Called to be Saints

Do a quick search of the word “ saints ” and you will find it used 62 times in the New Testament  (NKJV). The Greek word is defined generally as something “ separate from common condition  and use; dedicated” and when in context it is used to classify people refers to “members of the  first Christian communities.” This is quite appropriate since we are told that the Christians in  Corinth had been washed, sanctified, and justified (1 Corinthians 6:11).

In fact, every Christian is sanctified – set apart – for His purposes. When we obey the gospel  through repentance, confession, and baptism we are delivered from “the power of darkness”  and “conveyed [translated] into the kingdom of the Son of His love” (Colossians 1:13). The  Apostle Paul said that the Christians in Rome had been “called to be saints” (Romans 1:7) as  were those in Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:2).

So whenever the subject of “sainthood” comes up I am amazed at how mankind and human  innovations have poisoned the beautiful relationship between God and His children. Just this  morning I received a news alert about Pope Francis clearing the way for Pope John Paul II to be  declared a saint. In an article entitled “Pope Francis Clears John Paul II, John XXIII for  Sainthood” a number of statements are made that highlight the fallacious doctrines devised by  men concerning sainthood.

Sainthood is not bestowed upon men or women by human hands! The path to sainthood is  a process in which we each individually respond in faith to God’s commands and God – through the blood of Christ – cleanses us from our sins and we are reconciled back to  God (2 Corinthians 5:18 – 20; Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 1:20). I am thankful that I do  not need the Pope to “clear the way” for my sainthood! God has already done it.

In the aforementioned article there is a discussion of the ceremonial date in which sainthood  will officially be bestowed. Some even worry that  “the process has been too quick.”  The  fact is that there is a ceremonial date in which we become saints but it is not a  predetermined date in the future, it is the day that we submit ourselves in obedience to  God. If our sainthood is not bestowed upon us until after our death it will be too late – that’s a fact!

Miraculous Confirmation. Apparently Pope John Paul II is going to get to be a saint because  a Costa Rican woman supposedly “prayed” to John Paul II (a subject for another article)  and was miraculously healed of a cerebral aneurism. However the woman in question  cannot talk about this “miraculous healing” because she has been “sworn to secrecy.”  Why? Our sainthood has been confirmed by the healing of the blood of Christ and since  I do not have the power to miraculously heal anyone nor would I want anyone praying to  me (as if anyone would) I am thankful for the sweet sacrifice of our Savior.

The Bible clearly states that saints were alive and living in a beautiful, sanctified relationship  with God here on earth (Acts 9:13, 32, 41; 26:10; Romans 12:13) and all how have who have  obeyed the gospel from that time to today have sainthood bestowed upon them. Jesus makes  intercession for saints (Romans 8:27) and we ought to be thankful that He does that for us today  and not until after we die. Thanks be to God that we have this wonderful designation!

Are you a saint? Obey Him today and be faithful!


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Modest Apparel Standard

Who Sets the Standard for Modest Apparel?

Little would Isaiah know that his woeful words of prophecy would apply to a generation long after his when he declared, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20). How tragic and sad that these words appropriately describe the morality of our current times. We may see such when a young person “comes out of the closet” and embraces homosexuality, only to find society (and the firestorm of media) laud and praise his or her bravery and courage. Nevertheless, the true portrait of bravery and courage is the young person who defies the immoral times and the pressure from peers by deciding to keep pure in refusing to dress immodestly! The true portrait of bravery and courage in the eyes of God are the Christians who refuse to have public swimming parties at their home with both genders present because of the grave temptations present in such circumstances (cf. Matt. 5:27-28). The truest sense of bravery and courage are the ones who actually do what David did not do as he glanced and saw one dressed inappropriately (cf. 2 Sam. 11:1-5)—turn, look and run the other way without resorting to fulfill sinful exhibitions, such as what Joseph did in Egypt before the wife of Potiphar. In this issue, we would like to examine the topic of “Modesty.” In addressing any moral or religious topic, it is imperative that we begin with the matter of authority and answer the critical question, “Who sets the standard for modest apparel?” The Bible is crystal clear.

First, it would be important to distinguish between modest and immodest apparel in the eyes of God, for if there were no such distinction with Him, then the standard for determining such would be unknown. Yet, the Bible begins with the first family—through their sin, the eyes of Adam and Eve opened to see that which previously brought no shame (their nakedness) and to cover themselves up, replicating on the outside (physically) what they were trying to do on the inside (spiritually); that is, hiding their shamefulness from God, they created aprons of leaves from fig trees (Gen. 3:7-10). Yet, upon confrontation with God, He made for them coats of skins, evidently showing His disproval for their immodest apparel (Gen. 3:21). Later, we see the detailed instructions for the priests as to how they were to dress in service before God: “And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach” (Exod. 28:42). As we study through the Bible, we continue to learn some things about the clothing that people wore during Bible times. In Matthew 5:40 and Luke 6:29, we learn that there were outer garments and inner garments. The inner garments (next to the skin) were of light material (linen or wool) that went either to the knees or the ankles. By distinguishing between them, and seeing examples of individuals who were immodestly dressed by only wearing the inner garments in public (i.e., 1 Sam. 19:24; John 21:7), we can put all of this together to see that the word of God does indeed make a distinction between modest and immodest apparel.

Second, because God makes a distinction between modesty and immodesty in His word, then we seek to find the authority for how we act. Jesus makes the claim of authority in Matthew 28:18: “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth” [ASV]. Indeed, all authorities are subject to him (1 Pet. 3:22), because God has “put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23). Therefore, He is “Lord of lords and King of kings” (Rev. 17:14). We must consult with Christ (and by extension, His apostles) for the standard of modest versus immodest apparel.

Therefore, when we see all of the passages that point out principles of purity and study such passages on modesty as First Timothy 2:9-10, they instruct us that we are to be Christians who are distinct in how we display ourselves, inwardly as well as outwardly. We understand that apparel has the unique ability to express our attitudes and character, and the child of God should always be conscious about such things. May the articles in this issue highlight the truth of God on this important matter, and may the people of God rise to the challenge and stand for what is right and proper!

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You Shall Know the Truth

Today most people are not very interested in the “truth.” The specific “truth” that I refer to is the Bible. The Bible is the only real source of truth that matters in our search for blessings from the Creator. There are many different religions in our world and all of them claim to provide a ticket to paradise for their followers. The strange thing about the claims of differing religions, religions that teach conflicting doctrines is, they all tell their followers that they will go to paradise if they follow their doctrinal philosophy. Many of these conflicting religions claim that they follow the Bible, but there are many religions that do not subscribe to the Bible or any part of it, yet they tell their followers that they will experience paradise just the same. How do we sift through all this religious conflict and come up with the right answer that will truly bring us an acceptable relationship with our Creator, God?


Since the concept of doctrinal purity is important to acquiring a right relationship with God, we need to go to Him for that information. God does not speak audibly to man today as He did in His early dealings with man but He speaks today to man via the Written Word (i.e., the Holy Scriptures). The Pentecostals are wrong when they teach that the Holy Spirit speaks directly to people today, no passage of Scripture teaches this philosophy. The only way for man to truly know what God would have him to know is found in the Bible. The fact is, to know the truth about any spiritual (i.e., religious) matter man must turn to the Written Word of God.


According to John 8:32, “the truth makes man free from sin…” Indeed, if we accept this statement for the truth that it is we will know that freedom from our sins may be obtained from God through a knowledge of truth. Since this is so, let us seek the Divine formula contained in the Written Word that frees man from sin. Please observe the following points that teaches us how man is saved from sin as gleaned from the Written Word of God:

  • One is to hear the gospel as Romans 10:17 states.
  • One is to believe the gospel as Mark 16:15-16 teaches.
  • One is to repent of sins as Acts 2:38 teaches us.
  • One is to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (i.e., the Messiah) according to Romans 10:9-10.
  • One is to be baptized through immersion for the remission of sin according to Romans 6:3-4 and Acts 2:38.
  • One is then added to the Lord’s church by the Savior according to Acts 2:47.
  • One is then privileged to wear the name Christian as those disciples in Antioch of Syria according to Acts 11:26.
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The Real Christian Cowboy Church

The great American cowboy; he’s still out there doing what he’s always done. Working hard from dawn to dusk. The land is his home; the herd is his livelihood; and his horse is still his best and most dependable friend. Now, granted, there are times today when he has several hundred horses’ worth of pulling power underneath him as he sits high and hardy and cruises down a gravel road, but that’s about all that’s changed over the last hundred years.

And as he rides the range and surveys his surroundings – whether during the daylight when the vast expanses of beautiful countryside completely captivate him, or during the evening when the vast expanse of sparkling stars embedded in a deep sea of ebony darkness seem to embrace and envelop him – he cannot help but understand that there is an all-powerful and wise Creator who is responsible for it all. His sentiments echo those of faithful men of God from ages old and pages past such as David, Isaiah, and the apostle Paul in such places as Psalms 8 and 19, Isaiah 40:12-26, and Romans 1:18-21. In fact, due to the infinite and inarguable evidence he experiences daily all around him, he also agrees heartily with David and Paul that a man would have to be either purposely blind or a complete fool to deny that God was indeed behind it all – that it was all just the result of some cosmic accident or mistake (Psalm 14:1; Romans 1:22). To him such nonsense denies all common sense and horse sense! For he knows what he sees, and therefore seeks to know He Who created and continues to control it all from spinning hopelessly out of control.

Therefore he scrupulously studies his bible during his every spare minute, whether on the range or in the bunkhouse. He believes with all his heart and soul that the bible alone is this Creator God’s divinely-inspired, unexpiring and exclusive word, just exactly as it claims to be (Psalm 119:89; II Tim. 3:12-4:4; II Peter 1:16-21). And because of this God’s great love for Him – a love so great and overwhelming that He would send His only begotten Son to die for him (John 3:16; Romans 5:6-11) – this cowboy’s heart’s desire is to continually study the wonder-filled word of this wonderful God in order to learn all he possibly can about the God He loves so much in return, and hopes to spend eternity with in heaven. He studies constantly and consistently to show himself approved, a worker who needs not to be ashamed (II Timothy 2:15), adding to his biblical knowledge daily so that he is not deceived by those who twist and pervert the Scriptures to their own destruction, as well as the destruction of those they are able to lead away from the truth of God’s holy word (Psalm 19:11-17; II Peter 1:2-11, 2:1-3, and 3:14-18).

Having scoured the Scriptures for credible information about this incredible, all powerful and all-loving God, where and when would He then go, to truly, reverently, obediently and biblically worship Him as He desires?

It is first and foremost, a foregone conclusion to him from his studies, that he simply could not thus worship his God as He desires out on the range by himself. He has read in clear and unmistakable black and white terms precisely how the early church completely devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship amongst other things (Acts 2:42), coming together as a church to break bread and give of their means on the first day of every week (I Corinthians 11:17-12:27, 16:1-2; Acts 20:7), and how the early Christians were not to forsake the aforementioned Sunday worship assembly under any circumstances (Hebrews 10:19-31). How could he do any less than His Lord commands? He couldn’t! And so he seeks a church to worship with which fully, faithfully, and obediently carries out these biblical responses to a loving God’s commandments, understanding that such Sunday, corporate worship is not an option for himself or any of those like him who only want to be the kind of worshippers the Father seeks, who worship in spirit (with the right attitude) and truth (according to what the bible says – John 17:17) (John 4:23-24).

Seeing as how he believes that within the pages of this sacred text from His all-powerful God He has placed everything we need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3), he could never attend a church not found named or contained within said pages. That of course would eliminate such man-made and man-named divisions or denominations such as the Catholic Church, Baptist Church, Lutheran Church, and many others. Whatever God called the church that the apostles and faithful first-century Christians worked and worshipped within would be more than good enough for him to be sure, as he only sought to walk by the same, one, soul-saving faith as they did (II Corinthians 5:7-9; Romans 10:17, 16:16; Ephesians 4:4-6; Jude 3).

And as to the modern day denomination so recently designed and designated as the “ Cowboy Church,” well, he surely understands that true Christian worship could simply NEVER be about him or any of his peers – especially if it came to them actually taking precedence over the Christ! To this old but well-studied cowboy, that would border on insanity if not blasphemy! It could never be more about them than the Christ, anymore than it could ever be about the doctors and farmers, bikers and bankers, or housewives and former hookers who were also there alongside him in the same Sunday morning assembly of the saints to worship the Lord of glory! He can’t even begin to imagine such a thing as a “doctor church,” “farmer church,” “biker church,” or “housewife church,” let alone some of the others! He understands that roping, riding, and rodeo are no more a part of biblical spirit and truth worship than operating, loan-financing, dish washing or bed-making! He has read, understood, and therefore committed Himself to the absolute and overall Lordship and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in such passages as Colossians 1:15-18, which, speaking of Jesus, says:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

Having done thus, how could he ever, in good conscience – let alone biblical obedience – ever worship somewhere where human cowboys were elevated over the eternal Savior – even in name?!? He could only seek to ever attend and participate in a worship service where the Savior’s name, the name above all names, the only name in which we are to operate and wherein alone there is salvation, was exalted to its proper place of ultimate pre-eminence (Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:15-18, 3:17; Acts 4:12). Thus fully committed, for him personally, he could only truly worship with one of the still faithful to the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16) congregations of “the churches of Christ” as he had clearly seen and read about in Scripture (Romans 16:16-18).

Admittedly though, he almost inadvertently chuckles to himself as he thinks about a recently reported (and therefore apparently found newsworthy) story in a brotherhood newspaper, about how some congregation in California conducted corporate worship services in some old western movie set for some reason. He shakes his head in bumfuzzled bewilderment because this humble, “horse sense” old cowboy knows from his own in-depth study of the sacred text, that the real essence and enjoyment of true spirit and truth worship is never even minutely enhanced by any outward environmental embellishments, but is only truly and totally relished and embellished by a full internal reverence and relationship!

What about you? If you haven’t studied the divinely-delivered and inspired text enough yet to understand these essential elements of sacred and acceptable spirit and truth worship, we’d love to help. Let’s sit down and study together, shall we? God’s word is waiting. And probably so is an old cowboy somewhere, who wants you to be beside him in spirit and truth worship next Lord’s day just as his God decreed. So get along little doggie, and let’s study together, shall we?

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There is perhaps no issue that has caused as much confusion as the question of what constitutes adultery.  In an effort to avoid the confusion, some have concluded that one is entitled to only one marriage in life.  This is an overreaction.  Others have come to equally erroneous conclusions which actually seek to justify adulterous circumstances.  All would agree that the issue is of eternal import because no one who practices adultery can inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21).  Of course, those who repent of adultery (and who show forth fruits worthy of repentance, Acts 26:20) obtain forgiveness.  The impenitent adulterer, however, God will judge (Hebrews 13:4).  It is important, therefore, that we get the issue right.

The history of the word “adultery” begins in the Old Testament.  It is first found in Exodus 20:4, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”  It is stated without definition.  Leviticus 20:10 clarifies that adultery is something that is done “with another man’s wife” and “with his neighbor’s wife.”  Proverbs 6:32 says that adultery is committed “with a woman.”  Deuteronomy 22:22 sets forth the situation explicitly.  “If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.”  The original and non-metaphorical sense of the word adultery has reference to the sexual relationship.  I don’t know of anyone who disagrees on this point.  Any man or woman who is married and engages in an extra marital sexual relationship is guilty of committing adultery.

The situation becomes more complicated when one begins to include the concept of “divorce.”  Under what circumstances does one have the right to divorce and remarry and not be considered guilty of adultery?  In Jesus’ day, some were saying that one could divorce “for any cause” (Matthew 19:3).  To this Jesus did not agree.  Instead, Jesus made it clear that one could divorce only upon the grounds of fornication and remarry and not be guilty of adultery.  He said, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery” (Matthew 19:9).

What did Jesus mean by the word “adultery” in this verse?  Some say that Jesus was referring to the divorcing and remarrying itself.  Those who hold this view appeal to a sort of “common sense” reading of the passage.  They may also cite A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Early Christian Literature: Third Edition (BDAG) p.656.  Others say that Jesus used the original Old Testament definition of the word “adultery” indicating that one’s divorcing and remarrying is tantamount to the sexual act of adultery.  In support of this view they cite the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament by G. Kittel, Vol.IV., p.733.  It should be noted that both definitions have been used to justify remarriage after a divorce that does not occur upon the grounds of fornication.

Some argue that since “adultery” in Matthew 19:9 is only referring to the acts of divorcing and remarrying, as long as one stops divorcing and remarrying he may abide in a subsequent marriage even if his divorce was not for fornication.  Others, however, accept the premise that “adultery” in Matthew 19:9 is the divorcing and remarrying but hold that “adultery” also includes the subsequent relationship.  They argue that the relationship must be terminated in order to repent of adultery and further stipulate that only those who divorce on the grounds of fornication may remarry without entering into adultery as a relationship.

On the other hand, some argue that since “adultery” in Matthew 19:9 is referring to the sexual act, that the divorcing and remarrying is in name only and does not constitute a divorce and remarriage at all and that one may subsequently remarry after one has waited for one’s spouse to commit fornication in some subsequent relationship.  It is then claimed that one may divorce said spouse upon the grounds of fornication.  Others, however, accept the premise that “adultery” in Matthew 19:9 is referring to the sexual act but argue that the divorcing (not upon the grounds of fornication) and remarrying are binding and do not legitimate subsequent remarriages.  They argue that individuals who have divorced (not upon the grounds of fornication) and remarried must repent and put away their spouse because their presumed ongoing sexual relationship constitutes adultery.  If they are not having a sexual relationship, they argue that these must repent of other sins (such as lasciviousness, poor example, etc.) and separate.

It should be noted, then, that there are only two ends under consideration.  There is the one end where remarriage takes place subsequent to a divorce (not on account of fornication) and those who approve of such a marriage.  There is the other end where remarriage takes place subsequent to a divorce (not on account of fornication) and those who condemn such a marriage.  It is this second end that Jesus has in mind.  By using the word “adultery” Jesus intended to convey condemnation to those who would divorce (for reasons other than fornication) and remarry.  Any teaching that undermines this basic teaching must be rejected.  Only the one who has divorced his spouse upon the grounds of fornication may remarry.

It is folly to suggest that the act of marrying can be isolated from the marriage itself.  Surely if the act of marrying is unauthorized, the marriage is also unauthorized.  If the act of marrying is unauthorized, why would the consequences of that act, the marriage, be authorized?  It wouldn’t.

It is also folly to suggest that when one has been divorced for some reason other than fornication that one may “wait it out” and pursue some additional concept of divorce.  I’ll confess that I once privately held this belief, but I no longer accept it and I want to share why.

In Matthew 5:32, Jesus says, “But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.”  The expression “causeth her to commit adultery” is important.  The causal aspect of her committing adultery is initiated from outside of her will on account of her husband’s having put her away on grounds other than fornication.  This entails the fact that one may be put away on grounds other than fornication without one’s consent.

It is not fair nor equitable for such a circumstance to occur because it precludes the one put away from obtaining an additional marriage without engaging in adultery.  The women of Jesus’ day had no recourse to the law to protest such treatment.  Could the women not “divorce” their husbands after their husbands contracted another marriage and committed fornication?  The text does not provide for such an option.  Jesus simply said that they were being caused to commit adultery.  There was no “mental” divorce; there was no appealing to elders; there was no judicial challenge available for them.  They were stuck with the prospects of living alone or engaging in a marriage that Jesus characterized as adultery.  Those were the only two options under their legal system.

The reality is that if the law permits divorce for some reason other than fornication, such a divorce is still considered by God as binding because the very character of the institution of marriage (and divorce) requires public acknowledgement and that necessitates human involvement.  There is no such thing as a secret marriage and there is no such thing as a secret divorce; such actions must be taken publicly by definition of the institution as God ordained it.  Under such circumstances, when the law is structured in such a way so as to permit (and even favor) divorces for some reason other than fornication, the Christian has no recourse but to submit to the law.  Such may take away a Christian’s right, but it does not cause a Christian to violate a command of God, because God has never commanded Christians to marry.  When a command of God comes in conflict with the law of the land, we must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).  However, when it is a matter of one’s right, the Christian is under obligation to sacrifice his right in order to be submissive to the law (Romans 13:5, Romans 15:1-3).

This issue has caused much contention in our brotherhood among individuals who profess that Jesus’ words condemn those who have divorced, (not on the grounds of fornication) remarried, and remain in that marriage.  Both sides of the polemic have either publicly or privately engaged in culpable rhetoric and pejorative attitudes.  While we may not agree upon the means by which we come to the same end, let us agree upon the same end and let this not be an issue that further divides us.

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