Having an Answer (Part 1)

A teacher stands in front of her classroom of students. She begins to review some of the previous day’s homework that she assigned her students to study and complete. She asks: “Can someone give me the answer for question #1?” She then adds with a smile: “Remember to raise your hands if you have the answer.” The response is mixed. Some of her students almost literally jump out of their seats as their hands shoot skyward. With great enthusiasm they chime in: “I know it, I know it! Pick me, teacher! Pick me!” These students had obviously “done their homework” and were confident and happy to provide an answer. This is their time to shine!

Not all of the students, however, are part of this enthusiastic chorus of confident responders. Some do not raise their hands or they turn their faces away from the teacher. A few even try to scrunch down in their seats hoping they will not be noticed. Some are naturally shy but many in this group are made up of those who did not finish their assigned work. For all sorts of reasons (ballgames, T.V., “my dog ate my homework”), they are unprepared to take part in the day’s discussion. They do not want to face the embarrassment of giving an incorrect response to a question or no answer at all. They wish they were anyplace but here! This is their time to hide!

All of us have gone through an experience like this sometime in our lives. Do you remember what it felt like when you were confident and prepared to give an answer? How did you feel when you were in the opposite situation? How did it feel to be unprepared? We understand how important it is to be prepared to offer an answer to questions regarding our secular studies in the classroom. Yet, as we go through our everyday life, are we as well prepared to provide an explanation for our Christian faith and to give answers from the holy scriptures that are supposed to be our daily, ever-present guide?

In I Peter 3:15, the apostle Peter exhorts us to be ready whenever we are questioned concerning our faith and hope in Christ. He tells us:

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;…” [NKJV]

We are told in this scripture that we must be prepared to provide a “defense” (KJV: “answer”) for our Christian belief and conduct. This word “defense” is translated from the Greek term Apologia which means: “a plea (“apology”): – answer (for self), clearing of self, defence.” (1)

As Christians, we are expected to have the ability to explain our faith and discuss why God is so important to our everyday lives. The question is: Are we ready, when the opportunity presents itself, to offer a good, clear, scripturally-based explanation? Let us make the most of the opportunities that are given to us whether it is at home with our family, at the work-place with our co-workers, employees, or superiors, at school, or even among our brethren at worship services. We need to study the Bible to know the answers (II Timothy 2:15). And if we don’t know the answer to a particular question, we can always study it together with the person asking the question or point them to someone else who can provide them with an accurate response.

(1) James Strong, A Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Greek Testament, in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1990), 14. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Public Education

Public Education: Time To Pull Them Out

Not many weeks pass without me asking my children a question that I have been asking them since they could talk: “What is your number one goal in life?” Their response is always, “To get to heaven.” I suspect most Christian families are instilling a similar goal. But what happens when something threatens that number one goal? What happens when our children face an obstacle that could hinder their journey toward heaven? Are we willing to stand up and fight for our families, oftentimes swimming upstream against the current? Or do we simply follow blindly the masses, and “hope” our children turn out alright?

The topic of schools and educating our children is one that often causes emotions to run high. Almost every congregation has faithful Christians who have dedicated their lives and do a tremendous job educating children. Additionally, many people feel a strong allegiance to their alma mater. Others are old enough to remember that a good education used to be reserved only for the privileged. In fact, there are still many countries of the world in which the majority of citizens are denied a public education. Truly, public education is one of the greatest concepts and achievements this country has developed.

But make no mistake about it; ungodly people have hijacked the public education system. Blackboards once covered with chalk have been thrown out and replaced with white dry-erase boards, and with that replacement, values like integrity, honesty, hard working, and reverence towards God were also thrown out. Children no longer learn how to learn. Most are not encouraged to think critically. In many instances, students are filled with trivial facts and expected to regurgitate them on a standardized test. This is not education, but instead a mentally bankrupt form of indoctrination. Rather than focusing on training young people to be upstanding citizens who have common sense and can learn from books, we are creating generations of students whose level of success is based purely on standardized tests. We are spending more on public education, and yet literacy levels continue to decline. Textbooks continue to recycle mindless rubbish—much of which purposefully teaches humanism or contains evolutionary arguments known to be false, such as Haeckls embryos or the peppered moths. Add to this that many pitiable parents are using the public school system merely as a baby-sitter for their undisciplined children and you end up with the perfect recipe for failure.

In 1983, the federal government released a scathing report of our educational system titled “A Nation at Risk” (http://www.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/risk.html). This exhaustive study noted:

Our Nation is at risk…. If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves (emp. added).


In his book The Philosophy of Christian Curriculum, John Rousas observed, “At present, the state schools are an establishment of humanism. They teach and propagate a philosophy of life which does more than omit Christianity: it is radically at war with biblical religion.” Samuel Blumenfeld wrote a book titled N. E. A.: Trojan Horse in American Education in which he declared: “The NEA has remained remarkably faithful to the Humanist Manifesto since 1933. For all practical purposes, the public school has become the parochial school for secular humanism.” An honest person would be hard pressed not to see the problems with our current public school system.

But should we really pull our children out? Since for years public schools have been “center stage” in the American home, many have forgotten that education is simply a tool. Should this tool be allowed to subvert our children’s faith? Ultimately, what is more important: a piece of parchment that will not matter in 200 years, or spending an eternity in the presence of the Creator? That is not to say children should not be educated. But maybe the time has come to question how our children are educated. Placing our children in public schools may appear “normal” because the vast majority of Americans are doing it. However, we must consider the cost! It may be financially free, but it can bankrupt your children spiritually. Isn’t it time we rethink what is “normal?”

Several leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention have proposed a resolution that asks members of that denomination “to remove their children from the government schools and see to it that they receive a thoroughly Christian education, for the glory of God…” They have asked Baptist churches to develop an exit strategy from the public schools that will give particular attention to the needs of orphans, single parents, and the disadvantaged. Their ultimate goal is to pull their children out! They recognize that government schools are undermining the faith of their students.

What is your number one goal for your children and grandchildren? Are you ready to take action to see that goal come true? Even if it means pulling them out?

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The Birth of the Future King

When the news from the palace came that Prince William and Kate Middleton were expecting, the world became obsessed with the birth of the future king. As the day approached, millions of people were aware of the birth and the arrival of the new prince was widely discussed. The media gathered at Saint Mary’s Hospital, and crowds around Buckingham Palace became increasing larger. The new heir to the throne was about to be born. Would that heir be a boy or a girl? How much would he weigh? What name should would be given him? Millions were fascinated about the coming king.

Years before this, there was another King who was born. His coming birth was announced, not months before, but hundreds of years before His arrival. The city where He would be born was even foretold, but King Herod was not even aware of where the birth would take place. There were some wise men from the east who were aware of His arrival, but there was little attention given by any others of what was happening.

In London, massive preparation was made for the birth of Prince George, but in Bethlehem, there was none. There was no royal birthing suit for the new King, for His first bed was a manger, and His first clothes were simply a cloth that was swaddled around Him. That birth in Bethlehem was almost unnoticed except by His mother and His earthly father.

There was an announcement of His birth, but not to those one might expect. It was told to shepherds in the fields and scarcely any details were given them. They were told it had happened in the city of David and that the new King would be found in a manger. That was all that was told, but these men rushed to Bethlehem and found Him who was to become the King of all kings and of all mankind. There was no media to herald His coming to the world, it was given to common men and was almost unnoticed by anyone else. What a contrast!

The world will watch the growth and development of Prince George. There will be pictures of him over the next decades. We will know which school he attends, and there will be speculation some day of his bride. That other King has a bride, but the world has little idea of her identity! This King and His bride have been mocked over the centuries since His coming.

What about you? Were you more aware this past week about the future king in London or that other King? Which of the two kings had more of your attention last week? That prince born in London will hardly impact your life, but that other King will affect you now and eternally. Do not ignore the birth of the only King who matters!

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The Antioch Church of Christ

The Lord’s Church at Antioch in the Roman province of Syria began with a handful of refugees who fled to the 3rd largest city in the Roman Empire. The church in Antioch was established in two phases: First by those which were scattered abroad. (Acts 8:4; 11:19). This group was likely composed of Hebrew Christians from Jerusalem. These came and preached to the Jews only. (Acts 11:19). The second phase included preaching to the Gentiles. (Acts 11:20-21). This second group was composed of Christians from Cyprus and Cyrene (Libya) preaching to the Grecians. This term Grecian is often applied to the Jews of the dispersion, who had adopted the Greek culture, but in this context it seems to indicate that these were non-Jewish Greeks, i.e. Gentiles. Therefore, this would likely have been sometime after conversion of Cornelius. It is interesting that at this time, there were no “big name” preachers among them. The Apostles were still residing in Jerusalem. These were simply a group of fully-committed every day, anonymous Christians, who had a desire to go forth and conquer the world for Christ.

To be able to do so, they first devoted themselves to the study of God’s word and as a result they grew into one of the great bastions of faith – teachers and preachers of the Glorious Gospel! They were of a great diversity of cultures and nationalities with ONE important thing in common: The Love for God and His Son Jesus Christ: (Eph 4:4) they demonstrated this great love by zealousness in evangelism! They evangelized a great city, crossing every cultural and religious boundary to turn men from darkness to light. With this church at Antioch we see in action the ideal that all men, regardless of race, nationality or cultural heritage are truly ONE in Christ Jesus! (John 17:20-21; Acts 17:26; Rom 1:16; Eph 2:14)

It was here at Antioch that the appellation “Christian” is first applied to the disciples of Jesus Christ. This came about in fulfillment of the prophecy of Isa 62:1-2. “For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth…”  This points to the establishment of the church and its spread throughout the Jews. (Acts 2:1-8:4) “And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory…” This points to the Gentiles coming into the church. (Acts 10:1-11:18) “And thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name…” Perhaps this name change came about because it was at this location that the cultural, racial, social and religious divide between Jews and Gentiles was most firmly set aside, thus shattering all labels so that the only commonality that could be affixed to them was that of the name Jesus Christ! They were simply Christians! Not Jewish Christians; not Grecian Christians; not Roman Christians – the name of Christ was sufficient for them, as it should be for us today!

From their actions (beginning in Acts 13), we can see that these people were not content just to simply remain comfortable in their homes and in their own city, but they looked to spread the gospel into all the world! They supported missionaries of diverse cultures and customs. E.g. Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Titus, John Mark, Luke, Timothy, etc. Each of Paul’s three major missionary journeys, recorded in Acts, began from Antioch. Syrian Antioch became the major hub of most the evangelistic activity with the gentile world. It was, in large part, because of their efforts that many missionaries were sent forth and were able preach the Gospel to, “to every creature which is under heaven…” (Col 1:23)

Truly these were Christians who went on a Glorious Journey with God and may their example inspire us to boldly go forth and bring light into a world of darkness!

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The Show Must Go On…

The Show Must Go On… But Not Here!

The music gets louder and louder; the songs get rowdier and less reverent; the light show and sound systems get larger and more expensive; because all that matters, is that “the show must go on.” No I’m not talking about the latest superstar tour, but about the latest “Pop-Culture,” “Cater-To-The-Young-People-At-All-Cost,” “Concert Christianity” mentality that is cutting a devastating swath of destruction through most ‘churches’ today, as the only thing that seems to matter to many is doing whatever it takes, to hopefully, maybe, get more young people into the building. It doesn’t seem to matter to these entertainment-oriented, increase-the-numbers-at-all-cost (which it usually, in reality doesn’t) supporters, whether or not God is honored and reverenced; whether His deeper truths are actually studied and obeyed; or how many seasoned, stalwart seekers of God are offended and run off in the process; all that matters is the latest fad; that “Rock-n-Roll Religion” is here to stay. The world has indeed fatally infected and afflicted today’s religious world.

If you are one of those more mature members of a local church group who have either been run off from, or are seriously considering leaving a local denomination – including especially even those so-called, once faithful but now fallen away into apostasy “churches of Christ” – because of this egregious epidemic, then please consider coming by to visit your local, still faithful to the old paths, biblically blueprinted church of Christ. What you will find is an extremely faithful to God’s Word, devoted and loving family of God’s children where you will be warmly welcomed to constantly study, seek, and obey God’s will with us straight out of His eternal Word.

Do we love our young people? Absolutely! And it is precisely because we do love them so very much, that we will continue to teach them the all-consuming and soul-saving truth that GOD COMES FIRST, before them and their wants and desires or anyone else’s for that matter. And that we who do love Him will compromise His truth for no one – NO ONE –young or old – including them (Matthew 10:32-39)!

His faithful church has remained fiercely loyal to His truth for the last 1,980 years – even in the face of torture and death; it does not and will not change to fit the latest worldly fads and follies now (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1). We refuse to become the “Church of Culture,” preferring instead, to remain the church OF CHRIST (Romans 16:16; John 14:15; Acts 4:12); because both ours and their souls are far too important, and eternity is far too long a time, to do anything less.

What about you? Don’t give up on God because your ‘church’ has chased you off. Come check out His unchanging church instead as seen in the sacred text of the divinely-inspired New Testament!

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