Paul Committed to the Lord

Paul Committed to the Lord

When Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, he knew the end was near. He looked back over his life and used two illustrations from the Grecian games to describe it. He mentioned fighting (wrestling or boxing) and racing. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (4:6). It is at times like this that a man reflects on how his life has been spent. It is a time for self-evaluation.

Committed Paul

The Apostle Paul was committed to God.

Look at his words in chapter one. He urged Timothy to never be ashamed of the gospel nor of Paul. “Share with me in the sufferings for the gospel” (1:8). Four verses later he mentions his suffering again. “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed…” Throughout much of his life he had been despised, mocked, blasphemed, beaten and imprisoned. The world looks at such men with contempt, yet Paul was not ashamed.

How could this be? Read the rest of this verse. “For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” Just what had he committed to the Lord? Take time to consider the following thoughts as if you knew your life was about to end and then reflect back on it. What have you committed to the safekeeping of God until the day of judgment?

  • He had committed to the Lord his choice to suffer shame at the hands of men for Him to recompense on the final day.
  • He had committed his soul to the Lord. That eternal spirit was about to depart from his body, and he had loved the Lord with all of his heart and soul. He believed the Lord knew this and would keep it until the end.
  • He had committed his body as a living sacrifice and it was offered on the altar of service. Now the time had come for his life to be sealed with his own blood. With absolute confidence he knew he would be vindicated someday.
  • He had committed the future into God’s hand and while there was much uncertainty about that future, he knew Who held the future. “I know whom I have believed…” He may not have known the “what,” but he knew the Who!
  • He had committed all that there was to Him who was able. On this earth there were times when Paul was bound and helpless because there were those who were able to do this to him. Yet Paul knew that their power was nothing compared to the power of the Almighty. There is no comparison to be made between the two. Those Roman soldiers thought they were able to control Paul’s future. He knew better.

How deep is your commitment to the Lord? How much of yourself or your life belongs to Him?

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