The Truly Important People

The focus of the morning news is the surgery of the leading senator of our land. I am confident that over the next few days there will be many updates and interviews by the media. His surgery and recovery will be the focus of many of the popular talk shows. I realize why this happens, but I wonder if it really makes that much difference.

Why is it that we tend to make so much of the events in the “important” people of our day? What difference does it really make which celebrity is no longer shacked up with his or her “lover” and is now living in a sinful relationship with a new significant other? Why is it so wonderful that another superstar has “come out of the closet” and revealed their sexual perversion? Why are events in the lives of the high and mighty more significant than any others?

I am confident that heaven’s view of all of this is vastly different from ours. Our society focuses on the rich and famous and on those of presumed nobility. Even though these existed in Biblical times, the Scriptures place no emphasis on them. Why? Is there a message our society needs to learn from this? More importantly, is there a message that every Christian needs to learn?

Have you ever noticed Jesus’ attention was not on the “important” people but on those who are unseen by most individuals? Think about the attention He paid to Zaccheus, Lazarus and his two sisters, Lazarus the beggar, the Samaritan woman at the well, Bartimeus, the Syrophonecian woman, Legion, the “sinful” blind man, Levi, the widow of Nain, the adulterous woman, the child He sat in their midst, and the widow with two mites. Where is the emphasis on the Caesars? The Herods? The Roman officials? What a contrast between those heaven sees as important and those the secular world honors!

The same is true throughout the New Testament. The world would never have given a second look to those mentioned in the sacred text. It ignored people like Lois and Eunice, Epaphroditus, Antipas, Priscilla and Aquila, Crispus, Onesimus, Lydia, and Onesiphorus—the list seems endless!

What does this have to do with you? Everything! When heaven looks down on what is happening in our country it sees you! His eyes are over you! His ears are open to your prayers! His special providence is for you! His angels surround you! His hedge is about you! It is not about the high and mighty; it is all about you!

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Because She Refused to Drink

Scott Shanahan is a missionary in Pohnpei, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. This past Sunday was one of those days you can never forget. Before worship began, a young lady, Sarah, indicated that she was thinking seriously about being baptized, and at the conclusion of the service she came and asked to become a Christian. As she was being baptized in the ocean, Scott asked if there was anyone else who wanted to make a commitment to the Lord. Kodaro, a gentleman with whom they had been studying, walked into the water and was united with Jesus. There was so much joy as these events transpired.

But the story does not end there. As Scott and Rebecca were driving members to their homes their last stop was to drop off Charleen. She is a 15 year old young lady who lives with an aunt, but has been basically on her own since the passing of her mom.

Read Scott’s own words describing what happened. “Charleen had a very upset look on her face and seemed like she was not going to get out of the truck. We asked her what was wrong and she would not say anything. I put the windows up and pulled a little down the road and we asked her again what was wrong. She waited a few moments and then started crying. She finally spoke up and told us that three of the girls that were waiting with the big crowd were waiting to beat her up. It turns out that on Wednesday she went to a party and they were drinking alcohol. Charleen refused to drink with them and they told her they would be waiting for her on Sunday. . . . We took her to John’s house and he is going to look after her. However, the situation is very bad because Charleen basically has no one to look after her. Please be praying that this situation will be defused and that our young sister will be safe.”

The words of Jesus so vividly describe what happened. “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Charleen’s light at that party stood in marked contrast to the lives of those around her. The easiest course would have been to go along with what was happening, but it would have been the wrong course. Our lives as Christians seem so easy when compared to Charleen’s.

I’ve never met Charleen, but from thousands of miles away I respect her and admire her faith. She is an example to many, both young and old. Keep her in your prayers!

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Let Your Fingers Do the Walking

No wonder there is religious confusion among us! Who wouldn’t be confused about Christianity when it appears that you can believe almost anything and still be a Christian. It was so simple when it all began and there was simply the one body who followed the one faith, had the one hope, practiced the one baptism because they were led by the one Spirit, submitted to the one Lord and worshiped the one God (Eph. 4:4-6). It’s so confusing now when there are so many bodies, so many faiths, so many hopes and so many baptisms. Whatever happened to following the one Lord?

Almost every religious division creates a new name that makes that new group distinct from the old one. Take a look at the actual names found in our yellow pages and weep at all the division. Imagine the confusion of one trying to decide if the Church Without Walls on 45th Street is better than People Without Walls on Forest Hill Blvd? Or is the El Shaddai Faith Church closer to God than the Shekinah Christian Assembly?

How can one decide which “saint church” is the best? I’ve heard of Saint Peter and Saint Paul—didn’t Paul rebuke those who tried to be called by his name or by Peter’s (1 Cor. 1:10-13)? Then there is Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint David, Saint Andrew, Saint Mark, Saint Matthew, Saint Thomas—-these I’ve heard of—but who is Saint Ann, Saint Clare, Saint Herman, Saint Catherine, Saint Juliana or Saint Rita?

Other actual names just as amazing are found and some of them bring questions to my mind.  Could I find more help at the Miracle Temple on 35th Street or at the House of God Miracle Temple of Apostolic Faith, Inc. on Sapodilla Avenue? Is the Little Zion Temple better than the Mt. Zion Apostolic church? What part has the Holy Spirit played in establishing the Holy Spirit Anglican Catholic Church, the Holy Spirit Catholic church, the Holy Spirit Episcopal church—has He brought about this division?

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if the Consuming Fire Crusade Ministry were to join forces with the River of Living Water Deliverance Ministries? What if you added in the Crystal Light Ministries?

Do you see why people are confused? Do you see the mockery that is made of Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17:20-21)? There is a solution. Let’s go back to the Bible. Let’s do Bible things in Bible ways. Let’s call Bible things by Bible names!

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No One Offered a Better Option

The town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, is reeling with the revelation of “pregnancy pact” among high school girls. This fishing village of 30,000, where the usual annual number of high school pregnancies was four, found itself dealing with 17 unwed mothers this year.  As the story developed, it was learned that these young ladies, none of whom were over 16 years old, devised a plan to become mothers and support each other in the rearing of their children.

Such an event should cause all of America to reflect on the moral decay that is in our world. A quick check on the internet revealed at least eight movies in the last year dealing with unwed pregnancy. Far too many of them actually glorify the fact that wonderful relationships and love can be found in such situations. When a nation is being “entertained” by immorality it should not be amazed when sin is reflected in life.

Read the following review of one of these movies to see how far we have moved away from God. “This movie has a great deal of crude humor, including vulgar and explicit sexual references and situations, including nude lap dances and pornography. . . .There are references to adultery and characters who do not know each other get drunk and have unprotected sex.”

Another site is conducting a poll where readers can vote on “who is the sexiest, pregnant, unwed celebrity right now?” There are many candidates—just have a look at the tabloids the next time you at the supermarket!

One truly tragic aspect of the events in Gloucester is found in a report which mentioned that the school policy was to not provide contraceptives to students. One young lady, a junior and a classmate of those who were pregnant, said, “No one’s offered them a better option.”

I believe someone has offered a better option and has shown His real concern by giving His son as a sacrifice for sin. That other option is found in His words, “Flee fornication. . . keep thyself pure . . . a chaste virgin . . . marriage is honorable among all, and the bed is undefiled . . . flee youthful lusts . . . fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” A wonderful, loving Father has given another way. This way is not found in arbitrary laws which are totally disconnected from life in our day. They are loving precepts for every age designed to keep us from ruining our lives.

It is not just a better option—it is the only option!

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Well, I Don’t Enjoy Singing

As I think about the Area-Wide Singing we are hosting on Saturday evening, July 19, I am reminded of how many times I have heard people say, “Well, I just don’t enjoy singing.” I understand what is meant by the expression, but there is more to enjoying singing than some realize.

It is true that too many times we have placed such an emphasis on the notes of songs that we feel uncomfortable when trying to sing. If those who are adept at reading music struggle with focusing on the words of a song where the music is particularly trying, think of how those who do not “sing well” struggle when they sing less “difficult” songs. The problem is that we may have thought that singing has more to do with notes than with words.

Think about it for a moment. Since we are told to sing psalms in our worship, who would ever say that “I do not enjoy reading the psalms”? This is a key concept each of us should get! There is little difference between reading a psalm and singing a psalm. So the next time you are tempted to say that you do not enjoy singing, think before you speak.

Another aspect of singing is to “speak to one another” and thereby encourage them to live closer to God and give more diligent service. So if I say, “I just don’t enjoy singing,” is it not true that I am saying, “I don’t enjoy encouraging my brethren”?

Many of our songs are prayer songs like Be With Me Lord, Take My Life and Let It Be, Purer in Heart, or Have Thine Own Way. Who would ever read the words of these prayer songs and say they do not make one soberly reflect on his own spiritual growth? Yet if I say, “I just don’t enjoy singing,” am I not in some way saying that I don’t enjoy asking God to help me be more spiritual?

Then there are songs that extol the praises of God like How Great Thou Art, There is A God—He Is Alive, A Wonderful Savior, or Our God Is an Awesome God. Listen to what we are saying when we say,

“I just don’t enjoy singing.” Do we really mean this?

So, before you ever again say, “I don’t enjoy  singing,” sit down with a song book and read the words carefully. Which words in which songs do not bring you joy? Singing that springs forth from the depth of our soul— “making melody in your heart to the Lord”—is singing that God honors and every Christian enjoys!

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