Born Again or Repent

Coming to Repentance

I recently had the privilege of preaching a sermon designed to answer the question, as to whether or not an accountable person, once baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins early on, who then falls away from Christ and turns his/her back on Christ and His church for several decades, needs to be ‘re-baptized’ should they “come to their senses” and want to repent and return home to their Father and His house (Luke 15:11-24; 1 Timothy 3:15; hear full lesson at:

should one be rebaptized to repent

Should one be “re-baptized” to repent?

During the delivery of that lesson, the definitive conclusion reached, was that no, they didn’t have to be baptized again as long as they were originally baptized for legitimate biblical reasons – and here’s why: Just as with a physical or biological family, once a baby is born into it, they are always a member of it – no matter how they may live their life afterward. Even if, after a baby is born into a physical family, they grow up and go off to live a terribly sinful and contrarian life for a while and then want to straighten out and return home, they don’t have to be physically conceived, carried, and born into the family again! Nicodemus tried that absurd line of reasoning once already – didn’t work then, won’t work now (John 3:4).

The same exact thing is also true in the spiritual world. Having been previously “born again of the water and the Spirit” as Jesus said one must be in order to see and enter the kingdom (or church, or family) of God (John 3:3-5); that is to say, once one has repented, and then by faith been baptized in water for the forgiveness or washing away of their sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, 22:16), they have at that exact point, been “born again of the water and the Spirit” and thus have been born into and become a member of God’s family (Galatians 3:26-27).

But what happens if they then later fall away, or fall from grace (Psalm 101:3; Luke 8:13; Hebrews 3:12, 6:6; Galatians 5:4; And yes one can “fall away,” or “fall from grace” according to the bible: What happens if they turn their back on God their Father and go back into the world of sin (2 Peter 2:20-22)? Some might be inclined to exclaim, “Surely they cannot still be considered a child of God in such a sinful state… can they?”

Well, let us first look to the Scriptures for our answer. As we read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, the son takes his inheritance and turns his back and travels away from his home, his family, and his father, and lives a terribly wanton, wasteful, wicked and sinful lifestyle. But despite all that, when he comes to his senses and decides to return to his father, how is he addressed by his father? Verse 24 says, “For this my son was dead…” He may have been living a dead and separated in his sins lifestyle, but he was still – and always had been, despite the worst of sins he had been committing and indulging in of late – still his father’s son and a member of the family! Of course his father didn’t approve of his sin! Of course he was acting as a woeful and sinful and awful son! But he was still a son and a member of the family – no matter how terribly an acting and/or erring one!

The same can be readily evidenced from the life of David, the “man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22) and father of Absalom. Absalom was a sneaky, conniving, treacherous and bloodthirsty son, seeking to take both his father’s throne and life by force (see 2 Samuel, chapters 13-19). But when Absalom was finally killed in battle against his father’s forces which he was seeking to overthrow so as to kill his father as well, what did his father David do and how did he refer to Absalom?  And Joab was told, “Behold, the king is weeping and mourning for Absalom.” So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people. For the people heard it said that day, “The king is grieved for his son.” And the people stole back into the city that day, as people who are ashamed steal away when they flee in battle. But the king covered his face, and the king cried out with a loud voice, “O my son Absalom! O Absalom, my son, my son” (2 Sam 19:1-4)!

Some of you may have had children which you raised in the church; children who obeyed the gospel early on but then later turned their backs on the Lord and His church and walked away from both their physical as well as their spiritual families and out into the swine fields of sin. Perhaps it went even further. Perhaps they wound up either incarcerated or incapacitated by their bad choices. Let me ask you a question: Are they still your child no matter what mess they might have gotten themselves into? Or, will they have to be born into the family again should they ever decide to return? No, of course not – they’re still your child! Now, there is no doubt they may have to repent and make some changes just like the prodigal did. They cannot “continue in sin that grace may abound! Certainly not” (Romans 6:1-2)! But as to their sonship, they are still sons – even if desperate and destitute ones – and yes, even when in the swine fields. This is why a person who was once born into the family of God by virtue of their being “born again of water and the Spirit” when baptized into Christ, in water, “for the forgiveness of their sins” and to “receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38), need not be baptized or born again, again, upon their return home, should they have fallen away since. Many will need to make some major changes and commit themselves to some life-altering repentance when they return to their Father’s house for sure. But they are still children of the living God by virtue of the blood of Christ, and have been since their baptism – even if terribly erring and apostate ones in the interim.

Now; what happens if these still-children of God never decide to repent and return to their Father and His house? Well, like Absalom they make themselves enemies of their loving and adoring Father, and will undoubtedly perish in their rebellion. Yes, there will be actual children of God, suffering in eternal hell (Hebrews 10:26-31). And just like many Hollywood depictions of one-time police officers who turned to crime and were caught and imprisoned amongst those whom they once arrested and convicted, can you imagine the horrors that will be inflicted on those who were once faithful children of God, testifying against the impenitent reprobates whom they will now be spending eternity imprisoned alongside/amongst? Perhaps that’s a portion of what the Apostle Peter had in mind in 2 Peter 2:20-22.

Therefore, let us thank God for each and every rebellious member of the family that returns, and pray to God we can reach more of our erring brethren – yes our erring brothers and sisters still – before it’s too late!

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Lost and Found

Navigating the Maze

“For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost” (Matt. 18:11).

have you ever been lost in a maze

Have you ever been lost in a maze?

Have you ever tried to get through a maze?  Once, while on a family vacation many years ago, my youngest brother and I tried to get through one.  It looked simple enough at first, however, once we embarked on our quest it quickly became evident that we were lost. Finally, the attendant came to us and said, “Follow me,” and then showed us the way out.

Trying to navigate this life perfectly on our own is simply impossible.  All who enter this maze end up lost.  For this reason God sent His only begotten Son to seek us and to save us (Lk. 19:10). “Follow Me,” He said (cf. Matt. 9:9), and then He showed us the way (cf. Jn. 14:6).

Friends, if you are not following Christ then you are lost indeed.

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Effectual Prayer

The Effectual Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man

Prayer is the statement of the sincere desire of the heart to our Creator. Personally, I do not believe that we can study this subject enough, and this issue will examine the prayer lives from some of the most righteous men contained in the Bible. Several verses previous to our text, James encourages his readers to pour out their hearts unto God in the midst of suffering (James 5:13) and in sickness (James 5:14-15).

is your heart right in prayer

Is your heart right in prayer?

By making a comparison between those who are physically sick and spiritually sick, James writes, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). By inspiration, James designed this statement to encourage us to pray, which is why James has said everything previously to this grand declaration. Unfortunately, it may actually have the opposite effect on some of us. Instead of reading this as an encouragement to pray, one may say, “Well, I know that God will hear and answer the prayers of a righteous man, but I am a person with human frailties, and I fall very short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). Thus, I guess that God does not hear or answer my prayers,” and we quit praying. How tragic that a statement of encouragement by design becomes a statement of discouragement through our misunderstanding of it. As Christians, we are made righteous, not by living a perfectly sinless life, but by virtue of the fact that the Lord died for us, and His shed blood keeps us cleansed and forgiven of our sins (cf. 1 John 1:7-10). Therefore, God may hear our prayers!

What a great blessing to know that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!” To illustrate this, James mentions Elias (Elijah), the prophet. He “was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17). We find the expression “of like passions” only one other time in the New Testament (Acts 14:11-15), and it points to our same sorrows, heartaches, joys, human weaknesses and frailties. In other words, here was a man who was not sinlessly perfect like God, but as James continues, God heard his prayer! When we pour out our joys, our sorrows, our obstacles, our heartaches, our confessions, our admissions of human frailties, weaknesses and imperfections, then I know that God will hear me, just as he heard Elijah. When I become discouraged in life, then God will be there to hear me, just as He listened to Elijah! When I become fearful and afraid, then God will hear me, just as He heard Elijah! When I tread near the point of wanting to become critical with God for situations that have happened in my life, then God will be there to hear me, just as He heard Elijah! How fascinating that James picks Elijah as an example of “a righteous man” whom God heard in prayer.

I realize that a miracle is used in connection with God’s answer to Elijah’s prayer (James 5:17), which some may try to allude back to the previous verses. Yes, the miracle was only in connection with the revelation that God gave Elijah concerning the rain that would come after a drought that lasted three and a half years. We can read of this account in First Kings 18, and as Andy Griffith would say, “It came a frog’s rain!” Nevertheless, the point in this passage is that through James, God used Elijah as a divine illustration to show that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” and if Elijah was “a man subject to like passions as we are” and God heard his prayer, then we ought never to doubt the power of prayer! May this series of articles point to our need of living righteous lives, ever leaning fervently on Jehovah God through prayer, and realizing the great power that God works through them!

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We Need More Timothy’s

We Need More Timothy’s

We need as many “Timothys” in the church as we possibly can have—both young men and young ladies. These young people are becoming spiritual leaders in the church. “Timothys” just do not accidently happen. To understand the part you play in their growth, consider the influences in the life of Timothy, Paul’s young companion.

are you developing a timothy

Are you Developing a Timothy?

“Timothys” are made because of the influence of parents and grandparents. Paul’s son in the faith came from an unusual background.  From early childhood, there was the influence of his mother and grandmother (2 Tim. 3:15; 1:5). His father was a pagan, yet such did not keep Lois and Eunice from shaping his life. The home shapes the lives of all of us.

“Timothys” are made because of the influence of congregations they attend. When Paul decided to take Timothy with him on his second missionary journey, the brethren at Lystra and Iconium spoke highly of him (Acts 16:2). Imagine how Timothy must have felt knowing that many brethren would stand up and support him. Lois and Eunice knew of his faith and, as he grew, others saw it.

“Timothys” are made because of the influence of elders. We know very little of the details of that time when the eldership laid their hands on young Timothy, but that influence of church leaders had to shape his life tremendously (1 Tim. 4:14). When Paul and Barnabas were sent out as missionaries, the church laid hands on them to signify the importance of their work (Acts 13:3), and perhaps this same thing happened to Timothy. Even without knowing the details we can see the important role elders played in his life.

“Timothys” are made because of the influence of preachers. Paul taught Timothy the gospel, and he was the first preacher who molded the young man’s life. He also knew Barnabas, Silas, Sopater, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Tychicus and Trophimus (Acts 20:4). These men traveled with Paul and Timothy and no doubt were part of Timothy’s growth.

“Timothys” are made because of the influence of members of the church. Timothy knew Lydia, the jailor at Philippi, Aquila, Priscilla, Crispus, Sosthenes, Gaius and a host of unnamed Christians in every church he visited. His life is such a vivid illustration of the importance of every member shaping the lives of younger Christians.

“Timothys” are being made in the church today. Take time to pray and think about the role you can play in being part of this great work today at this congregation. Get involved in the lives of our young people. The destiny of the church lies in their hands. They need your influences on them!

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Eject the Pilot?

The Plane Truth – Why Congregations Crash!

“What on earth is going on? Why the delay?” the exasperated airline passenger exclaimed to the flight attendant as they continued to set idle on the runway.

“Oh, the pilot complained about some strange noises he heard coming from the engine compartment,” she replied.

have you replaced the pilot due to his warnings

Have you replaced the pilot due to his warnings?

“Are you going to be able to get the problem fixed?” he suddenly, soberly asked.

“We already have,” the stewardess answered cheerfully. “We’ve replaced the pilot.”

Seriously; how many of us would calmly continue to set on that plane, completely confident in our ability to arrive at our destination safe and sound? And yet, when it comes to spiritual matters, how many times does a very similar scenario occur, and yet no one even raises an eyebrow? How often does a faithful elder or preacher of the gospel hear and seek to warn those assembled for the flight home about the “strange noises” he’s hearing that could spell disaster for the entire group… and he is subsequently and summarily replaced as a result?

For example, how many a faithful preacher has heard the “strange noises” coming from some of the darkest corners of their congregation’s loudest members, clamoring and clattering for such things as acceptance of those unscripturally divorced and remarried into their fellowships without repentance; for instrumental music to be integrated into their currently biblical worship; or for women preachers, teachers, and/or song, dance, and prayer leaders to be able to “exercise their talents” in those worship assemblies? These are all “strange noises” as they are entirely foreign to – and even condemned within – Scripture and the New Testament congregations of the Lord’s church we see experienced and in evidence therein.

I know of a preacher who sought for several years to alert the assembled he served of the spiritually deadly nature of the liberal noises beginning to emanate from the few who had “loosened up” their stance dramatically on marriage, divorce, and remarriage amongst other things. And as is sometimes the case when such faithful, spiritual “pilots” seek to warn those assembled of the fiery crash and burn danger associated with such foreign-to-Scripture noises, they, like he, soon get summarily replaced by those unbothered by such “strange sounds.” Because just like with an engine, one loosened nut doesn’t remain alone for long as the stress and strain it puts on the rest soon overwhelm them as well. In the case of such when it comes to a congregation, the complete breaking loose from their biblical moorings – as well as the deadly crash it inevitably causes – soon become both irreversible and inevitable. We should thank the good Lord for those elders, preachers, and congregational leaders alert enough to recognize the danger such doctrinal “strange noises” represent, and that something is not right, before continuing on to a sure-fire crash! Instead of simply ignoring their warnings and replacing them, how much safer we’d all be in those assemblages, if instead, we committed ourselves to upgrading, repairing, and solidifying the whining and unstable machinery causing the potentially deadly problem in the first place!

Consider with me for a just moment, only a few of the biblical precedents and pictures of such deadly crash-and-burn disasters we see in Scripture; disasters which could have been easily averted by alertness, but were presumptuously perpetuated by those who were spiritually “dull of hearing” and ignored the warnings (Jeremiah 10:6-23; Matthew 13:14-15; Hebrews 5:11-12).

Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-2) had no problem with – and even, like some ‘replacement’ preachers today, helped create and perpetuate – the stinging scent of “strange fire” coming from God’s altar. Their deadly, fiery, crash and burn end is legendary, as they reaped exactly what they’d sown (Gal. 6:7-8).

In 1st Kings 22, God’s faithful prophet (“pilot”) Micaiah sought to warn Israel and Judah that he saw and heard the deafening sound of a sound defeat coming at the hands of the Syrians if they continued on their current course. King Ahab and Israel immediately replaced him and his sound counsel with that of those who chose not to see and hear the troubling future scene that Micaiah did. Ahab’s impending death and the imminent defeat of his assembled army were thereby utterly and irreversibly sealed by their decision to ignore the faithful “pilot’s” warning, and replace him with those unbothered by such troubling and insightful indicators.

As fast as God could send his people faithful prophets to pilot them, his faithless people summarily replaced them with leaders who would “not prophesy to [them] right things; [but] speak to [them] smooth things, [and] prophesy deceits… [Who would insist that the faithful pilots and prophets] Get out of the way, turn aside from the path, [and] cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before [them]” (Isaiah 30:10-11). This they did continually, even eventually ridding themselves of the airline owner’s Son when He came to guide and pilot them home, warning them in the process of the troubling smoke He smelled coming in on their horizon (Matthew 21:33-22:14).

The faithful “angels” (pilots, ministers) of five out of the seven groups of assembled congregations of spiritual travelers mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3, were to warn those ready for take-off about the dangers that needed to be corrected beforehand, if they were to avert disaster and successfully complete their journey to their heavenly homeport. The pilot for Ephesus Airlines needed to have the crew ratchet up their repentance and return to their first love (Revelation 2:1-7). The pilot for Pergamos Trans-Hadean had to alert those he had on board about the unacceptable sounds of sensuality and sexual immorality as well as deafening din of Nicolaitan false doctrine he heard whirring away from within (2:12-17). The Thyatiran Trailways “heir-bus” pilot also needed to warn everyone on board about the strange, Satanic, and foreign to the scriptures siren sound of female leadership lulling some to sleep and putting them on a collision course with complete crash and burn condemnation from the “less than friendly skies” (18-29). Sardis flight 3126 (Revelation 3:1 to 6) had some “dead” batteries and components without any “holding” power. (These, like some congregations of the Lord’s church, may still be in existence, preaching and teaching up a storm, but are oblivious to the fact that there’s a whole bunch of dead people on board – according to God – going down hard and fast, all the while completely oblivious to the fact that they’re already doomed, until and unless there’s an immediate, drastic warning and emergency course correction). All of this, while the Laodicean jet liner lacked both the ability to adequately heat up its engines, as well as to cool them off due to a critical coolant leak (3:14-22).

In all of these Revelation two and three “heir” line examples (Romans 8:4-17), we see, sense, and smell the potentially fatal problems that would – and still will – lead to fiery crashes of the entire assemblage, if not immediately noted and thoroughly corrected. And so we say, God bless the (angel) pilot, preacher, elder or leader, who is alert and caring enough, to notice and then to also sound the warning and alert the rest of the “flight crew,” as well as the assembled (Ezekiel 33:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22; Hebrews 13:17), of these eternal-life threatening and “strange noises,” which, according to Scripture, simply should not be there and so should serve as a “sure-fire” sign that something is very, very, deadly wrong.

Remember: the pilot isn’t there to “tickle your ears” and tell you everything’s alright when it truly isn’t (2 Timothy 4:3-4; Jeremiah 6:13-19). He’s there to help get you safely to your destination. The faithful to God’s word, old paths elder, preacher, bible class teacher or congregational leader isn’t there to help make you happy – he’s there to help make you holy (1 Peter 1:13-2:3). He isn’t there to tell you necessarily what you want to hear, but to tell what you need to hear, in order for you to make the proper adjustments, corrections, and repairs so that your flight home doesn’t go down in a fiery ball of flames (2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 1:6-10, 4:16; Revelation 20:10-15, 21:7-8).

And if you are “on-board” with a congregation of people whose standard operating procedure is to replace any pilot who dares repeatedly warn of these “strange noises,” or, if the pilot to the flight you’re on simply isn’t bothered by such foreign to Scripture noises, then, if you value your eternal life, you’d better immediately vacate your seat, conduct an emergency exit, and “book” a different flight, with a people and a pilot that are willing to warn of and correct problems, instead of ignoring them and replacing the pilot who dares sound such a warning! Otherwise, your flight will end in eternal flame, instead of on the golden runway at your heavenly home heirport at long last!

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