Church Attendance

The Impact of Church Attendance

church attendance makes an impact

Church attendance make an impact.


It caused people to have confidence in me.

It made people know that I regarded my spiritual welfare as a matter of great importance.

It had a good effect on the services.

It encouraged the brethren and helped the kingdom of Christ.

It caused others to look to Christ for salvation.

It made my life stronger.

It removed a stumbling block from the sinner’s path.

It pleased God and I was happy.

It caused others to say, “He practiced what he preached.”


It made some question the reality of religion.

It made some think that I was a pretender.

It made some think that I regarded my spiritual welfare as a matter of small concern.

It weakened the effect of the worship services.

It made it harder for the preacher to preach.

It discouraged the brethren and, therefore, robbed them of a blessing.

It caused others to stay away from the church.

It made it harder for me to meet the temptations of the devil.

It gave the devil more power over lost souls.

It encouraged the habit of non-church-going.


Because you are poor. There is no admission charge.

Because it rains. You go to work in the rain!

Because it is hot. It is hot at your house too.

Because no one invited you. People go to the movies without being begged.

Because we have a crowd? What about ball games?

Because you do not like the preacher. Remember, he’s human like you.

Because your job makes you tired. You could lose your job.

Because there are hypocrites. You associate with them everyday.

Because you have company. They will admire your loyalty to Christ if you invite them along or they will wait until you get back.

Because you have plenty of time left. Are you sure?

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Spiritual Food

Starving to Death in the Pews

starving is heartbreaking

Starving is heartbreaking.

The following is not a story thought up by an imaginative preacher simply to illustrate a point. It really happened.

She often sat in the auditorium, and as the preacher delivered his message, her young children noticed that she often wept. When one of them asked her why she was crying she said, “I come here every week, and I am starving for food, but I am getting nothing to eat. I am dying of thirst, but I am getting nothing to drink.” When they changed churches it all changed. She no longer wept in worship. She found that spiritual food for her soul was there, and her spiritual thirst was quenched by the waters which flowed from the pulpit.

I wonder how many Bible class teachers or preachers are like that one the woman first heard. I wonder how many individuals leave worship without having sat at the feet of one who, figuratively, first sat at Jesus’ feet. What kind of food do we give to those who come hungering and thirsting for God? I am not talking about lessons which are designed to create a feeling of spirituality, but one which uses God’s messages to heal the souls with the balm from heaven. Those who have little understanding of the place of preaching suppose that, when their “itching ears” are tickled and their hearts are stirred by “cunningly devised stories” delivered by a gifted orator (2 Tim. 4:3), they have grown spiritually. However, God designed the pulpit as a place where there would be edification, exhortation, comfort, reproof, rebuke and convincing, with a longsuffering heart and teaching (doctrine) (1 Cor. 14:3; 2 Tim. 4:2). Some who sat beside the woman who wept at what she was hearing may have felt they were getting what they needed. But, what they supposed were their needs was not what God knew were their needs.

So to my fellow teachers and preachers, let me urge that you examine your preaching. Great preaching does not come from great, emotionally driven stories. It does not come from discussion of sports, politics or your personal family experiences. They may be satisfying and entertaining to your audience, but God designed the pulpit to feed those who are hungry and to give them water to drink from the “living water” who lived on this earth. It takes far more time to prepare lessons which feed others than it does to use the internet to copy and then “parrot” lessons with moving illustrations, but this latter practice does not feed souls or build faith.

There is an audience which must be satisfied each week when you teach or preach. It is so easy to forget this truth. The audience which must be pleased at the end of your lesson is not the one which sits before you. The audience which matters is the one which is above you!

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Rejoice! Jesus is Coming!

Rejoice! Jesus is Coming!

rejoice in the lord again rejoice

Rejoice in the Lord! Again, Rejoice!

When the apostle Paul wrote the letter of 1 Thessalonians he did so intending, in part, to correct some false teaching and understanding concerning the Second Coming of Jesus. Paul assures the brethren that those who die before Christ returns will not miss out on His coming and in fact would be given preference in meeting Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18). Then he goes on to explain that the coming of Jesus in judgment would be unexpected, like a thief in the night, and that they as Christians should not be ignorant of these truths or unprepared for its occurrence (1 Thessalonians 5:1 – 10).

While many who claim to be Christians today acknowledge the promised return of Christ in judgment many it seems live as though it has either already occurred or will not. We continue to live in sin and suffer the consequences and guilt of rebellious doubt and disobedience. It is true that because “the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Jesus warned in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins that “while the bridegroom was delayed, they all [the five foolish, TLD] slumbered and slept” (Matthew 25:5). This is Paul’s admonition to the church for all ages, that is, to be sober, watchful, prepared, and encouraging.

One of the wonderful things about 1 Thessalonians 5 is that Paul follows his teaching and admonition with practical application. While we often look at individual or sets of verses in the later half of this chapter the beauty is found in its context. Paul says we can be prepared and can rejoice in the pending coming of Jesus in judgment if we (vv 16 – 22) …

Rejoice always. Joy is a staple of New Testament teaching and living! Even in the midst of a sin – filled world, even when persecuted for righteousness, the Christian has something to rejoice in. Jesus is coming… rejoice!

Pray without ceasing. Pray helps keep us focused on heaven and on God. We are totally dependent upon Him for all physical and spiritual blessings. Without Him, His grace, His mercy, and His love the Second Coming of Christ is a horrifying reality. Prayer helps keep us focused so we can rejoice.

Give thanks. The focus on God and heaven help us to live thankful lives. Giving thanks entails far more than just thanking God in prayer. Giving thanks is a way of life. Paul said that whatever state he found himself he had learned to be content (Philippians 4:11). This cannot happen without living a life of thanksgiving.

Do not quench the Spirit. Much has been written and speculated upon concerning this statement, yet in its context we must conclude that the instruction here simply relates to our response to the Spirit’s work. While the Spirit was miraculously guiding the church in the first century the emphasis is on the Spirit’s work on our behalf in revealing unto us the will of God (Ephesians 3:1 – 13). We need to be humbly submissive to the Word of God and not live in rebellion to it.

Do not despise prophecies. This goes hand – in – hand with the idea of quenching the spirit. We must embrace the inspired revelation of God in our lives if we are to live joyful, expectant lives.

Test all things. When we have done the preceding things we must then put everything to the test. Many false prophets and teachings have emanated from the simple truths taught by Christ and the apostles. We need to put everything to the test (1 John 4:1) as to not be moved (Galatians 1:6).

Hold fast what is good. When we have tested all things and have separated the precious truths from the false ways of evil through purification we must hold on to those truths with vigor and valor.

Abstain from every form of evil. We cannot live joyful lives if we hold on to the good but attempt to keep the evil around as well. We must desist from every kind of evil in this life. Jesus said simply, “ No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). You cannot hold on to the bloodstained hand of Christ with one hand and the world with the other!

In conclusion Paul writes that if we do these things the “God of peace” will sanctify us “completely!” And the entire “spirit, soul, and body” will be preserved blameless, hear it, “at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v 23). We then can live joyful lives, knowing that Jesus is coming and that He is faithful and will do what He has promised (v 24).

What is keeping you from living a joyful life in earnest expectation of His coming? Simply focus on doing the things Paul has laid out for us in this beautiful text, live joyful, expectant lives. God loves you, He sent His Son to die for you! He’s coming back to receive those waiting for Him with those who have gone on before. Will you be ready? Obey Him and be faithful.

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Bible Time

I Don’t Have Time to Read the Bible

are you making time for the bible

Are You Making Time for the Bible?

Time is something that is limited.  There are 60 minutes in every hour.  There are 24 hours in a day.  7 Days in a week.  By the time, one is done eating, sleeping, traveling to and from work, working, meeting the family responsibility, when is there time to read the Bible!

When the world hears those words, they buy into them.  How could anyone take much time to study the Bible!  We are just too busy!  Well, my friends, that is nothing more than a lie.  The only part of truth in it is that time is limited.  We have a limited time, from birth to our death to know our God and what He wishes for our life.

Ecc 12:13 This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

With knowledge from God like this, how can we ignore his pleas?

At work, if you have a boss who asks you to make it your top priority to mail a package for him, do you just let the box sit on your desk all day?  No!  You hop to it because know there will be serious repercussions if the work isn’t done.

Again, how can we ignore the Creator of all, when he pleas for us to follow his commandments?  A Creator who in John 3:16 has His desire expressed that “None should Perish”?

What will it gain us if we say, “I had time to do the laundry, but, I lost my soul.” ”I had time to watch a great movie, but I lost my soul.” “I had time to finish an education, but I never educated my soul and it has perished.”

Mat 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

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The Nails of the Cross

Nails of the Cross

choice not nails held jesus to the cross

Choice, not nails, held Jesus to the Cross.

Matthew tells us that the mob on the hill of Calvary challenged Christ to “come down from the cross” (Matt. 27:40). What held Christ to the cross?

IT WAS NOT THE NAILS THAT HELD HIM ON THE CROSS. He had the power to remove the nails. He could have called “more than twelve legions of angels” to remove him from the cross (Matt. 26:53). He who could still the storm, feed the muiltitude, and raise the dead, could have removed the nails. That crowd could not have killed Christ if he had not wished to do His Father’s will. “Therefore doth my father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay down of myself…” (Jn. 10:17-18).

THE FATHER’S WILL AND WISH HELD HIM ON THE CROSS. Jesus prayed and said, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matt. 26:39). It was the will of God that His Son become the “atoning sacrifice, for our sins” (1 Jn. 2:2). The Savoir’s love and our sins held Christ to the tree.

GOD’S ETERNAL PURPOSE HELD CHRIST TO THE CROSS. Jesus died to purchase th church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). The church is the institution through which the eternal purpose of God is to be made known to the world (Eph. 3:10). Without Christ’s death, God’s purpose for the world would have been aborted. Thus His love for God and man held Him to the cross and not the nails.

THE JOY SET BEFORE CHRIST HELD HIM TO THE CROSS. The “author and perfector of our faith” disregarded His suffering and “for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). The angry mob’s mocking at the cross was ignored by Christ becasue of the “joy set before Him.”
*Neither the lack of power nor the nails held Jesus to the cross. His resignation to the will of God and His love for the souls of mankind bound Him to the tree on which He died.

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