Prepared for Eternity

Prepared for Eternity

Paul admonishes his readers that the life of a Christian is one that seeks to be pleasing to the Lord. This is true because we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and receive life or death according to the lives we have lived her on earth. “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men” to live in such a way as to be prepared for that day (2 Corinthians 5:9–11). Here are some suggestions Paul makes to ensure we are prepared.

Are you prepared for the road of eternity?

Are you prepared for the road of eternity?

BE A NEW CREATURE. This means putting away our old ways and following the ways of the Lord (5:17).

BE RECONCILED. Sin separates us form God but the blood of Christ reunites us with Him (5:20–21).

WORK TOGETHER. There is much to do and we need to be working, with God, to bring as many souls to Christ as we can (6:1–2).

BE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED. Being in fellowship with God and His children means being separate from those who walk in darkness. Remember you cannot serve both God and worldliness (6:14–17).

HAVE GODLY SORROW (7:9–10). There are a lot of people who are only sorry for their sins when they get caught. Godly sorry, true sorrow, will move one to make the necessary changes in his life.

Obedience to the gospel through faith, confession, repentance, and baptism is the beginning of our cleansing. Walking in the light and preparing for eternity allows the blood of Jesus to continue to cleanse us (Acts 22:16; 1 John 1:7) and keep us unto that day. Be faithful!

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