Agreement by Blood

An Agreement Established with Blood

On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was adopted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by representatives of the people. It was established upon the blood of many men and women who gave their lives so America would stand on its own laws with authority. Its creation came almost 11 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. In the first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence, the founders acknowledged that the Creator of all, God, was where the authority inhered to form the United States Constitution. Since that time many a citizen has pledged their loyalty and given their blood to maintain what was established.

On January 6, 2011, the 112th House of Representatives became the first to read the full constitution as they were gathered (though they had to go back and read two pages that had been stuck together). This comes at a time when men and women are recognizing the failure of their representatives to uphold the constitution for which they had taken oaths to uphold. Remembering the authority for the document comes from God, the failure of previous representatives is just another example of man turning from God to serve their own interests.

This is certainly not the first time an agreement established in blood with the authority of God has been violated. The people of Israel formed as a nation by the deliverance of God were given the Law of Moses with the Authority of God. As part of that law, the blood of calves and goats was needed for its inauguration (Hebrews 9:18-20). It did not take long for that people to disregard the law and disobey it. It did not take long for its keepers, the priests, to falter in their duties. Hundreds of years later, in a historic gathering, the priest Ezra would take the law before the people again and read it in their presence (Nehemiah 8). The people rededicated themselves to upholding the law (Numbers 10) and acknowledged their past failures in doing. They realized they had served themselves and not God.

The people had been told there would come a day when a new agreement would be established. It would not just be for the Israelites, but for the entire world. That agreement was to come with Jesus Christ. Indeed it did. He gave his life being crucified upon a cross. His blood inaugurated a new covenant (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-7, 9:11-16, 10:19-20). The blood which was shed was done so in love and by the authority of God (John 3:16). The entrance of people under the new agreement came on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). On that day, men heard the words of the agreement and put themselves under allegiance to it. Yet, sadly, as before, men have forsaken their oaths and allegiance so that they may serve their own interests.

The 112th House of Representative provided a good example of rededication on January 6, 2011. They recognized there was something greater than themselves. They declared repentance, a changing from what had been done before, and a return to what should be done. It is hoped they stand strong in their declaration, if not, there will be undesirable consequences. For those who have declared allegiance to Christ, yet have forsaken the agreement established by His blood, it is also time to return to dedication (Acts 17:30). No longer live a life based on personal desires, but live the life God has established for all. Good laws followed result in a multitude of blessings. Good laws ignored lead man to dishonesty, self-interest, and abuse of others. God’s law is the perfect law. Upholding it and obeying will only result in blessing to those in allegiance to it (James 1:25). Disregarding it will lead to destruction (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).

For America to ignore its constitution is the same as rejecting it. If its citizens do so, the result is making worthless the blood which was shed to give freedom to the citizens of America. Such a loss holds a parallel to those who would ignore the will of God. Christ gave his life so that man might experience freedom. Casting that sacrifice aside would make what he has given worthless. His death gave liberty to all those who would hold strong their allegiance to him. Rejecting the Covenant of Christ and the Constitution of the United States are great atrocities. If the importance of these agreements created by blood can be fathomed, do not forsake God or country.

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Submit to God

A new year’s beginning is the perfect time to for us to re-commit ourselves to God. The past year is now behind us, the things of that year are beyond us now and we cannot change them. If we were not as faithful as we ought to have been last year (and I would hazard to guess that none of us was as faithful as we should have been) then we need to commit ourselves, each and every one of us, to drawing nearer to God this year. The inspired writer James said, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” (James 4:7-8).

To submit to God means to be obedient to His Word – to yield yourself to His authority. In yielding to God, we resist the devil. In resisting the devil and yielding ourselves to God, we draw closer to Him and He draws closer to us. But, how can we submit to Him and draw closer to Him if our sins are separating us from Him? Isaiah wrote, “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.” (Isaiah 59:2-3). Sin is not just actively transgressing God’s law, but sometimes it is in our passivity toward obeying His commands. James 4:17 says, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” Knowing God’s will and not doing it is the same as actively working against it. “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Matthew 12:30). Our sins of commission along with our sins of omission pull us away from God – the opposite of drawing nigh.

Since sin has separated the non-Christian from God and will also separate the Christian from God, we each have the need to repent. Jesus made it possible for all of us to be able to be reconciled to God. His death paved the way for all mankind to become children of God through their obedience. His work in mediation also allows the erring child of God to be restored his fellowship with God – to draw nigh to God once more. We draw close to God after first submitting to His will – obeying the gospel.  We cannot approach God unless we have first been cleansed. The non-Christian is cleansed (remitted) of his sins through repentance and baptism (Acts 2:38). The Christian who has fallen away can be cleansed of his sins once more through repentance, confession and prayer. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). To “cleanse your hands…” (James 4:8) means to repent of our sins and to be forgiven. To “purify your hearts ye double minded…” (James 4:8), means to approach God with singleness of heart; to devote ourselves utterly to Him and to His will. It means for us to be double-minded no longer, in other words, to stop trying to serve two masters – God and self. Jesus tells us that this is impossible, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).

In this new year, let us each submit ourselves to God and commit ourselves to resisting the devil with every fiber of our being. Let us each seek to draw “nigh” to God and allow Him to draw “nigh” to us. Just like in any relationship, communication is key. Communication is a two-way street – we must speak to God and allow Him to speak to us. God speaks to us only through His written Word. We need to read and study that Word daily in order to stay in constant communication with Him. But we also need to speak with Him on a daily basis. We can only speak to God in prayer. We need to be praying all the time – “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This year may we each seek to become closer to God than ever. I hope that by the time this year is over we each will have become a more faithful and productive child of God, drawing ever near to Him.

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Rejoice! Jesus Is Coming!

When the apostle Paul wrote the letter of 1 Thessalonians he did so intending, in part, to correct some false teaching and understanding concerning the Second Coming of Jesus. Paul assures the brethren that those who die before Christ returns will not miss out on His coming and in fact would be given preference in meeting Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18). Then he goes on to explain that the coming of Jesus in judgment would be unexpected, like a thief in the night, and that they as Christians should not be ignorant of these truths or unprepared for its occurrence (1 Thessalonians 5:1–10).

While many who claim to be Christians today acknowledge the promised return of Christ in judgment many it seems live as though it has either already occurred or will not. We continue to live in sin and suffer the consequences and guilt of rebellious doubt and disobedience. It is true that because “the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Jesus warned in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins that “while the bridegroom was delayed, they all [the five foolish, TLD] slumbered and slept” (Matthew 25:5). This is Paul’s admonition to the church for all ages, that is, to be sober, watchful, prepared, and encouraging.

One of the wonderful things about 1 Thessalonians 5 is that Paul follows his teaching and admonition with practical application. While we often look at individual or sets of verses in the later half of this chapter the beauty is found in its context. Paul says we can be prepared and can rejoice in the pending coming of Jesus in judgment if we (vv 16–22)…

Rejoice always. Joy is a staple of New Testament teaching and living! Even in the midst of a sin-filled world, even when persecuted for righteousness, the Christian has something to rejoice in. Jesus is coming…rejoice!

Pray without ceasing. Pray helps keep us focused on heaven and on God. We are totally dependent upon Him for all physical and spiritual blessings. Without Him, His grace, His mercy, and His love the Second Coming of Christ is a horrifying reality. Prayer helps keep us focused so we can rejoice.

Give thanks. The focus on God and heaven help us to live thankful lives. Giving thanks entails far more than just thanking God in prayer. Giving thanks is a way of life. Paul said that whatever state he found himself he had learned to be content (Philippians 4:11). This cannot happen without living a life of thanksgiving.

Do not quench the Spirit. Much has been written and speculated upon concerning this statement, yet in its context we must conclude that the instruction here simply relates to our response to the Spirit’s work. While the Spirit was miraculously guiding the church in the first century the emphasis is on the Spirit’s work on our behalf in revealing unto us the will of God (Ephesians 3:1–13). We need to be humbly submissive to the Word of God and not live in rebellion to it.

Do not despise prophecies. This goes hand-in-hand with the idea of quenching the spirit. We must embrace the inspired revelation of God in our lives if we are to live joyful, expectant lives.

Test all things. When we have done the preceding things we must then put everything to the test. Many false prophets and teachings have emanated from the simple truths taught by Christ and the apostles. We need to put everything to the test (1 John 4:1) as to not be moved (Galatians 1:6).

Hold fast what is good. When we have tested all things and have separated the precious truths from the false ways of evil through purification we must hold on to those truths with vigor and valor.

Abstain from every form of evil. We cannot live joyful lives if we hold on to the good but attempt to keep the evil around as well. We must desist from every kind of evil in this life. Jesus said simply, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). You cannot hold on to the bloodstained hand of Christ with one hand and the world with the other!

In conclusion Paul writes that if we do these things the “God of peace” will sanctify us “completely!” And the entire “spirit, soul, and body” will be preserved blameless, hear it, “at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v 23). We then can live joyful lives, knowing that Jesus is coming and that He is faithful and will do what He has promised (v 24).

What is keeping you from living a joyful life in earnest expectation of His coming? Simply focus on doing the things Paul has laid out for us in this beautiful text, live joyful, expectant lives. God loves you, He sent His Son to die for you! He’s coming back to receive those waiting for Him with those who have gone on before. Will you be ready? Obey Him and be faithful!


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Respect for Teachers

Respect for Teachers as Christian Students

There is no question that being educated in the secular educational system is a challenge today for any Christian young man or woman.  Many of have opted out of the public schools and chosen rather to home school.  Such an option is preferable when adequate resources and parental involvement are available.  However, many, for one reason or another, simply do not have this option and children must be placed into the public schools.

In public school one will be faced with a variety of temptations both socially and educationally.  Friends who are not expected to live according to Christian standards of behavior will be poor examples.  Teachers who have been indoctrinated by scientism and the notion that man is just another animal pose special challenges to students who correctly understand to be created in the image of God.  How are Christian students to behave in such an environment and particularly toward their teachers?

While the challenges are great, the rewards of being a faithful Christian in such an environment can be ever greater.  One may very well bring a lost soul to Christ by so correctly behaving; perhaps even a teacher can be converted in this way.  Christian youth must focus upon living the kind of life that Christ desires us to live and being a positive example toward those around them.  Christians are called to transform a world that is steeped in darkness by the light of the gospel, the good message for those who are trapped in sin.  In harmony with God’s desire for us not to go out of the world (1 Corinthians 5:10), but to be a strong influence for good on the world, Christian youth must be engaged in overcoming evil with good (Romans 12:21)!

The Christian student’s opportunities to so overcoming evil in the world around him begin with his attitudes toward his teachers.  While we may disagree with some of the things that our teachers tell us, we can at least demonstrate an attitude of respect toward their position of authority.  God wants us to be subject to authorities whether those in authority are behaving in a godly way or not (1 Timothy 2:2).  In fact, biblical condemnation is pronounced upon those who despise authority (Jude 8).  Christians are individuals who conduct themselves lawfully regardless what setting.  We are always under a greater Authority than an earthly one.

Subsequently, respecting a teacher in school begins with one’s attitude toward God.  Students who show proper respect toward God will know how to properly respect their teachers.  This involves understanding the concepts of obedience (Hebrews 5:8-9), proper use of the tongue (James 3:1-12), Christian sobriety (1 Timothy 2:6), positive thinking (Philippians 4:8), a willing mind (2 Corinthians 8:12), and many other attitudes that the Christian employs to be faithful to the Lord and thereby a positive and productive member of society.

Students will want to obey instructions of teachers regarding homework assignments if they wish to receive good grades.  Appropriately addressing the teacher with a respectful tongue will prevent one from meriting a trip to the principal’s office.  Thinking soberly about one’s attitude will cause the Christian student not to act rashly for the sake of popularity or to fulfill a “dare.”  Positive thinking will enable the Christian student to perform well on quizzes and exams and a willing mind will aid the student in accomplishing whatever daily tasks are assigned to him in an expeditious manner.  Each of these traits are principles of Christian living that students must employ to maintain a respectful attitude toward the teacher at school.  Adopting these attitudes will aid the student in being successful not only in his school work, but in life as well.  May God bless each of our students and may each one consider their lives in service to the Master above all other temporal concerns.

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The Danger of Riches

There is a great danger when Americans ignore those verses in the Bible which discuss the dangers of riches. The average annual income in America is about $47,000. That number is the gross amount you receive, not the amount you bring home after the deductions at work. With that in mind consider the following. If you make $41,000 each year you are in the top 3% of the wealthiest people living on the earth. There are approximately seven billion people on the earth and three billion of them make less than $2 per day! This means that over forty percent of people earn less than $14 per day or less than $800 per year. Those verses about riches apply to all of us!

The dangers of riches. The wisdom of Solomon so vividly describes the dangers that Americans face. He asked the Lord to grant him two things. One was that he would not be poor and be tempted to become a thief. The other concerned riches. “Give me neither poverty nor riches—feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You and say, ‘Who is the Lord’” (Prov. 30:8-9). His words are easily understood, yet difficult for Americans to apply since so few realize that most of the world knows we are rich.

Riches are not sinful. Having money is not sinful. Abraham, the friend of God, was very rich. His wealth was described by his servant. “He has become rich; and He has given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and camels and donkeys” (Gen. 24:35). This is further seen in the fact that he had 318 men who were trained and able to go to war to rescue Lot (Gen. 14:14). Job was also an extremely wealthy man who was described by God as a “…man that was blameless and upright,” and yet his wealth made him “…the greatest of all the people of the east” (Job 1:1-3).

God’s special message to “rich” Americans. The Lord gives nine direct commands to those who are rich (1 Tim. 6:17-19). I beg that you prayerfully consider them.

1. Do not become haughty because you are rich.
2. Do not trust in uncertain riches.
3. Do trust in God.
4. Do good by using your money.
5. Be rich in good works, not just rich.
6. Always be ready to give.
7. Always be willing to share.
8. Use your money to store up treasures in heaven.
9. Use your money to lay hold on eternal life.

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