Throw Another Log on the Fire, It’s Going to Be a Cold one

It was third period and the bell could not ring quickly enough. I was sitting in my World History class in high school anxiously awaiting lunch. In front of the class, Ms. Agee was describing “the Bering Land Bridge” that connected Asia and North America. As we flipped to the corresponding chapter in our textbooks, we were introduced to images of saber-toothed cats and wooly mammoths. With the temperature outside reaching close to 90°, it was hard to relate to a historical period in which much of the planet was covered with sheets of ice and glaciers. As the minutes slowly ticked on, I was introduced to a historical period known as the Ice Age—a period in our Earth’s history, that, according to my textbook, happened millions of years ago.

Believe it or not, both creationists and evolutionists agree that there was once an Ice Age. The difference is in when this event occurred, what caused it, and how long it lasted. The United States Department of Interior/U.S. Geological Survey published a paper titled “The Great Ice Age” that was funded by our tax dollars [see]. In that article, the author Louis L. Ray observed: “The Great Ice Age, a recent chapter in the Earth’s history, was a period of recurring widespread glaciations. During the Pleistocene Epoch of the geologic time scale, which began about a million years ago, mountain glaciers formed on all continents, the icecaps of Antarctica and Greenland were more extensive and thicker than today.”

A topic like the Ice Age might appear, at first glance, odd in a Christian magazine. But many faithful Christians have questions about it. Consider for just a moment that almost all children are introduced to this historical period in the classroom. Have you ever thought about what they are actually learning regarding this period and how it will ultimately affect their faith? How does the Ice Age fit into their worldview? Are your children and grandchildren able to harmonize an Ice Age within the context of God’s Word? (Or what about you?) While some might not consider the Bible an intrinsically historical document, young people today need to know how historical events fit into the grand timeline—a timeline that is consistent with accounts from God’s Word. When one can see how “World History” and world events coincide with the Bible, it all becomes real, and faith is strengthened.

There can be little doubt that the Ice Age was real. One can hardly look at El Capitan or Half Dome in Yosemite National Park or hike the Continental Divide Trail in Glacier National Park without witnessing firsthand the awesome power of past glaciers. Normal river erosion causes “v” shaped valleys. But advancing ice sheets like those of the Ice Age produced a “u” shaped cross profile in many of these areas. As the ice sheets advanced, they would often pick up boulders, soil, loose rocks, which would act as an abrasive polisher for mountain faces in the path of the growing ice sheet. Those seeking “proof” for the Ice Age can look in three different areas.

1.) Geology—geologists have identified rocks on many continents that have been cut, polished, scratched, or scoured by advancing glaciers. In addition, when the glaciers melted they would often leave deposits such as till (composed of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders), glacial moraines, and drumlins that are readily identified today, revealing the pathway of past glaciers.

2.) Past temperatures—Scientists have studied ice cores and sedimentary rocks in an effort to determine temperatures in the past. Studies have shown that water containing heavier isotopes have a higher heat of evaporation, thus its proportion would be decreased in colder (Ice Age) conditions. By measuring isotopes, researchers believe they can reconstruct temperature data from the past.

3.) Migration fossils—Scientists have uncovered fossils that help track migration patterns during this period. There are clear indications of animals that could adapt to the cold, whereas some of the animals spread into lower altitudes because they could not tolerate the colder climates. Taken together, sufficient evidence exists that for a time ice and snow covered much of northern United States, as well as Canada, Eurasia, Greenland and Antarctica.

So what triggered this catastrophic event? While evolutionists are quick to prescribe evolutionary dates to the Ice Age, they are not as quick to provide a cause. In the official government publication on the Great Ice Age Louis Ray declared: “Many attempts have been made to account for these climatic fluctuations, but their ultimate cause remains unclear.” In addition, evolutionists find themselves in the peculiar position of defending multiple ice ages as a cyclic event, even though they do not have a good explanation for why they occurred. Creationists, on the other-hand, recognize that the evidence given above fits a climatic change that would be consistent with the period following the Noahic Flood.

My World History textbook, written from an evolutionary perspective, remained silent on cause of this event. The Bible, however, does not. In Genesis 7:11 the Bible describes where the water for the Flood came from. Moses wrote, “On that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” In Genesis 8:2, the text indicates: “The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained” (emph. added). The Hebrew word mayan, translated “fountains,” means things like “spring, well, or fountains.” Commentators Keil and Delitzsch describe it as “an unfathomable ocean.”

Two points should not be missed: (1) the fountains were “broken up” and (2) the depth from which these fountains came. The sheer force of breaking these deep layers would have been enough to have caused massive fissures. This breaking open of the “fountains of the deep” implies that the ocean itself rose up and helped cover the land. Second, recall from geology that the temperature of the Earth increases as you descend through the layers. The Earth is composed of a series of layers we deem the crust, mantle, and core. The crust is the outermost portion of the earth and extends approximately 25 miles down. The mantle extends further down about 1800 miles, and the core makes up the remainder of the Earth. If things are breaking open in the “unfathomable ocean” at great depths, does it not make logical sense that the temperature closer to the mantle would have been hotter?

Thus, God’s fury upon a sin-sick world would have caused massive earthquakes resulting in large cracks or rifts deep within the Earth’s crust, explosively releasing subterranean water and triggering volcanic activity. We know today from the fossil record that there are volcanic rocks interspersed between the fossil layers that were obviously deposited during or just after Noah’s flood. We also know from ice core samples that volcanic ash was present. For instance, Anthony Gow took 7,100 feet of core samples from nine different Antarctic glaciers and found over 2,000 individual volcanic ash falls embedded within the ice. While I don’t agree with Gow’s dating of 10,000 – 30,000 years ago (primarily because he uses radio-carbon dating which is based on 7 assumptions that all must be correct), the data for volcanoes during this period is irrefutable. [see, Gow, Anthony (1972), “Glaciological Investigations in Antarctica,” Antarctic Journal of the United States 7, no. 4:100-101.]

Having not witnessed a Global Flood from an angry God, we have a hard time of truly envisioning the devastation God unleashed on this sin-sick world. As tectonic plates shifted below, there would have been tsunamis, volcanoes, and torrential rains as God punished all land-dwelling creatures. The heat released from the “fountains of the great deep” would have undoubtedly warmed the oceans, causing an increase in evaporation and the amount of water in the atmosphere available for precipitation. At the same time, the ash from volcanoes all across the globe would have very effectively blocked out much of the sun’s rays, cooling the land. This combination of cool land and increased precipitation would have easily resulted in snowfall that fell much faster than it melted, allowing ice sheets to build up.

The climatic change of warmed oceans and cooled land would have persisted for a long time even after the Flood waters had abated. The land bridge that my high school World History teacher described was one of the by-products for this time period. Consider that following the Flood the Bible records the Tower of Babel incident. According to the text, people were already making bricks (Genesis 11:3). And then God confused their languages and dispersed them. This ice bridge would have allowed both the descendants of Noah, as well as land-dwelling animals, to easily migrate from America to Asia. Eventually, however the seas would cool, producing less evaporated water and decreasing the snow supply for the continents. Additionally, as the ash from the volcanoes settled, the sun’s warming rays would penetrate, causing the land bridge and ice sheets to melt, resulting in the topography we see today.

Consider the evidence. We know the Ice Age was real. But only one theory has a plausible cause for it. How much faith does it take to continue embracing an evolutionary theory that acknowledges this historical period but has no explanation for it? The Ice Age was real, and its existence fits in beautifully to God’s Word.

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Church Leadership After the Apostles Died

It had to be one of the most trying times in the history of mankind. For decades, Jesus and the apostles had lived and worked among those in the first century. The ascension of Jesus and the martyrdom of almost every apostle must have created a great void in the early church. Its future lay in the balance. What would happen now that those great men were no longer there?

The reality was that in almost every way the church flourished more in the absence of these great leaders than it did in their presence. I have read that by the end of the first century there were 6,000,000 New Testament Christians. Beginning with a dozen men, the church became known in every place. How could this happen? What factors caused the church to continue to grow even without the leadership it had in the beginning? Finding the answer to this question could be of such great benefit to the church today.

The church flourished because the leaders made provision for future leaders. The writings of Peter and Paul both reflect this. We know Peter saw his death approaching for he said, “Knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus showed me” (2 Pet. 1:14). However, he made provision. “Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease” (2 Pet. 1:15). When Paul wrote to young Timothy, he saw that the time of his departure was at hand (2 Tim. 4:6). He wrote, “The things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2).  The torch was being passed to others!

The church flourished because its faith and life were built upon the Lord and His teachings and not upon men. Paul had established the church in Corinth, but he was no longer there in a leadership role. “I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it” (1 Cor. 3:10). What was this foundation? “For no other foundation can anyone lay than . . . Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11).  He said, “Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Cor. 2:5).

The church flourished because the new members willingly stepped forward to assume leadership roles. Paul’s description of the Macedonian Christians was, “They first gave themselves to the Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5). This is why the change in leadership did not change the direction of the church. Their spirit readily created new leaders.

The torch of past leaders has been handed to us.  Seeing what happened in those early days can help us receive the torch and pass it on to others.

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The Key which Opens the Door of Salvation

I stand amazed at how men respond when confronted about doing right. Some think they have the right to ignore what the Lord said and just rely on His grace to take care of them. Others seek to minimize obedience by saying that devotion to keeping His commandments is legalism and seeking salvation by works. In spite of such efforts to turn attention away from the Biblical emphasis on obeying God, the truth is that God ties our spiritual blessings and our hope of heaven to keeping the commandments.

To enter into life—keep the commandments. Jesus told the young man who asked about salvation, “If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matt. 19:14). The Lord tied salvation to obedience. Who has the right to untie it?

To love Jesus—keep the commandments. Hear the Master, “If you love Me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Love is shown by obedience. Now who said that keeping His commandments is seeking salvation by legalistic works?

To abide in Jesus’ love—keep the commandments. “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love” (John 15:10). What if I ignore His commandments?

To know the Lord that we know the Lord—keep His commandments. People sometimes ask, “Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior?” The Bible says, “By this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments” (1 John 2:3). When we think of the salvation of our souls, the most important question of life, we must not look to an inward feeling. The test is whether we are doing what He says! John says that every person who simply says that he knows the Lord and does not obey Him is a liar (1 John 2:4)!

To have prayers answered—keep the commandments. John described the blessing of answered prayers and its relation to obedience. “Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments” (1 John 3:22). The word because, used in this verse, joins answering of prayers to listening to the Lord. Before He listens to us, we must listen to Him!

To love God—keep His commandments. “This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments” (1 John 5:3). Think of how many, when asked, will say that they love the Lord. It is not what they say, it is what they do.

May we never be guilty of minimizing obedience. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to those who obey Him (Heb. 5:9). It is the key that opens the door to our salvation.

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A Dangerous Pitfall for Elders, Deacons, Preachers, and Church Leaders

How could anyone not love the apostle John? Jesus loved him and four times the Bible described this apostle as the one whom Jesus loved (John 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20). He was so special that Jesus even committed to him the care of His mother!

How could anyone not love John? John uses the word “love” over 100 times in his writings. You cannot read his words without seeing the gentleness of this man. How could anyone not love and respect him?

Add to this the fact that he was an apostle. He was one of the “inner three” who were the only apostles to witness the resurrection of Jairius’ daughter, the transfiguration and who were closest to Him in Gethsemane. Even if there was someone who did not love John, how could anyone not respect him?

As strange as it might seem, there was one man who had no use for this apostle who was so close to the Master. John even wrote a letter to the church where this man was a member and he did all he could to keep it from having any impact on the other members. What kind of heart must one have to not see how great this apostle was?

Look at how John described this man in 3 John 9-10. “I wrote to the church, but, Diotrephes, who loved to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does no receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church.”

What kind of man does it take to treat a godly man in such this way? What kind of man does it take to use malicious words to harm the apostle? What kind of man does it take to forbid others to show hospitality and kindness to other faithful brethren? What kind of man does it take to force those whose hearts were filled with kindness to leave the church?

The answer found in one simple phrase—he loves to have the preeminence. Men with such hearts, while seemingly members of the church, are men who use the church as a means to exalt themselves. It is the pitfall of many church leaders. It is seen in preachers, who long to be noticed in the church, to preach at large churches and be used widely. They do not serve the church, they use the church. It is seen in elders who use their position and lord it over the church, and even lord it over the other elders, ignoring their wishes until he gets his way. It is seen in deacons who love the honor of being deacons, but never do the work.

The church is not a place of preeminence. It is a place of service! It must never be used, it must always be served!

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My Friend and His Text Messages

I don’t know what we would do without friends. God created us with a need for them. Each day of God’s creation has the phrase, “God saw that it was good,” in connection with it. However, after God created man, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone.” He created us as social beings and has given us friends.

We need friends. This is one of the reasons for the popularity of mobile phones, as it allows one to be in constant contact with others. Statistics show that in 2008, the average monthly usage of cell phones was for 204 calls and 357 text messages. The monthly average for those ages 13-17 was 231 phone calls and 1,742 text messages. These numbers do not begin to reflect the astronomical increase since that study. Another study shows that each day Americans send 2,500,000,000 text messages!

I have to admit that I am very much involved in that texting world. I need friends in my life like everyone else, but let me tell you about a special friend who has sent me so many text messages which have enabled me to grow to be more like Jesus. I hope you have a friend like I do.

I remember the emotional struggle I had this time last year when my big brother, my hero, died. I remember the empty feeling I had as Judie and I left the hospital having seen Jerry for the last time. That night my friend’s text was there. He always seems to have the perfect words to enable me to keep going. His text lifted my soul and gave me strength to deal with this matter. I needed my friend. I needed his text message. I hope you have a friend like I do.

I remember dealing with other problems. Problems in the family and problems in the church arise and sometimes I feel the burden is so great. I am amazed at my friend. When I am at the lowest points in my life, his text message just changes the way I am looking at life. I hope you have a friend like I do.

My friend is so much part of my life. I talk to him often. Whether on the mountaintops of joy or in the deep valleys of life, my friend is there. I cherish every text message from him. I hope you have a friend like I do.

I have every text message he has ever sent written in a book. It has more than a thousand pages filled with those text messages from Him. When I want to know what to preach, I check that book and right in the text is the answer. When I am asked to give counsel and advice, I check that book and right in the text message is the answer. My friend has sent thousands of texts to supply every need I have.

You have that book—the Bible. Check your text messages from my Friend often!

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