Pursue God’s Plan

Pursue God’s Plan

In 2 Samuel 22:33, it states that, “God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.”  Now, many young people believe that this verse is talking about how God gives you desires to achieve a specific goal through all the bumps of life like, being the best cheerleader, or the fastest runner, or the strongest football player.  People further believe that these goals are part of God’s plan for your life.  But, I think we need to look at a couple of verses before vs. 33.

Choose His Plan Get His Results!

Choose His Plan Get His Results!

In vs. 31, it states, “As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.  For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God?”  In combination with vs. 33, it is talking about how God provided a pathway for David.  A pathway that is flawless and pure.  And, that way is through the Lord’s word, both written and given by the prophets and it was this way that guided David to safety and success.

Likewise, when we realize that God is our only source of divine help, then we will see that all other ways are a sham.  Other ways cannot shield us from the terrors and troubles of life.  And, the Lord is more than our defense, He is our power.  Therefore, when we find ourselves in a hard situation, remember that God has great plans for your life.  Talk to Him and let Him know that you appreciate His involvement in your life.  Let Him know that in Him you find strength even when you are feeling your weakest.  And when you do this, it will surprise you how the Lord will further bless your life.

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