Proverb Plans

Proverb Plans

One of my plans for this year is to read a chapter of Proverbs each day. It’s a simple plan: just read the chapter corresponding to the date. In months with less than 31 days just read a few extra chapters on the last day.proverbs plan

I also plan to pick a passage from each chapter as the day’s focus. I know many preachers and other Christians who follow this plan. It is good advice.

And speaking of good advice, here is my focus for the day:

“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels…” (Proverbs 1:5 KJV)
Are you listening to the wisdom only God’s Word can provide? Are you striving daily to learn God’s will and to gain understanding of His ways? Are you following the whole counsel of God?

Read 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:15-17; Acts 20:26-27

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Born in Sin

Born in Sin

Does Psalm 51:5 teach that babies are born in sin? The New King James Version translates Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,And in sin my mother conceived me.” The English Standard Version, American Standard Version, New American Standard Bible, and Revised Standard Version translate this verse almost identically as the NKJV. The King James Version says: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” In contrast, the New International Version says, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” The Christian Standard Bible says, “Indeed, I was guilty when I was born;I was sinful when my mother conceived me.”The NIV and CSB translations declare explicitly that David was born in monkey

In the KJV, NKJV, ESV, ASV, NASB, and RSV, the prepositional phrases “in iniquity,” and “in sin” are adverbial modifying the two verbs “was brought forth,” and “conceived” respectively. Interpreted literally, it wasn’t David that sinned, but his mother. Obviously, that isn’t what David is saying. Rather, he is expressing the depth of his guilt after Nathan the prophet confronted him about his adultery with Bathsheba and murder of her husband Uriah. That means that this passage must not be understood literally, but figuratively. The NIV and CSB strip this figure away and make the language literal when it is not.David was expressing the depth of his guilt by figuratively extending it to his mother’s conception and birth of him. This is not an objective statement about David’s birth; it is a subjective statement about how David felt about his birth after He sinned. So, this verse teaches that David felt very badly about his sin; it does not teach that babies are born in sin.

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Do it Again!

Do it Again!

There are those events in our lives which need to be repeated. There was great reward when we did them the first time. To do them again can often bring even greater rewards. Consider the following verses which contain the word “again” to see just how true this is.

When we became a Christian, our lives were changed as the old man of sin died, and in baptism we became a new person. “For as many of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). We began our new lives seeking to follow the example He set for us. However, some Christians lose sight of this goal and become complacent and stop growing.

This is what happened in the churches in Galatia. Paul established these churches on his first missionary journey and apparently visited them on each of his journeys. False teachers had come among them, and they were about to leave the Lord. “I marvel that you are turning so soon away from Him into the grace of Christ” (Gal. 1:6). He wrote to them and said these words, “My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Gal. 4:19). Paul had witnessed their transformation, but it had stopped. His agony and anxiety, described as being a labor, had returned. He was again in labor as he saw the direction they were headed. Those who teach others fully understand the labor pains he was having again.

What is the solution to those who have stagnated in their growth into the full image of Christ? The church in Ephesus had done this. While they had not left the Lord, He said to them, “You have left your first love” (Rev. 2:4). That devotion and joy they had when they had become Christians had diminished. He then told them the solution to this problem, “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do your first works” (Rev. 2:5). Christians can remember the joy they had when they were saved and how fervently they worshiped and the zeal they had in their lives. The solution for our stagnation is simple. Do the works again. Serve the Lord again with that enthusiasm we once had. Do it again.

Solomon describes the righteous man and his walk with the Lord. “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again” (Prov. 24:16). Regardless of how many times you may make mistakes in your Christian life, rise up again and continue the journey. That is what Peter did after he had denied Jesus three times.  He arose and continued his life having learned from his mistakes.

Spiritual growth is so simple—love Him with all your heart and if you stumble rise up, renew that love again. He will help you again and again and again and again and again and…

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Coronavirus Craziness

Coronavirus Craziness

The Coronavirus pandemic has been a horrific and catastrophic blight on our existence for two years now. The damage it has done in terms of death toll alone is unspeakable, unthinkable, and unimaginable. What it has managed to do to the world economy is beyond comprehension. How it has ripped and torn otherwise loving and caring families apart over some of its medical and political dynamics is inconceivable. And while there are countless other areas it has infected and caused untold levels of chaos and destruction in, it seems that it has also caused some people to maybe even go a little bit crazy – who didn’t necessarily always even need to become infected with it in order for it to do so… Consider:

As my wife and I sat in our car outside a convenience store some months back, we watched a young man (who at least appeared to be in excellent health) don his mask just before entering the store – presumably because he did not want to contract such a lung-constricting and life destroying disease as the Coronavirus – only to emerge mere moments later with nothing more than a carton of cancer-causing and lung-destroying cigarettes… (?!?)crazy covid

Sitting in a fast-food restaurant in the midst of the pandemic, we watched as a masked, middle-aged or so couple came in and placed their order. The lady then demanded that one of the staff go over and re-sanitize the already spotless (and most likely therefore, already diligently sanitized) table, before she and the man she was with would sit down and eat. Then (I kid you not), she reached down with her (ungloved by the way) hand; grabbed a hold of the back of the chair where every other customer would have also grasped it in order to move it in and out from the table; slid the chair out to sit down; and then proceeded to sit down herself, only to begin eating her burger and fries, hand to mouth, with the very same ungloved hand with which she had only mere moments earlier grasped the chair. All of this while her burger and fries actually sat on the paper wrapper and/or the cardboard container in which they had come, thereby fully insulated from the clean table she had just had to have re-sanitized… (?!?)

While other examples could surely be cited by most of us, perhaps the saddest and certainly the most deadly and costly Coronavirus craziness by far, would have to be when it comes to those who have incrementally surrendered their eternal souls on its all-too-easy-to-succumb-to altar. You see, there are some good, solid, faithful congregations of the Lord’s church, which have suffered an approximately 25-35% drop in their overall attendance from their pre-Covid numbers. I do not believe that those few I know of are necessarily unique in that, or that the problem is necessarily limited to only that certain and/or select few.

Now granted, in some cases there are those brethren whose physical health issues still do not allow them to assemble without fear or concern for their personal health and safety; those who have, perhaps, due to personal preferences and/or perceptions, possibly felt the need to change congregations and worship elsewhere within the body of Christ; as well as those who have since passed on to their eternal reward. However; it also seems that amongst that 25-35% group who are no longer in attendance, that there would additionally be those to whom the Coronavirus might have become the perfect excuse and/or cover, under which to drift, turn, walk, run, slip, or fall away from Christ and His church as well. This group would consist of many of those whose faith, commitment, and attendance, were only casual, occasional, and carried out only when they felt it convenient, at best, to begin with. It would include those who would finally find in Covid, the perfect excuse and/or mechanism under which to make their final, fatal, soul-forfeiting getaway. Weeks on end of attendance restrictions, service shutdowns, and livestreamed lessons which they could watch from home, would slowly become the norm – with apparently no sense of any personal return, responsibility, or accountability on their part. Plus, with so many saints having to miss services during certain phases of the pandemic, their absences would go virtually unnoticed by their brethren until it was too late anyway. Eventually, it would become easier and easier for them not to ever set foot into the church building to attend even the occasional worship service or Bible study ever again; until all of the sudden, that would sadly become the norm as well. And then, the third and final step in this tragically soul-damning and downward spiraling trajectory – if not stopped and turned around – should be blatantly and heartbreakingly obvious to all as well: The eventual outright lack and/or surrender of, any sort of a genuine faithfulness to, and relationship with, the Lord Jesus Christ and His people whatsoever – a lack of relationship and fellowship with God and His people, which will one day, therefore, cause Jesus to have to cast them off forever as well (Matthew 7:21-23).

Yes the Coronavirus has been the cause of many unbelievably painful losses and tragedies – and on a level heretofore completely unprecedented and unimaginable to today’s society. But above and aside from the constantly reported physical cases’ hard and fast numbers, Covid has also caused an intangible but obvious sort of insanity or craziness (or an absolute lack of any shred or semblance of common sense if you will) to set in as well. Surely the epitome of that kind of craziness would have to be: when one who has repented; has been baptized and hence washed in the blood for the forgiveness of their sins; has arisen to walk in newness of life with Jesus as Lord; and has subsequently been added by God to His Son’s church (Acts 2:38-47, 22:16; Romans 6:1-23), has simply walked or even slowly drifted away, from all that Christ has done in dying for them, just because of some Covidian-empowered and provided crutch.

If you are one who has either willingly, or even unintentionally: walked, limped, drifted, or increasingly distanced yourself away from the Lord and His church during this most difficult and trying of times, trial, and testing; if you are one whom, as you have been reading this, has perhaps seen yourself and your chosen lack of attendance reflected in its reasonings; then please, don’t let this Covidian craziness continue to consume you to the point that it eventually condemns your eternal soul to certain condemnation (Hebrews 10:23-31)! There is a cure! The cure is sure! Just choose to come back home! Don’t let the devil win! Your brothers and sisters in Christ stand ready, willing, able, and wanting to assist you in any and every way that we possibly can! We just need to know that you don’t want to become another eternal casualty and statistic, of today’s most costly and caustic, Coronavirus craziness!

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God Will Provide for His Widows

God Will Provide for His Widows

Widows are so important to God. He saw and met the needs of Ruth, the Moabite. He sent Elijah to care for the Gentile widow in Zarephath during the 42-month famine, even raising her son from the dead (1 Kings 17). God used wealthy Job to bring joy to widows who wept and caused their hearts to sing (Job 29:13).widow india

In the New Testament, Jesus honored and magnified the two mites of the widow who gave them to God (Mark 12; Luke 21). He raised the son of the destitute widow from the dead in Nain (Luke 12). God promptly provided for the neglected Grecian widows in Jerusalem by appointing deacons to care for them (Acts 6). Peter brought joy to those widows who wept, while gathered over the death of Dorcas, by raising her from the dead (Acts 9:39-41).

There is no doubt that God sees the needs of widows, the most vulnerable individuals in society, and cares for them. Read these following Old Testament verses that show the special place they have in His heart.

“You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child” (Ex. 22:22). “He administers justice for the fatherless and the widows” (Deut. 10:18). The Jewish tithe, given every third year, was given to support the Levites and widows (Duet. 14:29; 26:12-13). The great sharing of food during the annual Feast of Tabernacles and Feast of Pentecost specifically included widows (Deut. 6:11-14). “You shall not pervert justice due the stranger or the fatherless, nor take a widow’s garment as pledge” (Deut. 24:17).  Jews were strictly forbidden from harvesting all their olives, grapes and wheat, for it was left behind to provide for widows (Deut. 24:19-21). “Cursed is the one who perverts the justice due the stranger, the fatherless, and widows” (Deut. 27:19). God is the defender of widows and watches over widows (Psa. 94:6; 146:9). “Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow (Isa. 1:17). “Do no wrong…to widows” (Jer. 22:3). “Let your widows trust in Me” (Jer. 49:11). “Do not oppress the widow” (Zech. 7:10).

There is not enough space to discuss all the New Testament verses in detail, but take time to read them (Matt. 23:14; 1 Tim. 5:9-16). Do more than just read them, consider how they show His care for widows.

Perhaps no verse shows God’s concern for widows better than James 1:27. God describes pure religion not in terms of being doctrinally perfect nor in just externally keeping His commandments. “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” Let us never forget our God cares for widows and uses us to do it!

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