be the world. The church must speak, act, and think like the church ought.

Third, it’s time we share our passion for the lost and God’s Word with each other. It’s very easy to feel lonely with all that’s going on today. Does it ever feel like you, your family, or your church family are the only ones trying to preach the truth among a generation that has no tolerance for it? Remember that when Elijah had reached rock bottom and thought all of his work was for naught, God reminded him that there were thousands who had refused to bow to Baal. Sometimes that’s all we need to keep going – that shot in the arm that comes with seeing our brothers and sisters running the same race and fighting the same fights. Just imagine singing, praying, and listening to speeches and sermons with hundreds of your brothers and sisters. Imagine the encouragement it will bring. Imagine how you’ll feel heading home knowing you’re not fighting alone, and knowing new ways you can get involved and help make a difference. It’s that exact vision that has us counting down the days (Lord willing) and praying for a successful rally.

So, I hope you’ll seriously consider coming out for the rally. If you can’t make it, I hope you’ll pray for us and those who will be in attendance, that we will be strengthened and that we can all grow from the experience. To those of you who have already committed to come (again, Lord willing), we appreciate your support and can’t wait to be there with you. Bring a friend (or two, or three, or ten)! It’s an exciting time at Focus Press. We appreciate your prayers, support, and fellowship as we all work towards strengthening the church and reaching the lost. Let’s not grow weary in doing good, and let’s keep working while it’s still day!

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