Colossians 1:18-29

It is my pleasure, by request, to present the topic “ Setting Our Minds on the Church of Christ and the Peace from Christ ”.  In attempt to simplify this topic in my mind, let me restate the topic in this way: “Who Is Christ and Who Were We”.  It seems fitting to state it this way as we shall see a study of Christ cannot be truly separate from the Church and the peace He brings represents a transformation from the former state of man.  The guidelines of examination require the primary text to be Colossians 1:18-29.  As the text is examined, the role of Christ, man, the role of the apostle Paul, and the role of the Word of God will be laid forth.  Furthermore, the analysis requires the inclusion of the following three concepts: First – The work of Christ bringing to the saints the peace from Christ.  Second – The Church of Christ, the only church in prophecy.  Third – We all must obey God and serve Him through the church to be saved.  With these objectives in mind, let us tackle Colossians 1:18-29.


Colossians 1:18-19 as read in the American Standard Version – ASV – (Utilized throughout this article unless otherwise stated) states:

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fulness dwell;”

From these verses, the Role of Christ is put forth.  He is the head of the Church.  And what is the Church?  The Church of God was established on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.  It consists of those who repented from the perverse things of the world and were baptized in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins (Acts 2:38-41, 47).  Verse 38 presents the requirements for entry in the Church, the reason for entry is expressed in both verse 38 and 40, and the destination is presented in verse 47 – “The Lord added to the Church Daily” (KJV).

To be head of the Church establishes Christ as the one with authority.  In fact, Jesus has all authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18).  He has preeminence!  He is judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42).  Jesus will reward those faithful to Him (Revelation 22:12) and eternally destroy those ignorant and disobedient toward Him (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).  The authority of Christ to the Church is described as that of a husband to his bride in Ephesians 5.  The bride is subject to her husband in all things and he loves her.  He gives himself up for her, cherishes her, leads her by the Word of God such that He presents her as holy and blameless.  How is Christ able to do this?

All fullness dwells in Christ.  This fullness is mentioned further in Colossians 2:9 – For now understand it as the nature of God.  Within the flesh, Jesus had the power to control the wind and seas (Mark 4:41), cure all illnesses (Luke 4:40), Raise the dead (widow’s son, Synagogue Ruler’s daughter, Lazarus), prophecy his own death and resurrection among many other things (Mark 9:31), command spirits (Matthew 8:16), and forgive sin (Matthew 9:2).  He himself was without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) and he was the perfect definition of all aspects of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  In Christ’s eternal Deity of which there is no beginning or end, Jesus had no lack.  This is what qualified Christ in the role as head of the Church, Husband, Shepherd, Savior, Physician, and Leader.  There is only one head to every body and only one body which is the Church (Ephesians 4:4).


Moving on to Colossians 1:20-23 we see the following words presented:

and through him to reconcile all things unto himself, having made peace through the blood of his cross; through him, I say, whether things upon the earth, or things in the heavens. And you, being in time past alienated and enemies in your mind in your evil works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and without blemish and unreproveable before him: if so be that ye continue in the faith, grounded and stedfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel which ye heard, which was preached in all creation under heaven; whereof I Paul was made a minister.

Though information is provided about the work of Christ as Savior, we want to examine the role of man in these verses.  Reconciliation reaches its goal when compatibility exists.  That reconciliation exists only through Jesus’ bloodshed on the cross.  Who needed this reconciliation?  Man did.  What needed reconciliation?  The relationship between man and God!  Man by his own choosing rejected the righteousness of God.  By accepting sin in our lives, we separated ourselves from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).  We became incompatible with God.  Christ brought the opportunity for compatibility between God in heaven and man upon the earth with His sacrifice.  Thus, man is able once again to return to the spiritual image of God.  Yet, this is a conditional state which highlights the role of man.  A great “if” in the control of man.

To continue to be compatible with God through Christ, man must stay in Christ.  Man can reject this role and choose to return to his sinful ways or choose the role presented by the Gospel.  But man cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).  He cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons (I Corinthians 10:21).  Rather the role of man in Christ must be as stated by Paul in Ephesians 4:14-16:

that we may be no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error; but speaking truth in love, we may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, even Christ; from whom all the body fitly framed and knit together through that which every joint supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love.”

Paul spoke those words to the Ephesians expressing how man is to operate within the body which is the Church.


Moving to our Colossians text, verses 24-26, describe Paul’s role as related to the Church.

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and fill up on my part that which is lacking of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church; whereof I was made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which was given me to you-ward, to fulfil the word of God, even the mystery which hath been hid for ages and generations: but now hath it been manifested to his saints,”

Paul was an apostle of Jesus, but like all men, he needed to be reconciled to God through Christ (Acts 22:16).  He needed to be a Christian.  This passage certainly establishes that God made Paul a minister of the Word and that Paul shared that Word.  However, at its core is the reiteration of the role of man and Paul establishes in this he was not exempt.  This passage states he was “filling up what was lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of the… church”.  This does not in any way mean Christ was lacking in the affliction which he went through during his life in the flesh, including his ministry, trials, and crucifixion.  Rather, Paul declares, as a Christian, he serves God with his best effort and endures the Christian destiny to aid the Church.  What affliction must all Christians meet?  We will be persecuted (Romans 12:14), hated (Matthew 10:22), and suffer (Romans 8:16-18).  Christians will suffer in the name of Christ such that they will even cry from death to be avenged (Revelation 6:10).  Was Paul put in a role that caused him to suffer more than most Christians?  Yes.  However, each Christian is called to pick up his own Cross in service of Christ (Luke 9:23) and for the love of others (2 Corinthians 8:8-9).  Paul stated in I Corinthians 11:1, “Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ”. Paul’s role here, as stated in Colossians, provides further example for us.


The Final portion of the Colossians text to be examined is verses 27-29:

to whom God was pleased to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: whom we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ; whereunto I labor also, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.”

“[The Word of God] is suitable for doctrine, evidence, correction, and teaching that the man of God might be perfect, equipped for every Good work” (2 Timothy 3:16).  In both Colossians and 2 Timothy the reference to the word “perfect” means complete.  The Word of God provides the knowledge of Christ and thus all that is necessary for life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:1-3).   When the perfect Word of God came, man was enabled to put away childish things (I Corinthians 13:10-11) and become a fullgrown man not carried away with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:13-16).

Christ dwelling in us, in unity with us through the Word of God, making us compatible with God, gives us hope!  The hope of Glory!  The hope that heaven is real and we will be there with Him forevermore!  God sent his son that we might have everlasting life (John 3:16)!  Everlasting life has to be somewhere!  Jesus dwells in heaven at the right hand of the Father (Acts 2:33).  He has prepared a place where He dwells and He wants us there!

John 14:2-3 – “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

The Word of God provides this hope!

As we have finished our exegesis of our main text, let us thrust our attention upon our three thesis statements.  First we turn to: “The work of Christ bringing to the saints the peace from Christ”.  The work of Christ as we have studied it, can be identified as “Reconciliation”.  Jesus made the incompatible man, compatible.  Jesus provides every man the opportunity to shed the filth of their sins and be reunited with God.  This thesis has been clearly born out in our text.

Now our second thesis: “The Church of Christ – The only church in prophecy.”  Verse 18 of our text called Jesus the head of the body, the church.  Ephesians 4 said there was one body.  Acts 2:47 said the Lord added to the Church.  In Matthew 16:15-18 the scriptures read:

“[Jesus] saith unto them, But who say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Jesus declared He would build his church – singular.  If He planned on doing this, when did He do it?  He declared Peter will have the keys to the kingdom.  Paul declares it is the foolishness of preaching that saves (I Corinthians 1:21).  Thus, the keys are the preaching.  In Acts 2 where we first see people added to the Church, we see Peter preaching Jesus and salvation from sin through Him for the first time.  That freedom from sin is called justification.  Men were made as if they were innocent.  Jesus could only do this because all fullness dwelt in Him.

As Peter Spoke on the day of Pentecost he identified that day of salvation as prophesied by the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-32).  Isaiah 2:1-4 and Micah 4:1-3 both point to a time when the Word of God would go from Jerusalem to all men.  On that day when men submitted themselves to the authority of Christ, as Head of the Church, they found salvation in an eternal kingdom started in Jerusalem.  Daniel prophesied the eternal kingdom set up on the time of the Romans in Daniel 2:31-35, 44.  The eternal kingdom was headed by the one spoken of in Daniel 7:13-14.  The individual appearing as a son of man ascended to heaven and none has done that except Jesus (John 3:13).  The Old Testament scriptures point toward Jesus.  Jesus declared one Church and He stated: “I am the Truth, the Way, and the Life, no man cometh to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6)  Christ’s Church is the only Church in prophecy and Colossians sums that up by declaring Him as its Head.

The final thesis statement is “We must obey God and serve Him through the Church to be saved”.  This has thoroughly been confirmed in our Colossians text.  When Christ by reconciliation (verse 20), brought us to God through justification (verse 22), he made our state of salvation contingent upon sanctification (verse 23).  That is: He set us apart from the filth of the world as “holy and without blemish” and as long as we continue setting ourselves apart in the role of filling up the affliction of the body of Christ, as Paul, we have the hope of Glory.

Who is Christ and who were we?  Christ is the head of the Church, our Savior who we are exhorted to serve without wavering.  We were sinners, unclean, impure, and far from God.  Faced with an eternity of that horrible condition, Christ came and made us compatible with God once again by reconciliation through justification resulting in sanctification.  Christ brings us peace and for that we should be eternally faithful.

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Apostle Paul: Secret to Sucess

Besides the Lord Himself, no man in Scripture better demonstrates the forward-looking faith with hope and with the strength in love that should be ours other than the apostle Paul. This man who described himself as the, “chiefest of sinners and unworthy to be called an apostle” we remember as the great apostle to the Gentiles.

So, here is an example for us in that if God could show His marvelous grace to Saul of Tarsus by forgiving his sins, he can surely forgive any sinner who repents. That is what Saul (Paul) told Timothy (1 Tim. 1:12-16). From God’s point of view, Paul is an example of the limitless extent of diving love.

Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee, the persecutor of the church, zealous beyond all his contemporaries, became the Apostle Paul. This man then suffered innumerable hardships and persecutions for Christ’s sake (2 Cor. 11:23-28), counted all his human achievements as refuse for Christ’s sake (Phil. 37‐11) and forgave his enemies as the Lord has done and commanded (2 Tim. 4:14-18). From the human standpoint, Paul is an example of the power of God to change character and reshape human lives for good.

So, what was the key to Paul’s success as a Christian? Sometimes we have made the same mistake as the people of Lystra in thinking Paul was more than merely human (Acts 14:8-15). But, he was not. Sometime we think that his miraculous powers gave him an advantage along this life. But, those gifts brought him more trials and difficulties (Acts 16:16-24). So, what was the secret of his success? The answer is that he was totally convinced that Jesus was God’s Son and that judgment was coming and that God had forgiven his sins through Christ. His epistles mention these things over and over.

Paul believed fervently that Jesus was the Son of God. This meant that judgment was certain (Acts 17:30‐31). But, Paul was ready to face the judgment. Though not perfect in his own life, Paul was ready to face God in the righteousness of Christ that, “Righteousness which is of God by faith” (Phil. 3:9).

Paul was committed to Jesus as God’s Son and sought to obey the Lord in all things. Because he knew the judgment was coming, he tried to tell every human being that did not know the facts.

So, are you totally convinced that Jesus is God’s Son? If not, you will never be an effective Christian. Do you really believe that Judgment is coming? Unless you do, your life will likely be careless in God’s service. Do you understand the good news that you are completely forgiven and accepted by God because of your relationship with Christ? The Key to all this is the new life (Rom. 6:3‐4).

Paul was not superman. He was human. But, he was totally sincere in his Christian faith and was committed completely to Christ. Are you?

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Do You Know My Jesus?

This question is often asked by people in the religious world, by members of the church and by denominational people as well, as a means of opening an evangelistic conversation. The question and the usual emphasis on the word “my,” implies two things. First, that the person asking the question believes he has a “personal relationship” with Jesus. Second, that he has a concept of who Jesus is to him. If this question were posed to me by a complete stranger, I would quite probably answer with something like, “That depends upon who your Jesus is?” I would want to know if his Jesus and my Jesus were one and the same.

There are many ideas floating around the religious world on just who Jesus really is. Secularists and Jews believe that Jesus was a real historical Jewish man and that he was a great religious reformer, who said some really good things that all men ought to pay attention to. Yet, they scoff at the idea that he was the son of God and furthermore they say that his teachings, though good, were not really all that original and that he borrowed most of them from teachings of the Rabbis.

Some others say that Jesus is the “son” of God, but not really God in the flesh, meaning that he is the offspring of God, but not deity. Still others say that Jesus is the “word” of God – a lesser “god.” This is the Jehovah Witness view of Jesus. The Bible “translation” used by the JW’s is the New World Translation. That perversion of scriptures renders John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God.” (emphasis mine). Another case of “if the Bible contradicts what we believe, it must be wrong – so change it.”

Most people in “Christendom” correctly see Jesus as the second person of the Godhead – the literal Word made flesh, but fail to recognize His authority. They believe He was made flesh, lived a perfect life and died upon the cross for the sin of man. Despite this, they refuse to believe that obedience to His word is necessary. Finally most men and women, sadly not all, men and women in the church of Christ recognize that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for our sins and that we MUST obey Him in order to be saved. The question, “Do you know the Jesus?” would be more appropriate.

The question, “Do you know my Jesus?” or the question, “Do you know the Jesus?” are in reality, both valid questions to ask someone. These questions have the possibility of sparking a conversation that could lead to a Bible study, or invitation to a gospel meeting or worship service. However, is this the best question to ask someone? Would it not be better to turn the question around and ask, “Does Jesus know you?” That is more important. Having the right concept of who Jesus is is not enough. We must act upon that knowledge, doing the will of the Father in Heaven. Just knowing who Jesus is and believing that He died to take away your sins will not, in and of itself, save you. You must obey the will of the Father, as expressed to us through the Word of Christ – the New Testament. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” “Does Jesus know you?” truly is the important question. If you have done and are doing the will of God, then Jesus knows who you are and will in the last day say unto you, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matthew 25:21).

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The Story of the Floating Ax

In 2 Kings 6:1-7 the account is told of a man who was using a borrowed ax when suddenly the ax head fell off into the water.  And so the man cried out and said, “Alas, master!  For it was borrowed.” This was a dilemma for he would now have to make it good with the owner (Exod. 22:14).  However, Elisha the prophet cut off a stick and threw it into the water, and he made the iron float.  The fact that the ax head rose to the top of the water and floated is evidence of God’s divine power.  It was a miracle!  It was something that the man could not have done.  Elisha then told the man, “Pick it up for yourself” – so the man reached out his hand and took it.  You see, what the man could not do for himself, God did.  But what the man could do, God would not do.  This is also true in the life of the Christian.  God will do much for us, but He expects us to do what we can.

Several years ago, a preacher noticed a Christian mother doing the amount of work that two women should do.  He asked her, “Sister, how do you get it all done?”  She said, “With my hands and arms I reach as far as I can, then God’s hand meets mine.”  I believe there is a lesson for us in this, friends.  Do your best and let God do the rest.

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It was decades ago that I entered the computer world.  It was long before Windows and DOS were known. In fact, the first computer I had operated on a system known as CPM. Some might remember the complicated commands of the word processor, WordStar. I mention this to put a “time stamp” on how long the acronym GIGO has been around.

Whenever someone would complain about how “stupid” a computer was in how it responded to the information it was given, they were reminded that the problem was not the computer. GIGO was an acronym for “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” The reason “garbage” was coming out of the computer was because “garbage” was being entered into it.

There is a spiritual application of this same acronym. Jesus described this when He said, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil” (Luke 6:45).  The same “garbage” that is imputed into our hearts is the “garbage” that comes out into our lives.

What is the source of vulgar speech? Look at the next sentence Luke records that Jesus said.  Jesus said,  “For out of  the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” There it is. What is found in our hearts is manifested in our speech. What is the source of bitterness and evil speech? It originates in the heart. The profanity that comes from the lips comes from a heart that has been feasting on this. The disrespect for the holy name of the God comes from a heart that disrespects God. The same is true of filthy jokes and innuendos that mock that which is holy. It is simply a reflection of the heart of the speaker. Let your mind be entertained by songs, comedians, vulgar rap music, movies and television, and that “garbage” which enters into your heart will come out!

How do I avoid spiritual GIGO? While it is true that we cannot avoid being around ungodliness, we do not have to invite it to take up residence in our hearts. If your closest friends are ungodly, it is because you have made the choice to have them that close. If the vulgarity that is found in the entertainment world is in our hearts, it is because we have allowed ourselves to feed on such “garbage.” The blessed man is one who delights in God’s law and meditates on what He says (Psalm 1:2). We may have to change friends and change what is the most popular music stored on our phones. We may have to reevaluate what TV programs are our most favorite. We have to get rid of the “garbage” that enters into our hearts and comes out in our lives.

The problem with computers is not the computer. It is the operator who enters the info. Think about it. GIGO!

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