“The Lion Shall Lay Down by the Lamb”

“The Lion Shall Lay Down by the Lamb”

In 1937, Thomas A Dorsey wrote the song, “Peace in the Valley.” It didn’t become a “hit” until 1951 when Red Foley sang it. Since that time many artists have recorded it, the most famous among which was Elvis in 1957. The song is often sung at funerals due to the comforting words offered regarding peace that allegedly waits for the deceased after death. In the song’s third stanza, there is a line about the lion laying down with the lamb, and many presume this line comes from the Bible, but it doesn’t. There is some similar imagery in the Bible, however, in Isaiah 11:6, the prophet writes, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,The leopard shall lie down with the young goat,The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;And a little child shall lead them.” Also, in Isaiah 65:25, he writes, “’The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,’ Says the Lord.”

lion lamb

The lion shall eat straw like the ox.

Are these verses discussing heaven? The premillennialist believes that they are discussing the time of the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. Others believe that this is discussing heaven. However, if we read the context of these passages, we will see that the verses are talking about the coming of the Messiah and His work to establish His church. In Isaiah 11:10: “And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse,Who shall stand as a banner to the people;For the Gentiles shall seek Him,And His resting place shall be glorious.” Where do Gentiles seek the Messiah? In the church of Christ (Romans 1:16; 16:16).

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The Nature of Worship

The Nature of Worship

It is often easy to lose sight of the very nature of worship and the result of this robs us of one of the great blessings God has for us. Before reading any more of this article stop and ask yourself, “Why do I come to worship each week?” There may be many reasons, but what is the fundamental, underlying reason you come to worship each week?

nature of worship

Where is your mind when you worship?

If you think first in terms of, “I do it because He commands me to,” perhaps you should think more about it. Did not Jesus describe those who “…draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me”? We do come to worship because He commands us, but if that is the primary reason, we are robbing ourselves of the true meaning of worship. Think about the following verses and my comments about them.

Psalm 100:2: “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.” Notice how godly men came to worship realizing that this was the place, above all others, where we are “in His presence.” We come with gladness and praise before Him. In worship we are truly in His presence.

Psalm 95:2: “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.” Notice the plural pronouns in this verse. It is not a private time of praise David had in mind. It was “us” who came before Him in His presence. The next verse sheds even more reasons as to why we come to worship. “For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods.” We should stand in awe that this great God would so graciously allow sinful men to come into His presence.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-2: “Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools…let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; therefore let your words be few.” Every aspect of worship is important, but in most acts we are actively involved. However, God designed worship as a time when by preaching He would speak to us! We are in His presence and should come motivated to hear His words.

Psalm 100:1-4: “Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.”

Worship is not just “making a payment” on a heavenly insurance policy. We do not come just to obey Him. Worship comes from hearts which long to praise Him in His presence.

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Representa un verdadero reto intentar precisar una postura de los premilenialistas en cuanto a la gran tribulación. Quien escribe observó varios videos de Yiye Ávila y Billy Graham entre otros iconos religiosos del mundo hispano, que con entusiasmo y fanatismo han difundido estas ilusiones y simplemente me resultó imposible encontrar consistencia en sus propias postulaciones de estas ideas futurísticas.  Algunos postulan un periodo de tribulación poco antes de la segunda venida, otros durante el rapto, y unos cuantos la sitúan tiempo después del rapto. En lo que coinciden casi todos es en que este periodo de 7 años consiste en el caos que dominará al mundo, donde los “seudo-convertidos” serán dejados atrás junto con el sin número de pecadores que se encargará de convertir el planeta en un verdadero desastre. Pero ¿Realmente será esto así? ¿Qué enseña la Biblia al respecto? ¿Cómo podemos saber que esta posición es falsa? Para responder estas preguntas es necesario que usted pueda acompañarnos en el resto de esta sección, por favor le animamos a que considere cuidadosamente con Biblia en mano y una buena disposición los siguientes enunciados:


La tribulación no es de 7 años, sino de toda una vida desde la conversión hasta el momento en que haya que bajar al sepulcro.

1.     ¿Realmente será esto así? Alguno podría simplemente responder: “No sabemos”. Sin embargo, la información ofrecida en la Biblia es suficiente para acertar en el hecho real y conciso de que tal como lo plantean los premilenialistas ¡NO SUCEDERÁ! Considere las razones.

A.   En Mateo 24:9 el uso de la palabra “Tribulación” indica lo que fueron las condiciones adversas durante los casi tres años de la destrucción de Jerusalén por parte de los romanos acabando con la ciudad cerca del año 70 d.C. El hermano Leo. Boles en su comentario a Mateo acertadamente declara: “Jesús frecuentemente advirtió a sus discípulos de la persecución que tendrían que sufrir, ahora son advertidos de los sufrimientos físicos.” (Gospel Advocate; Comentario de Mateo H. Leo Boles, pág.347). Estos tormentos físicos profetizados por el Señor a lo que él llamó “tribulación” o también “principio de dolores” tomaron lugar en esos años y bajo esas circunstancias cumpliendo así las palabras proféticas de Mt.24 y con ninguna relación, en lo absoluto al futuro. Incluso un historiador judío (Josefo) tilda de “tribulación” aquello acontecido con Jerusalén en el año 70, que no se había visto hasta ese momento (Guerra de los judíos, Flavio Josefo, libro V y VI).

B.    La tribulación de 7 años de los premilenialistas no sucederá pues ellos han interpretado literalmente la expresión: “tiempo, tiempos y la mitad de un tiempo” llamada de otra forma (cuarenta y dos meses) con equivalencia a tres años y medio. Los premilenialistas construyen 3 años y medios de caos y otros 3 años y medios de régimen del anticristo para un total de 7 años de tribulación aludiendo a pasajes de Apocalipsis (11:3, 12:6, 13:5) construyendo esta falacia basados en una violación brutal al libro de Apocalipsis. La verdad de las cosas es que este periodo de tiempo es estrictamente simbólico aquí en Apocalipsis, tomando prestado expresiones similares del antiguo testamento donde notablemente alude a un periodo de intriga y zozobra como lo fue en los tiempos de Elías cuando no llovió por 3 años y medio en pasajes tales a; Lc.4:25; Sant.5:17; Dan.7:25. Creo estar en armonía con lo que el hermano Homer Hailey escribió en su comentario de Apocalipsis donde él identifica varias expresiones notables de tiempo, tiempos y la mitad de un tiempo, él dice: “Estos seis periodos equivalentes apuntan al periodo de persecución romano, un período de opresión, pruebas y tribulación para los santos” (Commentary on Revelation, Homer Hailey, pág. 288). Con esto en mente, considerado bajo el contexto del libro, tales pasajes le dan la espalda a la escatología de los premilenialistas.

C.   La “gran tribulación” construida por estos grupos y abrazada en gran número de evangélicos, adventistas, mormones y otros simplemente NO sucederá ya que, si se busca cualquier referencia en Apocalipsis para sostener el razonamiento de esta fábula, resulta imposible violar lo establecido en el contexto del libro en el 1:1-3 “cosas que han de suceder pronto”. Pronto no son 2000 o 3000 años después, es pronto en el contexto de los años 90-96 siendo el periodo en que vivió el apóstol Juan quien por cierto ya estaba “en la tribulación y en el reino” (Apoc.1:9) y no solo eso, sino que él era partícipe junto a los demás cristianos de esta tribulación impartida por parte de Roma. Me gustaría observar cómo acomodan los premilenialistas la expresión de Juan a, una tribulación que aún no ha llegado, pero (según ellos) llegará después del rapto.

2.     ¿Qué enseña la Biblia respecto a la Gran tribulación premilenialistas? Nada.

3.     ¿Cómo podemos saber que esta posición es falsa?

  En el enunciado anterior no es que no tuviéramos nada más que decir, más bien la intención es proveer el énfasis que amerita la pregunta. La Biblia registra la palabra tribulación unas 57 ocasiones en la versión Reina-Valera del 60, en unos 54 versículos y 0 ocasiones de la forma premilenialista. Esto debería de ser impactante para cualquier estudiante serio.

Ahora bien, la forma como logramos determinar que esta doctrina es falsa es igual a como lo haríamos con cualquier otra corriente de doctrina: mediante el estudio de la Palabra de Dios en todas sus dimensiones y el ejercicio de la lógica. Ha quedado demostrado en los incisos anteriores que su cronología con la cronología de la Biblia no tiene relación alguna, por lo tanto, la doctrina de la “gran tribulación” es falsa.

4.     ¿Y qué hay de la última semana de la profecía de Daniel?

  Podríamos dedicar mucho tiempo y muchas hojas a la interpretación de las 70 semanas de Daniel. Sin embargo, pretendo ser breve, respondiendo directamente a la mala interpretación de Daniel 9 asociándose con una “tribulación futurista” utilizándose séptima semana restante en Daniel 9, como los siete años de tribulación futura después del rapto.

  Por sentido común esas 70 semanas presentadas en el C.9 de Daniel representan años o 490 años iniciando desde “la salida de la orden para reedificar Jerusalén”. Se dieron 4 decretos por parte de varios reyes persas para reedificar Jerusalén después de la destrucción por parte de los babilonios. Estos decretos fueron hechos por: Ciro 538 a.C (Esd.1:2-4); Darío 519 a.C (Esd.6:1-12); Artajerjes 457 a.C (Esd.7:11-26); y Asuero en el 444 a.C (Neh.1:1-2:8). Partiendo desde el tercer decreto las 70 semanas nos llevan hasta el año 33 d.C. Daniel 9:25 declara:Sabe, pues, y entiende, que, desde la salida de la orden para restaurar y edificar a Jerusalén hasta el Mesías Príncipe, habrá siete semanas, sesenta y dos semanas…” (483 años), que nos traen hasta el año 26 d.C el año en que Jesús fue bautizado y comenzó su ministerio. Luego, al cabo de 3 años y medio fue crucificado (Dn.9: 27 “a la mitad de la semana”) después del largo y consecutivo periodo de 69 semanas ( o  483 años), a la mitad de esa última semana simbólica, él pondría fin al sacrificio y la ofrenda v.27 y lo que “está determinado se derrame sobre el desolador”. Fue en la cruz donde Jesús puso fin al sacrificio y la ley antigua (Col.2:14 cf. Ef.2:14-16). Fue después de la crucifixión del cordero cuando la desolación llegó a los judíos y su sistema ritualista fue hecho pedazos tras la destrucción del templo. Quienes habían elevado el templo y sus posiciones en el sistema Judaico por encima del Mesías prometido, ahora serían eliminados por Dios para siempre junto con su “venerable” templo. Es en Jesús donde las profecías se cumplen al pie de la letra, él es el cumplimiento de las 70 semanas profetizadas por Daniel siervo del Dios altísimo. Cualquier Judío con un poco de historia  y conocimiento en el canon antiguo, podía sacar cuentas y entender por la profecía de Daniel que el tiempo se había cumplido y que él Mesías mencionado en Daniel 9 era Jesús, y que este debía morir, en cumplimiento del planeamiento divino y en la cronología que estaba siendo precisa… ¿Qué tiene que ver todo esto con la tribulación de 7 años de los premilenialistas, o los tres años y medio de caos seguidos por 3 años y medios de gobierno del anticristo? ¡ABSOLUMANTE NADA!. Daniel 9 y las 70 semanas son historia para nosotros, historia que nos ratifica la veracidad de la palabra de Dios en tiempo y exactamente a la persona de Jesucristo. La doctrina de la “gran tribulación” es solamente un mito para asustar a las almas ingenuas que no pueden hacer uso correcto de las herramientas que Dios nos ha dado para interpretar correctamente pasajes de la santa inspiración. Para concluir con este tema en particular cito las palabras de Pablo a los cristianos del siglo primero hace más de 2000 años y que es aplicable para cada cristiano del presente y del futuro, todos quienes desean amar y seguir al Señor, sus palabras son verdaderamente un aliciente para nosotros, él dijo: “ Y también todos los que quieren vivir piadosamente en Cristo Jesús padecerán persecución” (2Tim. 3:12 HLM énfasis añadido). La tribulación de los cristianos verdaderos no es de 7 años, sino de toda una vida desde la conversión hasta el momento en que haya que bajar al sepulcro.



Boles, H. Leo. 1983. Comentario de Mateo. Gospel Advocate Company, 

           Nashville: TN.

Josefo, Flavio.  V y VI libro guerras de los Judíos. La destrucción de Jerusalén             y del Templo. Versión electrónica.

Hailey, Homer.1979. Apocalipsis una introducción y comentario. Grand                        Rapids, Michigan:Baker.

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Your Debt of a “Googolplexian Dollars”

Your Debt of a “Googolplexian Dollars”

A million, a billion, a trillion, a quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, centillion—lots of names for big numbers. I thought the name of the largest number was “google,” but I just learned that there is a new name for the largest number. It is “googolplexian.”


How much did we owe God? We owed Him a googolplexian dollars!

These names are based on English. Do you know the name of the largest number in Greek? The Greek word is murioi and is translated in the New King James as “myriad.” In the King James Version, it is translated as ten thousand. We talk millions, zillions, centillions and googles, but when the Greeks referred to a number that was so large it expressed an innumerable, they used the word murioi. It is used in the plural only three times in the New Testament.

What does this have to do with us? Jesus used this word in one of His parables. It was in the parable of the unjust servant, who having been forgiven of a great debt he owed his master, then refused to forgive the extremely small debt another owed to him (Matt. 18:21-35). We may have read this parable so quickly that we have overlooked a vital point.

Look carefully at the text. “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants…One was brought to him who…was not able to pay…The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, ‘Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt.”

Obviously, the application of the parable is that we who have been forgiven by our Master must forgive those who do wrong to us. Now look at this more carefully. How much has our Master forgiven us? How many talents (dollars) were due our Master? The answer is we, like the servant, owed our Master a murioi. This is the largest number in the Greek language. How much did we owe God? We owed Him a googolplexian dollars!

Look again at the parable. We could never repay God what we owed Him, but He was moved with compassion. It is not because we deserved forgiveness for even one sin, and certainly not for a googolplexian sins! Forgiveness comes, not from our self-worth but from His compassion. This is what the kingdom of heaven is like. This is what the church is like. God takes unworthy people and totally forgives them and adds them to the church.

So, as you sing about His grace, as you pray for more grace, and as you communion with Him around His table of grace, never forget that God has forgiven your debt that is so innumerable the Greeks would describe it as a murioi. He has forgiven you a debt that totals a googolplexian.

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Culture of Social Activism, Yes!  Jesus, No.

Culture of Social Activism, Yes!  Jesus, no.

For over two decades now I’ve been actively monitoring the church and our culture. Later today I will have lunch with a young man, who—like thousands of others—has abandoned his faith and walked away. I’ve listened to, studied with, debated, emailed, and talked with hundreds of individuals just like him over the past twenty-years.

social activism

They live for social activism and not Christ.

I have also heard the other side of the coin, and watched tears rolling down the faces of parents, as they share with me the story of how their child has left the faith.

But I’m seeing a new trend that has me alarmingly disturbed—to the point that I find myself lying in bed thinking about it. This morning I think I finally put my finger on it and my analysis terrifies me.

I am very scared that we have a huge population of Christians in their mid-twenties and thirties (and older I’m sure), who were never truly converted to Christ.

These are individuals who would call themselves Christians, and maybe even still attend worship somewhere—but their words and actions tell a totally different story.

Please allow me a moment to explain. I recognize every generation reaches a point where they look back at previous generations and they feel like previous generations failed or dropped the ball. My own generation certainly did it. As a result, new generations try make changes in things like the way they raise children or how they define success.

The group I’m talking about has pushed beyond that—moving the pendulum all the way to the other side, in hopes of abandoning anything their parent’s generation did. This generation has become obsessed with activism and cancel culture. They are openly against anything their parents’ generation accepted. They find meaning in various activist causes and believe that “love” trumps everything.

As a result, they don’t really have a problem with same-sex marriage or transgender behavior. They march and hold signs with friends declaring “My body, my choice.” And even though most grew up enjoying the comforts and amenities of capitalism, they now proudly support socialism and various liberal causes. If their parents were okay with fossil fuels then they are 100% behind wind, solar, and the Green New Deal.

Oh, and if you happen to not agree with them or their cause, they will promptly subject you to their “Cancel Culture” or label you a “Boomer.” (How ironic that the individuals who claim love trumps everything, are quick to cancel you or call you a derogatory name.)

I get generations wanting to “fix” things and abandoning some of the things their parents did. I really do. I don’t think the generation before mine did everything right (i.e., latchkey children and watching television for hours on end). And I am also humble enough to realize my generation was not exactly the poster child for perfection either.

But what troubles me, is these individuals are supporting causes and worldviews that are in direct contradiction of God’s Word. This has gone WAY BEYOND green energy or forms of government—and has now crossed into things that the Bible clearly speaks out against. Or worse yet, they now twist God’s Word to support the abominations they are supporting on social media.

This is why I think they were never converted to begin with. Deep down, in the recesses of their heart they don’t fear the Lord and want to humble themselves. Instead, they want to shout and be heard. These are individuals who were taught years ago what Scriptures say about things like abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. They know sin separates us from God and that Jesus is the only way.

And yet, today, they are boldly promoting causes that are in direct contradiction to what the Bible says. One wonders would these individuals ever consider “canceling” their friends who use foul language and write comments on social media that go against God?

These individuals have placed more allegiance with their social cause than with Jesus Christ.  They are compromising God’s Word and in many cases watering down His message. Sure, they may attend a church somewhere, but I don’t think their hearts were ever truly converted to Christ. In fact, I think the idea of humbling themselves and taking up their cross to follow after Him is revolting to many. After all, they are activists. They are going to change the world. They are social justice warriors. They need to be heard! My question is: Who are they changing the world for? Because it certainly isn’t God.

Church, we need to address this. We need leaders to speak out and speak up and defend God’s Word. We need preachers willing to rebuke and correct from the pulpit. We need to cultivate a climate of humility and servanthood in the church. We need to direct their passion and “activism” towards evangelism and the cross.

Parents, I pray you will spend some serious hours with your children teaching them the authority of God’s Word. I pray you will mold their hearts with humility and teach them to fear the Lord. I pray you will teach them that there is such a thing as absolute Truth and it only comes from the Bible. I pray that if your children grow up to be activists, that you will teach them to be activists for Jesus Christ.

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