Lazarus, Sleep, and Death

Lazarus, Sleep, and Death

“Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go to wake him up” (John 11:11). You know this story and understand what Jesus meant, but His disciples failed to comprehend it. Lazarus was so sick that his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus. Judging by their words which both of them spoke—“Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died”—the message was sent as a plea to Jesus to come to heal him.

grave sleep

The grave is not the end.

Jesus was not in Judea but likely in Galilee, many miles away. However, Jesus did not immediately rush to go to Bethany. He waited two days before even starting His journey. Obviously the disciples knew of the message and said to Jesus, “Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.” They did not know that Jesus was speaking of the sleep of death.

The comparison between sleep and death can bring so much comfort to us. It should not surprise us that our God devoted an entire chapter in the Bible to help us see the parallel. Our view of death is changed when we compare it to sleep.

Sleep is peaceful and not painful. While, as death approaches our bodies may be filled with pain, there comes that time when there is a release and the transition takes place. Think about how this parallels sleep. We may toss and turn as we lie down, but ultimately the time comes when we lay aside all that troubles us and fall asleep, leaving all those troubles behind. Throughout His life Jesus had fallen asleep and on the cross He “slept” again, leaving all troubles behind when He said, “Father into your hands I commit My spirit.” There is a peace that comes when we sleep and there is the final peace which comes when we die.

There is hope in sleep and there is hope in death. Why do we set an alarm each evening? Because we have an expectation of waking up. The same is true in death, for we expect to literally hear Jesus’ voice to awaken us, based upon what He said to His disciples: “The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28-29).

As a child the first prayer I learned was this prayer. “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” I thank God that my mom and dad taught this to me, but my understanding is so much deeper now. I then understood about laying down to sleep, but I was not able to grasp all that is involved in asking Him to take my soul in death. I did not know about the angels who took another Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16:22). I did not fear going to sleep, nor do I need to fear death.

There are so many other parallels between sleep and dying. Think about them. It will change your view of death.

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Revenge: Take My Ball and Go Home!

Revenge: Take My Ball and Go Home!

When I was a child, our neighborhood would get together and play ball. For the most part, we would have a good time. However, sometimes, someone would get upset over something that he or she didn’t like. When this happened, there was usually some kind of fuss. If the kid who brought the ball was involved in the fuss, and he didn’t get his way, he would say, “I’m going to take my ball and go home.” This was an effective strategy of revenge because the result was that this ended the game for everyone. The child was saying, “You won’t let me play the way that I want, so I am going to punish you by taking away your ability to play.” What childish behavior!

revenge ball

Revenge should not be an option.

Unfortunately, some adults behave the same way that children do. When the church is trying to do a good work, and something happens that they don’t like, instead of constructively seeking to make things better, they take their proverbial ball and go home. They would rather see a good work fail just to have their way. This attitude of “my way or the highway” is sinful. It is contrary to the attitude that Jesus had on the cross when he prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). It is contrary to Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:21, “submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Romans 12:17 says “Repay no one evil for evil.” Romans 12:19 says, “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather, give place to wrath.” Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” May we all strive to be like Jesus in love for one another.


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Esta es la segunda entrega de esta serie de estudios Bíblicos donde estamos analizando el premilenialismo; sus raíces, trasfondos y “tentáculos”. Muchos se han suscrito de forma permanente a esta filosofía que tanto ha distorsionado la palabra del Señor a través de las décadas. Para los que sostienen el premilenialismo, la Iglesia y el Reino son dos cosas completamente distintas la una de la otra y de acuerdo con ellos; Cristo vino la primera vez con “intenciones” de establecer un reino terrenal para reinar sobre el trono de David y como plan “B” entonces Jesús tuvo que establecer la Iglesia puesto que los judíos le rechazaron (distorsión de Juan 1:11).  Pero la verdad de las cosas es que la Iglesia única de Cristo estuvo en la mente de Dios desde antes de la fundación del mundo (Ef.1:3-4) y ningún hombre puede estropear los planes de Dios. Quienes lo han intentado más bien terminan colaborando en este Gigante ajedrez (Gén.50:20). Algunos pasajes como 2 Samuel 7:12-13 son base para entender el trasfondo con respecto a la promesa de que Jesús reinaría sobre el trono de David y la distorsión realizada por los premilenialistas para construir una fantasía futurista sin bases Bíblicas. Considere junto a nosotros algunos de los argumentos más fuertes con respecto a la Iglesia o el Reino:

Reino Iglesia

Para los que sostienen el premilenialismo, la Iglesia y el Reino son dos cosas completamente distintas la una de la otra y de acuerdo con ellos.

1.     El establecimiento del Reino mientras David aún durmiera.  La profecía en 2 Samuel 7:12 específicamente se refiere al reino, de hecho, indica que sería establecido mientras David aún durmiera. Los premilenialistas leen este pasaje (12-13) ignorando las cláusulas del mismo y dirigen su atención exclusiva al v.13 la frase: “…para siempre el trono de su reino”, aplicando inmediatamente la frase hacía el futuro al reinado Milenial cuando Cristo (según ellos) regrese y se establezca en la tierra para reinar sobre Jerusalén en el trono de David. Realmente el v.12 representa un problema mayúsculo para esta idea distorsionada por la siguiente razón. El texto dice: “Y cuando tus días fueren cumplidos, y durmieres con tus padres, yo afirmaré tu simiente después de ti, la cual procederá de tus entrañas, y afirmará su reino.” (2Sam.7:12). Esta profecía es cumplida en Hechos 2 cuando por inspiración Pedro apela a su audiencia, con respecto a David: “…Su sepulcro está con nosotros hasta el día de hoy” (Hechos 2:29-33). Tal cual, el reino (La Iglesia) fue establecido ese mismo día mientras David aún continuaba dormido con sus ancestros. La profecía no puede ser aplicada a futuro puesto que el premilenialismo plantea la resurrección de los justos antes de comenzar el milenio…eso implica que David también será resucitado (según ellos), y la profecía  quedará vacía. “Trono de David” indica su descendencia en la carne la cual todo el mundo podía revisar y concluir que Jesús era descendiente de David como lo decía la profecía ya sea por José aunque no era su padre biológico (Genealogía en Mateo 1) o ya sea por su madre María (Genealogía en Lucas 3). El “Trono de David” no significa el lugar físico donde reinó David (Jerusalén). Pablo lo menciona con claridad en un centenar de pasajes incluyendo Romanos 9:5: “de quienes son los patriarcas, y de los cuales, según la carne, vino Cristo, el cual es Dios sobre todas las cosas, bendito por los siglos. Amén”.

2.     El establecimiento del Reino “en los días de estos reyes”. Daniel vio el reino de Dios en profecía 600 años antes de que Cristo viniera al mundo y en el 2:44, predice que sería establecido en los “días de estos reyes”. Para saber cuales reyes o reinos está haciendo alusión uno debe de leer el contexto y entenderá rápidamente que se refería a cuatro reinos mencionados ahí mismo, siendo el último de ellos en ser citado el reinado de Roma.  El imperio Romano como tal fue destruido hace unos 1600 años de nuestra era aproximadamente por los bárbaros, por lo que es imposible que la profecía de Daniel esté refiriéndose a un punto en el futuro, habiendo sido Roma el último en la mención de su profecía. Nuevamente el premilenialismo se equivoca por completo en la construcción de la fantasía futurística sin hechos comprobables. Me gustan mucho algunas razones del porqué la Iglesia y el Reino aluden a lo mismo citadas por el hermano Ed. C. Wharton en su libro “La Iglesia de Cristo” página 80-82, Ed explica:

A.   Jesús interrelaciona los términos (Mt.16:18-19)

B.    Los dos se componen de los santos (1Cor.1:2, Col.1:12-13).

C.    Se componen la Iglesia y el reino de hombres comprados por sangre (Hech.20:28, Apo.5:9-10).

D.   Los sacerdotes de la casa son los sacerdotes en el reino (1Tim.3:15, 1Ped.2:5, Apo.1:6).

3.     Algunos verían el Reino establecerse antes de morir. Marcos 9:1 Jesús dice a su audiencia entre los cuales estaban los discípulos que no morirían antes de ver el reino establecerse. Juan el que bautizaba claramente predicó que el reino de los cielos se había acercado. La palabra que se traduce “acercado” en Mateo 3:2 ἐγγίζω (engizōsignifica cercanía en tiempo. Juan el Bautizador no predicó nada nuevo, era un heraldo de lo que los profetas como Isaías (Is.2:1-4), Joel (Joel. 2), Miqueas (Miq.5:1-4) entre muchos otros habían visto. Jesús no fue un mentiroso, por lo que él estaba prometiendo a su audiencia inmediata en Mr.9:1 que tal evento sería llevado a cabo tal cual lo estaba mencionando y que de hecho lo fue al establecerse el reino o la Iglesia unos 3 años más tarde en el día de Pentecostés de los Judíos. Pretender algo distinto con respecto al pasaje de Marcos 9 y que el reino está aún por venir, sería implicar que existen personas con vida de más de 2000 años. Tal implicación demanda pruebas reales y palpables que son imposibles de proveer por lo que el premilenialismo ¡tiene que ser falso!

4.     Entonces ¿Cuándo inició el Reino de Cristo? Lucas inspirado registra las palabras tan peculiares de Pedro en Hechos 11:15 Y cuando comencé a hablar, cayó el Espíritu Santo sobre ellos también, como sobre nosotros al principio” (HLM énfasis añadido). Permitamos que los Premilenialistas respondan a la pregunta ¿Inicio, de qué?,¿De la predicación?, no  lo creo, ya que ellos habían estado predicando tres años  junto al Maestro, la pregunta se sostiene ¿Inicio de que?. Es interesante resaltar el hecho de que Jesús con sus discípulos habían predicado de que el reino de los cielos estaba cerca (Mt.4:12), es más Jesús oró y animó a otros a pedir para que viniera el reino (Mt.6:9-15). Antes del día de pentecostés la Iglesia siempre fue referida como algo que vendría en el futuro (Mt.16:18). Después del día de pentecostés la Iglesia es referida como algo en existencia (Hechos 2:47). El principio al que hace referencia Pedro en Hechos 11 es el principio del Reino del cual Juan formaba parte cuando escribió estando en vida aún que sufría tribulaciones siendo compañero de los hermano en el reino (Apc. 1:9). ¿Cómo puede alguien estar en el reino en tiempos de Juan y Pedro y al mismo tiempo pensar que el reino será establecido en nuestro futuro?  Simplemente no es posible. (Nota: Por cierto que este pasaje de Hechos 11:15 prueba sin lugar a Dudas que los discípulos No recibieron el Espíritu Santo en Juan 20:19-23, sino hasta que llegó el día de pentecostés pues ese fue el principio del reino y el día en que se cumplieron las profecías incluida la de Jesús donde sus apóstoles con Matías incluido recibirían el Espíritu Santo).

Para concluir permítame subrayar que todas las profecías concernientes al establecimiento del reino y la Iglesia fueron cumplidas en Hechos 2. El premilenialismo queda completamente en deuda con los pasajes en cuestión. El escritor de Hebreos dice: Así que, recibiendo nosotros un reino inconmovible, tengamos gratitud, y mediante ella sirvamos a Dios agradándole con temor y reverencia”. Uno debe mostrar agradecimiento y servicio  no por lo que recibirá a futuro sino por lo que posee en el presente. La Iglesia de Cristo es ese reino Eterno de Jesús.

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You are Able

You are Able

You are able.  You are capable.  You can do good.  You can choose to do right.  Rush Limbaugh, as the center of his instruction to America, continually expressed his optimism about his fellow citizens.  He humbly would speak of his own failures.  Yet, he became a great success, an icon, a blessing to America as a compass for battling evil.  He wasn’t perfect.  However, he recognized God and that fact that all he enjoyed in life was given by the hand of God.  Rush did good.  He reached out with kindness to multitudes.  He praised his fellow Americans who chose to do the same.  He believed in us.  He encouraged everyone in seeking individual success.  The God of all things, above and below, seen and unseen, has this same desire for you and believes in you.

able capable optimist

You can do what is right! You can be victorious!

God put man on this earth and gave him dominion over it all (Genesis 1:26).  God didn’t give man this authority thinking man would be perfect.  God gave man this authority because He knew man would be able.  When man faltered, God gave them discipline, instruction, and direction to keep moving forward (Genesis 3).  This pattern is seen throughout the Old Testament in God’s dealings with Israel and other nations (Jeremiah 18:7-10).  They failed.  They failed a lot!  Yet, he continually called upon them to change their ways and do right.  God believed in the ability of man to seek him out and obey his direction.

The God of the New Testament is the same God of the Old Testament.  His faithfulness to man has never wavered.  He longs for our success.  He sent His son Jesus, not only to free man from the captivity of their sin, but to provide an example for his creation in how to walk.  God provided His Holy Spirit to enable inspired men to write the holy pages of the Bible and give verbal instruction for mankind while they lived (Acts 2, 2 Peter 1:20-21).  God presented a pattern of salvation in His Word and entrusted all of mankind with His plan for their destiny.  God believes in mankind and their ability to do good, so fully, that he entrusted them with the responsibility of saving the souls of all creation (Matthew 28:18-20).  What a scary thought!  How terrifying to know the great responsibility God has given to His Children.  He knows we will struggle! (Romans 3:23)  He strengthens us and affirms we can overcome (Philippians 4:13, I Corinthians 10:13).  He knows we can succeed.

I am thankful for the many examples and leaders God has provided in my life.  Decades spent listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, television, and even to his written words have made me a better person.  Rush was an optimist.  He wanted us to be the same.  I am thankful for every person who in the pulpit or outside of it has trusted in the Word of God, so much so, that they thought there was hope for me.  They hold hope and optimism for the days of mankind to choose to do right.  They believe in God who believes in us.  Let us hold the same banner up high and light the way for others.

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Time and Eternity

Time and Eternity

The announcement that we will resume worshiping together in smaller groups at the building is so refreshing. I can hardly wait. We have not been together in our building for the past eight weeks. We have entered Phase One, allowing us to meet as long as we practice social distancing. Our auditorium will permit us to begin with four identical services this week, with groups being determined alphabetically. I can hardly wait to see you Sunday!

These eight weeks seem almost like eight months and sometimes it feels more like eight years. The wisdom of God is seen so vividly in His design for us to worship together every week.  Let’s take a moment and think together about the nature of time.

hourglass time

How long is a year to you? It depends on how you look at it

Time to God is so different from time to us. Peter said, “Do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). It is as though our God lives in an “eternal presence.” This is not the situation with us.

How long is a year to you? It depends on how you look at it. If you are one year old, how long is it to your second birthday? A year is equal to the entire time you have lived on the earth. How long is a year if you are fifty waiting for your fifty-first birthday. It is only 1/50 of the time you have lived. The older you get the faster time flies. If you think it is flying by you when you are fifty, just wait until you are sixty or seventy!

Another illustration of the passage of time is to consider that if you are over 43, you are closer to retirement than college. It seems hardly possible but such is the nature of time.

Jacob worked seven years in order to earn the right to marry Rachel. “So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her” (Gen. 29:20). Time is remarkable for in another context his “short time” might seem like an eternity.

Listen to the psalmist, “The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away…So teach us to number our days…” (Psa. 90:10-12).

Time is an interesting topic to consider. How long is a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade? It just depends on how you look at it. How long is a lifetime of seventy years on this earth? When you compare it to eternity, it is as short as blinking the eyes. Oh, how foolish it is to focus our earthy years on material things when compared to eternity. How long is seven weeks? Compared to eternity it is so meaningless. Just make sure to use these eight weeks to see the treasures we have on this earth in the fellowship in His kingdom.

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