Popularity Contest

The Pharisees desperately wanted to be popular during Jesus’ time on earth. They were fond of the nice seats in the synagogues. They loved the wealth that their students gave them. They enjoyed making a show of their prayers. They delighted in binding their man‐made traditions on those whom they could get to follow them (Matt. 23). Oh, how they loved to be popular! When Jesus appeared on the scene, their popularity was threatened. They wanted so badly to look good that they killed the Son of God in order to retain their status and fame.

More and more, it seems, religious groups are exhibiting a desire to be popular like the Pharisees. It seems as though every week I hear of a different religion receiving “revelations,” finding a hidden passage, or blatantly changing doctrine so that they can fit into popular culture. I can see how this would be possible since many are man-made religions. But those that profess to be Christian are destroying the teachings that Christ and the apostles stood for in their quest to be popular. Just like the Pharisees, they will do whatever they can to gain a following. Jesus rightly quoted Isaiah in Mark 7:6-7 when He said “…This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. 7 And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”

On the other hand, some eccentric churches establish terrible traditions to ensure that they are hated. They think that the more people dislike them, the better they are serving Christ in seeming correlation to John 15:19. Sadly these people are confused as well.

We as followers of Christ should not be concerned with popular opinion. We should be concerned about Christ’s truth! We should seek to please Him, not men. When others had been delivering a perverted and changed gospel, Paul explained why he taught the true gospel: “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. 11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man” (Gal. 1:10–‐11). The gospel given to him was from Christ (v. 12)!

The world thinks that we should change Christ’s doctrine for the sake of people and popularity. Whatever happened to changing our lives to match Christ’s doctrine (1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 2:20)?

Brethren – in all things we need to do what’s right! Not what will tickle people’s ears.

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God’s Promises

God’s Promises: Eternal Life, a Crown and Rest

There is one thing which our God has never done—He has never told a lie. Because every promise He has ever made is certain, we can build our lives knowing that He has never told a lie and He cannot tell one (Tit. 1:2)! When you read the Bible, just remember that the promises in it are from the One who has always kept His promises.

Promises are future until He fulfills them. He promised Abraham that his descendants would be oppressed in a foreign land but would come out with great substance. When the Jews left Egypt, it was devastated. There were no crops—the locusts had destroyed them. There were no cattle—the fifth plague had killed them. There was little silver and gold—the Egyptians had given their jewelry to Israel. God had promised it, then waited 400 years and fulfilled His promises. He gave them all He promised (Josh. 21:43-45).

He has promised us eternal life. When we become Christians, God promises us that we will never die. “And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:26). We have eternal life, but it is conditional. We must keep living in Him and believing in Him. Hebrews 10:23 describes it as the “hope of eternal life.”  Paul describes hope in these words, “Hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what He sees” (Rom. 8:24). Eternal life is promised to us but we must “hold fast . . . without wavering” (Heb. 10:23). We will receive the promise “after we have done His will” (Heb. 10:36).

He has promised us a crown of life. “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12). Look at it carefully. We must endure and be approved, then we shall receive the crown.

He has promised us a rest. Hebrews chapters three and four show how those who left Egypt failed to receive the rest prepared for them since the foundation of the world. Later, David urged the people of his day to seek that rest (Psalm 91 as quoted in Hebrews 3). God had the rest prepared, but neither Jews of Moses’ day nor those of David’s day received it. They had the Sabbath, but not the rest which remains. This is why chapter four urges us to recognize the promise of rest lies before us (v. 1) and must keep believing (v. 4) and keep laboring to enter into it (v. 11). The rest that remains for us is future. We have the promise of it, but it lies before us.

God, who cannot lie, has promised us eternal life, a crown and eternal rest. Heaven awaits us. “Let us hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering” (Heb. 10:23). It is ours! It is as certain as the promises of He who cannot lie!

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The Abundant Life

What sort of life do you want to live? Many people would respond to this question by saying something in the fashion of: “I want to live a good, fulfilling life that has meaning and purpose!” This would be a life that offered its share of challenges, no doubt, but would reward the person with a maximum of self-satisfaction, peace, love, and joy and a minimum of self-doubt, guilt, and despair. But where can you find this kind of life? Some in the world say that it can be found through the acquisition of much secular learning and study of philosophy. Others claim that it is reserved for the wealthy and the famous. Some will even maintain that it can be discovered only after completing some great deed or self-sacrificing work. Solomon, the wise king of Israel and son of David, searched for the meaning of life. Like many in the world, he thought it could be found in secular knowledge, wealth, pleasure, or work. He pursued the things in life that supposedly provided “meaning,” “peace of mind,” and “happiness” and discovered, to his great frustration and disappointment, that they all came up empty. They were all found wanting! Solomon could find neither meaning nor satisfaction in the pursuit of knowledge. Rather, he learned that: “For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” (Ecclesiastes 1:18) [NKJV]. Neither could he find what he was looking for in wealth, possessions, pleasures, or great accomplishments. In Ecclesiastes 2:11, he reports: “Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.”

Don’t we see this in the world today? People hope to find happiness and satisfaction in their quest for material wealth, fame, and notoriety and yet end up miserable and frustrated. They then turn to various things to ease their pain and disappointment. Sadly, their problems only get worse. They turn to drugs and become addicted. They turn to alcohol and become alcoholics. They may even bury themselves in their secular work and become “workaholics.” None of these things provide the answer.

Eventually, Solomon came to the correct and wise conclusion concerning the true meaning of life. He concluded that one’s true purpose was to: “Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). God, our Creator, knows what is best for us and how we can have a life of happiness and fulfillment. We just need to recognize our Maker and obey His will. We need to follow His paths! Solomon’s earthly father, the psalmist David, stated it very well in Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

In His great love, God gave us His Son Jesus Christ who came to this world to offer us salvation. Through Christ, and only through Him, can we have a proper relationship with God the Father and a life filled with true meaning and purpose (John 14:6). Christ offers us an “abundant” life. He states in John 10:10, “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” This word “abundantly” is translated from the Greek term PERISSOS which means: “superabundant or …superior.” (1) In Christ, we do not just merely exist or survive. We live a better life, a happier life! We live a “superior” life of a quality that is so far above and so far exceeds anything that this sinful world can offer. And unlike many in this world, we know why we are here and how we are to properly live this life. Let us praise God for the wonderful blessing of His Son Jesus and the abundant life that we can have in Him!

(1) James Strong, A Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Greek Testament, in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1990), 57.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

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King Jesus

Scripturally speaking, the “church” and the “Kingdom” are synonyms for the same institution. Those today who refuse to accept, acknowledge, and respect the church of Christ (Romans 16:16), which is Christ’s Kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19), precisely as King Jesus established it through His handpicked apostles (John 14:15-23; Acts 2:1-4, 37-47; 2nd Peter 1:20-21; John 17:6-17) as recorded from Acts 2 through Revelation 22, are rebelling against what King Jesus Himself decreed, and thus against His Lordship and complete authority (Matthew 28:18-20; Colossians 1:11-23), and therefore, against the King Himself. (It is simply absurd to believe that it is possible to rebel outright against what any king has decreed, and still be considered as loyal to that king – see Daniel 3 & 6!) Their rejection of Christ’s divine decrees and all-out authority is extremely similar to what God’s Old Testament people desired and eventually did as recorded in 1st Samuel 8:4-19, and the end result for today’s rebellious children will be no less severe.

While Israel’s leadership (1st Samuel 8:4) wanted to be like “…all the other nations…” (vs. 5) around them, instead of following God’s established pattern (and thus honoring Him as God), any of today’s more liberal church of Christ leadership that wants to be like all the other denominations around them with instrumental music, expanded “in the assembly” female leadership roles, salvation supposedly occurring before and/or even without baptism, and fellowshipping the Biblically unimmersed and unsaved instead of lovingly and scripturally leading them to the Truth, have rejected Jesus Christ as their King just as surely as the Jews rejected God as their King (vs. 7). And all of them will suffer at the hands of the God they’ve rejected, in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine (vs. 18, also see 2nd Peter 2, Hebrews 10:26-31).

One of the key phrases utilized continually by today’s rebelling children, is how they “…just want to be followers of Jesus;” a statement which they seemingly have absolutely no clue about how to implement in their lives. They want the head (which is Christ), without the body, which is His church (Ephesians 1:22-23); and a headless body is dead no matter how you look at it! But what would you expect from a group of self-titled  “change agents,” when the Bible clearly and specifically says that neither God, His Son, nor His word are open to or subject to change of any kind (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 119:89)? That is probably why, for those who wish to stay faithful to almighty God, His only begotten Son, and His divinely-inspired Word, God goes so far as to even directly and divinely warn them to, “fear the Lord,” and to “not associate with those given to change; for their calamity will rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin [that] can bring” (Proverbs 24:21-22)? (For a very frightening, parallel, side by side comparison of the apostate leaders of Jeremiah’s day who were blatantly leading God’s people then astray, with our simply updated version of their modern-day counterparts and cousins today known as the “change-agents,” please see http://www.clevelandcoc.com/?page_id=148.

Scripturally, to truly follow Christ, one must walk as He did: 1st John 2:3-6. So, how did He walk?

-In obedience to God’s Commands (1 John 2:3).

-In obedience to God’s Truth (1 John 2:4; see also John 17:17).

-With God’s will as the one true sustenance and most important consideration in His life (John 4:31-34).

-Pleasing God instead of Himself (John 5:30).

-Doing God’s will (John 6:38) no matter the cost or consequences (Matthew 26:36-44).

-Teaching only what God decreed (John 7:16-18, 8:28-29; 2nd Peter 1:20-22; 2nd Timothy 3:16-4:4), exactly as God wanted (John 14:30-31).

Scripturally, that is precisely, exactly, and exclusively what those who are truly following Jesus are to do: Matthew 7:21-23, 12:50; Luke 12:47; John 14:15-23. For anyone to claim to follow Jesus, and yet teach anything other than what God decreed in His Word, or worse still, to teach those things which counteract and/or contradict any part of it, are, according to God Himself, “hypocrites,” “liars,” and “hypocritical liars”- God’s words, not mine: Matthew 15:7-9; John 8:42-47; 1st John 2:3-6; 1st Timothy 4:1-3. And God says that their worship is in vain; Matthew 15:3-14.

The questions we must answer are: Who is truly our King? Who are we really following? Who will be King in the congregation we currently serve in years to come? Who will our children be following when we’re gone?  We need to decide individually not only where we are, but where we’re going to be down the road. Will Jesus still be King in our congregations when we’re no longer around? Each one of us must personally accept the God-given responsibility to see that He is.

We also need to decide whether or not we truly have the Christian love, strength, and concern for any and all of our oft times zealous but sometimes still biblically ignorant and/or uninformed brethren (Romans 10:1-3), who are being unwittingly led astray by their own immediate religious leadership (Jeremiah, chapters 5 and 6, which are a must-see), to seek to help them back onto the straight and narrow (Matthew 7:13-23) if possible; because if we don’t have it, then we’d better question our own convictions and obedience, and repent (See Jude 12-19, which has to do with them; and then verses 20-23 which has to do with us).

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Islam, Pirates, and the Bhagwan

A Christian and a Muslim sit down and talk together. Both state that the other’s religion is a religion of violence. They both challenge one another to “prove it”. The Christian spends about 30 minutes citing news report after news report over the last month chronicling Muslim violence. He then spends another 30 minutes citing verses from the Quran, Muslim clerics, and Sharia law which encourage violence. He then offers to provide videos and books from former Muslim’s and historians about the atrocities formerly and currently committed by the authority of Islam. The Christian then turns the discussion over to the Muslim. The Muslim visibly agitated says something about “immoral, arrogant infidels”. Then going all out in his defense of Islam, he reaches back to the Middle Ages to say the Crusades are proof that Christianity is a religion of violence.

Matthew 10:16 – Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

The words from the Biblical Book of Mathew are those from Jesus Christ as he sent his disciples out to share the truths of God. Jesus knew there were many entities which would desire to cause harm to his disciples. Therefore, the disciples were to be wise about the dangers present and simultaneously offer up no harm to any. This encouragement is characteristic of the teaching of the gospel for all Christians. Christians are certainly in a “battle” for the minds and souls of mankind, however, the conflict is engaged on the field of reasoning with words (I Corinthians 1:21), not of war by weapons (John 18:36). The result allows all men the choice to refuse the Christian banner without physical consequence from the followers of Christ. Any individuals past, present, or future who would employ teachings encouraging Christians to engage in physical harm to others to increase the kingdom of Christ are false teachers indeed (Galatians 1:6-10). A clear example of such false teaching would be the Roman Catholic Papal encouragement resulting in the Crusades which had no authorization in scripture at all. Of course, when a discussion of Christian violence comes up, this is the prime example given. Consider the time of the Crusades was when the scriptures were not widely available to the common man. If teachings were distorted, a man had little ammunition for which to refute the falseness. They were easily deceived. Today, it is hard for anyone to point a finger at Christianity and say it is violent. People know better. Every once in a while a cult will pop up with outlandish actions saying it has some sort of tie to Christianity, but when this happens Christians denounce the actions wholeheartedly. Trying to establish Christianity as a religion of violence laughably falls on its face with a lack of evidence.

The objectives of Islam are, on the other hand, quite related to physical conquest. With Islam, religion and government are not separate, but one. Thus, as Islam spreads in a country, its ultimate goal is to take power of the country in complete. This type of mentality was present in Islam from the beginning. The man Mohammed was a pedophile bandit who spread his religion through fear and violence attempting to gain power in any manner possible. The same techniques are employed by his followers today as they work to bring all “infidels” under Sharia law. These attempts around the world have resulted in violence and war. There are many apologists for Islam attempting to call it a religion of peace, yet the facts speak for themselves. A quick view at national/international news confirms the dangers of Islam. Nearly every day violence and deaths are reported around the world with regard to Muslim attacks on non-muslims. The link to terrorist attacks and Islam is 100% at the time of this writing. The internet has made it impossible for Islam to hide its violent face under a veil. Video posted across the net catalogues women who have escaped the horrors of Islam and lived to tell the story. They tell of beatings, abuse, and murder. Live videos of multi-thousand man Muslim rallies and marches from around the world demonstrate violence and chants for the deaths of non-Muslims. Informational videos such as The Third Jihad and Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West have chronicled the devastation being brought by Islam.

Despite readily available information, Americans are not proving to be as wise as serpents in regard to Islam. Sadly, this has been the case from the early days of America. America was established as a Christian nation; meaning it was founded upon Christian principles of freedom as given by God, not that it mandated Christianity upon its citizenry. It left Christianity and any other religion as a choice for man to make, just as God has done. America did not try to prohibit religion. However, early in its history, America was attacked by Islam. The Barbary Powers (pirates) attacked American boats and killed and enslaved American citizens over the timeframe of America’s first two presidents. They did so stating it was mandated by their religion, Islam (they weren’t on a public relations mission to declare they were peaceful at the time). Their attacks were despite the paying of tribute and a plea for peace by America to stop such activity. Appeasement did not work. When Thomas Jefferson became president, he returned force against the Islamic aggressors. He did so until the aggression stopped. It took awhile, but America learned an early lesson about Islam. Islam is destructive and operates in the name of conquest. It is violent and deceptive. From that point on, America should have been wise in regard to violent religion and kept it away in order to protect its citizenry.

1 Timothy 4:16 – Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

Faithful Christians should have listened to Paul’s words to Timothy as stated above. If they would have done so, they would have been hollering from the rooftops during the 20th century when thousands of Muslim immigrants poured into the borders of the United States. They would have been warning the government and public about the history of America and Islam. However, the government and the Christians were not and have not been wise. Due to inaction, a massive unarmed invasion occurred and has been occurring for decades. These Muslims were following the same religious guide as the Barbary pirates and yet, they poured into the country without hindrance. Today, they have made significant progress in establishing themselves in America. They are a Trojan horse. Muslims number some 8 million people in the United States. Michigan alone has approximately 490,000 Muslim residents. Of these, there are some 350,000 living in the Detroit area. Strongly embedded are the terrorist cells of Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and others. Reaching all levels of society, Islam has even become the dominant religion in America’s prison system. In doing so, a violent religion has enlisted a violent force to its cause. America is in danger and it’s not just on a spiritual front from where that danger is coming.

Why did America let its guard down? (I Corinthians 10:12). Was it arrogance via a sense that America was invincible? Perhaps it was naivety/ignorance thinking that the Muslims had changed? These factors certainly played a roll, but even more so is the role Islamic deception has played (2 Corinthians 11:14). This brings to mind the title of this article and the history shared in the next paragraph. Do you remember the Bhagwan? All was supposed to be peace and love. A foreign hippy group from India dressed in red/orange robes with wooden beads.

In 1981, the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and some of his followers traveled to America from India. Originally a philosophy professor, the Bhagwan had become a cult leader in his home country. After arriving in America, he made the town of Antelope, Oregon, his home. He purchased a 64,000 acre ranch and set up a commune. Antelope Oregon was a very small town of about 43 registered voters. The Bhagwan and his followers swiftly outnumbered the residents, took control of the city offices via election and renamed Antelope, Rajneeshpuram. Next, they bussed in thousands of homeless people from around the country. They plied them with booze and drugs to keep them under control. Their plan was to seize control of county authority next. They were thwarted by election officials, causing the Bhagwan to ditch the homeless into nearby Madras, Oregon. The Bhagwan and his followers still wanted control. How could they do it? The county residents outnumbered their group of about 7000 individuals. To accomplish such a feat, they would need to find a way to keep voters home on Election Day. In preparation to do so, they orchestrated the first biological weapons attack against America. It was a test run for a larger plan and involved spritzing restaurant salad bars with salmonella. 750 Americans fell ill from the poisoning. By 1985, the government had woken up, the Bhagwan was deported and criminal charges were filed against some of his fleeing disciples. Found upon his compound were chemical labs, stashes of automatic weapons, plans to poison the county water system, a plan to run a plane full of dynamite into a county building (sound familiar?), and more. A violent religion had been stopped.

Like Islam, the Bhagwan was deceptive and dangerous, but America did the right thing. In dealing with both the Barbary Pirates and the Bhagwan, America learned about its enemy and ridded itself of their aggression. The answer to eliminating such threats is alert, persistent, and consistent responses. This is what should have occurred to the modern influx of Muslims to America. Unfortunately, this has not occurred in regard to Islam. Islam was stopped the first time. America was made aware. Then, when the Islamic threat appeared again, America was not alert. It did not engage a persistent removal of Islam from its borders. It did not act in a manner consistent with its knowledge and prior response. Now the problem is going to require dramatic solutions. If not, violence on a much greater scale than the Bhagwan, than even 9/11, is going to result. Americans will be the victims.

If Christianity were a violent religion, this would be a call for Christians to take up arms and repel the invader. However, Christianity is not a violent religion. Christians are not to take up the sword of death. They are to be as harmless as doves. Their job is to work with the sword of life, the Bible, and convert and teach and preach. That is the call to Christians. However, Christians should also call upon their government. A government’s job is different from that of a Christian (Romans 13:1-4). A government is to punish evil. It is a tool of God against those that would harm those seeking good. A government that stands by and puts its citizens in danger from Islam or any other foreign invader is a shame to itself. Do not be deceived by Islam. Look at their history. Look at their present. Read their Quran. Listen to those who have escaped and tell of the terror of beatings, beheadings, and other tortures from Islam. See the fear in their eyes. Be wise as serpents! Do not close your eyes to the threat of Islam. The mistake will do more than just come back to bite you, it will come back to kill you.

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