I Believe I am Saved

We’ve all heard it from the lips of our denominational friends, neighbors, and family members: “But I believe I am saved ; in fact, I’m sure I am; I feel it deep inside! So why all the fuss about baptism and the like anyway?”

Because just like a computer which will only produce output based solely and exclusively on what has been programmed into it, so we too as human beings tend to do. Terrorists who are convicted enough to kill innocent victims are still wrong, despite the obvious strength of their convictions; just as those who routinely kill unborn babies “because of the [biblical] ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts” (Ephesians 4:18) are still wrong, despite their contrarian convictions and delusions (Prov. 6:16-19). And those “religious folk” today whose convictions fly in the face of God’s Word are still wrong, despite the strength of their convictions to the contrary; it’s always been that way (See the following for example: Isa. 30:8-14, 66:2-5; Jer. 5:30-31; Hos. 4:1-6; Matt. 7:21-23, 15:1-14; Lk. 6:46-49; Jn. 14:15, 16:1-3).

Saul of Tarsus, an extremely devout – and one of, if not the most well-educated religious man of the first century, was so convicted that Christianity was a pagan and ungodly religion that he became a literal Christian-killer, later stating: “Indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I shut up in prison… and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. And I punished them often… and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities…” (Acts 26:9-11). He was so “zealous toward God” that he persecuted Christians “…to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women…” (Acts 22:3-4; see also Acts 7:57-8:3). But his zealousness and convictions – although strong enough to mercilessly and maniacally kill for – were completely contrary to God’s will! Why? Because they were not based on an absolute knowledge of, and obedience to, God’s total and undeniable, infallible truth (Romans 10:1-3; Acts 22:1-16)! What we “think” or “feel” simply will not save us on Judgment day, if it is not absolutely, accurately, and obediently in accordance with God’s holy Word – which Jesus said is exactly and exclusively what we will all be judged by on the last day (Jn. 12:48).

What we need to lovingly ask our sincere but biblically ignorant and errant religious friends and relatives is this: “If you’re truly saved as you believe you are, then why not come and study God’s word with us and simply confirm it for sure? What have you got to lose? You can help me out if nothing else, by helping me see the biblical truth about salvation. And if through the thorough study of God’s Word, you should conclude that you’re somehow not saved, it will surely show you what is lacking so you can correct it. Either way you win!  What’ve you got to lose? Nothing by coming to study; everything by not. Please contact us today and let’s study only what God really has to say.

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I Must Be Mentally Ill! : Spanking

I realize that the title of this article may sound offensive, and please let me state in the onset that I have absolutely no intentions of speaking in a belittling way or making light of that which is serious. Rather, I am addressing a recent study published within the journal Pediatrics and upheld by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Several weeks ago, researchers examined data from more than 34,000 adults and found that spanking children as a form of discipline increased the risk of developing mental health issues as adults. In addition, their studies declared the association between corporal punishment and mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, along with personality disorders and alcohol and drug abuse. As a matter of fact, they estimated in this article that childhood physical punishment (slapping, shoving, grabbing and hitting) attributes to as much as seven percent (7%) of adult mental illness [as I am sure you may predict, I will address this in a moment]. The study went on to state that spanking as a form of discipline increases the risk of, among other things, major depression by forty-one percent (41%), alcohol and drug abuse by fifty-nine percent (59%) and mania (?) by ninety-three percent (93%). While the analysis tried to exclude individuals who reported severe maltreatment, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect and such like, the author of the study (Tracie Afifi, PhD, of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada) explained, “We are not talking about just a tap on the bum. We were looking at people who used physical punishment as a regular means to discipline their children.” She concluded, “It definitely points to the direction that physical punishment should not be used on children of any age,” which complies with the conclusion of researchers and the stance of the AAP: “It is important for pediatricians and other healthcare providers who work with children and parents to be aware of the link between physical punishment and mental disorders.”

As I alluded, this is nothing new, and it only supports past efforts of those who supposedly are experts, for past studies have linked spanking toddlers to increased aggression in older children. Such may go back decades to the infamous counsel of Dr. Benjamin Spock. Nevertheless, if persistent studies continue to proclaim that spanking as a form of discipline leads to mental illness, then the only conclusion from which I may draw is that I must be mentally ill! I state that proudly as not only one who received necessary spankings from my godly parents, but also in that I administered such when necessary to my three children.

It is extremely sad that such highlights a larger problem today—more and more “experts” are taking positions that are opposite of that which divine wisdom instructs. Rather than becoming godlier as a nation, we are becoming more godless, and these reports only further influence those that lead to a greater digression from God. One of the major problems we face is a lack of respect for authority, and such begins in the home!

No matter what studies in journals as Pediatrics declare, the word of God still emphatically teaches, “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes” (Prov. 13:24). Inspired wisdom still proclaims, “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him” (Prov. 22:15). Divine truth still resounds, “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell” (Prov. 23:13-14). Divine counsel still teaches, “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” (Prov. 29:15). Therefore, are you going to listen to those who profess themselves to be wise, or are you going to listen to God?

Naturally, our hearts pour forth in righteous anger to those who truly mistreat their children and in sympathy to those who are recipients of such. I am thankful that the researchers at least attempted to delineate between literal child abuse and spanking, but the conclusion they drew does not align with what God has already declared for the home. Thus, if they continue to propagate such declarations, then I must proudly declare, “I am mentally ill!”

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How Would You Spend It?

We have probably all done it… wondered what we would do with all that money if the
good folks from Publisher’s Clearing House showed up at our front door with television
cameras, balloons, and one of those oversized cardboard checks. Yesterday I heard
that they were going to give away $5000 a week forever. You get $5000 per week till
you die and then you get to pass the award on to someone else.

So how would you spend it? Pay off all your debt, make home repairs and additions,
buy a new car, take a vacation, save for retirement, pay for college, and/or give to

Spiritually we have won the biggest jackpot mankind will ever know. 2 Peter 1:3 says,
“His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through
the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to
us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers
of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” We all know that, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). And
Paul wrote that, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Do we ever stop and think about how we are spending this gift? We are eternal beings
and will live forever beyond this temporal life. Because of sin all mankind was headed
to the Devil’s abode when this life is over. But God in his infinite wisdom, mercy, and
love has offered a place of eternal rest in His own home.

Jesus asked, “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own
soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). How are we
spending our salvation?

Consider these questions: What are we doing with the salvation Jesus has offered us
(Matthew 11:28-30; 1 Timothy 6:12)? What are we doing with the gospel message
entrusted to our care (2 Corinthians 4:7)?

Jesus said that judgment would be based upon how we spend what God has blessed
us with (Matthew 25). When we pass over to the other side of life what will we hear Him say? “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (verse 41) or “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (verse 23).

Spend wisely for your inheritance (1 Peter 1:4) is in heaven and so is your retirement!

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What Do You Know About Mormonism?

You may have an occasion to discuss the Mormon religion with some of your friends or with two young men who are canvassing the street where you live and looking for someone to teach. What do you know about this religion?

There never was a religious group called the Mormons prior to the nineteenth century. It was Joseph Smith who claimed to have found golden plates which had been buried by a man name Mormon. There is no evidence such a man ever lived, except in the book Joseph Smith published. The “fable” that is the basis of Mormonism is that on two occasions men left the Bible lands and sailed to America. The first group left from the tower of Babel where God confused the languages and according to one of the books, Ether, in the book of Mormon, came to America to the Promised Land. A second group came to America about the time of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. This second group became much larger, and centuries later, Jesus came to America during the forty days he was on the earth after His resurrection and before His ascension. He established the church, complete with apostles. These events were all recorded, with one of the last records being made by Mormon, whose son buried the “other Bible” given in America in Palmyra, New York. In 1830, Joseph Smith got these writings and translated them, and they became the book of Mormon.

Joseph Smith created a following, and this was the beginning of Mormonism. The movement was persecuted, and Smith led his followers as they fled from New York to Kirkland, Ohio in 1831, with some of the group moving to Independence, Missouri. In 1837, Joseph and many others were driven from Ohio and went to Missouri. Two years later, because of persecution, Smith moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he was killed in 1844. Within two years, the new leader, Brigham Young, led the exodus of most of the Mormons to Utah.

Mormonism has a very evangelistic spirit and has spread into many nations. It is important to know the historical background of this movement before examining its teaching. It is remarkable how strange the religious beliefs are and how so many of them contradict what the Bible plainly says.

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Bible by Period


2 Timothy 2:15

1.         The Antediluvian Period — This covers from Creation to Noah’s Flood. Ante means before (i.e., the great flood).

2.         The Postdiluvian Period — This covers from Noah’s Flood to the call of Abraham (Genesis 12). Post means after or subsequent.

3.        The Patriarchal Period — This period covers from the call of Abraham to the descent into Egypt of Jacob’s family. Earlier patriarchs had lived but we know so much more about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob these adorns the Bible from Genesis 12 to Genesis 50.

4.         The Egyptian Period — This covers the era from the descent into Egypt to the Exodus, approximately 200 – 215 years.

5.         The Period of Wandering — This period covers 40+ years. Two miraculous water crossings adorn this period; crossing the Read Sea at the beginning of this period and crossing the flood swollen waters of the Jordan River at the end under Joshua’s leadership.

6.         The Period of Conquest — This is the period from their crossing into Canaan until the appointment of the first Judge, Othniel. Canaan is conquered and parceled out among nine and one-half of the tribes at this time. Two and one-half tribes had already received their inheritance under Moses in Eastern Palestine.

7.         The Period of the Judges — This is a lengthy period and covers from Othniel’s appointment as first judge to the establishment of the kingdom under Saul. There were at least 15 judges – fourteen men and one woman judge, this era constitutes the dark ages in Israel’s history.

8.         The Period of the United Kingdom — This is the era that covers the three reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon. Each ruled for forty years, this period begins with Saul’s inauguration and ends with the division initiated by Solomon’s apostate and sad ruin.

9.         The Period of the Divided Kingdom — Covered here are the years of Judah (Southern Kingdom) and Israel (Northern Kingdom). This period lasted from 975 B.C. – 722 B.C. Each of the kingdoms had 19 kings. David’s line kept the Southern Kingdom except for Athaliah’s short reign. The Northern Kingdom had several dynasties, which ruled briefly then faded away.

10.       The Period of Judah Alone — This covers about 136 years from the fall of Samaria to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Assyrians in 586 B.C.

11.       The Period of the Captivity — This covers those years Judah spent in captivity in Babylon. This cured their idolatrous inclinations.

12.       The Period of the Restoration — This period covers from Cyrus’ decree that they could return to Canaan to Nehemiah’s rebuilding Jerusalem and the city walls and Malachi’s penning the final book of the Old Testament.

13.       Between the Testaments Period — This covers the 400 years from Nehemiah and Malachi to the announced births of John and Jesus. Many otherwise knowledgeable students of the Bible know but little of this period and yet knowledge of this era enhances a greater acquaintance with many New Testaments institutions and events. The editor has published a study guide to this era titled “THE FOUR HUNDRED SILENT YEARS.

14.       The Period of Jesus Incarnation — This period covers from His birth to His ascension. Approximately 33 years are involved. The Son of God and Son of Man met and merged in Him who is our Glorious Savior and Majestic and all-powerful King.

15.       The Period of the Lord’s Church — This covers from Pentecost until the end. This earth’s final age. There will not be another opportunity for mankind; this is the last dispensation of time. After this the judgment will occur.

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