Your Coupon is Expiring

Printed on nearly every grocery store coupon is an
expiration date, also known as a “redeem by” date.
The word “redeem” actually has many different
usages, though they are relative.  In the example of
redeeming a coupon, it simply means to take
advantage of the opportunity to receive an offer or
discount before the time expires.

This is certainly a Biblical concept.  Consider this: no
one will live forever in the flesh.  At some point each
of us will die (Heb. 9:27), unless the Lord returns first
(1 Thess. 4:15).  The question is, what will we do
with the time we have?  Paul said, “See then that you
walk carefully, not as fools but as wise, redeeming
the time, because the days are evil”
(Eph. 5:15-16).
The point is, “seize the day!”  Be wise and take
advantage of the time you have to prepare  for
heaven by doing the Lord’s will; for soon your time on
earth will expire and it will then be too late.  So then,
you had better hurry, for your coupon is expiring.

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Three Men Hear the Gospel

In 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 the apostle Paul mentions
three types of people to whom the gospel is

1. The Natural Man (2:14): this one is exposed to the
gospel of Christ – but rejects it.

2. The Carnal Man (3:1-4): in this sense, this  one
initially receives the gospel but will not allow his
conduct of life to be transformed by it.

3. The Spiritual Man (3:1): this one both receives the
gospel and allows his conduct of life to be
transformed by it..

Three heart patients went to the doctor.  The doctor
warned each of them concerning their problem and
gave them strict instructions to follow.  The first man
thought it foolish, continued in his bad health and
died (cf. 1:18).  The second man heeded the doctor’s
advice, but made no changes to correct it, and he
died (cf. Lk. 8:12).  The third man heeded the advice
and made the necessary changes – and he lived on.
Which man best describes you?

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New Year’s Resolutions

“I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to
live by your laws”
(Psalm 119:30).

The term “resolution” (as we often think of it)
basically means “firm determination to take a course
of action.”  With each new year people all around the
nation  make their new year’s resolutions.  With some
it is to quit smoking; with others its to go on a diet or
to get more exercise (etc.).   Though intentions are
usually very good, for many it seems that their
determination loses steam in just a short while.

The same kind of frustration can be seen in our
spiritual lives.  It’s not good enough to just talk the
talk, we must also walk the walk.  There is little good
in making noble plans if we will not put those plans
into action and see them through.

God (our most perfect example) says of Himself,
“…Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to
pass.  I have purposed it; I will also do it”
46:11).  Let me encourage you to follow God’s
example.  And let us not only resolve to do the Lord’s
will, let us actually do it.

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Two Groups Face Conviction

In 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul describes the profitability of
the gospel of Christ.  Among the things listed is the
word “reproof” which means “conviction” (the state of
being proven guilty).  In the New Testament there are
two notable occasions on which the message
preached actually convicted a whole group of

The first group was guilty of the crucifixion of Christ
(Acts 2:36).  Upon hearing this they were convicted
in their conscience and sought to correct the
situation (v. 37).

The second group was also guilty of the murder of
Christ (7:52).  Upon hearing this they also were
convicted in their conscience (v. 54); however,
instead of seeking to make the necessary correction,
they rejected the message preached and killed the
messenger (vv. 58-59).

Friends, which group do you fit in with?

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Three Men Call Themselves Father

Three men call themselves “father.”  The first man
goes by this title simply because he has children
(thus, verifying the biological connection that he has
with his offspring – cf. Heb. 12:9).

The second man calls himself “father” in a spiritual
sense, but does so as a figure of speech (or,
metaphorically) to emphasize the fact that he has
converted others to Christ through the gospel.  This
is how the apostle Paul used the term in 1
Corinthians 4:15 (cf. 1 John 2:1; 3:18).

The third man also calls himself “father” in a religious
sense, but he uses this designation as a self-reverent
“title.”  On this note Jesus said, “Do not call anyone
on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who
is in heaven”
(Matt. 23:9).  For one to call himself
“Father,” “Reverend,” “His Grace,” (etc.) is
sacrilegious – for such reverence belongs to God
alone (Ps. 89:7)!  To call any man by such a title is to
suggest that he is equal with “God.”  Friends, there is
only one God (Eph. 4:6).

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