Letter to Your Church

Revelation 3:22
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.”
This phrase occurs 7 times in Revelation, once for every church addressed by Jesus.  And in every one of them, the word churches was in the plural form.  In other words, what Jesus said to one of them applied to them all.  We just finished Laodicea who was lukewarm.  God told them to be zealous, this was not just meant for the church at Laodicea, it had an application to them all. 

The letters to the seven churches are a priceless treasure of information for all Christians of all ages.  We do not have to guess or to speculate as to what Jesus expects from His church.  We have it right there in front of us.  In all of Revelation, the language used in the letters to the churches is the least figurative and by far the easiest to understand.  Any babe in Christ can pick up the Revelation and understand what “be zealous” and “he that overcometh and keepeth my words” means.  It’s easy to figure out what Jesus is saying to these churches and this is probably why they are somewhat overlooked today.  Most people pick up the Revelation and gloss right over the first three chapters and jump straight into the thick of all the imagery afterwards and sometimes miss some of the most valuable information in all of scripture. 

The Gospel accounts, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John reveal Jesus Christ.  The book of Acts teaches us how to get into Jesus Christ.  The general epistles teach us how to live in Jesus Christ and Revelation teaches us how to die in Jesus Christ.  “He that overcometh” and is “faithful unto death” is the one who dies in Jesus Christ. 

So with that said, what if we take all the positive things Jesus said to all seven of the churches and put them all together?  And then what if we took all the negative things Jesus said to them and do likewise?  What would a church look like that had all of the good qualities of all seven churches, rejecting all the bad qualities and obeying all the exhortations at the same time? 


Praiseworthy Qualities Condemned Qualities Exhortations Ephesus:

  • Labored for His name’s sake
  • Had patience
  • Had borne their burdens
  • Exposed and refused to tolerate false teachers
  • Had endurance, did not faint
  • Lost their first Love
  • Remember from where they fell
  • Repent of wrongdoing
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit
  • Overcome


  • Good works
  • Persevered against intense persecution
  • Persevered against deep poverty


  • Do not fear
  • Be faithful unto death
  • Overcome
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit


  • Held fast to Jesus’ Name
  • Did not deny the faith of Jesus
  • Tolerated false teaching
  • Allowed false teachers to throw stumbling blocks
  • Repent
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit
  • Overcome


  • They were commended for their charity
  • and service
  • and faith
  • and patience
  • and works which were increasing
  • Tolerated false prophets
  • Tolerated fornication and eating of meats sacrificed to idols
  • Hold steadfast
  • Overcome
  • Keep (Obey) Jesus words to the end
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit


  • Some had not defiled their garments
  • Spiritually dead
  • Not vigilant
  • Be watchful
  • Strengthen what they do have
  • Overcome
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit


  • Good works
  • They had opportunity
  • They kept, (followed), Jesus’ word
  • Patient
  • Had not denied His name


  • Be steadfast
  • Take advantage of opportunity
  • Overcome
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit


  • Poor works
  • Lukewarm service
  • Think too highly of themselves
  • Wretched
  • Poor
  • Blind
  • Miserable
  • Naked
  • Open their eyes and see themselves for what they really are
  • Be zealous
  • Sacrifice themselves in service
  • Open the door of opportunity and let Jesus in
  • Overcome
  • Heed the words of Christ through the Spirit

Taking all in all and forming a total picture of what we see, we get a mental image of a church that first and foremost loves Jesus Christ and has Him as its head, heeds His word, is loving, patient, enduring, fearless, watchful, faithful, busy, growing, steadfast, self sacrificing, charitable and obedient to the will of God.  Intolerant of sin and false teaching, zealous for and rich in good works, repentant of wrongdoing, eager for opportunity, not thinking too highly of themselves and faithful unto death.  

These are the qualities we must seek in our own congregations.  If we lack any of these, we need to heed the words of Christ through the Spirit and diligently try to add them.  Some of these churches only had one or two things that Jesus Condemned them for.  The penalty He warned them of was severe.  Their fellowship with Christ was at stake. 

The application for us today is that we need to recognize that we have before us a picture of exactly what Jesus Christ expects of His church.  He died for it, He shed His blood for it, he built it, He heads it and possesses it, He loves it and rules it from heaven.  It is up to us to make sure it is what He would have it to be.  We know exactly what He expects and the responsibility for that has been given to us through the word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and authoritative for us today. 

We do not want Jesus Christ standing on the outside of the door of fellowship like He was with Laodicea.  We do not want Him knocking on the doors of our congregation from the outside.  We want Him on the inside, in fellowship with us and the way to assure ourselves of this is to be what He would have us to be. 

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

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Laodicea (The Lukewarm Church)

Laodicea (The Lukewarm Church)

Now we come to the seventh and final church Jesus specifically addressed.  The Christians in Philadelphia received high praise and more opportunity from Jesus.  It is with a sense of hope and high endeavor as we seek to emulate them in our own congregations.  However, as wonderful as the praise and words were for Philadelphia, the words for Laodicea were just the opposite.  Jesus described Sardis as being dead, but there were Christians in Sardis who were faithful.  There were a few things in the church at Sardis that could be built upon.  Jesus had no words of praise but only rebuke for the church at Laodicea. 

Laodicea was located in the Lycos valley in the province of Phrygia.  It was located at the intersection of three imperial trade routes, which favored its development as a commercial and administrative center. The city occupied an almost square plateau several hundred feet high about two miles south and above the valley of the Lycus River and flanked along its sides by the small rivers Asopus and Caprus, which discharge their waters into the Lycus.  The city was protected by the Salbacus and Cadmus mountains to the south, which rise to over 8,000 feet above sea level. Laodicea was just over one hundred miles from Ephesus, six miles south of Heirapolis, and eleven miles west of Colosse.  Directly opposite the city, a cliff of about a mile wide arose some 300 feet above the city.  The city was originally called Diospolis, and afterwards Rhoas and  then Laodicea,

Laodicea was originally founded by Antiochus II of Syria (261 BC – 246 BC), who named it after his wife Laodike.  Antiochus populated it with Syrians and with about 2000 Jewish families who had been moved to Phrygia and Lydia from Babylonia.  Laodicea had an extensive Jewish population numbering by some accounts to have over 7500 registered tax payers.  In 62 AD the Jews collected and sent over 22 pounds of gold to Jerusalem for their annual temple contribution which the Romans seized. 

Laodicea was built on the great highway from Asia Minor to the east, at the junction of several important routes.  After the Roman province of Asia was formed in 190 BC, it grew to become a great and wealthy center of industry.   The Syrians and the Pergamenes dominated the city from 190 BC until the death of Attalus III of Pergamum when it came under Roman rule in 133 BC.  King Attalus III had no male heirs and left his entire kingdom in his will to the Roman Empire.  The Romans reconstructed and improved the ancient trade routes so that the city became the major junction for traffic west to Ephesus and the Aegean, north and west to Philadelphia, Pergamum, and Smyrna, east through southern Galatia, and south to the Mediterranean. Although it had formally been a small city, it grew rapidly as a result of Roman rule and became one of the wealthiest cities in Phrygia.  Laodicea received from Rome the title of free city. During the Roman period Laodicea was the chief city of a Roman conventus iuridicus, which comprised twenty-four cities besides itself.  A conventus iuridicus was the capital city of a subdivision of some provinces such as Dalmatia, Spain and Asia, which functioned as an administrative and judicial center. 

Laodicea was famous especially for the fine black wool of its sheep and for the Phrygian powder for the eyes, which was manufactured there.  Nearby was the temple of Men Karou who was the Phrygian God of healing.  His Greek counterpart was known as Asklepios, and associated with their temple was a well known school of medicine.  In the year 60 AD, the city was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake, but so wealthy were its citizens that they rejected the aid of Rome, and quickly rebuilt it at their own expense. It was a city of great wealth, with extensive banking operations.

Pagan worship in Laodicea:
Along with the temple to Asklepios one could find the worship of Zeus and of Isis.  Isis was an Egyptian mother god associated with the Phrygian goddess, Cybele.  She was also associated with Aphrodite and Venus who were all characterized with orgiastic behavior in their worship.  Imperial worship began early in the city, but no evidence exists that Laodicea ever had a temple for the imperial cults so their influence, while definitely oppressive may have been a little less severe than in some of the other cities. 

The church in Laodicea may have been founded by Epaphras of Colossi, a companion of Paul, during Paul’s third missionary journey.  A marble block bearing the name of Epaphras has been discovered in the city. There is no record of Paul visiting the city himself, but some of the Christians there were known to him by name. He wrote a letter to the church there which has been lost. Paul tells the Colossians that he was “struggling” for this city (2:1), indicating he was aware of the situation in the church there, and passes greetings to them through the church in their sister-city, Colossi (4:15).  It is possible that the Philemon of the New testament may have been from Laodicea.  There has been an inscription discovered in the city written by a freed slave to a master called Marcus Sestius Philemon.

Revelation 3:14
And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God:
The word “Amen” literally means, let it be so.  “The Amen” here denotes the one in whom reality is found. There is also the sense of completeness and finality in it. Before Christ, there was no other; and after him there is no other.  The Christians in the Roman empire had hundreds of false pagan gods they could choose to worship but Jesus was “the Amen” .

The faithful and true witness
The faithfulness of Christ is affirmed in this.  Jesus Christ had no need of faith in the sense of its use today; but “as a man” he walked in faith, implicitly trusting and obeying all that the Father willed of Him.   All human justification hinges on the perfect faith and perfect obedience of Christ.  Were it not for the perfect faithfulness of Christ, mankind would have no hope. 

“The beginning of the creation of God”
Some religious groups today try and use this scripture to teach that God created Jesus.  This flies in the face of a host of other scripture that affirms the deity and eternal nature of Jesus Christ such as John 1:1-14.  Scripture also reveals, “For by him [Jesus] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).  The correct understanding of this verse is Chr
ist as the Source of all the things God created.   The church in Laodicea would be very familiar with Paul’s letter to the Colossians because they were instructed to read it aloud in their assemblies (Colossians 4:16).

Revelation 3:15
“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
Jesus told all seven of the churches that He knew their works.  He knew what they were doing, He knew what they were not doing.  Once again we are faced with the fact that it was the works of these churches that determined whether Jesus found them acceptable or not.  The application for us today is that Saved by grace through faith does not mean saved without obedience to the will of God.  The words of Jesus ring loud and clear:  “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21).

The Laodiceans were lukewarm in their service to God.  They were indifferent and uncaring.  They were unconcerned about the things of the Kingdom.  They had all they thought they needed.  There was no passion, there was no driving force for them, There was no fire left, they no longer cared.  The Christians at Ephesus were condemned for losing their first love.  The Christians at Laodicea had lost it all. 

The church is depicted in scripture as the bride of Christ.  What groom wants a wife that is non-committal and uncaring?  Husbands are commanded to love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Ephesians 5:25).  But what about the wife who gives nothing back, who won’t love her husband enough to do anything?  A woman that is on fire and zealous for her husband is eager to serve and vice-versa.  Similarly those of Christ’s bride in the church who show up on Sundays, set in the back, never ask questions, never participate in church activities, never involve themselves with anything, never help with the services or help out in congregational activities are like the spouse who never does anything.  They are just along for the ride with no thought whatsoever of putting anything of their own into the relationship.  Such an attitude is sickening to say the least.  How does one deal with such a non-committal attitude?  How does Jesus feel about it?

Revelation 3:16
So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
To Jesus, the Christians in Laodicea had come to stand for the most disgusting thing on earth, a fat, lazy, uncaring and complacent church, basking in their own presumed achievements, but wholly unacceptable to the Lord. 
The Christians at Laodicea were accused of being lukewarm, like the water they drank.  The Greek word for “spew” literally means to vomit, so Jesus was telling the Laodiceans they made Him sick. 

In Laodicea, potable water had to be transported to the city by aqueduct and raised to a tall water-distribution tower by siphon action. In fact, the city’s major weakness was its lack of an adequate and convenient source for water, its location having been determined by the road system rather than natural resources. As a result, water had to be brought in by this aqueduct from about 6 miles away.  By the time the water reached the city, it was usually neither hot nor cold, rather it was the temperature of the surrounding environment. 

The local water in Laodicea flowed down the river from the hot springs at Heirapolis where it was used for healing baths. The water, however, was rough with alum and sulphur which made it unfit for drinking. Drinking this water would make one sick if he tried. The city’s potable water, having flowed six miles through an aqueduct, arrived tepid.

The Laodiceans well knew what it was like to drink lukewarm water and what it was like to become sick and vomit from drinking the local water.  Jesus purposefully used words that would positively identify those to whom He was addressing as the direct recipients of His teachings.  In other words, this was Jesus’ way of saying, “make no mistake about this, I’m talking to you“.  The Christians at Laodicea or any of the other churches could not set back and say Jesus was not specifically talking to them.  There was just too much of their history and circumstances pointed out in His words to make any mistake about it.  All that was left for them to do was to look at each other, acknowledge to themselves that they had been found out and were not getting away with anything and make whatever necessary changes Jesus commanded.  There was no way any of them could stand before God and make the claim they didn’t know Jesus was really talking to them.  Jesus told them they made Him sick and they knew it was them He was talking to. 

The application for us today is that even though Jesus pinpointed the Laodiceans specifically for this rebuke, His feelings toward any church guilty of being lukewarm would make Him sick.  Let’s all examine ourselves and be sure that our service does not make Jesus want to vomit us up.

Revelation 3:17
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked:”
Laodicea was a wealthy city.  The fertile ground of the Lycus valley made good grazing for sheep.  The Laodiceans had selectively bred sheep that produced black wool which was in high demand and brought fame to the region.  Carpets and clothing was manufactured from the black wool and brought extensive wealth to the city. 

Agricultural and commercial prosperity brought in the banking industry. Laodicea was well-known for its banks, minting its own coinage from the second century BC on. The city was so famous for its banking industry that even the Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero went there to exchange money. The city was so wealthy that after the devastating earthquake of ad 60 which caused its near-total destruction, it was able to rebuild itself while proudly refusing any help from Rome, which other similarly afflicted cities had been glad to accept. It was, in fact, one of the most prosperous of all the Asiatic cities.

Laodicea prided itself on its financial wealth.  As mentioned earlier when an earthquake devastated their city, they refused Roman help saying they did not need it.  By human standards, Laodicea was wealthy, but under the scrutiny of Jesus, they were not.  They lacked the riches that count in His eyes. 

Laodicea was well known for its medicinal concoctions, one in particular which was a supposed remedy for weak eyes.  Yet Jesus said they were blind and could not see themselves for what they really were.

Laodicea prided itself on it’s clothing manufacture and trade industry which flourished as a result of the black wool developed in their area.  Yet Jesus says with all the fine and luxurious clothing at their disposal, they were in fact naked.

As so often before, we see the history of the area surrounding the church pictured in the words of Jesus.  In this manner, Jesus is able to make the point that “this means you”.  The Laodiceans would read these words and instantly associate them with their own conditions.  This is a real slap in the face to them; a wake up call directed specifically at them and they well knew it. 

Revelation 3:18
“I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich; and white garments, that thou mayest clothe thyself, and (that) the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and eyesalve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see.”
The Laodiceans had lots of material Gold but Jesus advised them to seek the gold that would make them rich. Jesus taught elsewhere, “For what doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life? For what should a man give in exchange for his life?” (Mark 8:36-37).  The material wealth of the Laodiceans was worthless.  It could not buy them what they really needed.  Gold represents something valuable and Jesus had the gold that is pure and valuable and was available for them to purchase.  James spoke of corrupt riches of man being rusted in chapter 5.  The most valuable Gold is refined through a process of fire.  The goldsmith heats the metal up until it is molten and the impurities in it are then separated leaving only the pure gold.   

The Hebrew writer wrote of the suffering of Jesus which made him the author of salvation to all who obey him (Hebrews 5:8-9).  Jesus is the “way, and the truth, and the life” and no one can come to the Father but by him (John 14:6).  The thing of value that Jesus has is the way, and the truth and life.  And it was tried by the fire of his suffering on the cross.  Jesus overcame everything just as he mentioned in verse 21 of this letter to the Laodiceans.  So how does one buy from Jesus, the valuable gold, the way, the truth and the life?  Jesus tells us:

Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed”  (John 6:27).  Paying close attention to the words “which the Son of man shall give unto you” we note that Jesus is going to give us something he told us to labor for.  Everlasting life cannot be purchased by earthly riches or by the works of men.  Nor can it be purchased with works of righteousness either.  In order to pay for eternal life, we would have to be able to make the death of Jesus unnecessary and give Him back His life sacrificed on the cross.  There is no way mankind can repay that debt.  In the end, even though we should live a life of obedient service to Jesus, we are to consider ourselves unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10).  The Christian life faithfully lived is a life of self sacrificed service to the will of God (Romans 12:1).  And in so doing we have labored for the gold tried by fire, the real gold, the valuable gold.  And in the end, even though we can never hope to fully pay for it, God will give it us anyway.  That is called “grace“.

“and white garments”
The Laodiceans were famous for their production of black garments.  White symbolized purity in the minds of the first readers.  The garments they were told to purchase from Jesus were white which symbolized purity.

“that thou mayest clothe thyself, and (that) the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest”
In the Old Testament, God told Nahum to tell the disobedient peop
le, “I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame” (Nahum 3:5).  Their disobedience made them naked and worthy of shame.  The Laodiceans were likewise guilty of the same and Jesus told them to cloth themselves with obedience so that their shame would not be made visible to the world.  

“and eyesalve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see”
As mentioned earlier Laodicea was famed for its production of an eye salve for relief of swollen weary eyes due to traveling many miles.  The sand and dirt from the roads would irritate the eyes of travelers and they could find relief from the eye salve of Laodicea.  Jesus is telling them to use some of their own medicine so they can see their own condition and do something about it.

This is another one of those “I’m talking to you” statements that Jesus so frequently makes in these letters to the various churches.  There was no doubt in the minds of the Laodicean Christians that Jesus knew all about them.  Nothing was hidden from His view.  Jesus knew all about the other conditions surrounding them.  None of those Christians could claim that Jesus was just out of touch of their situations.  They knew perfectly well that Jesus knew exactly what He was saying and to whom He was addressing. 

The application for us today is that Jesus is as familiar with our life of service and the goings on around us as he was with them.  Nothing we do or fail to do escapes His notice.  There is praise and honor for the obedient and criticism and chastisement for the disobedient. 

Revelation 3:19
“As many as I love, I reprove and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.”
Being told by the Son of God that they made him sick had to be devastating and disheartening to them.  How many of us who discipline our children assure them afterwards that it is because we love them that they are disciplined?  We do this so that they will not be crushed and left without hope.  We do this so that they will know and be reassured that it is for their own good that they have been corrected and that they are still loved.  Parents do not chasten children because they enjoy it.  Young children cannot recognize the dangers around them in everyday life.  It is vital that they are obedient to their parents so that they will stay out of danger as they grow up.   For instance, parents teach their children not to play with fire.   Obedient children will avoid a lot of pain and suffering while disobedient children may go ahead and play with fire and bring disaster upon themselves.  Parents know and recognize the danger of fire and though the children may not, if they are obedient, they will not be harmed by something they do not recognize as a danger. 

Playing with fire often times looks like fun to a child, but they cannot fully appreciate the danger it holds for them.  Parents do not forbid children playing with fire because they don’t want them to have fun.  They forbid it because they know what it can do to their children. 

God does not deny us things that are sinful because he does not want us to live enjoyable lives.  God sees sin for what it really is.  Like the fire to the children, sin sometimes looks like fun.  We cannot always perceive the danger in light of the temptation.  But God knows that sin is enslaving and ugly and that it ultimately leads to pain and suffering.  God loves us and He knows what it will do to us and He wants us to avoid it so that we can live long and happy lives. 

So, after having corrected the Laodiceans harshly, He then reassures them that they were chastened because He loves them.  And they are then given the remedy.  They need to be zealous.  This is exactly what a lukewarm Christian is not.  They have to repent, stop being lukewarm and start being zealous of good works as commanded in Titus 2:14. 

The teachers of salvation by faith only need to take a long and prayerful look at the church at Laodicea who made Jesus sick because of her lack of works. 

Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
Jesus is standing at the door of opportunity for all mankind.  The Greek word for “hear” is “akouo” which carries the meaning of listening or giving attention to.   Calvinist doctrine teaches the predestination of the elect.  They teach that God in His sovereign authority chose before time began who would be saved and who would be lost.  Jesus says here that He will come in and sup with “any man” who listens and opens the door.  “I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” means he will be in fellowship with whoever may listen and open the door.  Fellowship with God and with Jesus is taught by John in 1:3, “that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you also, that ye also may have fellowship with us: yea, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”  Those who are “in Christ” and living faithfully are in fellowship with God and His Son, and Jesus says this spiritual blessing is available to all. 

Of significance here is that Jesus is standing outside the door to the church at Laodicea wanting in.   Jesus stands knocking at the door of opportunity from the outside but we have to open it from inside.  Opening the door is a figurative term for doing those things necessary in order to bring oneself into a state of fellowship with Jesus Christ.  Opening the door is our responsibility and it is up to us to learn what steps must be taken to open that door. 

Revelation 3:21
“He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne.”
Truly the Revelation was written to the overcomers.  Those who would be faithful and zealous to the end.  Jesus said “Be thou faithful unto death and I will give the a crown of life“.  How do we today receive the crown of life from Jesus?  By being faithful unto death and overcoming all obstacles in our paths.  Every single one of the churches were told to overcome, every single church was told to be faithful or to remain faithful, to stand fast, to persevere, to repent if necessary.  The reward for submissive obedience is an eternal inheritance in heaven with God.  The reward for rebellious disobedience is an eternal separation from God in the torments of Hell.  

Jesus came to earth as a man and overcame everything.  He lived a sinless life even during His torture and crucifixion.  If Jesus had of ever sinned, He could not have served as our perfect sacrifice.  Only the sacrifice of a perfect, spotless, sinless individual could do what needed to be done.  Jesus endured the world to the end, even while on the cruel cross of Calvary.  We would do well to pause and consider just what was hanging in the balance for all mankind while Jesus bled out His life on that cross.  Scourged and staked naked to a wooden cross, spat on, reviled and hated by His own creation.  He endured that shame and agony without a single sin and secured the hope of eternal life for the very people who killed Him and for us today.  The eternal fate of all mankind hung on whether Jesus overcame or not.  He overcame His cross and now we are called to do the same, whatever that cross may be.

Revelation 3:22
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.”
Any who will listen better heed what Jesus, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, by the hand of John, said to the churches.  We notice that Jesus expressly used the plural form of the word church.  All the things He said were applicable to all the churches He addressed.  One Spirit; one message; many churches.  The exhortation to the Laodiceans to be zealous does not apply just to the Laodiceans.  It applies to the all the rest as well.  The praises and condemnations given out by Jesus to each individual church were applicable to all of them.  The application for us today is that they were likewise applicable to us. 

Let us heed what the Spirit said to all the churches of Asia and realize that it has relevant applications to all the congregations of the Lord’s church today.

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Philadelphia (The church with Opportunity)

Philadelphia (The church with Opportunity)

After the harsh words Jesus had for Sardis, it’s a relief to see the contrast between it and Philadelphia.  Being the 6th of the seven churches we have not seen a single one yet that was doing everything right.  Every single one of them so far were condemned for at least one transgression and were warned to repent or suffer the consequences.  It is a sobering thought when one considers the state of the Lord’s church today and compares it with the fact that all but one of the churches addressed in Revelation had problems which threatened their standing with Jesus Christ.   This is not enough of a model to build a worldwide comparison by any means but it is significant enough to give any Christian sufficient reason for some serious reflection of their own standing with God.   It is truly an encouragement at this point to see that it is possible to please Jesus Christ with faithful and diligent service. 

Philadelphia was the youngest of the seven cities of Revelation.  It was founded by colonists from Pergamos in honor of, and named after, Attalus II Philadelphos of Pergamos during the reign of his elder brother, Eumenes II, king of Lydia.  The word “Philadelphos” literally means “brother lover” so the name Philadelphia came to mean the city of brotherly love. 

According to history, Attalus reigned over Philadelphia during the years of 159 to 138 B.C.  Philadelphia was established for a specific purpose.  It was a Lydian border town built where Mysia and Phrygia joined with Lydia.  It is located about 105 miles from Smyrna near the Cogamus River and on one of the main highways which led to the interior of Asia Minor.  The intent was to encourage the spread of the Greek language and culture into Lydia and Phrygia and this strategy was successful so that by A.D. 19 both of them had abandoned their native languages and spoke primarily Greek. 

Pagan Worship in Philadelphia:
Philadelphia had a nickname of “L
ittle Athens” because of its many temples and festivals to pagan gods.  Philadelphia also preached loyalty to Hellenism.  The word, Hellenistic, is derived from the word, Hellene, which was the Greek word for the Greeks.  The principal meaning of Hellenism is the propagation of culture and religion from classical Greece to the rest of the world, with classical Greek culture and beliefs either replacing or joining with local culture and ideas.  So Philadelphia was in reality a missionary city with the intended purpose being to spread Greek culture to the rest of the region. 

The soil of the plain near Philadelphia was particularly fertile and was used for vineyards.  Wine was the chief source of revenue for this city. Baachus (the god of wine) was worshipped in Philadelphia.

Revelation 3:7
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and none shall shut, and that shutteth and none openeth
Jesus makes some statements here about Himself to the Christians in Philadelphia.  First, He declares His holiness.  In several New Testament passages holiness is applied to Christ (Mark 1:24; Acts 3:14; 4:30).  Holiness is a characteristic which sets Jesus apart from mankind.  Jesus is without sin, guile or deception, in every way holy.  He is to be reverenced and obeyed.   This characteristic of Jesus is seen also in God the Father.  “Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts” was the song of the seraphs heard and recorded by Isaiah in 6:3.  “To whom then will ye liken me, that I should be equal (to him)? saith the Holy One” (Isaiah 40:25).  Throughout the Bible God is portrayed as the “holy one“.  The combination of words “God” and “Holy” occur 247 times in the King James translation.  Here we see this title claimed by Jesus Christ which positively identifies Him as sharing the attributes of God the Father.  John teaches us in chapter 1 of the Gospel account bearing his name that Jesus Christ was God in the beginning and took on flesh to live amongst man. 

He that is true
This statement refers to the nature of Jesus Christ.  In the Greek the word here for “true” is “Alethinos” which is similar to the word “Alethes“.  The latter carrying the meaning of a statement which is true, while the former refers more to the relation of the originator of the statement.  In simple terms “Alethes” is something that can be believed without question.  Jesus Christ who is here described as “Alethinos” is the originator of truth and can be believed without question.   Jesus Christ doesn’t just make statements that are true.  He is the source from which truth comes.  Not only can we trust and believe what Jesus said and taught as the truth, we can trust and believe in Him because of His nature. 

“he that hath the key of David”
A key is a symbol of authority.  Keys are used to open locks and doors which protect things of value.  Those who possess the keys have the authority and the right to grant access to that which is protected by locks or doors.   Jesus Christ said He would build His church in Matthew 16:18-19 and to Peter He gave the keys to the kingdom.  Peter and the others were given the authority and the right to grant access to the kingdom of Heaven.  Peter and the rest of the apostles would open the door of opportunity to all who would believe and obey.  There were no literal keys being exchanged, neither should we visualize a literal physical key in the possession of Jesus Christ.  These word pictures are meant to convey an idea to the reader of someone who has the authority to grant access to things which are concealed from general view. 

he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and none shall shut, and that shutteth and none openeth
This statement of Jesus is a direct reference back to Eliakim in Isaiah 22:22, “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; and he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open”  Shebna was an evil officer of King Hezekiah who was driven from office by God.  Eliakim was entrusted with the power of the key of David.  He was given the power to open doors of opportunity and duty to which no other could close and doors he closed remained closed.  Jesus claimed for himself the authority of the key of David.   

The key of the house of David is a reference to the promise God made to David as recorded in 2 Samuel 7:16, “And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.”  Jesus Christ in the flesh was a direct descendant through the lineage of David.  The house of David here is therefore a reference to the everlasting kingdom that was to be established in the future before him.  The “new Jerusalem” mentioned in verse 12 of this same letter is the spiritual kingdom that Jesus rules from the right hand side of God the Father in Heaven. 

Jesus likewise opens and shuts doors.  Doors represent the means by which something worthwhile is obtained or just opportunity in general.  When Jesus opens the doors to anything, no man can shut them.  And when He shuts those doors, no man can open them.  The doors to everlasting life have been opened by Jesus Christ.  And they will remain open until He shuts them.  And when they have been shut, opportunity to gain access to salvation will forever cease. 

Revelation 3:8
I know thy works (behold, I have set before thee a door opened, which none can shut), that thou hast a little power, and didst keep my word, and didst not deny my name.
As we learned earlier, Philadelphia was built for the purpose of assimilating Greek culture and language into the heart of Asia Minor.  It was built on a major highway that was used as one of the postal routes of the Roman Empire.  The church at Philadelphia had the same opportunity to spread the gospel as the original Philadelphians did to spread the Greek culture and language eastward into the interior of Asia Minor.  Jesus is telling them that this door of opportunity is open to them and that He put it there and it will not be shut by any man.  They were strong, they had been obedient to His will and they have not denied His name no matter what persecution they faced.  There was no shortage of Pagan worship in Philadelphia.  Christian persecution naturally arose in the presence of pagan worship due to the fact that Christians utterly reject any association whatsoever with pagan gods or the worship thereof. 

Jesus praised the church at Philadelphia for not denying His name.  This would be a great comfort to them in light of the fact that Jesus made this promise earlier in His teachings while still on earth.  “And I say unto you, Every one who shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: but he that denieth me in the presence of men shall be denied in the presence of the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).  The church in Philadelphia had not denied His name and were praised for it. 

It is interesting to note here that the reward for faithful service to God is more work to do.  Philadelphia had proven to be faithful and her reward for this was the open door of opportunity for more work to do.  The life of the Christian is never one to set back and be at ease, rather it is the life of high endeavor and self sacrifice in service to God.  “…behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” John 4:35.  “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

The Jews who rejected Christ were bitter enemies of the Christians in the first and second century.  There were a lot of Jews living in Philadelphia   They had a Jewish synagogue there and all Jews made the claim that God entrusted them with the key of David.  They claimed that as God’s children they were the only rightful recipients of God’s heavenly kingdom and because of this, any member of the synagogue that dared to confess Christ as Savior or Lord was cast out (John 9:22; 12:42). 

What happened to Shebna, the servant of king Hezekiah, also happened to the Jews.  The power of the key of David was stripped from them and given to others. The power of the key of David entrusted to the Israelite nation was taken from them and given to the saints of the church.  The Christians in Philadelphia who were given the open door were able to take advantage of the opportunities associated with being the true Jews who were the “the children of God“. 

The Jews of the synagogue claimed to be the children of God but they were not.   Paul taught that those who were Jews outwardly were not, rather those who were inwardly spiritual were true Jews (Romans 2:28-29).   Paul was drawing a contrast between those who claimed to be Jews through the flesh from those who were true Jews of the heart.  All who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and the Son of God, and who serve Him obediently, are spiritual Jews.   The Jews in Philadelphia falsely claimed something they did not have the authority to claim.  Jesus called them liars and identified their synagogue as being of Satan.  Certainly this bodes ill for them and in all their haughtiness and self important pride Jesus said they were ultimately going to be the ones who would come and worship before the feet of the spiritual Jews and know for a certainty that it was true children of God that He loves and not them.  The application for us today is that all who serve Christ are of the spiritual “Israel of God“, and who are the true “children of God” and these are the ones who God truly loves. 

Revelation 3:10
Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that (hour) which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
They had kept the word.  This means they had been obedient to the words and will of Jesus Christ through hard times.  Harder times were on the horizon for them.  The first sentence of Revelation indicates that the hardships described in the letter are in the not too distant future.  God promised the Christians at Philadelphia that because of their faith and obedience thus far, they would receive help from God in the trials yet to come upon them.  This is a promise made to all faithful Christians who keep the words of Christ and remain faithful during times of difficulty:

1 Corinthians 10:13
There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.”

All Christians are tried by the things that happen in the world.  The door of opportunity is ever open to all mankind to repent and to come to God and find salvation.  Unfortunately, it is the cross which Christians must bear to live with the consequences of sin in the world and with the consequences of the activities of the sinful.  Throughout history, the children of God have suffered because of the sinful activities of the Godless.  Our God is truly just and fair and every accountable living person on earth has the same opportunity that followers of Christ took advantage of.  God desires all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, therefore the Godless are allowed to wreak persecution on the God fearing and it is the duty of the saved to shine the way to the door of opportunity in the face of it all, even unto death.   

Revelation 3:11
I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no one take thy crown.
Jesus says He is coming quickly.  The Greek word for quickly also means suddenly and abruptly.  Scripture teaches that His coming will be like “a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10), suddenly and swiftly. 

Jesus admonished them to hold on to what they had.  Jesus had only praise for the works of the Christians at Philadelphia but they were warned here that they could lose it if they failed to remain faithful and persevere.  All of the churches of Asia started out on the right path and none of the other six were told they had a crown.  This crown could either be the crown of life or a crown of glory, either of which, if removed, put them into the same category as the others.  In danger of judgment and eternal loss. 

The entire core theme of Revelation is for the Christians to persevere, to remain faithful and never give in to the world around them, to overcome it, even to the point of death.  And this warning was given even to the one group that was doing everything right.  The importance of this cannot be overstated.  If the Christians living under the horrific persecution of the first century had to remain faithful unto death in order to receive eternal life, we can be assured today that it is no different.  Let us learn from the examples of the faithful Christians who went before us to glory and likewise strive to remain ever “faithful unto death“.

Revelation 3:12
“He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and mine own new name.”

Here again we see Jesus use the words “He that overcometh”  All of the churches of Asia were exhorted to overcome.  All of the churches of Asia in Revelation had to remain faithful.  God was working against the Roman Empire from Heaven, but the Christians on earth had their part to play in it as well.  It was their responsibility to stay faithful and overcome all opposition against them while God worked His will on their oppressors.  The application for us today is no different.  Nothing about God’s will as expressed in the New Covenant under which we live has changed in the last 2000 years.  The principle of obedience and perseverance that applied to the first century Christians is likewise applicable to us today.  If they had to remain faithful and overcome, then so do we.

“I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more”
Philadelphia was built on the edge of plain called the Katakekaumenē, which means The Burned Land.  There was a volcano nearby and the ash deposits from it made the ground in that area particularly fertile for agriculture.  While Philadelphia enjoyed a thriving agricultural benefit from this, there were also perils associated with living this close to a volcano.  The same earthquake that destroyed Sardis in 17 A.D. also destroyed Philadelphia along with ten other cities in the region.  In the other cities, the earthquake was over and done with, but in Philadelphia the aftershocks and tremors continued for years afterward.  The citizens of Philadelphia would leave the city and go out into the plains and live in huts during these prolonged events when they would become severe enough to threaten their lives.  Some of the citizens lived in the city during this, but were sometimes driven out to safety during the worst of these earthquakes.  Eventually the earthquakes subsided but the memory of this lived on in the minds of the citizens of Philadelphia.  People in Philadelphia were well aware of what Jesus was referring to when He told them they “shall go out thence no more”.  This promise of Jesus assured them of the ultimate peace and security that awaited those who “overcome“.

and I will write upon him the name of my God
Those who overcome and keep the faith will have the name of God written on them as opposed to those who succumb to emperor worship and receive the mark of the god they serve.  This was not a literal name written on their physical bodies, but a means of identification of ownership.  Those who bear the mark of the beast belong to Satan, while those who bear the name of God belong to Him.  What a tremendous blessing it is to belong to God.  This is most certainly a blessing well worth the trials of life of the first century and any thereafter. 

and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem
As with the earthquakes we see the history of Philadelphia reflected in the words of Jesus.  After the earthquake in 17 A.D. destroyed the city, Tiberius gave them the necessary backing to rebuild the city.  Philadelphia was grateful to Tiberius for this so in his honor they renamed the city to Neocaesarea meaning The New City of Caesar.  During the reign of Vespasian, the citizens decided to change the name of the city yet again to Flavia, for Flavius was the family name of the Emperor Vespasian and of his two sons Titus and Domitian.  Neither one of these names lasted, and the name of the city was restored to Philadelphia.  Philadelphia was also nicknamed Little Athens because of all the pagan worship that went on there.  The readers of this letter who were citizens of Philadelphia knew what it was to receive “a new name”  And the name of the city promised to them was better than any that man could devise and would last forever. 

The “new Jerusalem” is the name given to this eternal city with the eternal name.  Old Jerusalem was where the Jewish Temple had been and from there worship to God was offered by the Israelite nation.  The city had been destroyed by Titus, son of Vespasian and the temple was torn down stone by stone and burned so that the soldiers could get to the gold used in the stonework.  Jerusalem represented the city of God in the minds of the first readers of the Revelation.  The “new Jerusalem” would therefore represent to the citizens of Philadelphia a city after which they could be named, a holy city, an eternal home with an everlasting name.  The application here for us today is that all who believe and obey Jesus Christ have their citizenship in this “New Jerusalem”  The new city of God, that will never be destroyed, with a name that will endure long after the Caesars and the rest of the evil rulers of the earth have passed, and on into eternity.   What a comfort this must have been for them and likewise what a comfort it should be for us today. 

“which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and mine own new name.”
The name of the eternal city being given to the overcomers is not coming from the earth, or from man in any fashion.  This name is coming from God, on His throne, in Heaven. 

Some in the religious world today who hold to millennial doctrine teach that this passage indicates that God will establish an earthly “New Jerusalem” here on earth some day.  The primary subject of this narrative is the “name“, not the “city“.  Jesus rules his kingdom from heaven (Ephesians 1:19-22).  His authority comes down to us from heaven where He is pictured as being seated on the right hand side of God the Father.  Christians on earth are members of His body, the church (Colossians 1:18), which he rules from Heaven; His spiritual kingdom.  A literal new city, named Jerusalem, is never going to descend from Heaven and be established upon earth.  The city mentioned here is a figurative term describing the church which is the body of Christ, the spiritual kingdom of God, ruled from Heaven, by Christ and already present in the first century and until this day and beyond.  “For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). 

The new name of Christ which will be written on them can be non other than the term “Christian“.   As previously stated, the term “written” is not to be taken literally, but is a means by which we are identified.  We are identified with and belong to God, as His children, when we live obediently and serve Jesus Christ before the world.  The faithful were called Christians by inspiration in the first century, they are likewise identified as Christians today.  This name given to us by God is the only name we wear.  Coming from God, this name is holy and revered by faithful and true followers of Christ who will utterly reject being associated with any other name.   This is the God breathed name given us by inspiration, it is therefore this name and no other that we should wear before the world.

Revelation 3:13
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
Every letter to the seven churches closes with this admonition.  It is similar to the one Jesus closed the sermon on the mount with:

Matthew 7:24-27
Every one therefore that heareth these words of mine, and doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man, who built his house upon the rock:  and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and if fell not: for it was founded upon the rock.  And every one that heareth these words of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand:  and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and smote upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall thereof.

Those who overcome and persevere to the end have listened, heard and obeyed what the Spirit said and therefore have their houses built on the rock.

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Sardis (The Dead Church)

Sardis (The Dead Church)

Today Sardis is a ruined city in western Turkey.  Formerly an ancient capital of the kingdom and empire of Lydia located about 50 miles east of Smyrna. It lies in the Gediz Valley (earlier known as Hermus Valley) on a spur at the foot of Boz Dog Mountain, formerly known as Mount Tmolus. Through the city runs the little river Pactolus.

Sardis’ growth to wealth and importance was due to its rich deposits of gold, but it also benefited from having an excellent connection between the Anatolian highlands and the Aegean Sea. The gold was washed down from the mountains and was deposited in the sands of the Pactolus river. In the 6th century BC, Sardis made coins from the gold deposited in the sands of the river, which would come to revolutionize commerce.  Sardis was one of the first places on earth to use coins for a medium of exchange for trade.  This was the dawn of the age of currency. 

The wealth of gold near Sardis was explained through this well known myth: According to legend king Midas came upon a drunken satyr named Silenus who was passed out in his garden. Silenus was believed to be the foster father of the pagan god Dionysus.  According to legend, king Midas was kind to him and returned him safely to Dionysus in Lydia.  Dionysus then offered Midas his choice of rewards.  King Midas then requested that everything he touched would turn to gold.  According to myth, this ability was granted and king Midas soon realized that it was hard to eat food that had been transformed into gold.  Some accounts of this story record that Midas also embraced his daughter and transformed her into gold as well.  Realizing the reward he asked for was really a curse, he prayed to Dionysus, begging to be released from his wish.  Dionysus instructed him to bathe in the Pactolus River.  He did so, and when he touched the waters, his power passed into the river, and the river sands changed into gold.  This supposedly explained why the river Pactolus was so rich in gold.   Now of course we know this is only a myth and cannot possibly be true but it is interesting to know where these well known stories we grew up with came from. 

Sardis was likely started as an urban settlement as early as 1200 B.C.   During the time of Daniel, Artaphernes, the brother of king Darius of Persia lived in Sardis.  The Persian empire conquered Lydia about  547 to 546 B.C. under the rule of Cyrus.  Sardis then became the administrative capitol of the newly acquired Persian province of Lydia.  In 539 B.C. Persia then conquered Babylonia and absorbed the Babylonian empire into its own.  It was from Sardis that Xerxes, the son of Darius invaded Greece.  It was from Sardis that Cyrus the younger, son of the Achaemenian king Darius II and his wife, Parysatis, revolted and marched against his brother Artaxerxes and was killed in about 401 B.C.  In 334 B.C. Sardis was then conquered by Alexander the Great.  In 133 B.C. Sardis then passed to the Roman empire.  In 17 A.D. it was destroyed by an earthquake and the ruling Roman emperor, Tiberius, gave back the taxes the city had paid to Rome for the previous 5 years and the city was rebuilt, however it never regained its former stature.  In New Testament times Sardis was a city of no real importance. All that Sardis had was an ancient name and a reputation. In actual fact, it was almost a dead town. At the time the Revelation was written all of Sardis’ glory, wealth, and power lay in the past.  In 1402 A.D. Sardis was utterly destroyed and was never rebuilt.  Today, the original Sardis is not much more than an archaeological dig site.

Sardis was built on the edge of a mountain with three sides guarded by near vertical walls that dropped 1500 feet into the valley below with the Pactolus river running along its one open access in the front. With all this natural protection, Sardis was over-confident and none too vigilant a city. Guards and watchmen were rarely posted on the three sides where the mountain’s slope dropped 1500 feet into the valley below and because of this failure to watch, they were conquered twice. When King Cyrus of Persia first tried to conquer Sardis he failed in a frontal attack, but that same night, after watching a soldier of Sardis climb down a particular crevice to retrieve a lost helmet, a large number of Persian soldiers worked their way up that same crevice and thus entered and conquered the city from its unguarded rear.  Then in about 218 B.C. by Antiochus the Great the city was again captured in a similar way. Sardis fell because of their failure to watch.

Pagan worship in Sardis
Sardis was a wealthy city with a tendency to become soft and complacent.  They lived in luxury and splendor, and were a proud, arrogant, and overconfiden
t people.  The pagan goddess Artemis, also known as Cybele, was the principal deity worshiped at Sardis, as well as at Ephesus and other cities. Artemis and her brother Apollo were said to be the children of Zeus and Leto.  In legends, Artemis is often pictured as a virgin huntress, fearless in opposing her adversaries. As the goddess of the city, she may have been perceived more in her role as a mother goddess, a provider of fertility and overseer of childbirth.  The worship of this pagan goddess included sexual orgies during festivals held in her honour.  It is interesting to note that the temple dedicated to the worship of Artemis was never completed.   Sardis was a city of uncompleted works.

Sardis had a priesthood dedicated to the goddess Roma by about 100 B.C.  Roma was principally used to instill loyalty among the provinces in the Roman empire, although, later on, she did have a temple in Rome itself. Temples to Roma were erected in Smyrna in 195 B.C. and a cult of Roma was reported in Ephesus and Delos. Her worship was made official by Augustus Caesar as part of a propaganda campaign.  In this way he deified the concept of Rome, building many temples to her (often as a ‘Temple of Rome and Augustus’ to make the imperial cult of Roma and emperor worship more acceptable to the people), with a copy of his Res Gestae, (The Deeds of the Divine Augustus), alongside inscriptions that popularized the new pagan goddess.  The Roman emperors manufactured gods to help control the populace and with them, they appointed groups of officials responsible for establishing these manmade gods throughout the empire and enforcing their worship. 

In about 27 B.C. Sardis tried to establish Asia’s first temple to Caesar Augustus. Although their initial attempt was not successful, the city had a local temple to Augustus by 5 B.C. To show their devotion to the imperial family, the city also consecrated a cult statue to Augustus’ son Gaius.  Sardis competed for the honor of building a temple to the emperor Tiberius in A.D. 26, although it was built in Smyrna.

Revelation 3:1
And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and thou art dead.

He that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars is an image of Jesus Christ.  Seven is the symbol for perfect completeness.  God has only one Spirit, not seven and the seven stars here is an image of the messengers to the churches as pictured in Revelation 1:20.  As discussed earlier these seven messengers could either be the eldership of each congregation or they could represent the one perfect complete messenger which was responsible for getting the message to man by inspiration. 

“I know thy works”
Jesus wastes no time informing the Christians he is aware of their works.  The application for us today is that irregardless of who we are or where we live and worship, God is aware of our works.  The denominational world will often say that our salvation is not by any works at all on our part, being saved by God’s grace alone.  Yet it is the works of Sardis that Jesus first comments on.  

“that thou hast a name that thou livest, and thou art dead.”
The city of Sardis had a reputation of wealth and splendor.  They were alive but they were not flourishing, not growing, setting back on their reputation of past glory and not looking ahead.  The city of Sardis thought it was alive, but in reality it was dead.  Jesus draws a parallel here between the overall state of Sardis and of the church.  It appears the church in Sardis was a reflection of the city it congregated in.  The church is Sardis had a name, but it was not growing.  Jesus told them “thou art dead”  I cannot think of anything worse than having Jesus Christ, the Son of God tell me that I am alive, but in reality I’m really dead.  A church that is dead does not give off light, it does not bear fruit, it does not grow.  They were once alive, they had a reputation, but now they are riding on their name, earned in the past, but not sustained in the present. 

Revelation 3:2
Be thou watchful, and establish the things that remain, which were ready to die: for I have found no works of thine perfected before my God.
Jesus says to be watchful.  What a thing to say to a church in a city that had been twice conquered because of their failure to be vigilant.  Jesus not only knew their present works, but He knew all about the city and all about their history and He made sure they knew He was addressing them personally when He emphasized something they could all relate to. 

Parents do this all the time with their children.  When a parent is confronting a child with an issue, it is common for them to bring something to the forefront that assures the child of the fact that He is indeed the one in the spotlight and that he is guilty before the conversation gets past the first sentence.  The child knows upfront what he is up against.  Jesus was two sentences into the letter and the Christians in Sardis already knew they were the ones being specifically addressed and they were the ones standing in condemnation.  There could be no argument, there could  be no denial, and there should not be any mistaking the message, especially when Jesus said “thou art dead“.  It was time for the Christians at Sardis to give pause, shut up and heed His words.  This is serious business and Jesus hit them over the head with a figurative hammer to get their undivided attention. 

Watchfulness should be the constant attitude of the faithful Christian.  This commandment appears in the New Testament more frequently than any other.  As vigilance was the price of liberty for the city of Sardis, so also is watchfulness a part of salvation.  There are many things we are to watch for:

  1. We are to watch against Satan, “Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
  2. We are to be on the watch against temptation.  Jesus said, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Matthew 26:41).  The faithful Christian must be ever on guard against temptation.  “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”  Temptation is all around us every day.  The resistance against sin begins with watching, recognizing and avoiding situations we know will cause temptation.  “but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed.  Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth death” (James 1:14-15).  In the Christian life there must be unceasing watchfulness against temptation.
  3. We are to watch against false teaching.  When speaking to the church in Ephesus, Paul had this to say:  “Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of the Lord which he purchased with his own blood. I know that after my departing grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.  Wherefore watch ye” (Acts 20:28-31).  Jesus said “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
  4. We are to watch for coming of Jesus Christ.  He taught, “Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh” (Matthew 24:42).  “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37).  We do not know when Jesus is going to return, so if we are to be assured of being found faithful when He does, we must be watchful and keep ourselves in a suitable position to greet Him when He does.  How ashamed the Christian would be to find himself in a state of sin when our Lord returns “as a thief in the night” (2 Peter 3:10), at a time when they do not expect it.  “Be ye also ready: for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Luke 12:40).

establish the things that remain, which were ready to die
Even though they were dead, there were a few things going on that showed a little life, but even these were in danger of dieing.  Those things which were being done that was the last spark of life in this church needed to be fanned to flames quickly.  Jesus is telling them to get lively, get out of their figurative pews and into the harvest.  Do something.  Show a little life, shine a little light, get something done before its too late. 

“for I have found no works of thine perfected before my God”
The word “for” introduces an explanation of what Jesus said earlier.  Why are the Christians at Sardis dead?  Because Jesus did not find their works perfect before God.  What does this say for the doctrine of Salvation by faith only?  Proponents of salvation by faith only claim that since the works of man contribute nothing towards one’s salvation that this somehow excludes man from the necessity of obedience to the will of God.  They teach that salvation is by the grace of God and that our works, including obedience to God, do not earn our salvation.  And they are partly right.   The punishment for sin is death.  The only person who ever lived who could offer a life in place of ours did just that and He saved us from an eternity of separation from God.  God gave up His life for us so that we could live.  We can’t repay that debt, so those who teach salvation by faith or grace only are correct when they say our works won’t save us.  But where they err is when they extend this to obedience of God’s will.  The best definition for God’s grace I have ever seen is the “undeserved favor of God.”  We do not deserve the chance we got for redemption.  We can’t earn it, we can’t buy it, but it is given freely to all who obey Jesus Christ, (Hebrews 5:9).  By grace we are saved through faith.  What kind of faith?  An obedient, penitent, submissive, active, grateful, loving, faithful to the end, faith. 

The Greek word for “perfected” means “finished” or “completed”.  The Church at Sardis had started things they had never finished and were condemned for it.  The application for us today is that works are indeed necessary.  And half planned, unfinished, unperfected works are not acceptable before God.  We can’t play Christianity and please God.  We have to live Christianity.  The works of our congregations are expected to be organized, implemented and carried out to completion. 

Revelation 3:3
Remember therefore how thou hast received and didst hear; and keep (it), and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Jesus is telling them to remember what they received and what they heard.  This would be the gospel in view here.  The tense of the Greek word for “remember” is in the present imperative which means to keep on remembering.  Do it every day and never allow yourself to forget what you received and what you heard and what you obeyed.

and keep (it),”
Here is another present tense imperative which means continuous action.  Never stop keeping the commandments of the gospel.  Keep them, obey them, every day, never stop walking in the way of righteousness.  John wrote in an earlier letter about “walking in the light“.  He says that “IF” we do this, the blood of Jesus cleanses us continually (1 John 1:7).  Jesus is telling the Christians in Sardis to “walk in the light” daily, for life. 

“and repent”
Repentance is not a one time act on the part of the Christian.  This is without question the most difficult command to follow.  It requires a decisive action, a commitment on the part of an individual to change one’s life.  A one time repentance for the moment is no repentance at all.  True repentance is something that is maintained for life.   Anybody can repent and walk the straight and narrow path for a day, or for a week, or for a month.  But how about for a lifetime?  It’s not possible to live a sinless life.  So when we stumble, we need to repent anew and refocus our priorities and get back on track.  The Christians at Sardis were guilty of sin.  They were told to repent.  Even though Jesus said they were dead, there was yet hope and the road back to life begins with repentance all over again. 

“If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee”
Earlier Jesus instructed the Church at Sardis to watch.  Now He gives the consequences if they do not.  He will come suddenly upon them in the night, just like Cyrus and Antiochus came upon the city and conquered them.  He did not have to tell them specifically what would happen if and when He came upon them sleeping.  They already knew those consequences from their own history. 

Revelation 3:4
“But thou hast a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments: and they shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy.
Even though the church at Sardis was dead in her works, there were some Christians there in the church who were still living faithfully.  They had not defiled their garments.  They were walking pure and righteous in their faith.  Those of the church who were not, needed to evaluate their position and use those who were righteous as examples to live by.  The church at Sardis had some among them that the others could observe and emulate.  They had a pattern of righteousness before them. 

The application for us today is that even though a church is dead in her works, there can be within them a faithful remnant who are spiritually alive and who can be found faithful before God in the end.  The exhortation here is for both parties, the unrighteous and the righteous.  Those who are unrighteous need to identify those among themselves who are and emulate their pattern of faithfulness.  And those who are righteous should recognize the importance of their example and keep on keeping on.  It is possible to be righteous when the majority is not.  Faithful unto death means faithful unto death. 

Revelation 3:5
He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.”

To the faithful few who overcome Satan and to those who will repent and return to righteousness we have three promises.

arrayed in white garments”  White is the symbol for purity in the minds of the first century Christians.  Being clothed in white garments is representative of being presented “a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27).

“and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life”
The Christians at Sardis are told that those who overcome and remain faithful will not have their names erased from the book of life.  There is a warning in this promise.  The church that Jesus said is dead in her works is in danger of falling short of these three promises if they do not repent.  Having one’s name written in the book of life is a blessing of incalculable value and to have that erased is the equivalent of losing one’s salvation. 

The book of life is mentioned 7 times in the new testament.  Once in Philippians 4:3 and 6 times in Revelation.  The Jews kept a register of their citizens which was called the book of the living (Isaiah 4:3; Ezekiel 13:9; Nehemiah 12:22).  Jews who were alive had their names registered in this book while they were alive.  Upon their death, their names were removed.  The Psalmist David drew a comparison between the literal “book of the living” and God’s book of life when he wrote, “Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous” (Psalms 69:28).  Malachi wrote in 3:16, “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”  God’s spiritual “book of life” is filled with the names of those who are spiritually alive, in Christ and living faithfully.  Those who have their names erased from this book were alive once, but have spiritually died. 

“and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels”
This is a direct reference back to what Jesus taught as recorded in Matthew 10:32 and Luke 12:8-9, “And I say unto you, Every one who shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: but he that denieth me in the presence of men shall be denied in the presence of the angels of God.”  Some will be denied by Jesus before God the Father, (Matthew 7:23; Luke. 13:27). It is significant to note that this blessing is given to Christians as a contrast to what will happen if they do not repent.  It is possible for the Christian to have their name erased from the book of life and find themselves denied by Jesus Christ before God.  Faithful unto death means just what it says. 

Revelation 3:6
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.”
Those who are willing to listen need to heed what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches through the inspired written words of John.  Notice that the churches are mentioned in the plural form.  The things being said to each one, in favor or in condemnation, are applicable to each and every one of them.  The application for us today is that we can take these blessings and warnings and apply them to ourselves today in our local congregations.  By emulating all the good things said to all the churches mentioned in Revelation and rejecting all the bad things which were condemned, we can be assured our local congregations are living and serving acceptably before God.

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Pergamum, the city in Hell’s Headquarters

Pergamum, the city in Hell’s Headquarters

Pergamum, also called Pergamos from the KJV translation is another city of the Roman province of Asia Minor that still exists today.  It is known as “Bergama”, and is located in modern day Turkey.  It is primarily a Muslim city now and as of 1996 had 15 Islamic mosques.  One of its mosques is a church building from ancient times.  Bergama (Pergamum), is built among the ruins of the ancient city, but is not nearly as large as it was in the first century.  Among the ruins today can be seen the base of the altar of Zeus, the theater, the agora, the gymnasium and several pagan temples.  Today, the chief export of Bergama is cotton, wool, leather and opium. 

Ancient Pergamos was located 3 miles from the Caicus river, and about 15 miles from the sea.  The Caicus river was navigable for small vessels.  Two of the tributaries of the Caicus were the Selinus and the Kteios. The Selinus river flowed through the city; the Kteios ran along its walls on the outside. On the hill between these two streams the first city stood, and there also stood the acropolis, the chief temples, and theaters of the later city. The early inhabitants of the town were descendants of Greek colonists from before 420 BC. 

From 283 to 263 BC Philetaerus founded the independent Greek dynasty of the Attalid kings. The first of this dynasty to bear the title of king was Attalus I (241 BC – 197 BC), a nephew of Philetaerus, and not only did he adorn the city with beautiful buildings until it became the most wonderful city of the East, but he added to his kingdom the countries of Mysia, Lydia, Caria, Pamphylia and Phrygia. Eumenes II was the richest king of the dynasty, and during his reign from 197 BC – 159 BC, the city reached its greatest height.

Art and literature were encouraged, and in the city was a library of 200,000 volumes  The books were of parchment which was developed here. The word “parchment,” is derived from the name “Pergamos.” Of the structures which adorned the city, the most renowned was the altar of Zeus, which was 40 ft. in height, and also one of the wonders of the ancient world. In 133 BC Attalus III, the last king of the dynasty, died and bequeathed his kingdom to the Roman government. The original Roman province of Asia was formed, and Pergamos was made its capital.  Upon the establishment of the province of Asia there began a new series of coins made at Pergamos, which continued into the 3rd century A.D.

Pagan Religions:
There were temples to the four pagan gods Zeus, Dionysus, Athena and Asklepios.  Asklepios was the pagan Greek God of medicine and healing.  The sick and crippled from all parts of Asia flocked to his temple. They would sleep in the court of the temple where they believed Asklepios would reveal to the priests and physicians the remedies which were necessary to heal their maladies. There was a school of medicine in connection with the temple.

Pergamos was also a chief religious center in the province for Roman emperor worship. In Pergamos, three temples had been built to the Roman emperors where they were worshipped as gods on earth.  Being the capitol city of the province and having three temples dedicated to emperor worship, Pergamos was also the headquarters of the Imperial Cult known as the “Concilia”.  This cult was responsible for the enforcement of state religion. This city was loyal to Rome and with 3 temples dedicated to Emperor worship, it was only natural that it would become a center for this imperial cult.  In 29 BC the Concilia built a temple for the purpose of worshipping Augustus Caesar.  They were unrelenting when it came to the enforcement of emperor worship, especially under Domitian who insisted upon it.  It was possibly this group that banished John to the isle of Patmos, most probably during the reign of either Vespasian or Titus. It was certainly the Concilia who saw to it that the material possessions were taken from the Christians when they refused to serve in the Roman army or refused to bow down to the “gods” of the Romans including the emperors.  It was the Concilia who issued certificates to those who they witnessed burning incense and offering worship to the Roman Emperors without which no one could buy or sell food, participate in land transactions or benefit from any government programs.  It is no wonder that the Christians located in Pergamum were suffering, as they were first in line for the dispensing of the persecution of this imperial cult empowered with the authority of the Emperors and supported by the full strength of the Roman army. 

Smyrna was a rival city and was a commercial center as well.  As it increased in wealth, it gradually became the political center. Later, when Smyrna became the capital, Pergamos remained the religious center.

Christianity was in Pergamos in the first century and it was to the congregation of Christ’s church located therein that this part of the Revelation was addressed. 

Revelation 2:12-17
“and to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These things saith he that hath the sharp two-edged sword:”

Jesus is depicted again as having the two edged sword.  As mentioned previously this is a reference back to Hebrews 4:12-13 and from our study of Revelation 1:16 and 2:16 we know this sword comes from the mouth of Jesus which means that the sword represents the words of Jesus.  In Ephesians 6:17, Paul calls the word of God the “sword of the Spirit”.

“I know where thou dwellest,”
Jesus is aware of where these Christians are.  He is telling them He knows they are suffering, He knows of their persecution and their tribulations.  The application for us is that we serve a God who knows us personally.  He is aware of our goings on and our surroundings.  He knows of our triumphs and of our failures.  “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13).

“(even) where Satan’s throne is”
Pergamum was the capitol of Asia before Smyrna, home to three temples dedicated to the worship of Roman emperors and headquarters of the imperial cult called the Concelia. It was the chief religious center for the entire province and retained that status even when Smyrna became the capitol. 

The worship of Aesculapius or Asklepios who was the pagan Greek God of medicine and healing was characterized by the use of snakes in the healing rituals.   Non-venomous snakes were left to crawl on the floor in temple where the sick and injured slept. Asklepios had his own constellation called Serpentarius in Latin and Ophiuchus in Greek which means “serpent bearer” The name, “serpent-bearer,” refers to the Rod of Asclepius, which was entwined with a single serpent. This symbol has now become a symbol for physicians across the globe today. The “star of life” is the modern international symbol for the Emergency Medical Services which features the Rod of Asclepius as the centerpiece. 

Satan is often depicted as a serpent in scripture.  All Christians of all ages are well acquainted with the imagery of the serpent associated with Satan.  It is almost certain that when the Christians read of Satan’s throne, they instantly associated it with the worship of Asklepios. And if not, there was plenty of other activities going on around them that would identify Satan as having a seat of power and authority from this city.  

“and thou holdest fast my name”
The Christians in Pergamum were commended for holding fast to the name of Christ. In the Greek, this word (onoma), means a name in authority and character.  It is important as we work through these letters to the individual churches that we take note of the positive things Jesus says as well as the negative.  We know from scripture that Jesus is God (John 1:1), and that Jesus never changes (Hebrews 13:8), so we can be assured that if we take all the good things Jesus said to the churches and make sure we emulate these things in our lives, that it will be commendable for us as well.  It is as important to us that we assemble all the positive things Jesus says to all the churches and strive to add those things to our lives as it is for us to assemble all the negative things He said and eliminate them. 

We hold fast, cling, hang on to Jesus name, character and authority when we seek His will, obey His will and glorify His name.  We hold fast to His name when we insist on being identified as Christians only instead of manmade names which glorify someone other than Jesus.  We hold fast to His name today when we call the body of Christ by what it is; the church of Christ.  1 Corinthians 1:11-13.

and didst not deny my faith, even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Jesus refers to the faith as being His faith.  Jesus is the one who suffered, bled and died for us.  He is the one that paid the purchase price for the faith, it is His faith.  We today need to be very aware of the fact that it is to His faith we are to be faithful to and not some manmade faith with man’s ideas of righteousness.  We are to seek only God’s righteousness (Romans 10:3-4).

Antipas was described as Jesus’ faithful witness.  He had been slain among them.  The Christian persecution was already well underway.  Secular writings place Antipas as an elder of the church in Pergamum, appointed by none other than John during the reign of Domitian.  History portrays the death of Antipas as having been publicly burned alive in the brazen statue of a Bull by the priests of Asklepios.  In Pergamum, the Christians had already been given an example of what was to come and Jesus held the death of Antipas up as a shining example for the rest to follow if need be. 

As a side note, the fact that Jesus here speaks of the martyrdom of Antipas in the past tense is strong internal evidence of the late dating of the writing of the Revelation.  According to history, Antipas was martyred in 92 AD.   

Revelation 2:14-15
“But I have a few things against thee, ”
Once again, as in previous messages, Jesus points out that the good they are doing does not outweigh the bad.  The application today is that we cannot do enough good in hope of offsetting the bad.  Those in the body of Christ who are guilty of sin cannot stand on judgment day before God and point to their good works as justification for any sin they may be guilty of.   

“because thou hast there some that hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also some that hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans in like manner.”
There were some members in the church at Pergamum who were going along with the teachings of the Nicolaitans.  We see here exactly what this teaching was, eating meat sacrificed to idols and committing fornication which could mean either physical or spiritual fornication, both of which the Nicolaitans were guilty of. 

In old testament times, Balaam was guilty of instructing Balak, a Moabite king, of how to defeat the Israelites.  Balaam knew that God would forsake the Israelites in battle if they were guilty of sin so he told Balak that if he would send women out to seduce and participate in fornication with the Israelites, that God would forsake them in battle and hand them over as punishment.  The women that were sent to seduce the Israelite men were successful and they were caused to stumble.  As a result of this stumbling block, twenty four thousand Israelites lost their lives. 

Corresponding to this, eating things sacrificed to idols was also a stumbling block to the Christians.  Under the Roman persecution, Christians were denied the right to buy food in the empire unless they offered worship to the emperors.  Food was hard to come by for the faithful yet there was plenty to be had if they wanted to participate in the great public feasts where the meat of the animals who had been sacrificed to pagan gods was being served to the public.  Hunger is a powerful incentive and many Christians gave in and participated in these public feasts which were often times accompanied with wild drunken, riotous and often times unrestrained sexual behavior which caused many of them to stumble.  Benjamin Franklin once quoted: “He that lieth down with Dogs, shall rise up with Fleas.”  In scripture were are commanded to “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22) and “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what portion hath a believer with an unbeliever?  And what agreement hath a temple of God with idols? for we are a temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Wherefore Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, And touch no unclean thing; And I will receive you,” (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).

The Nicolaitans started out as Christians who participated in the public feasts and eventually stumbled and became just as bad as the pagans they associated with.  The application for us today is the same.  Stay away from evil influences.  Avoid situations that can cause one to stumble.  Shun activities that are not wholesome and righteous.  Do not join in with sinful worldly activities, lest we too become tempted and stumble.  It is a foolish individual who would dance with the devil and participate in activities where sinful behavior prevails.  Satan makes sin attractive but those who company with Satan flirt with death. 

Revelation 2:16
Repent therefore; or else I come to thee quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth.

Jesus warns the church to repent.  Repentance is a sorrow of heart that leads to a change of behavior.  The church at Pergamum had to change their behavior.  They were accused of tolerating something Jesus hated.  This is a “repent or else” warning where Jesus said he would wage war with those who held to this doctrine.  Being in a position where Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would wage war against someone who was a Christian is a serious thing.  This is not a war that any Christian could hope to win.  In short, Jesus told these Christians to repent or die.  These were the options available to the Christians at Pergamum.  These same options are the only ones available to Christians in similar sinful situations today. 

Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
Notice what Jesus says here.  He knows this is being written down in words that Christians will read.  he knows this message is going to be delivered in written form.  The Christians who read this letter were going to hear what the Spirit was saying through the words written by John.  Today, we hear what the Spirit says in the same way they did in Pergamum.  Through the written word.  When we hear the Word of God, then we are listening to the Spirit.

To him that overcometh
To those who overcome.  To those who resist temptation, to those who prevail no matter what, to those who do not give in to Satan and worship idols and eat meat sacrificed to them, who remain faithful against all odds will receive the following rewards.

to him will I give of the hidden manna
Manna is what God sustained the children of Israel with during their time in the wilderness after they left the Egyptian bondage and before they were allowed to enter the promised land.  To the first readers of the Revelation, manna would represent that which sustains one’s soul.  Hidden from those who refuse to see it, but available to all who would accept it freely.  “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).

and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it.

The Greek word for Stone in this instance means a pebble, so there is some disagreement among scholars as to what is meant here.  Following is my best guess as to it’s meaning.  Those who overcome become “fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God” which is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” (Ephesians 2:19-20).  White is a symbol for purity and truth and the chief cornerstone all faithful Christians receive is Jesus Christ.  The name written on the stone most likely represents either “Jesus Christ” or “Christian”.  Scripture teaches that the faithful “shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.” (Isaiah 62:2).  “The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26).  Peter referred to followers of Christ as “Christians” in 1 Peter 4:16 and Agrippa told Paul, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 26:28). Secular writings about followers of Jesus Christ contain numerous instances of the name “Christians”.  This name was a well established designation both historically and scripturally.  Since all scripture is given by inspiration we  know that the term Christian, being inspired by the Holy Spirit, is from the mouth of God. 

And the only people who know this name are the ones who receive the name of Christ.  Our lives are “hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).  Jesus prayed: “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes” (Matthew 11:25). There are things hidden from man which only be fully known when Jesus returns and we see Him as He really is. (1 John 3:2).  Those who never receive the figurative white stone with the new name on it will never get to fully know Jesus Christ in all His glory. 

In Summary:

The Christians at Pergamos were living in a tremendous center for oppression and persecution.  They were for the most part faithful except for their leniency towards the Nicolaitans.  They were warned to modify this behavior or suffer the consequences of a war with Jesus Christ.

In applying this to our Christian life today, we need to take heed to the words of Jesus.  The circumstances under which the Christians in Pergamum were living did not have any effect on whether or not they were expected to be faithful to God.  Likewise today, we must be aware that we too are required to be just as faithful as they were then.   We must be intolerant of doctrinal error, ever vigilant and willing to persevere and overcome against all odds, even to the point of death if need be. 

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