Promises, Promises

“He that Sweareth to His Own Hurt”

“LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? . . . He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.” (Psalm 15:1, 4)

Do you keep your promises?

Do you keep your promises?

In the year 2000 I lost my job at EDS and began searching for employment. I picked up some part time work in the interim. While I was committed to a project, I got a call from the Compaq Corporation. I scheduled the interview and met with a manager.

The job they wanted me to do was a “dream job” in the computer industry. I would be technical support for the outside sales department. I would get a company car, have access to a large computer lab facility, be able to take clients out for lunches on a regular basis at the company’s expense, and all the perks.

At the end of the interview, the manager looked at me and said, “I would like to hire you. When can you start?”

I replied, “I have a previous commitment with another company to do a temporary project and in two weeks after that project is done, I can start.” He said that he appreciated my honesty and character; we parted company and he never called back.

We live in a society that by and large values compromise above principle, subjectivity over objectivity, and relatives over absolutes. It would be an understatement to say that it is easy to get away with not keeping one’s promises in our society.

“Things happen.”

The weather changes. We don’t feel good. Other people don’t follow through. There are any number of reasons that we could enumerate and by and large most would accept our excuse.

In contrast to our society, God’s people, God’s society, are called to a higher standard. It is a standard that transcends the bounds of society, time, and culture. It is a standard based upon the eternal character of God. It is a standard upon which God expects us to live (Romans 12:1-2).

Our God is a God who always keeps his promises (Hebrews 6:17-18, Titus 1:2). If we desire to dwell in His holy hill, His tabernacle, His church today, we must practice His standard of righteousness. When we are willing to suffer to keep our promises, God says that is when we are most like Him.

May we, as God’s people, resolve to keep our word and dwell in unity with our God.

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