
Are You Stressed?

are you feeling stress

Are you feeling stress?

How do we define stress?  Oh, the house mortgage is late, there’s no food in the cabinet, clothes are wearing out or shrinking on your children, everyone’s calling wanting something while all in all, you feel like just shutting the door to your closet and crying yourself to sleep.  Is this stressful enough?  Or how about the preacher who is under pressure to get this sermon done, make that devotional, spend time preparing Bible class lessons, counseling others, visiting this person and helping that person, evangelizing and trying to raise a Christian family while hearing all the complaints from the congregation on how their preacher and his family is inadequate?  Is this stressful enough?  What about the Christian who tries to pray when people make fun of her, or is made fun of at work or school when standing on Biblical principles, or even mocked by other Christians who considers you to be a Bible thumper while people from all walks attempt to pull Christianity right out of your soul.  Is this stressful enough?  How do we as Christians deal with stress?

You know, stress tends to be put on us when we are already tired and sick or have too many responsibilities.  Basically, when we feel our circumstances are out of control, we feel stress.  We feel that things are not being met, that things are not going our way and our safety is threatened and we get anxious.  When we feel like this, we know that it takes on many shapes and forms, but generally, stress boils down to one basic idea–a lack of trust in God.

Most Christians are under the impression that God is sovereign and in control of our lives.  We believe He is the author of our life and that He has given us everything we need for life (2 Peter 1:3).  So, when stress dominates our lives, somewhere along the way, we have failed to trust God.  The statement, “To trust God and you will never deal with stress again” is a wonderful statement.  But oh, if only it were as easy as that statement.  The fact is, we are not perfect and life is much too complicated that we, at times, give in to it.  However, stress does have a positive side.  It can be a reminder that our lives are drifting away from God.  It can be an indicator that we have stopped depending upon Him daily for strength.  Perhaps, we have forgotten all the promises in His word.  So, let’s notice some ways in which Christians can cope with stress.

Of course, getting enough rest, a proper diet, regular exercise and keeping a balanced life between work and family are always important.  But, I believe the Bible gives Christians, from a spiritual point, three more basic disciplines.  First, there is prayer.  Consider the words of Peter, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).  Instead of worrying over our problems, turn those problems over to God.  Let Him be in your corner to not only comfort you, but to relieve your anxiety and stress.  Paul mentions to us to, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).  This is such a wonderful and comforting promise in that, as we pray, our minds are protected by a peace that goes beyond our ability to understand.  In our life, we ought to be praying often.

Second, meditating on the Word of God can call to your remembrance all the promises that God has given man throughout the years.  In addition, Paul said, “. . . brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified” (Acts 20:32).  The way to protect ourselves from the world is to focus on God’s Word, the Bible.  For, His word is magnified above His name (Psalm 138:2).  It is His special revelation (Psalm 19) and we are told how to obey it (Acts 15:7-11) because it instructs, corrects, rebukes, and teaches us (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  Therefore, if we want to be sanctified or set apart from the world and dedicated to the Lord, we will reflect deeply and at great length, the Bible.  We ought to be reflecting on the comforting words of Jesus, such as in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  Jesus offers a comfort that only He can offer.  That of knowing our sins are forgiven and how comforting it is to know that the eternal glory of Heaven awaits the faithful child of God at the end of the world.  However, without reading the Bible, we would not know any of this.  So, read your Bible.    Third, praise God.  Think of all the things God has done for you.  Counting our many blessings will give you the faith and reassurance that God is there for you.  Praising Him for what He has already done will develop inside of us, a heart of thankfulness.  When we begin thinking like this, it is almost impossible to praise God and still be stressed.  Praise God for who He is, praising Him for the sacrifice of His Son.  Praise God that we are not of this world.  For as Jesus said, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:16).  God does not want us to deal with the same pressures and worries that everyone else in the world faces.  Consider Matthew 6:31-32, “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”  Instead of being consumed by the world, God ask you to not be conformed to the world (Romans 12:2), but to seek after the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).  These are great words of wisdom!  But, do you spend the majority of your times seeking God’s kingdom?  You know, Jesus went even farther into this explanation of seeking God and stress and asked, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” (Matthew 6:27).  When we begin to praise God, when we truly focus on God, suddenly, our problems do not seem to be so big compared next to the greatness of God.  Praise God.

You know, the world is unable to cast all their cares upon God (1 Peter 5:7).  The world does not care that God told us to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and good report (Philippians 4:8).  But know this, throughout the day, God wants us to be happy.  Even when we look at being persecuted or put under the stress of opposition for being a Christian (Matthew 5:10-12), Jesus tells us to rejoice and be exceedingly glad!  Controlling our thoughts are often difficult, taking on the battles of life are even a greater challenge, but we must control our stress by giving to the one who can help us with it–God.  It is only when we turn things over to God that we begin to relieve ourselves of stress and to walk in peace.

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Love in Hosea

Love in Hosea

God commissions Hosea, the son of Beeri, to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel (Hosea 1:1). He encapsulates his work in the fourteen chapters that we have by the book that bears his name to set forth the love of God for His people [in fact, “love” is one of the key words in this book of prophetic literature]. Yet, one of the strange qualities of this book is the parabolic symbolism shown in God commending Hosea to marry “a wife of whoredoms” (Hosea 1:2) to symbolize the relationship of God with His people. Consider a whole host of lessons that we may learn from this book of prophecy.

In Hosea, we see that the love of God is balanced with His justice and His holiness. It is interesting to note that in Jonah, we see the love of God misunderstood in relationship to the Gentile people, seen in the attitude of Jonah toward the Assyrians. Yet, in Hosea, we see the love of God misunderstood in thinking that the love of God ignored sin. Mark it down—the love of God cannot compromise with sin! One may have heard of the expression, “Love is blind,” but the love of God is definitely not so! He loved Israel, but He was not blind to their sins and iniquities, which is a lesson that we need to emphasize today. Why is it that good, religious people think that a loving God will save everybody? Such individuals have not studied this book in the Old Testament. God’s love was seeking Israel to turn back and return from the idolatry that they chose. The fact that the love of God is always acting in a “right” (righteous) manner (cf. Hosea 14:9) indicates that it cannot compromise with sin.

In Hosea, we see the relationship between the love of God and salvation. The prophet’s name, “Hosea” (“Hoshea” [also “Joshua” and “Jesus”—all related in the Hebrew]) means “salvation.” A careful study of this book will underscore why this is so. Moreover, this is what the entireNew Testament sets forth—the relationship between the love of God and His salvation of humanity (John 3:16; cf. Luke 15; 1 John 4:8-10).

In Hosea, we see what happens when humanity does not appreciate the love of God. The trouble with the northern kingdom is that they did not appreciate the love of God, and because of this, they walked in their own ways, followed their own will, worshipped idols while trying to follow God simultaneously and created the problems that finally led them to the Assyrian captivity. Moreover, the love of God is grieving whenever we spurn, despise and reject Him. How would you imagine the heart of Hosea felt when his wife left him and was guilty of prostitution? Can we not read this book and sense the grief of heart? For all who are married, we can only imagine the great grief experienced should our spouse become unfaithful. This is a perfect picture of how the love of God grieves whenever we turn away from Him and fail to appreciate His love.

In Hosea, we learn that when man spurns the love of God, it brings about discipline and judgment. The nation will go into captivity, just as the prophets (Hosea included) will prophesy. They did not go into captivity because God decided that He did not love them anymore; the love of God did not change! Because they did not appreciate the love of God and spurned His mighty love, nothing was left for them but judgment. Unfortunately, this is still true. When people despise, spurn and reject the love of God today (turning their back on Jesus), nothing is left but judgment. How sad to consider that because of our free-will, our response to His love (or lack thereof, depending on how we look at it) may tie His anthropomorphic hands as far as blessing us is concerned. Yet, out of the discipline of His love through the captivity, some would return in penitence to God and respond to His love! Thus, the love of God disciplines a nation as a means of trying to get them to repent and return.

In Hosea, we learn that we abuse the love of God when we are ignorant of the character, nature and being of God. One of the core problems addressed in this prophetic Old Testament book is that they did not understand God—they were woefully lacking in knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge of God does not simply mean that we know some facts about God, but it is a knowledge that has an impact upon the way that we live. Many people know many things about God, but it does not affect their lives. Thus, they do not really know God. The Bible is a book to help us know God—His character, nature, being, characteristics, majesty, holiness, power and such like. Unless this knowledge has an impact upon the way we live, then we are no different than the Israelites—we really do not know God (cf. John 17:3). His love (and our understanding of this loving, supernatural Being) is intended to transform our lives. Through his love, Hosea sought for Gomer to transform her life from a life of prostitution to one of purity and righteous living, and this is what the love of God seeks to do—transform our lives and encourage us to appreciate things that are high and holy.

In Hosea, we learn that the love of God is His first appeal to man, but it is also His last appeal to man. God lets man know that He loves him. Yet, when man spurns this great offer of love, then His final appeal is to inform man again that He loves him. In fact, the book of Hosea is the final appeal to Israel of the love of God. His first appeal of love to Israel was demonstrated by God in delivering them from Egyptian bondage. Thus, his first and last appeal to sinful humanity is always His great, overflowing love!

In Hosea, we see that the love of God is free: “I will love them freely” (Hosea 14:4); it cannot be bought. Nevertheless, the fact that His love is free does not mean that it is unconditional, for there is a great deal of difference in something being free and something being unconditional. This is one of the great problems over which the religious world has stumbled. The denominational community thinks that because the love of God is free, then man does not have any responsibility towards his salvation, which leads to the basis of their doctrine of justification by faith alone, teaching that grace excludes even works of faith. However, when Hosea sets forth the fact that the love of God is free, this does not exclude works that are expressions of faith and conditions of salvation. He loves us because of who He is, not because of who we are!

In Hosea, we see that the love of God is forgiving (Hosea 2:14-20; 3:2-3). Yet, once again, this forgiving love of God is conditional. The great love of God never forgives unconditionally!

In Hosea, we see the tender qualities of the love of God. Think about a man whose heart goes out in love to his wife who has thrown herself away so far until she has sold herself. Out of a heart filled with love, this husband goes down and buys her back (a beautiful picture of redemption, is it not?) as a common slave. Oh, the love of God is so tender. We see such further demonstrated when David talks about the tender mercies of God (cf. Ps. 32:10; 51:1). We do not ever need to forget this! It does not matter how far we may have sunk in the miry pit of sin, whenever we abhor sin and return to God, there will always be tender mercy awaiting us (cf. Luke 15:22-24).

Therefore, the book of Hosea is a beautiful picture of the love of God toward the northern kingdom of Israel, symbolized in Hosea and his relationship to Gomer. May we learn these valuable lessons between Christ and His bride, the church (Eph. 5:22-33), who loved her with all of His heart, longs for her purity and return from iniquity.

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Inspiring Evangelism

Inspiring Evangelism

A guy once went into a café in Texas for lunch. As he sat down at the counter to order, the waiter said, “Here, drink this coffee. I make the strongest coffee in these parts.” “But I do not want any coffee,” replied the customer. “No,” the waiter demanded, pulling a gun out and pointed it at the man, “You must drink it!” The man complied with the strange command given by one equally strange. Then, the waiter continued, “Now, hold the gun on me and make me take a drink!” I wonder if we often feel the same way about evangelism, because for so many, the idea of sharing our faith conjures up something awkward, unnatural and unpleasant. We loudly sing, “This little Christian light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” but in the context of our everyday life, the stanzas involving “hiding under a bushel” and “satanic-poofing” seem all too familiar. We love God, read His word, pray and praise Him, but we lack tenderness necessary for evangelism. Who are these tender ones? These are the ones who carry an anguish of soul for the fate of the ungodly. These are the ones who break out of the comfort zone of complacency and seek to save the lost zealously, because the love of Christ “constrains” them (2 Cor. 5:14). These are the ones who take off their jackets of condescension and go into the harvest fields, rolling up their sleeves to bare their holy arms—laborers in the vineyard of the Lord!

is evangelism a part of your life

Is evangelism part of your life?

Many Christians downgrade evangelism to the job of the preacher or elder, but such is not to be the case. The true story of conversion occurs of one who grew up in Jack’s Creek, Tennessee (just seven miles from Henderson, Tennessee), which is basically in the shadow of Freed-Hardeman University. Yet, he did not learn the truth from any university professor, any of the fifty gospel preachers who live in the area or any of the hundreds of FHU college students. He learned the gospel from a traveling truck driver, who started a casual conversation about religion when he was unloading his truck. Belonging to a denominational church, this man began studying his Bible as a result of their conversation. Trying to find information to prove this truck driver wrong, he converted to Jesus Christ, contacted the local preacher at Jack’s Creek, and later enrolled at FHU to become a preacher. The point is that evangelism is all about winning souls to Jesus from the most ordinary of Christians—even traveling truck drivers!

The truth of the matter is that when the church stops seeking the lost, it becomes lost! Genuine Christians do not want to go to heaven alone! They put their ears to the Bible and hear Jesus bid us to go and pull poor sinners out of the fire of sin. They put their ears down to the burdened, agonized hearts of humanity and hear their pitiful wail for help. They stand by the gates of hell and hear the condemned entreat us to go to their father’s house and bid their families not to go there. In other words, genuine Christians are those who have looked in the face of Jesus and have promised to obey Him by publishing his offer of mercy to the world! What will it take for us to follow the example of the first-century church (Acts 8:4) to inspire to become better soul winners for Jesus?

First, evangelism involves a mind that is willing to study the scriptures. The evangelist is humble enough to know that he does not know everything; neither does he need to know everything. The evangelist is humble enough to admit when he does not know the answer to a question, but is witty enough to turn it around to an opportunity. Yet, the evangelist knows what one must do to become a Christian, and knows what others must do to repent of their sins and appropriate the offer of the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He knows that many are lost without Jesus (Matt. 7:13-14). He knows that God wants all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:3-6; 2 Pet. 3:9). He knows that Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). He knows the power of the gospel (Rom. 1:16). He knows how souls may obtain salvation (Mark 16:15-16). Years ago, while one survey pointed out that 68% of all Christians in the USA thought evangelism was a priority in the church, at the exact same time, 75% of all Christians could not even define the Great Commission. Thus, it begins with a mind that is studious!

Second, evangelism involves a heart that is willing to care for souls. I am sure that you have heard the axiom, “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” An evangelist knows and understands the value of souls (Mark 8:34-38), including the single, individual soul. The fact of the matter is that God cares (John 3:16), Jesus cares (Luke 19:41) and the angels care (Luke 15:10). Therefore, we must care also! This is why many practice “Friendship Evangelism.” The apostle Paul practiced a form of such (cf. 1 Cor. 9:19-23). Evangelism should be a positive experience when we have a firm grasp on our own identity to the point that we are comfortable being around everyone, no matter what their station in life may be. We become more attentive to the needs of others. We begin to listen, really listen. That is when we discover that evangelism is not a program, study method or special event; it is power in the divine message that discovers the positive dynamic of relationships. Our friendships will allow us to understand the pains or problems they may be facing. Our friendships will allow us to see their inherent value as a person and as a potential citizen in the kingdom of God. Our friendships will open the door of opportunity for them to hear inspiring words. Our friendships will open the door of opportunity to share spiritual insights with greater reception. No, we are not compromising our beliefs. No, we are not being disloyal to our convictions. Yes, we are being sensitive and understanding, respectful and hoping that the light of the gospel will truly shine out of our loving heart, because we truly have a heart that cares for souls. Moreover, Christians ought to realize that evangelism involves so much more than just teaching the Bible—that is often the easy part. Because of our love for souls, it may include baking a cake, sending a card, inviting and many other such things. The difficult part is the cultivation of the heart. In this manner, we are able to do so much more to show that we care, such as the development of a heart filled with hospitality (cf. Rom. 12:13)! It may begin with a simple invitation—according to two surveys of 18,000 people, 79% respond that church growth occurs, not because of polished preachers, multi-ministries or baroque buildings, but because a friend or relative invited them. One man asked his friend, “Henry, come play golf with me this Sunday,” to which his friend replied, “That is the Lord’s Day, and I go to church. I cannot play golf with you.” After a moment of embarrassing silence, the golfer quietly said, “Henry, I have often wondered about your church, and I have admired your fidelity. However, this is the seventh time I have invited you to play golf with me, but you have never invited me to go to worship with you.” How tragic! It is the simplicity of an invitation from who truly cares!

  • Be enthusiastic—“fervent in spirit” (Rom. 12:11). Brag on Jesus! Brag on the congregation! Tell someone with a smile on our face and a sparkle in our eye how wonderful it is to be a Christian!
  • Be natural—do not force the invitation; do not force religion. Relax and be natural: “Hey, if you have not found a church home, we would love to have you come and check us out!”
  • Be specific—do not just say, “Come and worship with us sometime,” but give details. Strive for the commitment.
  • Be persistent—never give up. Invite, invite, invite!

Yet, the principles of “Friendship Evangelism” also contain their perils. It requires significant amount of time. We open ourselves up to being hurt. Our friendship may become an end in itself. Our friends may become overly dependent on us. We tend to assume too much responsibility on results (cf. 1 Cor. 3:6-7). This is how benevolence is tied to evangelism.

Third, evangelism involves a will that is courageous. Personal soul winners will not fear failure. They recognize that they are continuing to march under the favor of God! They will go out and fight to win others to Jesus! They will thrust themselves into the heat of battle in the world where people are lost in sin to try to rescue them, as a fireman braves the heat of the fire to rescue those trapped and dying. They will remember that even people rejected our Savior (John 6:66). What angler allows failure of losing “the big one” to stop him from fishing? No, he lays aside his temporary failure and persists with even more resolve the next time! Soul winners will not fear conflict. They will grit their teeth when knocking on doors, knowing the potential repercussions every time. Soul winners will not fear the costs or the time involved. Becoming a fisher of man takes great amounts of both (Matt. 4:19)! Soul winners will not fear the negative influences around them. Even Jesus said that the laborers are few (Luke 10:2)!

Fourth, evangelism involves a spirit that is prayerful (Rom. 10:1; Matt. 9:36-38; Luke 10:1-2; Col. 4:2-3). Sadly, studies years ago state that the average Christian only prays sixty seconds a day, and the average minister only prays ninety seconds a day! Notice what we learn in First Timothy 2:1-4:

  • What are we to do? “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks…”
  • For whom are we to pray? “…be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority…”
  • Why are we to pray? “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior…”
  • What are the wishes of Christ for which we are to pray? “…Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth…”

Evangelists need a prayerful spirit because there is a need for laborers in a ripe harvest. Jesus draws a spiritual lesson in John 4:35, showing that the Samaritans were ripe for harvesting, even then. Many places of our world are ripe for harvest! Evangelists need a prayerful spirit because we cannot effectively evangelize without the help of God. Prayer indicates the realization that we are partners together with God (1 Cor. 3:6-7; 2 Cor. 6:1). Evangelists need a prayerful spirit because we need to preach the gospel more boldly (cf. Acts 4:31). One of the things that comes through prayer is boldness in teaching the gospel; prayer brought them courage, and prayer may give us courage, just as we have already noted! Sir Isaac Newton said, “I can take my telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space, but I can lay it aside and go into my room, shut the door, get down on my knees in earnest prayer and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth.”

In conclusion, consider the great pattern of evangelism that Philip offers from the book of Acts:

  • He was faithful (6:1-7). We cannot expect to lead others to Jesus unless we faithfully follow Him ourselves.
  • He knew Jesus (6:3; 8:5, 12, 35). We must know Jesus in order to introduce Him to others effectively.
  • He was obedient (8:4-5, 26-27, 29-30). Effective evangelists are always obedient (cf. Matt. 28:18-20)!
  • He was not prejudiced (8:5, 27). The gospel is for all!
  • He taught one (8:12, 27, 40). We are always working to teach one soul at a time!
  • He realized that evangelism was an urgent matter (8:27, 29-30). He did not dismiss it lightly.
  • He had knowledge of the scriptures (8:34-35).
  • He asked questions (8:30).
  • He answered questions (8:34, 36, 38).
  • He moved on afterwards (8:40; 21:8).

Our duty to our loving God and to one another is to inspire each other to become more and more evangelistic. We must get these biblical principles into practice! What can we do to make this more relevant? 1) Mark the key verses of your Bible, linking relevant verses together, and producing a personal chain-reference Bible conducive to studying the matter of salvation. 2) Make a list on your refrigerator, which you may update regularly. Divide it into two categories—one for Christians who need encouragement and one for sinners you are hoping to convert. Tell your family (children) about the list, and spend time every night praying for them and how you might help them. 3) Pick one specific person from your list, decide which specific action will be best in your evangelistic approach (inviting them to dinner, playing golf together and such like) and then pick one specific date on your calendar to make this approach. Mark your calendar and do it! 4) Pray for the providence of God in your life and in their lives as with the help of God, we work together to convert them to Jesus Christ (James 5:19-20)!

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Devil an Angel?

Was the Devil Once an Angel?

In the Bible it says that the Devil was once an angel. How is this possible if the Devil is so evil?

was satan the devil once an angel

Was Satan, the Devil, once an angel?

In answer to this question let me first say that I search through the scriptures and could not find a single scripture that says that the Devil was once an angel. And quite frankly, it surprised me. When I first read the question, I did not hesitate to assume that the statement was true–that the Devil was once an angel. In fact, I must confess that I have personally believed this to be true for several years. However, once I started searching for the scripture that specifically says that the Devil was once an angel, I could not find it. I did find in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that Satan can take the appearance of an angel, but that is not the same thing as Satan once being an angel. We read in Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 12:9 that the Devil has angels that serve him. But again, just because angels serve him does not mean that he was once an angel himself. Additionally, the word “angel” is really best translated as messenger. In other words, Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 12:9 could be talking about the Devil and his messengers as opposed to referring to what we commonly think of as angels.

Now perhaps I am overlooking something which the questioner has in mind and perhaps I did not do a thorough enough search, but it is my conclusion at this time that the Bible nowhere says that the Devil was once an angel. This, however, does not mean that I am not going to address the question, but rather that we should be very careful as to what we assume the Bible does or does not teach. I remember one time many years ago when I was trying to learn more about the sin of laziness I was looking for the scripture that says, “Idleness is the Devil’s workshop.” And while that principle is certainly true, you will not find that phrase within the Bible. Neither will you find the phrase, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” It just goes to show that sometimes we can be lead to think that certain things are taught within the Bible when they are not. This is why we need to be constantly studying it and making sure, like the Bereans, that the things which are taught are so (Acts 17:11).

However, let’s rephrase the question as follows: the Bible says that God is the creator of all things (Ephesians 3:9). How could God create the Devil if he is so evil? Perhaps we should first ask, “Did God even create the Devil?” The scriptures appear to indicate this to be true, not just from the idea that God created all things, but more specifically that God did create the Devil. Job 1:6 says, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.” The fact that Satan came “among” them indicates that he was of the same origin as these others who were called, “the sons of God.” In other words, they were God’s creation. So God originally created the Devil.

But did God create the Devil evil? There are a couple of other scriptures that we could look at to help us answer this question. God cannot create anything that is evil. In James 1:17 we read, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” So the Devil must have been good when God created him. So how did the Devil become evil? We find a hint of this answer in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6. These passages suggest that some of God’s angels were created good and then choose to do that which is wrong. Peter says that God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them into chains of darkness. Jude says, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” Now while the Bible does not specifically say that Satan was an angel, it would not be difficult to understand, based upon the fact that some angels were created good and then sinned and fell, that Satan also was created good and then sinned and fell. However, unlike these angels that sinned and fell, the Bible indicates that Satan was the first one to do this. In John 8:44 Jesus says that the Devil is the “father” of lies. This indicates that he was the first one to do it. Since basically all evil is simply a modification of the truth into falsehood, this would indicate that the Devil was the first created being to sin.

So what is the Devil? Was he an angel or something else? Well, the Bible does indicate that there are other heavenly beings besides angels. Michael is called an archangel in Jude 9 indicating that there are certain positions of authority among the angels. We read of Cherubims some fifty-seven times in the Bible. These were the heavenly beings that Moses was to form on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:18). We also read in the Bible of Seraphims in Isaiah 6:2 and Isaiah 6:6. Ezekiel also describes some types of “living creatures” in Ezekiel 1 that appear to be some kind of heavenly creation of God. The basic problem is that we just don’t know what God originally had intended for Satan. Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” God does not answer all of our questions about Satan, but he does reveal that he is our enemy and that he doesn’t want us to be saved. Let us be warned that Satan is going to try to destroy us and we should take heed to what the Bible does say about him.

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Dying Congregation?

Some Symptoms a Congregation is Dying

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gives us an example of a dead congregation, Sardis. He said, “ . . . I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Rev. 3:1). This should be something that we all should think about. Are we in a similar situation as Sardis in that we think we are alive yet the Lord finds us dead? It is important that each one of us look at the congregation that we attend and worship with to affirm that we are not part of a dead congregation.

is your congregation dying

Is Your Congregation Dying?

1. No One Cares Why Everyone Is Leaving
Have you ever had one of those moments when you sit down and think about why they left? Many times people make it abundantly clear why they left. However, sometimes excuses are made by those at the congregation as to why people seem to be leaving such as: (1) promoting the concept that they were unwilling to accept the truth, or (2) they had problems here and were not fit to be members anyways, or (3) we are better off without them by which now maybe we can have some peace. However, it is a good exercise to think about those who have left and talk about why they left, otherwise, people may never pick up on things that have been going on.

2. No One Knows Anything They Want To Study
As a teacher it can be very frustrating. You finish a long study on a subject, then stand before your class and ask what they would like to study next. Many times the silence can be deafening. Why do people not have subjects in hand ready to ask about? It is a sign of the lack of personal study that is present. Individuals who study on their own will constantly be finding things that intrigue them or befuddle them. These are the things that they will bring up to be discussed in class. When there is a lack of ideas for a group study, it demonstrates a lack of personal study from the members.

3. Everyone Looks Back At How Good Things Used To Be
Ah, the good ol’ days. I remember them well, when everything was perfect, and all was well with the world. Now the problem is, even if that were an accurate description (which it is not), if we spend all of our time looking to the past at what we did then, we miss the present. And, while it is fine to remember the past, Christians must be more concerned about how we can make things better now. Sadly, many congregation are so hung up on how great things were 20, 30, or 40 years ago that they do nothing today except revel in the past.

4. Every Idea For Growth Centers On Anything Except Teaching
Ever hear the expression, “bringing the mass in?” People in the congregation may recognize that at times, there is a problem of little to no growth and will decide that the failure of growth is due to the lack of activities for the youth, or that the congregation needs to get together more often for meals or such like. However, the truth is, when our focus leaves our true mission, Teaching, then any idea for growth is missing the mark. In addition, congregations who think that if they build gyms or family life centers, that this will draw new members, but they do not see the fact that the church is centered on Gospel teaching, not around buildings or activities.

5. The Foyer Empties Out 5 Minutes After The Close Of Worship.
One of the most precious of all things is the fellowship with our fellow Christians. However, some members believe that the final amen of worship is the same as the starting gun in a race. And just like this, there off. You may even be able to hear the stampede as they make a mad dash to see who can get out the door and in their car first. Often times, you may be able to come outside just a few minutes after worship service in the evening and only hear the sound of grasshoppers in the near distance. But on the other hand, I have attended congregations where members would spend countless hours talking with one another, even when the lights were turned off on them and the doors were locked. Perhaps, you have attended a congregation where the fellowship continued on as the conversation moved to a nearby restaurant or ice cream store. Thus, how sad it is when fellow Christians rush out the door to get away (or show up minutes before the start of services) missing on the fellowship with their brethren.

Now, these are not all the symptoms of a congregation that is dying, but these give a good determination of what is happening to a congregation. Therefore, we must be watchful, brethren, not just for what is happening everywhere else, but what is happening in our own back yard. We must fight to make sure that the congregation where we attend continues to grow and follow after the things of Christ. Otherwise we may be no better than Sardis who was told by Jesus that they were dead.

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