“Wars and Rumors of Wars”

“Wars and Rumors of Wars”

While perusing the news today, I ran across this article: “10 Plagues Hitting Planet Simultaneously!” One of them was the coronavirus. Such headlines are designed as “click-bait” to capture the reader’s attention. Rumor mongering has been going on since time began. Jesus warns about such things in Matthew 24:4-8:

“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”rumor war

Some join this passage with the news and say, “Aha! The end times are here!” Jesus point was different. In Matthew 24:2, Jesus said, “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Jesus was talking about the destruction of the temple. These events were not signs of the apocalypse, but normal events that would occur before the temple was destroyed. He was warning His disciples not to be surprised when these things happen because they are not signs for the end. “Take heed that no one deceives you.”

When will the end happen? Jesus answered, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). So many have sought to predict the end of the world, but no one knows. Not even Jesus claimed that knowledge. This is why we must be prepared at all times for Jesus return.

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Covid & Congregations without Elders #2

Covid & Congregations without Elders #2

Where there are no elders to provide leadership, congregations are often directed simply by having the men of the church to “oversee” the church. The problem is that in such meetings there are many men who have not reached spiritual maturity and often do not have the church foremost in their lives. As matters are discussed, these men can speak and keep the church from going where the spiritually mature know it should go. The “vote” and influences of the immature rule the church.

This can so easily happen now as Covid seems to be behind us. It is time, or soon will be, that we all remember what it was like two years ago and return to what we once did to develop the church—meeting twice on Sundays, midweek Bible studies, VBS, church dinners, gospel meetings, singings and so many other activities. Let me urge every male member in congregations without elders to take these matters very seriously.

We may think that until these decisions are made there is little we can do. The rest of this article will seek to address what every member—young and old, male and female—can do right now to help the church recover. We can all focus on those who have not yet returned and ask God to help us.

I am not talking about programs to make it happen. I am calling on each of us to help those who once came to come back to the church. Think of those who once worshiped, even if only one time each month, who no longer are there. What can we do? What influence can we have on them?

Remember the words of Paul as you deal with them. “You who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted” (Gal. 6:1). Put yourself in their place and use words of kindness and concern, not words of shame and guilt, in all you say. Each one will be different so there is not one unchanging way to bring them back. Pray that God will give you wisdom—and divine wisdom speaks of gentleness and kindness.

Why not go to their house, or when you see them elsewhere, and invite them to come to your house to share a meal? Let them be reminded by this association of what they may not even know they had missed. Invite just a few of their closest friends to be there. The major topic of the evening is not their coming back. Listen carefully to what they say about how they dealt with Covid, and let them know they are being missed and how deeply you feel about them. Jesus was compassionate and put Himself in our place to bring us to the Father. This is only the beginning place, but every one of us can do this, compassionately. Can you think of the next steps that would get them back?

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Covid and Congregations without Elders

Covid and Churches without Elders #1

For more than two years, congregations have had to deal with Covid and the restrictions on public gatherings. It has been such a difficult time worldwide as it was increasingly difficult to maintain assembling to worship like the Lord wants. In far too many places, making decisions about how to deal with Covid created an emotional division as every member had strong convictions as to how it should be handled.congregation covid

It was difficult in congregations where there were elders, as they immediately realized that whatever decision was made would likely upset several members of the various congregation where they served as overseers. In those congregations where there were no elders, it was far more difficult. The attendance at most congregations is not what it once was. If the attendance where you worship is more than 60-70% of what it was “pre-Covid,” you are so blessed.

The reality is that our society is returning to the way it was two years ago. One  truth that seems fairly obvious is that far too many may never return. The habit of regular attendance is no longer their lifestyle. Some have become “virtual” worshipers, if they worship at all, and are satisfied to use their Sundays in far different ways. All of us are struggling. We are wondering what we might do to get back to where we were.

Let’s consider the tremendous impact about how to get individuals who once came regularly to return to congregations without elders. At some point, we must decide we will return to what we once did—meeting twice on Sundays, midweek Bible studies, Vacation Bible Schools, church dinners, gospel meetings, singings and so many other activities.

It may even be difficult for those congregations who have no elders to make the decisions about resuming what helped the church grow spiritually. As congregations are impacted, remember that the Lord commanded us to come together in one place to eat the Lord’s Supper. There is no “virtual worship” option about never resuming meeting together.

In those meetings to deal with recovering from Covid in all aspects of the work of the church, especially where decisions are usually made in a men’s meeting, the words of Paul to the Corinthians seem so appropriate: “Let all things be done for edification…let all things be done decently and in order…let all that you do be done with love” (14:26, 40; 16:14).

We will discuss this more next article, but let me assure you I have worshiped and preached in congregations with elders and in those without elders and I understand how difficult returning to worship we once had will be, especially where there are no elders. I am praying for you. More next time.

Covid & Congregations without Elders #2

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The message is simple and quick.  Vote.

Christians, we are the first line of defense against sin in our government.  You can limit what the government does by exercising your right to vote.  Do not let this election pass without letting your voice be heard.

God values life, liberty and justice throughout scripture.  It is God’s desire that all men live by honoring these blessings.  Unfortunately, there are evil people in this world who want to take all three away.  By not voting, you will aid evil in persisting.

Get out and play your part in making your country a safer more Godly place to live.  Elect men and women who believe in protecting life, liberty, and justice.

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Socialism / Marxism / Communism #4

Does the Bible Teach Socialism/Communism? #4

Some may ask, “Doesn’t the Bible teach us to obey the government?” Yes. Passages such as Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 command us to obey the law and even pay taxes. However, the Bible also teaches that if these laws contradict God’s law, we have an obligation to obey God first (Acts 5:29). This in no way suggests that God sanctions a specific form of government.communism symbols

Can advocates of income redistribution find support in the New Testament? The words of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:7 speak God’s desires for how the church is to collect funds: “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” While God desires that we give, it is to be a free-will offering, not a government legislated obligation. It was this kind of giving that was done in Acts 2:44-45 and Acts 4:32-37. This giving was voluntary, not mandatory. Peter makes this clear in Acts 5:4 when he said to Ananias, “While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control?” In other words, Ananias was under no obligation to give this money. (His sin was in lying about what he gave, Acts 5:4). Having said that, does the church have the obligation to help the poor? Yes, but it is to be done as we have opportunity (Galatians 6:10).

While socialism/communism conflicts with religion in many ways (its founders, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, were atheists), the heart of its message is to employ the power of government to force economic change on societies by centrally controlling their capital through state ownership of property. Neither Jesus, nor the Bible, endorses such a system. To suggest otherwise is a failure to understand Jesus, who teaches His disciples to help the needy as a personal responsibility and as a work of the church.

Socialism / Marxism / Communism #3

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