Preparing for Worship

Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

Psalms 120–134 are referred to as Songs of degree or Psalms of Ascent. These psalms were most likely pilgrim hymns sung as one would ascend the hill to Jerusalem or by the priests as they ascended the stairs of the Temple to do their worshipful service to the Lord and for the people. Possibly the most familiar of these is the psalmist exclamation “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” (122:1).

As we approach the Lord’s Day each week we need to consider whether or not we ascend to worship God with gladness in our hearts? Do we long to worship God and do we yearn to be with, and fellowship, the people of God? We talk a lot about our hearts: being kind, loving, forgiving, friendly, gracious, humble, selfless, merciful, and compassionate. But does our attitude toward worship the kind of heart God desires from us? Allow me to offer some suggestions.

Consider how much God has blessed you.
Consider how much God loves you.
Consider how much your soul is worth.
Consider how much you encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Consider how much you need to be encour-aged, and strengthened.
Consider how much worship here prepares us for heaven.
Consider how much your family’s souls mean to you and to God.
Consider how much you learn from Bible study and sermons.
Consider how much the Lord’s Supper means to our never forgetting His sac-rifice.
Consider how much encouragement we gain from praying together.
Consider how much we are blessed to give.
Consider how much the singing of songs lifts our souls.

Where will you be this Lord’s Day? Where will you be every Lord’s Day? Faithfully assembling with the saints? Prepare your heart!

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