
Cheaters Never Win

Recently, New York Yankees pitcher Michael Pineda was caught in the second inning against the Boston Red Sox with pine tar on his neck that he was using to help control the ball. However, pine tar is a banned substance within the game of baseball; quite frankly, while many try to use it without being caught and most managers and players look the other way as if it were an unwritten rule of conduct, it does not change the fact that it is a violation of rules. It is simply cheating.


Cheating? Do Cheaters Win?

He is the latest in a long line of cheaters before him. Joel Peralta was the last Major League Baseball player to get caught in 2012. Yet, according to an article by Mike Oz for Yahoo Sports, other famous baseball pitchers to try to cheat include Joe Niekro, Gaylord Perry, Kevin Gross, Brian Moehler and Kenny Rogers; yet, these are just pitchers. Need we introduce the names of Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Rafael Palmeiro, Jason Giambi, Sammy Sosa or Ryan Braun? Should we mention Clint Boyer cheating in NASCAR? Should even introduce Olympic athletes who have been caught cheating, like Marion Jones and Ben Johnson for testing positive for steroids? Do we remember Danny Almonte in the Little League World Series lying about his age (or Chinese gymnasts)? In 1980, Rosie Ruiz was infamous for cheating in the Boston Marathon. Certainly, those of us who live in Texas know the name Lance Armstrong real well (but we could add Floyd Landis as well)! Players are not immune; what about coaches? As a Memphis Tiger fan, I am ashamed of the cheating with which John Calipari almost got away, and Bill Belichick (and his staff) has been caught spying/recording other teams. As one writer wrote, they went from being champions to cheaters, from the hall of fame to the hall of shame!

I remember the old axiom: “Cheaters never win, and winners never cheat!” One may say, “Yes, but look at these athletes before they were caught cheating—they were successful!” Sure, they may have won then, but as we look at them today, most of them are unfortunately not winners any longer—many of them were disgraced. Oftentimes, we see the powers that be (whether MLB, NFL, NHL, IOC, or sometimes, even the US government itself) strip them of any recognition, as well as all awards won. Thus, cheaters never win.

One might add, “Well, what about those who get away with it and are never caught?” It is certainly true that many cheaters get by with their cheating ways, but I assure us all that there is one who is mightier than we are who sees all! He will judge in the last day (John 12:48; Rev. 20:12), and in that judgment, He will bring retribution upon all who acted honestly and fairly among those who cheat (cf. Matt. 12:41-42). I assure all readers that “God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecc. 12:14).

The Bible is clear: “…be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23). It may not be in this life, but it will in the Judgment Day yet to come (2 Cor. 5:10)! May we all seek the forgiveness of God by repenting of our sins and responding appropriately to His grace!

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Miracles and Tongues

The Miraculous Mirage

“What a different bunch these church of Christ folks are,” Joe thought as he and his family filed silently out after the funeral service. A distant neighbor of theirs had died somewhat suddenly and the funeral service had been held at the church of Christ building because of the deceased’s family request. Unfortunately, this funeral marked the first time that Joe and his family had been in the church of Christ building, and he wasn’t all that comfortable with it. Oh, he liked the members there well enough; they all seemed very loving and sincere.  He particularly liked his church of Christ co-worker, Chuck Churchman and his family; they never seemed to be at a loss for a simple and straightforward biblical answer to any question he had. 1 Thanks to them, he now even understood the biblical reasons why these folks didn’t use instruments in their worship to God, 2 and he was even beginning to understand the biblical reasons they insisted that baptism was essential to salvation. 3 These weren’t a matter of opinion, personal preference, or even interpretation, but of simply and faithfully following the New Testament biblical pattern. 4 How could that possibly be wrong?


Why aren’t you speaking in tongues?

No, what troubled him today was that he had attended a funeral there, and no one had even spoken in tongues! Wasn’t tongue-speaking a sign of Holy-Spirit anointing and of one’s eternal salvation? That’s what the T.V. preacher he used to listen to so often said. He would have to ask Chuck about that and soon…

The next morning as he entered the parking lot, he saw Chuck arriving at the same time. Chuck waved Joe into the empty parking space nearest the building and parked his own car further away, down near the back end of the lot. Joe waited for Chuck to walk up. “Good morning Joe; glad to see you at Burt’s funeral yesterday,” Chuck said. “Everything okay? You seem a little down.”

“Not down, just a little confused,” Joe countered.

“About what?” Chuck inquired.

“Well… yesterday to be honest, at the service. Where it was a funeral and everything, I expected that surely someone there – the preacher, one of the song leaders or someone – would surely speak in tongues! I mean, after all, shouldn’t a group of people claiming to be Christ’s be publicly able to prove the power of the Holy Ghost’s acceptance of them by their speaking in tongues?”

Chuck grinned knowingly, and politely said, “That’ll teach you to watch and take to heart everything those T.V. preachers and teachers want to tickle people’s ears with so they can steal ‘em blind, won’t it?” 5 Joe shrugged.

“You see Joe, the Bible explains in Mark 16:17-20, that the possession of the “miraculous gifts” was given to confirm that the word the apostles brought was indeed from God; these gifts were given to get people’s attention just as they did in Acts 2, so people would then listen to the apostles’ preaching. That chapter also shows us that only the apostles – and those whom they then laid their hands on as we see in Acts 8 – possessed these gifts. Later on, Cornelius and his household also received them in Acts 10, but that was a one of a kind thing as Peter later explained in Acts 11. The Bible is clear in 1 Corinthians though, that when the entire New Testament was revealed and written down, by around 100 A.D., that the miraculous gifts would cease because they would have fulfilled their original purpose and would no longer be needed to confirm the word. And, you might also notice as you read Acts 2, that these ‘tongues’ were not the unknown, gibberish-typed gobbledygook that you hear some claim as speaking in tongues today. They were instead very recognizable, instantaneously-spoken, and perfectly dialected and known languages!”

“But here’s the simpler, common-sense bottom line if you’d prefer,” Chuck continued. “There are many so-called ‘charismatic’ denominations around today, which claim that the ‘miraculous gifts’ of speaking in tongues, healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead are still in effect, correct?”

“Well, I don’t know about raising the dead,” Joe replied.

“Oh yes; you can’t pick and choose,” Chuck replied. “With God, it’s all or nothing. Jesus and His first-century apostles possessed the power to raise the dead just as surely as they did to heal the sick – just as several scriptures verify for us 6 – and just as these churches claim they can today.”

“Actually,” Joe responded a bit sheepishly, “I know they do. My wife grew up in one; her parents were strong members.

“Where are they now?” Chuck humbly asked.

“Her dad is dead, and her mom is in a nursing home suffering from Alzh——–.” Suddenly, the scathing and all-illuminating truth struck him like a bolt of lightning!         

“Exactly,” Chuck sadly said, noting the light of understanding now piercing his friend’s understanding. “I realize that there are many sincere and well-intentioned people in most of these churches. But if some of them possessed half of the miraculous gifts they professed, then why do their own members still get sick and die? Why do they and their preachers still have health insurance? Where’s their faith to practice what they preach? Why do they ever have to have funeral services held in their buildings? How come they haven’t raised their leaders like Oral Roberts from the dead if they can truly do what they claim they can? Why don’t they go out onto the front lines of our armed forces and raise the fallen as soon as they’re killed so they can fight on? Why don’t they go to Tulsa daily and heal the sick and dying little children in those cancer wards – if they really can? How can they claim to love, and to have those gifts, and then not exercise them to the glory of God in this sick and pain-filled existence? I’m not judging, I’m simply asking. And please don’t insult us both by giving me that, ‘the afflicted didn’t have enough faith’ stuff. I doubt that any of those that Jesus, Peter, or Paul raised from the dead had much faith at that point either.” 7

Joe, now stunned and stupefied by the sheer simplicity of that which he had never even considered before, just stood there in silent disbelief that he could have possibly been so blind for so long. “Is there any way you can biblically prove, ‘book, chapter, and verse,’ as you say, what you’ve just said?” Joe humbly and awkwardly asked.

“Sure,” Chuck replied, sensing and seeking to help heal the hurt and helplessness his uninformed friend was now struggling with. “Go and download from our church’s website, and then let’s get together over an open bible and talk about it, okay Joe?” 

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DNA Robots – Intelligently Designed? Or Just Happened?

If you have ever seen a factory, you know what an assembly line is.  A product moves along a conveyer system while workers add different parts and pieces.  As a result, they produce a widget of some kind like a car or a Rubik’s Cube.  I would wager that anyone who has ever seen a factory would not suggest that a tornado, earthquake, and volcano passed through an iron mountain and as a result of their forces produced a toy-car factory.  Everyone knows that for every effect there must be an adequate cause and tornados, earthquakes, and volcanoes simply are not adequate to account for the existence of a toy-car factory.  Toy-car factories are the product of intelligent design.  In fact, one could convincingly argue that a factory of any kind, complete with workers, conveyer systems, and output, is the product of intelligent design.

In a May 12, 2010 article of the Wall Street Journal Online by Robert Lee Hotz (“They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff”), it is reported that a group of scientists based at New York University built a molecular level factory, complete with workers, conveyer systems, and output, with DNA as their basic materials.  These Nanotechnologies (so named because of their incredibly small size, approximately 100,000 times smaller than a human hair) include DNA robots that receive and respond to chemical instructions given at the DNA level.  They are able to assemble microscopic boxes, open and close them, move along a conveyer system, and carry and release cargo.  With nine billion dollars invested worldwide to develop these technologies, these DNA robots are obviously products of human design.  When asked to comment on these developments, California Institute of Technology bioengineer Paul Rothemund said, “This is the kind of thing that happens in living cells all the time.”

Wait just one minute!  “This is the kind of thing that happens in living cells all the time”?!  We are told by the evolutionists, atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and others that such natural happenings in the cells are simply the product of random chance and evolution – no intelligent design involved.  Yet, when scientists mimic the exact same systems, systems which happen in living cells “all the time” we are told that these are significant scientific breakthroughs.  The inconsistency is maddening.  Consider for a moment what might happen in 10,000 years if these molecular robots were turned loose and all evidence of human involvement with these devices is wiped out.  There would be some who would simply attribute the activity to random chance and evolution!  It would be horribly wrong to do so because these DNA robots were intelligently designed and they demonstrate, by their existence, evidence of intelligent design.  How wrong is it, then, to fail to attribute intelligent design to the prototype from which these DNA robots were made – living cells!

Why can atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and unbelievers not realize that just as these DNA robots are designed, so also is the living cell.  It contains evidence of the involvement of Mind, a Mind who is also a Designer, a Creator!  The evidence of design in living cells must return to an Ultimate Source/Mind that can explain in perpetuity the time-bound existence of designed things.

The Bible ascribes the source of all life to God, our Intelligent Designer.  The apostle Paul wrote, “He giveth to all life” (Acts 17:25).  May each one have the wisdom to discern and come to know that the God of the Bible is the Ultimate Mind behind which all intelligently designed things in the Universe come to exist.

Works Cited

Hotz, Robert Lee. “They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.” 12 May 2010. Wall Street Journal Online. <> Accessed 12 May 2010.

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Fools, Speech, & Tongue

Fools and their Speech

“Ihay, I maay a oolfay nday I aysay Oolishfay ingsthay!” It sure would be nice if all people who were engaged in foolish actions or speech would automatically speak in only Pig Latin. Immediately, the choice of whether or not a man wanted to follow the lead of a fool would be obvious. Sometimes man is ignorant or deceived into foolish activities or speech, making himself guilty without informatively choosing foolishness. While still guilty of foolishness through participation, the individual would have most likely wanted to know what he was getting into beforehand. Unfortunately, foolishness is not always immediately identified. Consequently, man must always be on his guard to keep himself from being a fool. The danger of fools exists not only in being aware of others, but ultimately aware of self. The words which proceed from one’s mouth are often the first and closest thing to a sign man will have to identify a fool.


Be Careful of Foolish Speech!

Proverbs 10:18 – He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.

Proverbs 14:3 – In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.

Proverbs 15:2 – The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

Proverbs 15:14 – The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.

Be vigilant to recognize in the above verses from the Bible, characteristics of speech which flash a big red sign that the speaker is a fool: lying, slander, pride, sharing of foolishness, and hungering for foolishness. When words such as these are being spouted, the man who does not desire to be a fool should be on alert. It will be further noted that the scriptures lay out a direct contrast between those who are wise and those who are foolish. Simply through applying Biblical Study (2 Timothy 2:15), man can defend himself from foolishness (I Peter 3:14-16), and engage himself in the behavior of the wise (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Consider further the following verses characterizing the fool:

Proverbs 15:7 – The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.

Proverbs 24:9 – The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

Ecclesiastes 10:12 – The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.

A failure to share knowledge, dwelling on sinfulness, and uttering words which are personally detrimental, these are identifying attributes of fools. Again, they are opposite of what identifies a wise man. They are not qualities with which any person should be acquainted. In scripture there was a man by the name of Job. He was a man who was tempted and afflicted greatly to see if he would sin against God. That Job was aware of himself and aware of foolishness around him is evident. In Job 2:9-10, Job’s wife having seen horrible events befall Job tells him to “Curse God and die!” His response was to identify her with one who speaks as a fool. Job would not blaspheme God. He would not engage in sin. He would not sin with his lips. He too would not be a fool. Yet, so many other people are willing to engage in attacking God or questioning his existence.

Psalms 14:1, Psalms 53:1 – The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Psalms 74:18 – Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O LORD, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name.

There are many so called learned men, men of “science”, who grab onto any theory that suggests there is no God. They deride the idea of God. They proclaim the belief of an intelligent designer itself is foolish. They base their words upon theories rather than upon the facts of science which lend themselves to the confirmation of God. While these men blaspheme and deny God, there are some who are every bit as destructive, who claim God. These men are often in the midst of Churches, admired, and those to whom others listen. Yet, they are continually generating divisions. They are continually striving for conflict and their irritation is a wearying of the faithful of God.

Proverbs 18:6 – A fool’s lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

Proverbs 20:3 – It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

Proverbs 29:9 – If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.

2 Timothy 2:23 – But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

Titus 3:9 – But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

Having been part of an online community of Biblical discussion, it seems there is an unending line of individuals who bring questions or statements before a group specifically to stir up trouble. They ask a question, but they have readymade answers with which to argue. They make statements with the purpose of creating frustration, division, or confusion. Their agendas are based in foolishness. They desire to depart from what God has said and espouse other doctrines which man has no authority to follow. To no surprise, if one issue of theirs is put to rest, they start others endlessly. Titus 3:9 (listed above) makes a very specific point which must be noted for application today. The Law being spoken about is the Law of Moses. The letter written to Titus was after the New Covenant in Christ had been established. There was no reason to discuss aspects of the Mosaic covenant anymore because it had been fulfilled. Yet, today, religions still try to find authority for their actions from that covenant and a great number of arguments are then engaged upon. Paul told Titus, these are things of fools.

Anyone who is aware of self, comes to the realization his lips are a spigot which can and must be turned off at times. This is something a fool rarely does. Yet, keeping one’s tongue is something which characterizes a wise man.

Proverbs 12:23 – A prudent man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness.

Proverbs 17:28 – Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Proverbs 29:11 – A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

Ecclesiastes 9:17 – The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.

The third chapter of the book of James discusses the power of the tongue and the importance of trying to keep it bridled. Wise men speak with purpose and with words that have substance behind them. Their words are built upon truths and items which are concrete. This is why when they speak men should listen. Yet, the preponderance of foolish men fills the ears of more people. There are more fools than there are wise. There are more men who would be led by quickly formed and dispersed emotions, desires, and fancy than who would consider words patiently contemplated in knowledge. The fool will always have his place amongst the world, who for lack of wisdom themselves, will follow in disobedience to God, and will engage foolish speech. Yet the Bible gives inspired direction to the man who does not wish to be associated with the fool or be characterized as one:

Proverbs 14:7 – Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.

Proverbs 30:32 – If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth.

The next article in this series, “Are You a Fool? Part 3”, will examine “Fools and Their Anger”.

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Tolerance and Sensitivity Training

Tolerance and Sensitivity Training

“You have to call him Jessica.” Those were the instructions given to a public school teacher who was being observed for sensitivity training. For the next four hours she would be observed at how she treated this particular student. The dilemma was that “Jessica” was a seven-year-old boy. Several weeks earlier he made the decision to wear dresses to school and demanded to be called by a girl’s name. He parents supported his decision—as did the new politically correct school system. So for the next four hours this public school teacher was required to refer to this little boy with female pronouns, call him “Jessica”, and not make any negative comments about this boy wearing a dress and plastic heels.


Have you Failed sensitivity Training?

The Christian teacher who was describing these first-hand events, shared with me that this was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back. She decided she could no longer perform work under those conditions and perform the duties that were required. She recognized that much of her job was no longer about educating children with the three r’s. Over the last few years she had watched her job transform into indoctrinating children with a very immoral/ungodly worldview.

She was a sweet Christian lady who loved educating children. But with each successive year she found herself compromising more and more. She referenced evolution and humanism in the textbooks and discussed how she would try skipping sections of the textbooks or make clarifications to the class. She mentioned that every year they added more and more material promoting homosexuality under the guise of “tolerance.” She said she visibly cringed when she had to teach an entire section on Islam in their history book.  But this latest “ sensitivity training ” was too much—and this teacher decided she could no longer teach in good conscience.

Consider what this Christian teacher was asked to do as you read the following Scriptures:

 “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 22:5).

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, NASB).

As you consider what she experienced I hope you will ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What would it take to get you to “act” at your workplace?
  2. How much more immorality will be added to the classroom?
  3. What will it take for Christian parents to soberly consider the environment they are placing their children in each and every day?
  4. How can we expect our young men to be leaders in the home (and future elders) if they are being encouraged to be feminine?
  5. And again, what will it take for you to “act”?
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