See Here is Water

“And the eunuch said, “See, here is water.  What hinders me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36)

Many reject the concept that water baptism is for the forgiveness of sins, saying, “There’s no power in the water.”  In 2 Kings 5:9-14 Naaman (who had leprosy)
was told to dip in water in order to be healed.  At first he objected and went away (still a leper); yet after his servant convinced him, saying, “…if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it?  How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” he dipped in the water and he was clean.  Was the power in the water, or in the Lord?  In John 9:6-7 Jesus healed a blind man by anointing his eyes and saying, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.” The blind man did not object by saying, “There’s no power in the water.”  He knew the power was of the Lord and he had to obey the Lord to receive the blessing.  Thus, he promptly obeyed and, as a result, received his sight.

Likewise, it is not the baptismal water that has the power to forgive sins; the power to forgive is of the Lord.  However, water is the medium that the Lord chose by which the command must be obeyed (Matt. 3:16; Jn. 3:5; Acts 8:36-39; 10:47-48).  It is apparent
then that while physical water must be utilized, baptism into Christ is not a physical cleansing, but a spiritual cleansing (1 Pet. 3:20-21; Acts 22:16; Tit. 3: 5).

In spite of these biblical truths there are still those who object to water baptism.  Is that what you believe?  If so, friend, let me ask you: if the Lord had told you to do something great, would you not have done it?  How much more then, when he says to you, “be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38)?  You see, the power to forgive is of the Lord, but one must go to the water to receive the blessing.

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Human Cloning

Cloning: Make it Double or Not

On March 5, 2007, Laura Keeble (wife of preacher Marshall Keeble) entered into her eternal reward at the age of 108. During her lifetime she would watch as homes became wired for electricity and indoor plumbing became the norm. The introduction of the Model T Ford was still ten years away when Mrs. Keeble was born on August 8, 1898. It would be roughly 80 years after her birth before small desktop computers would arrive on the scene. Like most individuals who have been blessed with a long life, Mrs. Keeble witnessed many changes during her lifetime. However, during her last year on Earth, there was one announcement that I suspect Mrs. Keeble never envisioned, as even a remote possibility—human cloning. On April 13, 2006 Harvard University announced that stem cell researcher Doug Melton had been cleared to pursue human cloning. However, Dr. Melton is not alone. Less than a month later, on May 6, 2006, scientists at the University of California, San Francisco threw their hats into the cloning ring. And so now we await the first human clone.

Can we do it? It appears so. The creation of Dolly, the first cloned mammal, clearly demonstrated that it could be done. Is someone going to try? Several teams are already hard at work—history now awaits the first person who can proclaim: “I successfully cloned a human being.” In fact, Harvard University has given Doug Melton a 4000 sq. ft. secret basement laboratory in which he will conduct his experiments. Clearly the race is on. Do we have the technology? Definitely. In the years following the birth of Dolly, scientists have successfully cloned goats, pigs, cattle, mice, horses, mules, deer, cats, and rabbits. But should we do it? That is one question that science cannot answer. Science is great at a number of things—for instance, we can cure diseases, we can put Rover’s on Mars, and we can make “infertile” ground yield tremendous crops. Oftentimes it appears that there is nothing that science cannot do. And that is part of the problem. Somewhere along the way many scientists have forgotten in Whose image they were made, and they forgot Who gave us this beautiful brain to begin with.

Someone should be willing to ask the question: “At what cost are we willing to proceed with this manipulation of life?” For instance, it took 277 tries before Ian Wilmut was able to create Dolly. How many tries will it take before Time magazine is able to feature a healthy baby clone on its cover? (Don’t expect them to reveal images of all the failed attempts.) Additionally, many cloned animals have revealed serious abnormalities and have experienced adult onset diseases at very early stages in life. Do we really want to expose humans to these malformations? Consider too, that human cloning violates two of our own ethical laws and guidelines. In this country, two safeguards have been put into place before experiments can be performed on humans: (1) the person being experimented on must provide “informed consent;” and (2) the experiment is supposed to be to the subject’s benefit. Human cloning violates both of these ethical guidelines.

Like it or not, human cloning is firmly on our doorstep and as faithful Christians we must know how to respond. Anytime science hands us a brand new technology, we must remember to ask: “What are the implications of this new technology”—because with cloning there are many implications. If we want the biblical answer, it begins all the way back in Genesis 2:24-25, which states: “… and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife….” It was within the beautiful Garden of Eden that God instituted marriage between man and woman. This was the beginning of the family unit—a concept that is carried throughout God’s Word. In the New Testament we find Paul writing that he desired young widows to “marry, bear children, and manage the house” (1 Timothy 5:14). Notice the divinely laid down order. Women are to marry first, then bear children and manage the house. With human cloning you don’t need to be married. You do not even need a boyfriend or girlfriend. All that is necessary is a single cell. Human cloning violates God’s plan for the family unit at every single turn, and as faithful Christians we have no business supporting it. We must continue to maintain the sanctity of human life.

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Answers to our Questions

What do we do if we want answers to our questions? Where do we go? Simple questions, for instance, like definitions of words or locations of countries, can be answered by going to the dictionaries or encyclopedias sitting on our bookshelves or located at the local library. These days, we can also find many answers to our questions at on-line websites such as “Wikipedia” or other search engines. If we need a quote for the price of an insurance premium, we can go to our insurance agent or if we require advice on plumbing repairs we can visit the corner hardware store and speak with one of the people working there.

But what if we need answers to our more important questions? If we’re sick or injured and want to find out how to get better, we’ll set up an appointment with our physician. That stands to reason! And then if we are prescribed some medication, we can go to the pharmacist to obtain instructions in how to properly take the medicine.

We need to understand the underlying rule that is evident in all of these situations: We need to go to the appropriate people and/or resources to get the most appropriate, the most correct, the most accurate answers. We usually don’t go to our doctor to obtain advice in how to fix a clogged sink. Neither do we speak to our insurance agent and discuss with him or her how to find a cure for our nagging cold, sore throat, and congestion. We can see in the New Testament, specifically in the book of John that one of Christ’s apostles came to the same conclusion about Jesus and the answers He offered.

In the book of John, chapter 6, it tells us that some of the disciples of Christ could not accept His teachings and thus decided not to follow Him anymore. It says in v. 66 that they: “…went back and walked with Him no more.” [NKJV] They rejected Christ and His teachings and walked away. They abandoned Him! Jesus, of course, noticed this and went to the twelve apostles and asked them if they, too, were planning to leave Him and go home.

In John 6:68 – 69, we can read Peter’s response to Christ’s question: “…‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” Peter recognized that there was something very special, very unique about Jesus. No one else, no other teacher could offer salvation – the teachings that lead to eternal life. He had the answers! Peter and the other apostles had become convinced that He, Jesus, truly was the promised Messiah.

This is something that we, today, all need to recognize about Christ! Many try to turn to other religious leaders like John Calvin, Martin Luther, Joseph Smith, or the Buddha and follow their teachings. Others place their trust in the ideas of secular philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, or David Hume. Yet, none of them, zero, offer us a way to save us from our sins and thus have a better relationship with God. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can approach our Heavenly Father. Christ said, concerning Himself, in John 14:6, “…‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” It is only through obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ, His blessed gospel that we can truly know God the Father and obtain eternal life, true immortality (John 17:1 – 2; II Timothy 1:10). Let us reject the teachings and claims of the many false teachers and latter-day seers and philosophers and rely only on the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Like Peter did so long ago, let us realize that only He, the Son of God, has the answers to our most important questions and that it is a waste of time, it is futile, to turn to anyone else.

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I Want To Know What Love Is

Back in 1984 the rock group Foreigner released a soulful love-ballad single, entitled, “I Want To Know What Love Is.” If ever there was a time in our history when that sentiment was most in need, it is certainly now.

Victims of something far less than love, and searching with every fiber of their beings to find and experience what the light of true love truly is, as well as what it would honestly look and feel like if ever discovered and extended into their darkened lives, abound all around us. Victims of abusive childhoods, broken marriages, abortions’ consequences, and countless other desperate circumstances that many certainly didn’t seem to deserve, along with a thousand other self-esteem and self-worth-robbing experiences, would give everything they are and have, to experience, even for a fleeting moment, what exactly, sincere, genuine, and real Godly love, joy, and acceptance, really and truly looks and feels like.

And the saddest part for them, regarding all of that genuine love which they so desperately need and would pay anything to possess, is that it’s all absolutely free – and yet they don’t know, nor can they even begin to imagine it! Because to note another song title, most are still sadly “Looking For Love,” in all the wrong places – be it bars, booze, or bedrooms.

You see, the greatest love of all, is that One who is absolutely perfect – yes even the flawless Son of almighty God Himself – both would, and did, actually die for them. Yes, them – you! Personally! No greater love is there in the universe (John 15:13; Romans 5:1-11).

We who comprise and are the church of Christ by virtue of His death and God’s grace as extended to us therein, understand that Christ died for us all. In fact, that love forms the foundation and sits at the center of everything we seek to be and do; from humbly and joyfully obeying, implementing, and integrating His commandments into our lives, to loving each and every soul around us no matter where they’ve been or what they’ve done (John 8:1-11, 15:8-17; I Timothy 1:12-17).

If you are looking for a place full of genuinely and sincerely loving and God-honoring people that will truly extend God’s love and mercy to you – no matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you – that place is here, amongst God’s children, in Christ’s church. You do not have to suffer alone, paying the price, and looking for love where it is not found, any longer. As Jesus said “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden…” (Matt. 11:28); and so we who are His brethren say the same to you, who are so desperately, “Looking For Love!”

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Mathematical Equations and the Bible

Here are a few spiritual truths that can be expressed to us from God’s Word in the form of mathematical equations:


Bible + Man’s Doctrine = Condemnation (Mark 7:7-9; Revelation 22:18)

Belief + Baptism = Salvation. (Mark 16:16)

Repentance + Baptism = Salvation. (Acts 2:38)

Law + Transgression = Sin (1 John 3:4)

Faith + Virtue + Knowledge + Self-Control + Perseverance + Godliness + Brotherly Kindness + Love = Fruitfulness. (2 Peter 1:5-9)


Bible — Part = Condemnation. (Revelation 22:19)

Body — Part That Causes You To Sin = No Offense. (Matthew 18:8-9)

Church — Disorderly Brethren = Purity. (2 Thessalonians 3:6)

Angry with brother — Cause = Danger of hell fire (Matthew 5:22)

Prayer — Ceasing = Diligence in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Love — Dissimulation (hypocrisy) = Genuine love, agape

Body — Spirit = Dead Body; Faith — Works (of God) = Dead Faith (James 2:26)


Disciples x Disciples = Growth. (Acts 6:1, 7; 5:31; 12:24)

7  0 x 7 = Figurative number describing forgiveness of our brethren . (Matthew 18:21-22)


Bible ÷ By Study = Proper Understanding. (2 Timothy 2:15)

House ÷ Against Self = Collapse. (Matthew 12:25)

Religious World ÷ By Men = Strife + Confusion. (1 Corinthians 1:10-13)

The following are from James 1:14-15 and describe the process of Temptation, Sin and Spiritual Death…

Desire (“own lust”) + Opportunity (“Enticed”) = Temptation (James 1:14

Temptation (“lust”) + Action (“conceived”)= Sin (James 1:15a)

Sin — Repentance (“when it is finished”) = Spiritual Death (James 1:15b)

Existence of God Supported by Mathematical Equation: 0 + 0 = 0

Atheists claim that before the “Big Bang” there was nothing; that, literally, the universe created itself from nothing. Yet, something is here (the universe) and since something cannot come form nothing, we must conclude that something or someone has always existed. That Someone is the Eternal God — Jehovah, the Self-existent One! The ultimate Number ONE!

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