Save and Teach the Lost?

Save and Teach the Lost?

As a younger preacher, I overstated truth in an attempt to get the church to be more involved in saving the lost. I would say things like, “You cannot go to heaven alone, so go teach the lost.” I am sure that I wanted Christians to evangelize the world and chose words I would not use today.

Is it true that you cannot go to heaven alone? Think about what that would say about the preaching of Noah. I realize he saved his family, but his preaching never changed anyone except his family. What about the proclamation of truth by Ezekiel? When God called him, He said, “I am sending you to a…rebellious nation…for they are impudent and stubborn children…they are a rebellious house…they are a rebellious house…for they are rebellious” (Ezek. 2:3-7). This prophet is simply one of many of God’s messengers who may enter into heaven alone.

Is it true that every Christian has the ability to teach another? As a younger preacher, I probably overstated this. Read the closing verses in First Corinthians 12. Paul lists many leaders in the church and asks a series of questions about them. “God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers…Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all works of miracles…Earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way” (1 Cor. 12:28-31). Obviously, the apostle is talking about spiritual gifts, but when God gave those gifts, He did not give the gift of teaching to every Christian.

Do not overlook this truth. While not every Christian has the ability to teach another, every Christian does have the ability to lead others to Jesus. As I have matured as a Christian, I understand with greater appreciation the Bible words, “Come and see.” It is found several times in the New Testament, and these words were used to bring others to the Teacher. These same words can be used by any Christian to bring others to those Christians who do have the ability to teach the lost. Not every person has the ability to teach, but every Christian has the words to invite!

What about the Great Commission given to every Christian in regard to every lost soul? Read it carefully. It does not say we are to baptize every person, but to teach them to do what Jesus said. Our work is to sow seed (even on the “wayside” soil), to water that seed and then let God give the increase. All are not teachers, but all of us have the ability to lead others to our Lord, simply by saying, “Come and see.”

The words of an old song perhaps say it best. “Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother, all along life’s fertile way? You must reap at the last great day.”  “Come and See!”

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Spiritual Surgery

Spiritual Surgery

Surgery is a term that many dread. However, when a qualified doctor deems it necessary, we will have it done. What brings people to the point of surgery? It is usually some pain in the body letting us know that there is a problem. We endure the surgery because it holds the promise of eliminating our pain. We deem the surgery “worth it” when that pain is eliminated, or at least reduced to where we can manage it.spiritual surgery

Spiritually, there are things that cause a tremendous amount of pain in a person’s life, yet, when told by a qualified person that something needs to be done to eliminate this pain, very few take the advice. The Bible tells us of the spiritual causes of such pain: pride, anger, envy, lust, greed, sloth, and gluttony. These seven traditional sins are just a few things that we could target for spiritual surgery. The Bible tells us to cut these things out of our lives. Colossians 3:5 states, “Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” “Put to death” is the idea of cutting off something that is causing a serious problem! Why is it that some do not do it?

Munchausen Syndrome is a psychological disorder where one falls in love with being sick to get attention. How many have spiritual Munchausen Syndrome??? They love their sin because of the things that it “gets” them. For those reasons, they endure the pain. Jesus said, “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). One day, the pain will be more than they can bear, but it will be too late for surgery. Why not take care of the problem today?

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The Book of Malachi

The Book of Malachi

Recenty for the Digital Bible Study Program I did a live study on the book of Malachi.  The Book of Malachi was believed to be written around the timeframe of 450 BC.  It comes at a time following the captivity of Israel in Babylon.  The temple has been rebuilt during the timeframe of Haggai and Zechariah.  Ezra had come and shared the Book of the Law with the people.  Nehemiah had rebuilt the wall.  Yet, there were problems.

Malachi as a prophet of God is given a message to rebuke the Levite priests.  The priests were allowing lame and blind sacrifices.  This defiled the altar and the name of the Lord.  They were engage in this action because their hearts were not in the right place.  Consequently, they were failing God in both spirit and truth according to the commandments of God.

Within the book of Malachi it is also established that the actions of the priests had created a stumbling block for Judah.  Judah consequently acted faithlessly in their offerings to God.  The concept of a faithless priesthood and faithless Jerusalem and Judah is repeated oft in this book.  Their faithlessness did not lend itself to making the name of the Lord great among the nations.  Consequently, if they would not bring glory to God in their faithfulness, they would glorify Him as God demontrated his righteousness in judgment upon them.


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Discouraged by Galatians?

Discouraged by Galatians?

The Galatians owed Paul so much because he had given so much to them. Who were these Galatians and where did they live? Evidently the boundaries of Galatia extended to include those cities Paul visited on the first and second missionary journeys. The churches in Galatia and in many places were established in times of great trials. Paul had given so much of himself to them, even to the point of almost dying when they stoned him in Lystra. Just weeks after this horrid event, he returned to again preach in that city. He had given so much even to these churches, yet shortly after he departed from them, they were forsaking the Lord. Paul said, “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ” (Gal. 1:6). With anguish in his heart, he asked the Christians in Galatia, “Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” (Gal. 4:16).  When this happens, it is so easy to become discouraged.

Perhaps you have had these same feelings when you have given so much to teach others about Jesus. Then, with anguish in your heart you saw them rejecting Him. How do you deal with your broken spirit when you are giving so much? You watch them as they reject, not you, but the message of Jesus.

Even Jesus Himself experienced this in His life. You are not alone—they rejected Jesus. “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). When the rich young man came to Jesus and the Master told him what to do, “He went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (Matt. 19:22). It was not Jesus who failed on that day, it was the rich young man!

Because of His teachings, Jesus was rejected by the Jewish nation. The Bible describes what happened as He approached Jerusalem in His triumphant entry. “Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it” (Luke 19:41). He entered the city, and then said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing” (Matt. 23:37). It was not Jesus who failed, it was that nation who refused to listen to Him!

So even when your heart is filled with anguish because others will not respond to the words of Jesus you are showing them, do not become discouraged. Your heart weeps for them, just like Jesus’ heart was filled with grief because they rejected Him. However, this did not keep Him from telling others about the will of His Father. Do not become discouraged. Speak the truth; speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). When others refuse to obey, you have not failed—they did!

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Same-Sex Love the Basis of Marriage?

Is Same-Sex Love the Basis of Marriage?

Advocates of same-sex marriage use the following argument: “Love” experienced by heterosexuals is the same as “love” experienced by homosexuals. (“Love is love.”) And, (as Frank Sinatra sang) “Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage,”— that is, “love” is the basis for marriage. Therefore, all those who “love” (including same-sex “lovers”) have a right to marriage. Is love the basis of marriage?

In the play, Fiddler on the Roof, the idea that a man and a woman would get married because of “love” was opined as “a new style,” “radical,” and “a little crazy.” The notion prompted Tevye to ask Golde “Do you love me?” She had to wrestle with the answer because it never occurred to her that marriage would be based on such a notion since it wasn’t for them—they were “matched.”  The notion that “love” ought to replace “tradition” as the basis of marriage won out in the play and in western culture.

However, for the vast majority of human history—and even today in many countries of the world—marriage was not based on “love,” but the decision of parents, and they made their decision based upon their religious beliefs. In other words, God was the basis of marriage, not “love.”The Bible says, “Whatsoever God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6). This doesn’t mean that the married should not love one another. After all, God is love—but “love” is not God. Believers don’t worship “love;” they worship God. Love is a consequence of a God-based marriage, not the basis of it. To make “love” into God is idolatry. In marriage, the love of the heterosexual is God-based; the love of the homosexual is not. The two are not the same.

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