Powerless Elders

Authority to oversee the Church of Christ rests in the hands of each congregation’s elders (I Peter 5:1-3, Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:17).   This responsibility means Godly elders will never find themselves lacking something to do.  They face spiritual issues of varying impacts nearly every single day.  They are the chief stewards in charge of guiding God’s children on a heavenly walk.  Man does not present the elders with authority, God stands as the one who imparts authority to these qualified men.  Thus, the power of elders should go without contestation.  Unfortunately, many congregations claim to possess powerless elders.

Over the years the following phrase has made it to my ears from different elders in reference to the sinful behavior of their congregations: “There is nothing we can do”.  The topic at hand in each case was modesty, but the issue could be a number of different challenges.  The self proclaimed powerless elders recognized that a number of Christians exposed their bodies to an appalled assembly through immodest fashion.  In response, the elders rightly directed lessons which pointed out the sinfulness of the occurring behaviors.  However, the offending parties did not change the type of apparel with which they adorned themselves.  One elder stated, “After we have taught on the issue, they could show up naked and there is nothing more we can do.”  Christians ignoring elders doesn’t represent anything new.  Sadly, for millennia individuals identifying themselves as God’s people have disregarded messengers of God.  Some are blatantly ignoring the elders teaching, others don’t realize they are the target of the teaching.  The question that presents itself is this: “Are the powerless elders really powerless to act against sin in the Church?”

Before scripturally breaking this issue down, put yourself in the shoes of a recent mother and father witnessed at an assembly of the Church.  The preacher stood before the congregation and shared the Word of God; simultaneously, a very loud little girl was telling her parents she was not going to be quiet.  She was not going to sit down.  She wanted to do what she wanted to do.  This went on for quite some time.  The words “No” and “I am not going to” were pretty frequent.  What was the response from the parents?  They continued to quietly ask the girl to stop while she shouted them down.  Evidently there were powerless parents present.  What could they have done in response to such defiant disrespectful behavior?  Were they truly powerless?  Proverbs 13:24, 23:13, 29:15 suggest a good source of power – put a rod to that child’s backside.  As long as parents simply wag the tongue, try to appease, or plead with the child; the child will do what it wishes.  There is no difference between that child and her parents and sinful Christians with weak, fearful elders.

When I hear elders say they have no power, I wonder if they read the same inspired scriptures others read.  Do they not recall Paul’s words to the Corinthians in I Corinthians 5 including: “Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.”? Woah! There Kemo Sabe!  You don’t just go charging into a crowd with guns a blazin’!  This is absolutely true.  This jump is to the ultimate exercise of power which elders can utilize to illustrate there is no such thing as powerless elders.  Elders can proceed with authority in many directions.  Beforehand they have a responsibility to approach the individual directly in regard to the sinfulness of immodesty in hopes of correcting the behavior (I Thessalonians 5:11-14, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Timothy 4:1-2).  If they chose to do so they could literally post a dress code for the congregation.  This puts the expectation before the congregation posted and in writing (with pictures if necessary) so there is no excuse.  Elders, solutions to all problems exist and the Bible contains all the answer you need (2 Peter 1:2-4).

A congregation understanding they have authorized, powerful, loving elders who are not afraid to use the rod will have a high degree of conformity.  They will hear the voice of the Shepherd and they will follow.  If they do not conform, the elders have the authority of God to discipline.  Therefore, elders remember “Quit ye like men, be strong”, “If God is for us, who is against us?” Standing before God there are no powerless elders.

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