Biblical Bigfoot

The Biblical Bigfoot; The Scriptural Sasquatch

its out there the bibilical bigfoot somewhere

It’s out there. The Biblical Bigfoot. Somewhere.

They claim it’s out there. They swear it exists. Whole t.v. shows and even television series – oft-times featuring otherwise intelligent, dependable, and reasonable people who are willing to put their very names and reputations on the line to persuade you of its earthly existence – are made regularly and readily available to be electronically piped into your personal and family time and circles, all with one agenda: to provide a case, based solely on shadows and speculation, for the existence of that which has never been physically proven or produced… A Bigfoot; a Sasquatch; a mythical, mystical, ape-like missing link type creature that many adamantly and militantly claim hunts and haunts the deepest and darkest nooks and crannies of the great, mountainous, North American wilderness. And the fact that there is absolutely no hard, earthly evidence whatsoever of its existence; that although some claim there are literally thousands of them out there, there has never been even one dead bigfoot body discovered anywhere; and that there’s never, ever, even once been one single Sasquatch killed or captured despite the decades of research and millions of dollars spent on such, doesn’t dampen the spirits or derail the intensity of the testimony of those who still want to try to convince you it’s out there. And the same thing holds true in the religious realm, when we start talking about the biblical landscape and its textual terrain.

They claim it’s in there. They swear it exists. And whole denominations of otherwise biblically-affluent appearing, pious, intelligent and reasonable religious people are willing to put their very eternal lives and souls on the line, being persuaded of its biblical existence. And like those mentioned above, these too, are made regularly and readily available to be electronically piped into your personal and family time and circles, as well as being found trumpeting their testimony from nearly every man-made denomination on every street corner, all with one agenda: to provide a case, based solely on satanic shadows and sinful man’s speculation, for the existence of that which has never been seen, proven, or produced, from within the pages of the sacred text… The so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation sake; the prayer supposedly needing to be said in order to have one’s sins forgiven, washed away, and to be saved, simultaneously “welcoming Jesus into one’s heart” at the same time. Subsequently, this so-called “Sinner’s Prayer,” might more appropriately be referred to, as the “Biblical Bigfoot,” or “Spiritual Sasquatch.”

Consider with me for a moment… When the 3,000 sinners were forgiven, saved, and converted to Christ on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2, we see that they heard the gospel, believed the gospel, repented of their sins, and obeyed the gospel – this, by being baptized specifically for the forgiveness of their sins – and were thereby added by God, to His Son’s church (See Acts 2:37-47). They were saved and forgiven of their sins… but there was/is, not a shred nor shadow of Scriptural evidence anywhere there, to suggest or support the theory that any of them were taught to say, or recited the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” in the process of their being biblically saved. In other words, this shadowy “Scriptural Sasquatch” or “Sinner’s Prayer” as it were, was – just like the supposed North American “Bigfoot” – nowhere in evidence anywhere. And throughout the remainder of the book of Acts, wherein we see everything from individuals, to whole households, to many from whole regions, and what amounts to the amassing of several thousands of examples of biblical conversions to Christ, we see not one shred of supportable, Scriptural evidence, to even remotely suggest the existence of this so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” (“Biblical Bigfoot,” or “Spiritual Sasquatch”) in these thousands of extremely verifiable examples of conversion to Christ and salvation from sin (See, study, and download chart from:

The beloved Apostle, elder, and eventual martyr Peter, who preached that Acts 2 sermon and bound baptism and repentance as the heaven-honored “terms of entrance” into the Lord’s church (Matthew 16:19; Acts 2:38), would also later write as an older man in 2 Peter 1:3 ESV, that God’s “…divine power has granted to all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him…” (Underlining added – DED). In other words, ALL THINGS – EVERYTHING – we need to know about God, Christ, being saved, and how to get to heaven, God has lovingly provided us with, within the textual terrain of His eternal word. As the beloved Apostle John would also echo from within his divinely assigned corner of that landscape of love: “These things [are] written… that you may KNOW that you have eternal life…” (1 John 5:13 NKJV; CAPITALIZATION mine – DED).

To review: God has given us everything we need to know about how to be saved get to heaven in His holy word, the bible. The so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” for forgiveness, salvation, making one a child of God, and welcoming Jesus into one’s heart, is absolutely nowhere whatsoever to be seen therein, anywhere amongst all those thousands of examples of salvation and conversion to Christ we see in the sacred text from Acts 2 forward. If it is, then where is such a prayer found in the bible, “book, chapter, and verse?” If this “Biblical Bigfoot,” or “Spiritual Sasquatch” exists, then where is the unquestionable and unmistakable “body” of evidence found within the sacred pages of God’s eternal, exclusive, and all-sufficient revelation to man? It isn’t there – anywhere. In fact, the fact that there is no “book, chapter, and verse” body of proof of its existence within the textual terrain of the scriptures anywhere – wherein we have everything we need to know about God, Christ, heaven, and salvation – is made readily (even if unintentionally), very awkwardly apparent, by its extremely obvious absence from any and all denominational tracts sadly seeking to convince us it is for real!

But the fact that it is never seen in the sacred scriptures makes it abundantly clear that it apparently has nothing whatsoever to do with getting any lost soul to heaven according to God’s scheme of redemption. This makes it just another cruel, satanic, man-made hoax – a hoax which God will allow to lead untold millions of biblically ignorant masses who choose to continue to believe in its imaginary existence – despite a total lack of textual evidence – into a wild and terrible wilderness based on their belief in its existence, from which there will be no return (Mark 7:5-13; 2 Thess. 2:9-12).

Now please don’t misunderstand. I suppose that it is perhaps possible – very highly improbable and extremely unlikely in my mind, but not 100% impossible – that someday a Sasquatch, might, possibly be found. I am not naïve enough to believe that humanity has already discovered and catalogued every single species our great Creator created some 6,500 or so literal years ago when He formed the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1 and 2). However, should that highly unlikely day of legitimate Sasquatch production somehow come to fruition, it will immediately annihilate this article’s illustration, for one very irreversible and irrevocable reason: Unlike the earthly landscape of the North American continent, every inch and iota, jot and tittle, and nook and cranny; of every letter, in every word, of every line, of every sentence, of every verse, of every paragraph, of every chapter, of every book, of every writer, in either Testament of God’s complete revelation to His creation, being “forever firmly fixed in heaven” (Psalm 119:89), has been thoroughly and repeatedly explored and examined by countless millions over the past several millennia… and this so-called “Sinner’s Prayer of Faith for Salvation,” cleansing and saving the soul of the alien sinner and welcoming Jesus into their heart, simply isn’t there, anywhere, in God’s still all-sufficient plan for man… existing only in the shadow-driven minds of self-deluded and sadly, tragically, still lost souls. (For a two-part audio sermon mini-series dissecting this soul-destroying Spiritual Sasquatch in far greater detail, please see:



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Understanding Olam

The Importance of Defining Bible Words

Every time we fail to define a word as God used that word in the Bible, we open the door to believing something that God simply did not teach. For example, those who redefine the word “baptism” to include sprinkling allow individuals to believe that infant baptism is what God intended. There is another word, the Hebrew word olam, which is often misunderstood and which leads many to wrong conclusions about what God actually taught.

How should olam be understood

How should “olam” be understood?

The Hebrew word is often translated as “eternal,” “perpetual” and “forever.” The Jehovah Witnesses try to find proof here that, while 144,000 will enter heaven, the rest of mankind will be on the earth, for “…the earth abides forever (Hebrew word is olam)” (Ecc. 1:4). The Seventh Day Adventists, who want to find proof that God intended for the Sabbath to be kept even in the Christian age, find the verses which say the Sabbath was to be “a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever (olam)” (Ex. 31:17). The problem is that these denominations fail to understand the word olam (translated as “forever” in these passages above). The Hebrew word does not convey the same meaning as the English word “forever.”

How can we see that this is true? How do we show the true meaning of the Hebrew word olam? It is a simple process. Just look at the other things in the Old Testament which were to abide olam (forever). Just let God define the word.

What things did the Old Testament describe as being olam? Genesis 17:13 affirms that circumcision as a religious act was to abide forever. The same is true of the Passover (Ex. 12:14-17); slavery (Ex. 21:6); the Levitical priest wearing bonnets and girdles (Ex. 29:9);  the priests washing their hands and feet as a religious act (Ex. 30:21-22); the entire Levitical priesthood (Lev. 7:34-36); the blowing of trumpets on the first day of every month (Num. 10:8); the perpetual existence of the stones placed at the crossing of the Jordan (Josh. 4:7); and the amount of time Samuel would serve at the temple (1 Sam. 1:22). The word olam is found in every one of the verses listed in this paragraph.

One cannot be honest in selecting verses to support the eternal earth or the eternal Sabbath while denying that the other things no longer are binding. All these things stand or fall together.

Then, what is the meaning of olam? It simply affirms that those things given were intended to be long lasting with no end in sight. It was God’s assurance to Israel that His commands could be trusted by men. They were not temporary. They were established by God, and He alone would determine when they would end.

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That’s Not Love

When Love Really Isn’t Love

There are a great number of religious bodies today which advertise themselves as loving bodies of believers. This is fantastic and the way Christ’s Church should be identified. In fact, Jesus told his disciples the following in John 13:35: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. The Bible has much to say about love. A scan of I Corinthians 13 lists a great number of attributes of love including patience, kindness, a lack of arrogance, proper behavior, and a desire for others betterment. God is love (I John 4:8). Jesus is the image of his father (John 14:7). Jesus Body is the Church (Colossians 1:24). Consequently, to know the Church is to know true love.

do you ignore wrong in the name of love

Do you ignore wrong in the name of love?

When is love not really love? Consider the mother who loves her son so much she cannot discipline him. A lot of these children seem to be found at the grocery store. Little Johnnie wants this, wants that, wants the other. “Yes, Yes, Yes”, mother gives in every time except one. “No”. What is the reaction of little loved Johnnie? Plug the ears. Johnnie throws himself on the floor and starts screaming. Mom starts pleading and negotiating to get him to stop. “No” becomes “Yes”, all supposedly in the name of love. How about the mom and dad who buy their children booze so they won’t go out and drive drunk. Is that true love? Perhaps true love is when mom and dad let their teenager go out alone with the opposite sex, hormones racing. A large amount of folks have no problem with this. How many of these young people experience the hands and lips of another person all over them and won’t end up marrying that person? How would they like these moments videotaped and shown to their future spouse? Even worse, how many of these arrangements end up with unplanned pregnancies or worse yet abortions? Purity lost from the first touch, dreams shattered, potential murder, all because they were loved so much they weren’t chaperoned and potentially embarrassed by the presence of mom or dad. True love? How loving is it to offer the child the choice of whether or not to attend Church? Certainly with infinite teenage knowledge, the teenagers know what is best for their life. True Love or not?

Many churches today advertise themselves as a non-judgmental church. The Church will accept anyone regardless of their behaviors because they are loved. Homosexual? No problem. Pedophile? No problem. Lying to the government about your birth certificate? No problem. Cheating on your taxes? No problem. Whatever sin you are in, it’s alright, because you are loved. There is no question God loves all men as should the Church (Romans 8:35-39). However, God also commands all men everywhere to repent of their sins (Acts 17:30). When sinners don’t repent God doesn’t leave them, they leave God (Isaiah 59:1-2). Scripture establishes that Christians should not be a stumbling block for sin by enabling it (I Corinthians 8:10-13). Christians are not to fellowship with sin (James 4:4, I Corinthians 15:33). If Christians do not tell others of their sin so they can repent and be forgiven in Christ, then they too are guilty of sin (James 4:17). The Church is told to break fellowship with those who will not give up their sin (Romans 16:17, Ephesians 5:11). Is ignoring the commands of God true love (I John 5:2)? This is what must be done if many modern religious bodies are listened to today.

In I Corinthians 5, the Corinthian Church is faced with an individual who is having a sexual relationship with his father’s wife. This is clearly a case of adultery and a sin (Matthew 5:27-28, Galatians 5:19-21). Yet, the Church cared about these people. Maybe they had a number of relatives in the Church. Maybe the Church members had known these folks their whole lives. So out of love, they chose not to say or do anything about the sin that was occurring. What wonderful Christians they felt they were! Here an awful sin was occurring in their midst. It certainly had to be embarrassing and awful to someone (perhaps the father?). Yet, because there was so much love, the sin just kept on going with no objection. What a great example for the youth of the Church! How mighty these Corinthian Christians were!

Paul doesn’t seem to take the view that ignoring the sin was acceptable. In fact, he chastises the church for their arrogance about how great their love was. He establishes love does not ignore sin. He exhorts the Corinthians turn the sinner over to Satan as he would. In other words, turn the sinner out to the world and the lusts therein. They were to get rid of the wickedness. Gasp! What a harsh cruel thing. Feelings could get hurt. Hopefully, shame would result in such a situation as well (Jeremiah 6:15). It is far better to have shame instead of spiritual destruction (Matthew 10:28). Proper shame brings about Godly sorrow and repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). The inspired Paul wrote the God breathed words of I Corinthians 13 concerning love. He also wrote the God breathed words of I Corinthians 5. What he saw happening in Corinth was not love, but sinfulness.

Sometimes men operate from their own state of logic. They base their decisions on their own wisdom. However, “the foolishness of God is wiser than men; the weakness of God is stronger than men”. Enabling a drug addict is not love. Enabling a sinner is not love. Giving a gun to a suicidal person is not love. Encouraging sin by a sinner is not love. True love has the other person’s best interests at heart. The calling of God is to purity and eternal life (Matthew 5:8). Consider the advertising of a loving Church. Does it call for adherence to the commands of God and express a concern for the soul of the individual? Is a loving attitude expressed with an offer of help to escape the sins of the world? This is true love. If the call is for the individual simply to stay as they are, then that is when love really isn’t love.

2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

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Where’s the Blush?

Grieving Over Sin

do you blush or feel shame over sin

Do You Blush or Feel Shame Over Sin?

The prophet Jeremiah lived among people who had become insensitive toward sin. Through the prophet God declared, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD” (Jer. 6:15).  We too, live in a generation that is insensitive toward sin and wickedness.  Like those in Jeremiah’s time most do not even blush at the immorality and ungodliness around them.  In fact, there are many, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Rom. 1:32).

Now, the people of God, regardless of the acceptance of evil around them, should always sorrow concerning sin and the shortcomings it brings.  Jeremiah was one who wept concerning the wickedness of his generation and the punishment that they would face.  In Jer. 9:1-6, Jeremiah fled into the wilderness, far away from his people because of such corruption which made life unbearable.  He wept because they were adulterers, treacherous men, deceiving their brother and neighbors, filled with lies, trading evil for evil, and had forgotten the Lord.  This sounds much like our society who no longer hold sanctity in marriage, who let lies prevail in the land, where evil is traded for evil and where many do not know God.  Jeremiah cried out, “But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears . . .” (Jer. 13:17).  But, what is your attitude toward wickedness?  Are you like Jeremiah who sorrowed over these things?  Is your heart pained at the evil around you? Do you blush at vulgarity and immodesty, or does it not bother you?

The people of God should always be grieved over sin.  The psalmist declared, “Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.” (Psa. 119:136).  Centuries later the apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth in which he stated with affliction and anguish of heart, he wrote them with “many tears” (2 Cor. 2:4).  It was sin and wickedness of his brethren that brought him to tears.  We are not told if Jesus shed a tear while He face the torturous death on the cross.  But the Scriptures tell us as He approached the city of Jerusalem shortly before His death He “wept over it” (Lk. 19:41) saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matt. 23:37).

Those who love God not only blush at sin, but lament over sin and wickedness.  They turn from it and seek forgiveness through repentance and baptism (Acts 3:19; 22:16).  They then strive to live faithfully and turn others from unrighteousness (Matt. 5:13-16).

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Medicinal Wine

Looking at Timothy and Paul’s Wine Command

In First Timothy 5:23, Paul writes to Timothy, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” Occasionally, I hear people say, “Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his illness. Therefore, it is all right for me to drink a little wine once in a while, it is all right for me to drink a little alcoholic beverage every once in a while, or it is all right for me to drink a little beer every once in a while, because Paul instructed Timothy to do that.”

there is no question that wine is not always alcoholic

There is no question that wine is not always alcoholic.

However, let us notice the context. Friends, Paul was writing to a man whom he described as his “son in the faith” (1 Tim. 1:12), and on this occasion, Timothy was a sick individual, physically speaking. The indication is that he had been drinking water, and many scholars suggest to us that there was something wrong with the water that Timothy had been drinking [i.e., cholera outbreak]. Because it was bad water, Paul says to him, “Do not drink any more water, because the water is not helping your condition any more. Drink a little wine.”

Of course, it was not wrong to drink all “wine,” because this biblical term also referred to non-alcoholic, non-fermented grape juice. In this issue, please read about the process of fermentation and see the differences between taking grape juice and deliberately creating a fermented beverage that is intoxicating and would actually make one drunk. Obviously, I have never heard of a man who was addicted to Welch’s grape juice, but I know of many who are alcoholics and drink the intoxicating kind.

It is still difficult to be convinced that Paul recommended alcoholic wine to Timothy; it is not a foregone conclusion that this refers to inebriating wine, since the evidence from antiquity exists to suggest that he was referring to the addition of grape juice to his drinking water for medicinal purposes. However, let us grant that it was for just a moment. Please note the following: (1) Timothy had been abstinent up until this point—are we going to overlook this important trait of faithfulness in this godly young man? (2) The apostle Paul said, “…a little wine,” which ought not to endorse the type of socialized drinking for which people are searching for justification; (3) he would probably dilute the juice with water (or vice versa, mixing juice in with his water); (4) he gave the specific reason for doing so, which was medicinal in nature—not social, casual or recreational. In fact, one must not automatically assume that the wine itself possessed medical properties. The wine may have simply been the antiseptic means of purifying polluted water that Timothy had been drinking by killing germs and bacterial organisms. If so, then Paul was not commending wine, but commending a method of cleansing contaminated water; (5) it took the directive of an apostle for Timothy to introduce it into his life. If Timothy had been a drinker and had been involved with drinking in the past, Paul would not have had to tell him to do so. One ought to wonder if the Christian lifestyle that Timothy chose to follow would have been patterned in a similar fashion as the Nazarite vow, in which one would “separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk” (Num. 6:3-4).

Therefore, Paul said, “…take it for thy stomach’s sake and his infirmities.” People say, “Preacher, this passage gives me the right to drink wine, because Timothy did it on this one occasion for medicine, and I need a lot of medicine!” Friends, this passage does not legalize or endorse drinking alcoholic beverages. In fact, Paul goes on to say in First Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil,” which Timothy was sure to do—so much so, that it took a directive from his mentor to aid him in overcoming his sickness. How we need more Christians who are as concerned with their influence in public! Should this be the case, I cannot think of anyone who would want to mislead anyone concerning the dangers that alcoholic beverages poses in our society!

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