If You Show Partiality, You Commit Sin

Maybe Jesus addressed it best when He said, “For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?” (Matt. 5:46-47) It is so easy to have a right attitude toward those who are kind to us. It’s so easy to be forgiving to those who treat us in godly ways. It’s just hard to deal with others without being partial.

It’s not hard for God. Moses described God saying, “The LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of Lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality” (Deut. 10:17). Peter said, “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34). Our God is not partial in any way to any group of people, “For there is no partiality with God” (Rom. 2:11). Look at it again—NO partiality. NONE!

We struggle with it. We know how to treat some people—those who are kind to us; those who are close friends; those who are “important.” Yet, Jesus is equally concerned with the “least of His brethren” as He is with the more “important” ones. The judgment scene of Matthew 25 emphasized this when Jesus said, “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Matt. 25:40). If some brethren are sick, need our help or need visiting, we readily assist them. They may be our friends or close associates. We may think we are really practicing Christianity when we attend to their needs, carry food to them, phone them to see how they are doing, go to viewings or funerals of their family members or visit them when they are in the hospital. However, Jesus would ask us, “Do not even the tax collectors do so . . .  What do you do more than others?”

The point I am trying to make is this. There are those “nice” Christians we really like and we treat them with tenderness. Then there are the others whom we tend to ignore. We struggle to phone them, to visit them, to assist them or spend time with them. It is true they may be obnoxious, lacking social skills, overbearing, negative or individuals with whom we have little in common. It is our reaction to these that is the measure of the depth of our spiritual growth.

Why not make a special effort to make a phone call, write a card, go out of your way at worship to talk to them or visit them? We must not be partial. Remember that Jesus is equally concerned about the least of His brethren!

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Approaching the Finish Line

When Paul penned his second letter to Timothy, he knew that the end was near. He told the younger preacher, “The time of my departure is at hand” (2 Tim. 4:6). The final words of the great apostle teach us so much about living and dying. The time of his departure was at hand. He viewed his life as a battle to be fought and a race to be run.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). Taking time to view our own lives as a race to be run provides eternal motivation for righteous living.

The Christian’s race must be run lawfully. Paul had already told Timothy, “If anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules” (2 Tim. 2:5). To have the crown, we must enter the race (become Christians) and abide by His laws of holiness.

The Christian’s race demands great sacrifice and training. We cannot run the race effectively unless we heed these words. “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1). It takes time and dedication to run and finish our race.

The Christian’s race demands we look forward, not backward. Far too many Christians think about past accomplishments rather than present opportunities. God is not nearly as concerned about what you used to be and how you used to serve Him as He is concerned about where you are today. Paul said it best, “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14).

The Christian’s race demands we keep focused. The passage cited earlier from Hebrews also says, “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” There is the finish line and Jesus stands awaiting our arrival.

How are you running the race? If you died today, could you honestly say the following: “I have run lawfully. I have laid aside every weight. I have sacrificed and trained for this race. I am running in the present and not trusting in past days of righteous living. I have kept my eyes on the finishing line. I have not given up”?

The race is not over yet. Are there changes you should make in the race you run as a Christian?

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The Reward Ahead is So Marvelous

The Bible is filled with instructions to Christians designed to alert them of the danger they face in remaining faithful to the Lord. These warnings are not found to discourage us, but to help us think soberly about the road we travel. I found the following list and it had a profound impact on me as I read it. I hope that it will have the same impact on you. Remember these are heaven’s words about our walk as Christians.

Strive to enter the strait gate (Luke 13:24).

Fight to lay hold on to eternal life (1 Tim. 6:12).

Run that you may obtain the crown (1 Cor. 9:24).

Hold fast to what you have heard (Rev. 3:3).

Press on to the goal for the prize (Phil. 4:14).

Pray that you enter not into temptation (Luke 22:40).

Look to yourselves to receive the full reward (2 John 8).

Take heed lest you fall (1  Cor. 10:12)

Watch that you enter not into temptation (Matt. 26:41).

Fear lest you come short of entering (Heb. 4:2)

Watch that you may be ready (Matt. 24:42-44).

Take heed lest you depart from the living God (Heb. 3:12).

Be diligent be found blameless (2 Pet. 3:14).

Take heed how you build on the foundation (1 Cor. 3: 10).

Trembling work out your own salvation (Phil. 2:12).

Take heed that you be not deceived (Luke 21:8).

Watch lest He find you sleeping (Mark 13:36-37).

Prove yourself lest you are disqualified (2 Cor. 13:5).

Take heed lest your heart be weighed down (Luke 21:34).

Looking diligently lest you fail  (Heb. 12:15).

Do not faint and you will reap (Gal. 6:9).

Be vigilant for Satan seeks to devour (1 Pet. 5:8).

The list of verses encouraging us to remain faithful is almost endless. Take time to read the list again and then think about the seriousness of the commitment we have made. It is time for sober reflections. We cannot afford to turn back, for the reward ahead is so marvelous.

Remember that the Lord is doing all He can to insure we win! He is faithful and will never allow us to be tempted beyond our limits. He always provides the way of escape. He does not look for sinless perfection, He only wants faithfulness. He stands beside us to lift us up and He stands before us awaiting our arrival at the finish line.

So let’s run the race together. Let’s encourage each other. Just remember to watch out for the potholes!

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Sometimes It’s OK to be Hard Headed

You’ve seen it haven’t you? Perhaps it was on TV you watched those pictures of antlered male animals vying for supremacy. Time after time their horns/antlers/heads pound against each other with reverberating sounds. Such battles seemingly go on for hours. Are you aware that there is a spiritual application of this?

It is found in the writings of Ezekiel. By the time he arrived on the scene, the history of Israel could be summed up in one word—rebellion. There were those few times when a godly king brought God’s chosen people to  Him, but those times were isolated incidents. They had no desire to listen to God’s messengers. In two powerful sentences Zechariah summed it up: “But they refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, and stopped their ears so that they could not hear. Yes, they made their hearts like flint, refusing to hear the law and the words which the LORD of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets” (Zech. 7:11-12). With hearts like flint they had rejoiced in persecuting and even killing God’s messengers. How fitting are the words of Jesus’ recorded in Luke 13:33 (as translated by Barclay), as He described their attitude toward God’s messengers: “Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Killer of the prophets! Stoner of those who were sent to you!”

When God called Ezekiel, He knew that the nation was hard-hearted and hard-headed. In His call the Lord told His messenger, “The house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to Me; for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted” (Eze. 3:7). The very next verse graphically described how God expects His people to respond in this situation. “Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads.” The imagery is not of antlered animals confronting each other, but of hard-headed saints butting heads with hard-headed sinners. God’s message must be delivered even when we know ahead of time that it will not be received.

Our “politically correct” world seeks to avoid conflict over overt rebellion against God in the practice of abortion, homosexuality and other sinful practices. To oppose such is to be labeled as uncaring, bigoted and phobic. The hard-headed world seeks to silence us for it has no desire to hear from us.

So what do we do in such situations? Just remember that God makes our heads harder than theirs!

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Stem Cell Cover-up: It’s Not Soley About Science

Dear Senator,

I realize we have never met, but I send you warm greetings. I want to begin by letting you know that I have prayed for you on many different occasions. Your job is tough, and I do not envy you. It is my prayer,  as you continue to serve in your position as an elected official, that you never forget ultimately Who we all serve.

You time is extremely valuable so I will get straight to the point. I earned a doctorate in anatomy and neurobiology in 2001 and have watched the stem cell debate go back and forth for many years. Having written and spoken on the topic many times, I am troubled that it appears you are only receiving a limited version of the “truth” regarding the efficacy and potential of stem cells—a version that is often tainted by money, lobbyists, and yes, even politics. The mainstream media and even influential men and women in Hollywood have waged a successful campaign to promote only embryonic stem cell research. I ask for a few minutes of your time to reveal this cover up and help set the record straight. Please bear in mind that this is not an “emotional plea” or my “opinion,” but rather, the results I share have been peer-reviewed and documented scientifically.

I suspect most of your mornings begin with a quick scan of the major papers. Unfortunately, many of the newspapers you read are taking their cues from Hollywood and selected science journals. You might recall that in 2004, New York Times science author Gina Kolata wrote regarding adult stem cells: “There are no ethical issues in studying these cells, but the problem is in putting them to work to treat diseases. So far, no one has succeeded” (emp. added).  At the time she penned that statement, I had documented 61 peer-reviewed studies that successfully treated disorders using adult stem cells (See Harrub et al., 2004; See also “The Stem Cell Cover-Up”  Fumento, 2004). Whether Kolata’s statement came from poor research or ignorance is yet to be determined. But nevertheless the damage was done.

In discussing the obvious bias from the mainstream media, Michael Fumento correctly observed, “Yet when an ESC (embryonic stem cells—BH) so much as hiccups, it makes international news, while tremendous breakthroughs with ASCs (adult stem cells—BH) are as a rule ignored. Welcome to what’s been called “ ‘stem-cell wars,’ ” a deliberate effort to downplay the proven value of ASCs to attract more attention to the potential of ESCs. It is a war that is being fought partly over ethics, but mostly over money” (Fumento, 2004).

On May 8, 2008, there was a selective hearing in the House on stem cell research. As you are aware, the controversy surrounds the efficacy of adult stem cells and whether or not embryonic stem cells are needed (or should be federally funded). In the 1990’s, many scientists were under the impression that embryonic stem cells had greater potential. These special cells were deemed “pluripotent” indicating that these cells have the ability to become almost any cell in the body. These special cells can become healthy heart tissue or nervous tissue which could potentially be used to treat congestive heart failure or various brain disorders respectively.   In reality, we know today that those embryonic stem cells are totally unnecessary.

Seven years before the selective hearing in the House, Rodney Rietze and his colleagues had already demonstrated that pluripotent stem cells could be harvested from an adult (see Rietze et al., 2001). While the mainstream media continue to promote the “potential” benefit of embryonic stem cells, they sadly remain tight lipped about what is already being accomplished by adult stem cells. As Wesley Smith observed “It has been repeated so often that it is now a mantra: ‘Embryonic stem cells offer the most promise for finding cures’ for degenerative diseases and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injury. But saying something ten thousand times doesn’t make it true” (Smith, 2006, “The Great Stem Cell Cover Up”).

The real controversy is not which stem cells are beneficial to mankind, as scientist have proven time and again that adult stem cells are superior in treating clinical conditions. The real controversy surrounds where the stem cells are collected and the means by which they are obtained. Currently stem cells are collected from four different sources: adult tissue, umbilical cords, aborted fetuses, and leftover embryos stored from in vitro fertilization procedures. Two of these categories involve the destruction of a life form (aborted fetuses and leftover embryos from in vitro), two do not. Ask yourself this simple question: If we can obtain consent and harvest pluripotent stem cells from adult tissue, then why proceed with the controversial method that destroys life?

Scientifically, it has been proven that adult stem cells can treat disorders—without the tissue rejection problems associated with embryonic stem cells. And yet, individuals appear determined to present a different picture to you, your colleagues, and society in general. For instance, in the July 28, 2006, issue of Science authors Shane Smith, William Neaves, and Steven Teitelbaum wrote a commentary letter stating “By promoting the falsehood that adult stem cell treatments are already in general use for 65 diseases and injuries, Prentice and those who repeat his claim mislead laypeople and cruelly deceive patients” (p. 439). They tried to back this up by claiming that the FDA has only approved treatment in nine conditions. However, what Smith et al., fail to realize is that medical research conducted outside of the U.S. does not need FDA approval. Also, Smith el al., remained eerily silent on the successes of embryonic stem cells. The record stands for itself.

On June 20, 2008, William Beckman wrote an article titled “Media Cover Up Adult Stem Cell Research Success With Misleading Terms”. In the article he references a study that was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that led to headlines declaring, “U.S. doctors kill skin cancer with cloned T-cells.” Beckman goes on to point out: “However, since reporting of this stem cell research success never used the phrase “adult stem cells”—even though original cells were taken directly from the patient—confusion is very likely to occur for many readers, whether that confusion was intended or not.” I am asking you as our elected official to cut through the confusion and tell the public the truth.

Let me strongly encourage you to arm yourselves with the facts, not just emotions or opinions. If you would like a full list of all of the successful treatments that have been published using adult stem cells I can furnish that for you. As Wesley Smith observed, “Based on published science, there are 72 maladies for which human patients have received some benefit (which is not the same as being “cured”) from adult stem cell or umbilical cord blood interventions. Meanwhile, embryonic stem cells have yet to demonstrate any human therapeutic use” (Wesley Smith 2006). David Prentice, William Saunders and Michael Fragoso have published an updated list of adult stem cell success stories that ups that number to 73 different conditions (2007).

In 2000, I attended the neuroscience convention in New Orleans and listened as actor Christopher Reeve pleaded with neuroscientists to “cut through the red tape” and ease his pain and suffering. I hope and pray that my compassion for my fellow Americans is deep and wide, but I also pray I never allow that compassion to cloud my judgment on truth and life. Adult stem cells are successful in treating illness and disease. As to whether or not science should pursue embryonic stem cell research, I would point out: (1) that it is completely unnecessary, and; (2) that there are some things that science is inapt to answer. This is one such item. When you go to cast your vote representing our country, I encourage you to remember in Whose image we were made, and that ending human life is not solely about the advancement of science—it’s also about the value of human life.


Beckman, William (2008), “Media Cover Up Adult Stem Cell Research Success With Misleading Terms,” Free Republic [online], http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2034778/posts.

Fumento, Michael (2004), “The Stem Cell Cover-Up,” Insight on the News, [online], http://fumento.com/biotech/stemcell.html.

Harrub, Brad et al., (2004), “Presidential Elections, Superman, Embryonic Stem Cells, Bad Science, and False Hope,” [online], http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/print/2621.

Prentice, David, William L. Saunders, and Michael Fragoso (2007), “Adult Stem Cell Success Stories—2007 Update, [online], http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IS07L01.

Rietze, Rodney L. et al., (2001), “Purification of a Pluripotent Neural Stem Cell from the Adult Mouse Brain,” Nature, 412:736-738.

Smith, Shane et al., (2006), “Adult Stem Cell Treatments for Diseases?” Science, 313:439.

Smith, Wesley (2006), “The Great Stem Cell Coverup,” Discovery Institute, Bioethics [online], http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/index.php?command=view&id=3687&program=DI%20Main%20Page%20-%20Article&printerFriendly=true ).

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