Becoming a Preacher – “Seeking to Make a Difference”

As a boy, the opportunity existed for me to learn how to preach.  The congregation I attended held classes specifically for men and boys to develop themselves and prepare to share the Word of God with the world.  I can remember providing a short lesson at one point and more than likely I gave more, though I do not recall them.  After that time, preaching sort of left my mind.  It was not until the age of thirty-two that I sought out the opportunity to preach again.  My family and I attended a congregation in Upper Sandusky, Ohio at the time.  I requested to speak on occasional Sunday evenings.  Following my first lesson, the minister of the congregation left never to return.  Preaching immediately became a major focus of my life.  Did anything take me by surprise?  Yes.  Would I do anything different?  Yes.  Most families do not prepare their boys to preach.  Many men come to the decision to preach later in their lives.  They seek to make a difference in the lives of men.  Their own life discoveries direct them to try to save souls in darkness.  They love God and man and the opportunity to serve compels them to preach.  Unfortunately, the preacher often suffers due to insufficient knowledge, faulty expectations, and hardship.

Continual growth characterizes my understanding of both Christianity and preaching.  These cannot be separated.  When I began to preach certain foundations existed already from the years of teaching I previously received.  However, be sure, relying on the past results in insufficiency for the future.  Peter called upon the Christians to grow (2 Peter 3:18). Above all things a preaching Christian must grow.  Ephesians 6:15 speaks of shodding the feet with the gospel of peace.  All preachers need a good pair of Gospel shoes.  They need to walk through the scriptures, trample down sin, kick some backsides, and endure having their toes stepped on.  Those shoes also better be mighty tasty; at times the preacher’s foot will be in his mouth.  Putting on gospel shoes means study.  A preacher’s passion revolves around study and sharing his study.  Calls reach him 24 hours a day.  Emails pour in.  On-line debaters crouch in readiness.  Members of congregations receive the scripture from him, but the preacher must always be ready for a challenge to his presentation. Challenges come under the roof of the Church building, over the grill at a summer BBQ, in the gym, and on vacation by strangers and friends.

James 3:1 – Be not many of you teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment.  This verse does not tell Christians to avoid teaching the word.  All Christians must be apt to teach (2 Timothy 2:24).  Even in persecution the early Christians spread the Word (Acts 8:1-4).  James cautions those who would be “masters/instructors” of the Word.  In other words, spiritual guides to other Christians – preachers.  A preacher strives to be a master of the scriptures.  When he arrives new to a congregation, members and elders pepper him with interviews and questions.  Note:  New preacher, at some point it will be shocking how invasive some questions may get.  An open book on your life describes the wide expectation of most congregations toward you.  If only congregations would determine to question the beliefs of their own class teachers as thoroughly, a great number of doctrinal fires would never occur.  Be prepared preacher.  Your decision to preach should not be based upon your needs or wants; it must take into account the souls of others.  Can you develop these souls?  Error harms souls.  If you teach it, the Bible had better show it.  Think you can juggle full time work and full time preaching and do it well?  Others will suffer if you are wrong.  A congregation needs meat, not always milk.  How much study does a preacher engage in?  Anecdotally, most preachers declare they put in 60-70 hours a week.  Scientifically, a number of studies demonstrate 50+ and 60+ hour weeks are the norm.  Understand, this does not mean that the remainder of the week can be used by the preacher for sleep, personal and family time.  The calls, emails, questions, and social expectations remain constant.  As a final note, preachers frequently find time does not exist to study personal interests on Biblical topics.  Their study time focuses on classes, sermons, lectures, etc.  A great number of preachers lament a lack of time for unstructured study.

Some men want to put in the time to share the scriptures with others, but there may not be a pulpit position in their area.  What do they do?  Friends, if preaching existed only from a pulpit in the local congregation, little preaching would be done.  Men must seek out the opportunity to share the gospel.  Many thousands of people would not object to hearing a gospel message at this moment.  Home studies do not reside as the exclusive domain of preachers, but they definitely remain viable opportunities for preachers to declare God’s message, even in a world widely rejecting the gospel.   How many prisons contain men and women willing to listen to the words of God?  With a few questions and a background check, the opportunity beckons to able preachers.  Some high schools allow preachers to speak at Christian clubs.  Universities also present opportunities in open forums or clubs for preachers to share the gospel.  My family and I currently visit a senior center to share the Word.  If a man wants to preach, he must seek the opportunity.

Preachers must not only seek the opportunity to share the scriptures, but seize it when it presents itself.  God opens doors to those seeking and willing to go through them (Matthew 7:7).  How many opportunities disclose themselves to the preacher each day, but he chooses not to seize them.  Consider the person who asks “Why are you so happy today?” That is a preaching opportunity!  Whether it is a person who sneezes, someone holding a newspaper, or an individual with a funny t-shirt, there are preaching opportunities to be seized.  A man who decides to dedicate his life to sharing the gospel must look at preaching differently than he has likely been programmed.  A preacher does not have to stand in front of a group for a 45 minute talk.  His preparation enables him to speak in any situation without notice.  The other night someone slid off the icy road into the ditch in front of my house.  It was 2 a.m.  The drivers and passengers knocked on my door for help.  Not only did they receive help, but everyone of them, including the tow truck driver talked with us about God before they left.

At times opportunities to share the gospel may not be apparent, so they must be made.  Missionaries go to places where there aren’t “preaching positions”.   Websites can also be created to share the gospel.  Consider this: a website can draw thousands of visitors a week or month to the Word of God.  Most pulpits do not accomplish that.  What about street corner preaching?  A preacher who wants to preach will always find a place to do so.   This goes for the beginning preacher and the seasoned preacher.

Many individuals who desire to become a preacher imagine fun times of sharing the gospel with smiling faces.  The words they share create a near revival of baptisms, repentance, and activity.  Quite often the first few times they present lessons, they will see smiling faces which encourage.  Reality will set in though.  The prophets, inspired by God, met rejection (Acts 7:51-52).  The apostles, inspired by God, met rejection (Acts 5:28).  Jesus met rejection by men (Mark 14:1).  Most preachers experience moments more like the prophet Jeremiah, than Peter on the day of Pentecost.  Failure must be accepted.  When it occurs, dust yourself off and move forward, rejoicing in God His Message was shared(Acts 5:40-41).

A great number of preachers should learn to pack boxes and drive moving trucks.  Not just because this help will be expected by nearly everyone that moves in your congregation, but because preachers often find themselves heading to a new congregation.  It may be the congregation did not want to hear the words shared with them.  Quite possibly there may be power plays or personality conflicts.  At other times, the preacher may seek an opportunity which allows him to better provide for his family.  Even when all things appear to be fantastic, a congregation may decide they want to do something new.  I spoke recently to an elder whose congregation purposely shifts to a new preacher every few years.  The change supposedly spurred the congregation away from being lackadaisical.  Whatever the reason, many preachers live in fear of the day they must pack their bags and head down the road.  It wears on the preacher and his family and most often represents a hardship of preaching.

Along with the issue of moving, finances concern most preachers.  A move itself costs money.  Boxes, tape, trucks, gas, and traveling meals add up.  If the preacher owned a home, he must try to rent it out (being an absentee landlord) or sell it.  In both situations, he may be holding onto an empty house for a long time.  On the other end of his move, he faces trying to get into a new home or rent which includes the rental and storage deposits.  Some folks might object, “Lots of people have to move, what’s the big deal?”  Is it a forced, unpaid move every 2-3 years like preachers?  Some see the “parsonage” (a home owned by the church for a minister) as the answer.  First, preachers of my acquaintance have moved in to parsonages only to see their power, phone, cable, etc. turned off when a congregation is done with them.  Second, because a preacher does not have to pay “rent”, the congregation uses this as an excuse to pay him a lesser amount.  Thus, a preacher receives lower pay and does not build any equity for his future.

Putting moving and home ownership aside many congregations often do not want to put forth the money required to adequately support a preacher.  The members would rather keep the money in their own pockets for their own personal use. In fact, again in a recently shared conversation, it was noted a congregation chose its male membership to alternate giving lessons in lieu of a preacher so they might save money.  This is a great idea for congregations working so they can adequately provide for a preacher in the future.  For the men this experience develops them as well.  However, in the long term, it is not ideal, nor does it represent the hearts of the Christians well.  Again, a preacher puts in long hours on topics so he can adequately present.  He does not grab a sermon off the internet and with 15 minutes preparation present it.  A preacher’s life revolves around study of the Word.  Digressing, many congregations believe paying a preacher the average salary of the membership acceptable.  The failure in this lies in a congregation’s expectations.  Nearly all congregations expect their preacher to entertain members at their home or be engaged in some other activity frequently.  The preacher often shoulders the responsibility for feeding and housing visiting preachers as well.  These expenses add up.  Next take into account that most people receive 401k plans, bonuses, retirement plans, and other perks where the preacher does not.  One final financial consideration is insurance.  Most preaches do not carry insurance because they cannot afford it.  A lack of insurance hurts most preachers because they have to pay the medical expenses out of pocket.  Few congregations provide insurance and they don’t realize that if a preacher wants insurance he must pay a much higher premium than others.  People who receive insurance through work benefit from the reduced premiums of corporate discounts.  Companies also typically pay around 70% of that premium.  An average preacher salary cannot afford insurance.  This hardship shocks many new preachers.

A congregation frequently maintains mistaken expectations for a preacher’s family.  If a congregation desires to hire a ministerial team, then they need to pay double the single rate.  A preacher’s wife is first chosen by him to care for his home.  No package deal for congregations exists.  She does not spend most of her time buried in study.  She struggles enough supporting her husband’s frustrations with a congregation.  She should not be expected to be the third ear of the preacher and battle issues to which she does not desire to be a part.  When her husband rejoices, she rejoices.  When her husband pains, she agonizes.  Unless she volunteers for something beyond the expectation of all members, she should not be burdened with more.  This same principle goes for the preacher’s children.  Often the level of scrutiny leveled at them reigns far above any other child in the congregation.  Preacher’s children are normal kids who have enough normal kid issues without other burdens being directed toward them.  The hardship of mistaken congregational expectation hurts the preacher and his family.  Sadly, those wanting to become preachers don’t often realize this until it is too late.

When trying to raise a boy to be a preacher, mentors are important.  For a man entering the preaching field, mentors cannot be assigned a value.  So the preacher does not worry his wife, he calls his mentors.  When a preacher is frustrated, he calls his mentors.  Contemplating a move? Mentor.  Struggling with a tough question?  Mentor.  Second thoughts about continuing to preach?  Mentor.  Disagreement with the elders, made a mistake, searching for a verse, need a book, unsure about preacher taxes, don’t read hebrew, how do I tell a woman about an immodest skirt, all this and more are directed at mentors.  Preachers talk more with other preachers than anybody.  They cannot talk to members, because members really have no clue what they are going through.  Only someone who has been there and done that can help, especially when they are removed from the situation and approaching it from a godly standpoint.  Preachers don’t forget your buddies in the trenches, because we have all been there.

A final concept someone considering preaching as a vocation must think on:  Tent making.  Paul preached the Word, but he also made tents (Acts 18:3).  Preachers, develop a secondary talent.  Yes, you should always seek, seize, and make opportunity to preach; however, this doesn’t always pay well or most likely, at all.  You can write articles, fill in at pulpits, participate in gospel meetings and lectures, and never see a dime.   The Word spreads through these activities and as such they glorify God.  However, when you family needs to eat, bills need to be paid, and gas needs to be put in the tank, you need work.  The reality strikes home for aged preachers out of work.  Who will employ an old person with 40 years preacher experience, but no secular experience?  Flipping fries isn’t going to cover the expenses at that point in life, but often, that becomes reality for the preacher.  Plan for the future, put away for the famine as did Joseph, and you will not be caught without.

Anyone contemplating becoming a preacher needs to know it is hard work.  Souls are at stake and Satan wants you to fail.  You must study and rely completely upon the Word of God – grow, develop, mature.  Opportunity exists everywhere.  Seek it!  When you see it, seize it.  If you must, make the opportunity.  Above all share the Word!  Hardships visit every man and there are unique hardships to preaching.  Preachers experience failure, struggle with finances, and must deal with the lofty expectations of others. Be prepared: Consult mentors and be a tentmaker.  Seek to make a difference!

 2 Timothy  4:1-2I charge thee in the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus, who shall judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:  preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

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Raising a Preacher – “Seeking the Future”

Every mother and father dreams of the future for their son or daughter.  Of course, the son or daughter also does some dreaming of their own.  As they grow their visions evolve.  Even as adults, we understand about a change of passion.  However, a love of God should always remain through every age.  Yes, there is a difference between boys and girls and the expectation God established for them.  Boys growing to fulfill their purpose turn into leaders.  They lead their families.  They lead in the Church.  What a blessing if each boy became a man qualified to be an elder in the Church.  Every family should guide their young men toward this objective.  The central theme of an elder is a love for God.  The elder shepherds the flock of God loving their very souls which God created.  Another role which boys should be directed toward is that of a preacher.  Jesus directed all mankind to share the Word of God; however, the male’s authority extends beyond that of a female.  In the assembly of all saints, a man’s voice provides spiritual nourishment.  Focusing on boys, how does a family raise a preacher?  How can a family seek the future with their young man?

God aids all families in discovering Him.  The heavenly father does not leave mankind without any directing or prompting, alone in this world without a hope of discovering Him.  “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” (Psalm 19:1) Examining the creation of God compares to looking at a giant billboard which states, “God exists!”  He is not keeping Himself a secret.  “For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:” (Romans 1:20)  God does his part in getting a boy’s mind on Him.  With a curious mind desiring to know about God, a family would be foolish not to introduce God’s Word into the picture.

Foremost in raising a boy to be a preacher, opportunity must be enabled.  This opportunity begins at home.  If a boy has a question, answer it with scripture whenever possible.  Stoke his desire to know the Bible by letting him know the answer came from the Bible.  Mother plays such a grand part of this in the plan of God.  She has the initial hand in sharing God’s wisdom so that her son will never part from it (Proverbs 22:6).  Fathers, boys desire to be like you.  If you demonstrate a desire and reliance on the Word, so will they.  Examine a preacher whose father and perhaps grandfather also laid claim to be ministers of the Truth.  His knowledge base seems to quite often be fuller.  Why?  From his youth, he has been fed the pure milk of the Word.  Many families mention the Word and may even get it out at different times to answer questions.  However, systematic Bible study should be a part of every home as well.  Show the child you too love the Bible.  A child should know that certain times each day, his family together or separately study scripture.  This should involve not only reading the Word, but memorization of it and introduction to additional resources to bolster faith.  Reading Christian evidences strengthens the belief in the Word as Truth.  The Christian home builds the foundation for a life standing firm on Christ.

Another opportunity to hear the Word comes in the assembly of the Church. The Church is the main body responsible for sharing the gospel with the World.  In the main Sunday assembly of the Church, boys develop from seeing the preacher handling the Word of Truth.  From the earliest ability, their fathers sitting beside them should prompt them to turn to each book, chapter, and verse cited.  Simply turning the pages enables the boy to become familiar with the Bible.  Later, ask the boy to state what he learned that day or to summarize what had been said.  As he grows, moments arrive for deeper conversations and questions, all to be answered by the Word.  Of course, many churches offer morning, afternoon, evening or weekday classes.  These should be approached by the entire family with joy.  Involvement should be maintained with the child throughout all these times in regard to what they studied, what they learned, and what they had questions about.  The early Church met day by day filling themselves with the teachings of Jesus (Acts 2:42-47).  Though assemblies of Christians may not be that frequent in most places today, when the opportunity presents itself the family and boy should not forsake being present (Hebrews 10:25).

All Christians know about gospel meetings, but many do not seize the opportunity to attend them.  What a shame.  Even sadder, this refers not only to meetings of one’s own congregation, but that of others.  A young boy who travels with his family to other congregational meetings comes away with great blessing.  He meets other Christians.  He realizes there exists a great fellowship among Christians nearly everywhere he may go.  Meetings and lectureships provide an excellent opportunity for growth.  The boy experiences moments with others examining the word of God that won’t soon fall from memory.  He hears information he may never have heard elsewhere.  He may hear the difficult made simple.  Yet, if the family did not enable this seeking, there would be no sharing, growth, or memory.

A much overlooked opportunity enabling the hearing of the Word comes in the form of mentors.  Few preachers today cannot point to a mentor who encouraged them at one point or another in their study and presentation of the Word.  Young men should be introduced to preachers whenever possible.  This means a family seeking God’s Word is mandatory.  They need to be in the same location as preachers:  assemblies, meetings, lectures, debates etc.  In the eyes of a boy, these men represent something special.  They need to be introduced to these men.  A good preacher does not overlook the children, but encourages them.  Recently, my son and I traveled to visit a mentor of mine.  He spent five unrequested minutes talking to my son.  He asked my son directly, “Are you going to be a preacher?”  He then told my son he wanted a recorded copy of him preaching.  Friends, young men need to be encouraged like that.  Godly mentors can make a great difference in the life of a perspective preacher.  Hearing strong messages as they should be taught will make an impact especially when it is from someone they admire.

So, a family wants to raise a preacher.  With God’s help they give birth to His desire to seek the Word.  Then they enable him by presenting many opportunities to hear the Word.  The importance of loving God’s Word cannot be forgotten.  This should be characteristic of all Christians, not just a preacher.  Why does someone love?  Why would someone love the Word?  To understand this is to understand what the Bible represents.  It is the communication of God toward us.  That communication presents only love.  “…God is Love” (I John 4:8).  “…God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)  There are a great number of passages which directly proclaim or display God’s love for man.  Thus, once again the question, why would someone love the Word?  The answer:  “We love, because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)  When raising a preacher, fully engrain the principle that God loves him.  Jesus died in love for him.  Every passage of the Bible, God meant to be there because of love.  Then study the truth of that love. Show when man ignored God’s direction bad things happened.  Show when man obeyed God good things happened.  When a person truly believes in the Love of God through the Bible, he should love God and by necessity, His Word.

A godly preacher focuses on the Word and not the world.  The presence of the Word in a congregation cannot be found in emotion.  A great number of people declare God in their lives by jumping, swaying, rolling, hollering, babbling, yelling, and any other number of physical things.  Others may display their emotions through happiness, crying, or anger, but again this does not prove the presence of the Word in their lives.  The Word cannot be found in grand displays either.  Some congregations put on great skits, bring in bands, arrange frequent parties, or put on puppet shows, but only the world can be found in such activity.  “Look how many young people attend our congregation!”  The Word cannot be found in how many friends a person makes, the number of people who attend a congregation, or how large a social calendar exists.  The Word cannot be found in soup kitchens, banquets, food give aways, or potlucks.  Emotions, activities, friends, and food may attract the interest of the world, but to raise a preacher, the Word must be in focus.  Like Jesus, the preacher only engages in action authorized by the Father (John 5:19).  This practice must never depart from the teaching of a family to their son.

Finally, a future preacher must be taught to want to “Share the love” of the Word.  He must want to share love with “lost souls”.  Some people wander about in life without any spiritual purpose.  They do not know right or wrong.  They do not know God.  They have no alarm about anything in particular in their life, but their eternal home is hell unless they change.  A future preacher must be taught to want to share love with “troubled souls”.  These people dearly need help.  Abuse from the world, addictions, bad relationships, a loss of hope, the troubled soul often exhibits a wide range of emotions and instability.  Considered too undesirable to be approached by many, they need God’s love shared with them.  A future preacher must be taught to want to share love with “seeking souls”.  A number of people know there is something greater than them.  They believe in “god”, but they do not know God.  They are seeking, but in the wrong places.  Armed with strong convictions and often ready to argue, patience and wisdom must be utilized with these people.  To train a preacher, means creating a love for mankind in him.  They were once the image of God and can be again.  They were once alive, but walk in death.  Only the love of God and for God shared by the preacher can revive them.

Raising a preacher means seeking the future.  God will nudge every boy to recognize Him, but a family must be vigilant in enabling the boy to grasp the future as a preacher.  They must provide abundant opportunity for him to hear the word.  The love of the Word must be demonstrated so the boy can love the Word in return.  He must be raised to focus on the Word and not the embrace the world’s focus.  Ultimately, raising a preacher means teaching him how to love the souls of others.

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Portrait of Satan

So just what does Satan look like? The media gives him the appearance of a monster, with a head shaped like a goat. Artists have given him the form of a man with his own identifiable beard and with horns coming from his head. Cartoonists have portrayed him wearing a red suit with a pitchfork and a pointed tail. When you think of him, what picture do you get?

When the evil one came into the Garden of Eden, he was depicted as a serpent. Human aversion to snakes was unknown in the garden. It came later as the result of sin (Gen. 3:15). That “old serpent” who came to Eve appeared as one of God’s noblest creations. He was cunning and crafty and had the ability to speak. What danger could possibly come from a conversation with this amazing beast?

What harm could possibly come from Eve having a Bible discussion about what the Lord had said? Unaware of the dangers, she was taken captive by the cunning devices of Satan. We know, or at least should know, what she did not know. Paul said, “For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” His ministers, those he used for his purposes, transformed themselves into ministers of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:14-15). Things are not always as they seem.

So how does Satan appear to us? Perhaps he comes as an easy avenue to gain fortune through dishonest gain—remember those 30 pieces of silver! Perhaps as wine swirling so beautifully with it’s appealing aroma. Wine is still a mocker and must not be longingly looked upon (Prov. 20:1; 23:31). Perhaps he appears as a group of friends whose values are not the same as yours, but whose companionship coupled with the weight of peer pressure causes you to go along with them and lower your values. Perhaps he comes with a cup of coffee shared with an acquaintance as we tell them of our marital problems and they so sympathetically listen. Perhaps it comes as a “fun date” with someone you would never consider marrying and just decide to go out with them “just this one time.”

How does he appear to us? He appears in so many ways not mentioned above, but which are part of our daily lives. The point is this. If we only think of Satan as depicted by human wisdom, we will never see him! Is there any wonder Jesus urged that we pray we would not be led into temptation? Is there any wonder we are told to be sober and vigilant for that evil one who threatens us as a roaring lion? He comes in sheep’s clothing, yet we seemingly never look beyond the sheepskin.

Things are not always as they seem!

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The Lord is My Shepherd

Perhaps Psalm 23 is the most beloved passage in the entire Bible, yea, within all of literature. Certainly it is a passage that has gone into every corner of the globe. It is special because of what it conveys, what it produces and what it means to our lives. The infamous psalm begins with the words, “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psa. 23:1). What fascinates me is that the author (David) was a shepherd himself. As we are historically introduced to him in First Samuel 16, the prophet Samuel is at the home of Jesse to anoint the next king. As he has viewed the seven oldest sons of Jesse, God reveals to him that He has chosen none of them. Samuel asks Jesse, “Are here all thy children?” Jesse responds, “There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep” (1 Sam. 16:11). In the next chapter, we again see him tending to the sheep of his father (cf. 1 Sam. 17:15-20). Before he prepares to fight Goliath, we gain an insight to his life and dangers of shepherding when he recalls to Saul the times when he protected the sheep from both a lion and a bear (1 Sam. 17:34-37). Several passages thereafter will refer to God calling David from his role of shepherding to be king after Saul (cf. 2 Sam. 7:8; Psa. 78:70). Therefore, what is significant is that this excellent shepherd realized that he himself needed a shepherd, and thus proclaimed, “The Lord is my shepherd.” The same is true even within the church today.

Teachers should say, “The Lord is my teacher.” All teachers, no matter how resourceful or excellent their skills, need Jesus to be their Master Teacher! The role of teachers is vital within the church, and all teachers can look to Jesus as their Supreme Role Model, just as David did in the role of shepherding. Christ manifested humility through His teachings (Matt. 11:28-30), and teachers should develop humility by looking to Jesus. When He taught, he exuded love to His disciples (John 13:1-13; 15:13). In like manner, teachers ought to love their students! As a teacher, He was unselfish with His time (cf. Mark 6:34-36), and teachers ought to look to Him and see their need to be unselfish with their time. In addition, He understood the worth of a single student, taking the time to teach Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, the rich young ruler, the Samaritan woman at the well and such like. In like manner, teachers need not to overlook the worth of a single student as they view their role over their entire class. Just as Jesus incorporated epigrams, questions and answers, object lessons and parables to his students, teachers may incorporate a number of methods and illustrations within their teaching.

Preachers should say, “The Lord is my preacher.” I know that many preachers have their favorite preacher to whom they refer as “my preacher.” Maybe it was the preacher who was influential in their youth. Maybe it was the preacher who taught and/or baptized them. Maybe it was the preacher who helped mold and influence them through their teaching and training. Maybe it is simply an older preacher who provides a good role model for us. Yet, the point is this—all preachers look to another preacher and say, “That is my preacher!” In this way, preachers should ultimately look to Jesus and say, “The Lord is my preacher.” Indeed, He is the Master Preacher!  As our role model, He was impartial in His preaching. Mark records, “And the common people heard him gladly” (Mark 12:37). As our role model, He lived in perfect harmony with that which He preached (Acts 1:1; 1 Pet. 2:21-24). In like manner, preachers ought always to practice what they preach. As our role model, He knew the needs of the people to whom He preached (Matt. 19:21; Acts 1:24), and preachers need to recognize what the congregation needs.

Elders should say, “The Lord is my elder.” Since elders are given the role of overseeing and tending the flock (cf. Acts 20:28), the term “elder” is synonymous with the term “bishop” or “shepherd.” Thus, an inspired elder already made such a reference to this point at hand: “And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away” (1 Pet. 5:4). The Hebrew writer refers to Jesus as “that great shepherd of the sheep” (cf. Heb. 13:20). Therefore, all elders/shepherds should realize that they need an elder/shepherd themselves—the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ! In this way, they realize that they are not to become “lords over God’s heritage,” but rather serve as wonderful examples before the flock (cf. 1 Pet. 5:3). While elders carry a very serious responsibility, they humbly need to realize that Jesus provides a great role model for them as well.

All Christians may appreciate the same sentiment as David when he professed, “The Lord is my shepherd,” but may all who carry some special role within the church look to our Lord as our role model through our service to Him!

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I Do Not Do Broken Bones

We live in an age of specialists, and their presence complicates life. Who has not hear of the maid who proudly proclaims, “I do not do windows.” No longer can you just go to the doctor: you must find one who treats exactly what ails you. There are doctors who treat feet, those who work on the head, those who work on the nerves, and doctors who treat almost every part of the body. Believe it or not, such specialization has entered the realm of “faith healers.” Lewis Grizzard related an experience at one of the “healing” meetings he attended.

It seems that one of the faith healers (Ray Dodd Hembree) had come to his hometown, and a school teacher, Miss Inez Pickett, came to him with a kidney disorder. Following his prayer, she began to jump around the platform, rejoicing over her “cure.” She became so excited that she fell off the platform and broke her leg. When someone suggested that an ambulance be called, another remarked, “No need for that, just get Brother Dodd to heal her.” When they turned to him, his reply was, “I don’t do broken bones, just vital organs.” What a golden opportunity missed! One broken bone mended in the sight of the audience could be worth thousands of unseen kidney ailment cures.
What a contrast between modern “faith healers” and those of the first century: “All they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them” (Luke 4:40).

Why cannot men see such difference? Will they ever learn the difference between the counterfeit and the genuine?

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