Socialism / Marxism / Communism #3

Does the Bible Teach Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #3

What about the Bible in general? Does it support socialism/communism’s desire to legislate wealth redistribution? Under the Old Covenant, which was specifically for the nation of Israel (Deuteronomy 5:2-3), God legislated a ten percent tax called a tithe (Leviticus 27:32); it was to be used to support the priesthood, not to redistribute wealth to the poor. (God had a process for helping the poor [Leviticus 19:9-10], but it didn’t include wealth redistribution.) However, when Jesus died on the cross, “He wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). The word “wipe out” means to obliterate or erase. The Old Covenant was obliterated by Christ! Because of this, there are no more tithes that God expects anyone to levy, government sponsored or otherwise.communism fist

Some might object and say that since God provided government under the Old Covenant, then that government should serve as a model for government today. To the contrary, God’s purpose for using a government under the Old Covenant was to ensure the coming of the Messiah. In Galatians 3:24-25, the apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.” A “tutor” (Greek: paidagogos, lit. a little-child leader)was a person who escorted children to a teacher. Today, we call them school-bus drivers. In other words, the law was a school-bus driver to escort us to our Teacher and Messiah, Jesus. The paidagogos becomes obsolete after he completes his task. This means that the government God used under the Old Covenant is now obsolete since there are no more Messiahs coming; that government had a unique purpose in the history of the world that no government will ever fulfill again (to be continued).

Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #2

Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #1

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Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #2

Does the Bible Teach Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #2

Socialism/Communism is a political system based on the assumption that the world is economically divided into two classes: the owners of production vs. the workers/producers; the aristocracy vs. the proletariat; the rich vs. the poor; the “haves” vs. the “have-nots.” The object of socialism/communism is to use the power of the government to take away wealth from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not. It is alleged that this ideology will redress extant social injustices fomented by the privilege the “haves” exercise over the “have-nots.” In this way, society’s ills will be cured, and it will usher in a utopian paradise on earth.socialism communism

A common assumption is that Jesus supported socialism/communism because of His advocacy of helping the poor. Some also cite the miracle of the loaves and fishes to show how Jesus wanted everyone to have an equal share (Robert Service, Comrades: A History of World Communism, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2007, 14). However, Jesus never envisioned a world (prior to His advent) in which the poor would not exist. In Mark 14:7, He said, “For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good….” Jesus did not expect the church to redress all the wrongs of society before His return because some wrongs would not be addressed until His return (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10). Additionally, Jesus made it clear that He was not seeking to establish an earthly kingdom because He said to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36). Jesus would not support enforcing His teaching with the sword either (Matthew 26:52). (to be continued).

Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #1

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Socialism / Marxism / Communism? #1

Does the Bible Teach Socialism/Communism?

In the movie, Fiddler on the Roof, set in 1905, a character named Perchik is a Marxist revolutionary. In one scene, he has a conversation with some children about how Laban made Jacob work seven additional years for Rachel. He tells them, “The Bible clearly teaches us you can never trust an employer.” The children ask, “And that is what the Bible teaches us?” He replies, “That is the lesson of the story of Jacob, [pause] if you interpret it correctly.” This is a great example of how people often find in the Bible exactly what they are looking for to wrongly justify themselves and their beliefs.communism

Those who support socialism/communism do the same thing leveraging the Bible to undergird their social system. They cite passages such as Acts 2:44-45 and Acts 4:32-37—which teach the virtue of voluntarily helping others—to support governmental legislation to redistribute wealth. Nancy Pelosi has quoted her “favorite verse” many times in support of her efforts to mandate socialism: “To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.” The only problem is that it isn’t in the Bible, but that doesn’t stop her from pretending it is and using it and the Bible to advance her political philosophy. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez recently tweeted, “Genesis 1: God looked on the world & called it good not once, not twice, but seven times. Genesis 2: God commands all people to ‘serve and protect’ creation. Leviticus: God mandates that not only the people, but the land that sustains them, shall be respected.”She “quotes” these “verses” to support her socialism’s radical environmental agenda. Perhaps someone should quote to her God’s promise that ensures the ongoing fecundity of the earth in Genesis 8:22, (but why quibble over details)? (to be continued).

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Rejecting the Counsel of God

Rejecting the Counsel of God

The first psalm describes the character of those who are blessed by God. “He does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.” The implication of these words is that if one does walk in the counsel of the ungodly, he is cursed. The psalmist has in mind walking in the counsel of ungodly men and the blessedness of those who walk in the counsel of the godly men. Think of how this is magnified when we think of the importance of walking in the counsel of the godly One.  The New Testament speaks often about this.

The counsel of God is revealed in the Bible. Paul described the breath of this counsel when he said, “I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Messengers of God must speak the truth (1 Pet. 4:11); they must speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15); and they must speak the entirety of God’s will. Even if men reject what is taught, the messenger is still innocent. Paul said, “I am innocent from the blood of all men, for I have not shunned. . .” (Acts 20:26).counsel of God

The counsel of God cannot be changed by any person on earth. David said, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” (Psa. 119:89). The English Standard Version emphasizes the word settled. “Forever, O Lord, Your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.” God has revealed His counsel in His words and decrees the blessing of those who follow it. It is remarkable that men so often choose to reject His counsel.

The New Testament affirms this truth even more emphatically. It speaks of the unchangeable character, the immutability, of His counsel (Heb. 6:17). Those who seek to change His counsel are condemned by God. Paul reveals how the curse of God awaits every man, every angel and even Paul himself if they perverted the gospel he had preached (Gal. 1:8-9).

This counsel of God is spoken of by the Holy Spirit in His discussion of the greatness of John the Baptist and the message he brought. He said that all the people who heard John, even the tax collectors, . . . justified God, having been baptized with the baptism of John.” What about those who were not baptized by John?  “But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will (the Greek word is counsel) of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him” (Luke 7:29-30).

Let me urge you to devote time in your life to read about His will, His counsel in your life. When every Bible is burned up with the fires of heaven consuming the earth, there will be one copy that remains to be used by the Judge of all mankind to measure our lives (Rev. 20:12). That counsel is firmly fixed in heaven, it is immutable. To reject its teaching on any topic, even the baptism revealed by Jesus, is to reject the counsel of God.  Think about this!

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Dedicated to the Process

Dedicated to the Process

The deceptiveness of the human heart it seems has no bounds.  Men lie about their motives to achieve their own desires.  This is born from a lack of love and selfishness.  When individuals can do something good, kind, and thoughtful (but refuse), they often choose to defend their ungodly activity with false virtue.  “I didn’t step in and help that person being attacked, because I could have gotten hurt and my family needs me.” “I didn’t speak up in the jury to defend the innocent, because he is probably guilty anyway.” “We created a process to fulfill our needs, so we cannot deviate from the process because we have been entrusted to do it.” “I didn’t offer to help teach a class, because I already help in so many other ways.Process ego

Over the years, I have seen or heard all of the above examples.  Truth be known, the most galling was watching brothers and sisters fail to help someone in an accident because they were so set on following the process of worshiping.  There were people in need right outside their doors, but the Christians would not pause their service for a single moment to lend a caring hand.  Sacrifice had become more important than mercy in that location.

Matthew 15:1-9 speaks of these type of people.  Jesus speaks in this context with the Pharisees and scribes – “Hypocrites!”  His audience followed a process established by previous generations.  Not a bad process.  They practiced hand washing before meals which promoted cleanliness.  However, this practice did not come from the Law of Moses.  Men invented it to “perfect” themselves.  Ultimately, it was part of men not walking by faith, but by works. It was show, not service.

The Pharisees and scribes expressed concern that Jesus’ disciples were not following their tradition.  Jesus pointed out that while the Pharisees demonsrated diligence for their manmade traditions, they did not follow the Law of God which focused on caring for their own family.  They declared that anything they could do to demonstrate love, kindness, consideration, etc. in aiding their family, God already recieved in their devotion – “the process”.  The truth was far simpler.  They didn’t want to help so they hid behind a “righteous” excuse.

Galatians 6:10 – “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

To do the right thing is always in man’s grasp and under his control.  God does not make a man choose to do evil.  It is his own bias, lust, selfishness, partiality, and jealousies that cause him to not choose the proper action (James 1:14).  Mankind has a responsibility to his family, his Christian brothers and sisters, and to this world to overcome self and to do good.  The issue comes down to where a man’s heart is.  Without love man is nothing (I Corinthians 13:2).

In the main text, this quote of Jesus’ words is found: Matthew 15:9“This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” Jesus actually quotes the prophet Isaiah.  The men of Isaiah’s time suffered the same problem as did those of Jesus’ time.  Things have not changed today.  In the Church and out of the Church, we see men putting on a show of righteousness, but in the weightier matters of the law “Justice and mercy and faithfulness” they show neglect.  They toss mind, spirit, heart, aside instead of engaging them.

Christians, let us focus on what will Glorify the Body of Christ.  Let us lift up all the individual parts.  Where we can find peace, let us find peace.  Within our own power, do the right thing where possible.  Let the fruit of the spirit abound in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”)  Brothers, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with Good!” (Romans 12:21)“And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.” (Titus 3:14)

Jesus tells the pharisees the process of their actions resulted in vain (empty) worship.  When the process of men overrides the precepts of God, the vanity of sacrifice will be the ultimate result.  Let us be a better people than that.


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