Honoring Mothers

Honoring Mothers

The apostle Paul wrote that we are to honor our mothers and fathers (Eph. 6:1-3). Yet, he does not provide any age limit; in fact, Paul wrote this to adults. We honor our mothers in many ways. We honor them with gifts; we honor them by listening to them, and some honor them by attending worship with them on special occasions, such as on Mother’s Day. In the aforementioned text, I believe we may see some things that we as children and fathers could do to honor our mothers (and the mothers of our children).

mothers watch over their family

Mothers watch over their family.

We honor our mothers by understanding the principle of submission (Eph. 6:1). God has never changed His mind about the lesson of obedience. We cannot be right with God and wrong with our parents. The older brother of Luke 15 learned this. When he came in from the field, he was very disrespectful to his father. His relationship with his father was strained because of his strained relationship with his brother (Luke 15:28-32). Thus, the principle is this—if our relationship with our parents is strained, we are going to have difficulty with our relationship with our Father in heaven! We must submit to our parents. It is a sin to disobey them. When we break a rule with our parents, we are sinning against God. Many times, parents are contributing to their children’s lack of submission by not teaching and reinforcing their children to obey from a very young age, because if they do not start when they are toddlers, when they grow older, they learn to disrespect all forms of authority. Some parents say of their disobedient children, “Well, he is just full of mischief,” but trust me, parents, there is a difference between a child be – ing mischievous and being disobedient! In Romans 1, Paul described a group of the most wicked people written in the Bible, and among these are those who are disobedient to their parents (Rom. 1:30).

We honor our mothers by understanding the principle of sufficiency (Eph. 6:1-2). Many people have a hard time with the principle of submission, but it is understandable in view of American culture—a culture that renounces submission and declares independence. The reason we have a hard time with submission is this principle of sufficiency. For example, if we have a hard time submitting to parents, God, elders or others in authority, then it may be that we need to ask God to help us. Are we allowing the Lord to help us, or are we resisting the Lord’s help? We all have thought, “My parents are way behind the times; they are twenty years out of step with what is ongoing today.” If so, maybe we need to pray. Notice the phrase, “…in the Lord” (Eph. 6:1). Some people think that this command ap – plies to parents who are Christians, but it does not! The point is that if we want to be right with the Lord, then we have to obey and honor our parents. Thus, we are to honor them because of the help they provide for us: Paul asks, “Who is sufficient for these things?” (2 Cor. 2:16). The answer is in the next chapter: “…but our sufficiency is of God” (2 Cor. 3:5). In fact, Paul records Jesus saying to him, “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 12:9).

We honor our mothers by understanding the principle of survival (Eph. 6:3). The reason that we are to submit to them and to have our sufficiency in God is so that we might have a long life. No one knows how much longer our nation will stand if our homes keep crumbling the way that they are. “Except the Lord builds the house…except the Lord keeps the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain” (Ps. 127:1). Indeed, we live in a nation that is rotting and decaying from the inside. I am afraid one day that God is going to become tired of looking on our sin and his longsuffering will cease (2 Pet. 3:9).

Moreover, since God made Eve to be a helper to Adam, and fathers are foolish if we do not listen to the mother of our children, especially when it comes to child-rearing, then we can honor the mothers of our children by being devoted to the family (Eph. 6:4a). If we took the negative out, it would read, “Fathers, love your children,” because the opposite of provoke is to devote. The mothers of our children want us fathers to carry out the responsibilities of being the Christian father in the home. Many men are devoted to many things—work, hobbies and other interests, but how many men are truly devoted to their families? Dr. James Dobson said, “The greatest threat to the American home is the passive father.” This is the father who is not devoted and who lets the mother do everything that the father should be doing. Fathers, you may be working many, many hours per week, and you may feel as if you are too tired, but do not be pas – sive! If so, it will destroy the home, the nation and the church of our Lord. Why did Paul address this only to fathers? I believe it is because Paul knew the tendency of fathers to become passive, and that mothers would do their jobs without question. The burden of rearing and training the children is not anywhere placed upon the mothers, but the fathers are the spiritual leaders of the home.

Fathers can honor the mothers of their children by understanding the necessity of discipline (Eph. 6:4b). The inspired sage stated, “He that spareth his rod, spoileth the child” (Prov. 13:24), and “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him” (Prov. 22:15). Naturally, we are not talking about child abuse. I grew up in a time and home where my mother and father spanked me if I did something wrong, but they did not abuse me. We have become so afraid of child abuse today that we have often become non-disciplined, and we are suffering because of it (cf. Heb. 12:6-11).

Fathers can honor the mothers of their children by understanding the principle of direction (Eph. 6:4c). In which direction are we fathers leading our families? People often blame the church when they need to be looking inwardly. Jesus can make our families what they ought to be! Jesus can make the family of God what it ought to be! The only gift that we have from God to take with us to heaven is our children. If we understood the impact of this, it might make a difference with us!

While many children are honoring their mothers, let us not turn a blind eye to those who are hurting or struggling. Many children are celebrating Mother’s Day for the first time without their mother. Many females are struggling with Mother’s Day because they cannot be mothers. Let us be sure to pray for them. If God has still blessed us with our mothers, then let us honor them, just as Paul declared!

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Swimming in Public?

Should a Christian be at a public swimming pool or water theme park?

what do the scriptures say about swimming

What do the scriptures say about swimming?

The scriptures do not directly answer this particular question and so we must understand some principles that are set down within the scriptures in order to get to an appropriate answer. The Bible says that God has given us all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). Water, whether to drink or to bathe in or to play in, is a thing that God has given us to enjoy. So there is nothing wrong with enjoying a swimming pool or water theme park in and of itself. But I believe that the questioner has a little more in mind concerning this question than what is specifically stated and I am quite sure that this has to do with the attire with which both men and women clothe themselves when at such places. The very definition of a public swimming pool or water theme park means that there will be all kinds of individual’s participating in the activities that are offered at these places and there will certainly be some who are not Christians visiting these areas.

In today’s society in general, water and immodesty go hand in hand. Those who seek to recreate themselves around water activities such as swimming, water theme parks, or water skiing often display an inappropriate amount of flesh while they are participating in such things. There are two things that are wrong with this situation. First, the Bible commands that Christians be modest in the way that we dress. Paul wrote to Timothy the following words, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” The principle that is involved in modest dress is basically that we should not with our apparel draw undue attention to ourselves that would distract from what our real purpose in life is. Whether we overdress in the style of Cindi Lauper, or whether we under dress in the same fashion as the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, we will draw undue attention to ourselves and the focus of our life will become worldliness instead of godliness. Those who are Christians should not dress in such a way. If you dress in such a way while going to a public water recreation area then you have failed in keeping yourself modest and that is a sin.

The other problem that one runs into when attending public places of swimming or water recreation is the problem of lust. The Bible tells us that we should abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11). Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 “But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Those who look upon others with a lustful heart sin against God. Whether it is men or women who are doing the looking, when one sees a person of the opposite sex and that person entices lust in one’s heart to the degree that you wish to engage in sexual activity with them, then you have sinned in so looking. Public swimming places, water parks, and other public recreational activities where water is involved will lead you into this temptation. Jesus told us that we should pray not to be lead into temptation (Matthew 6:13). Why would we want to put ourselves into a situation where we would be tempted? No doubt it is within the realm of possibility for a Christian to go to a public swimming place dressed modestly and without any thought of lust in one’s heart for those around them, but it is highly unlikely. So to answer the question, “Should a Christian be at one of these places?” I ask the following questions. Should a Christian dress immodestly? Should a Christian lust after another man or woman? Should a Christian deliberately expose him or herself to lusts which war against the soul? If you have answered “no” to any of these questions, then you have your answer in regard to whether a Christian should go to a public pool or water park where such behavior, as is typical of the world, is occurring. Let us as Christians seek to promote chaste behavior in our life and participate in activities that do not lend themselves to inappropriate activity.

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Give Me Peace!

Give Me Peace

Everyone wants peace!

Everyone wants peace!

Peace. Who wouldn’t want more of it amongst the membership of the congregation in which they work and worship? Certainly our Lord and Savior, the “Prince of Peace” does. And as that great ‘opinions’ chapter, Romans 14, so thoroughly exhorts as it explores the prideful personal opinions, perspectives, pettiness and preferences which we so often give such a high and prized priority – even to the point of destroying one another for whom Christ died as well as the rest of the work of God in any given congregation – the Lord’s kingdom/church isn’t supposed to be about those things at all, but instead, about “righteousness, PEACE, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (See Romans 14; emphasis added on vs. 17 here – DED).

The Lord’s faithful congregations both should, and must, be a place of ultimate and unending peace within and amongst their ranks as they work and worship together to His glory. So why on earth are they so often not? While the reasons are surely many and varied, certainly the Apostle Paul’s divinely-inspired admonitions to the Thessalonians provide us with some priceless insight into one of the most common problems which continually prevents congregational peace, as well as providentially providing us with the perfect prescription for promoting, providing, and producing a more complete peace amongst us, wherever and whenever that particular problem exists.

As to the problem itself; the apostle Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, “For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.” The Greek word translated “busybodies” in verse 11 is “periergazomai,” and means, “to busy one’s self about trifling, needless, useless matters; used apparently of a person officiously inquisitive about other’s affairs.”

But this problem was far from being either new, exclusive, or limited only to these first century children of God. Solomon in all of his shining wisdom many centuries earlier had sternly warned in Proverbs 26:17 and 21: “One who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own, is like one who takes a dog by the ears… As charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife.And as the Apostle Peter also warned in his first, first-century epistle, this practice of presumptuously inserting one’s self into, and/or continually seeking to control someone else’s business when one has no real right or legitimate responsibility to do so, has absolutely no place in and amongst the saints of God, actually being akin to committing murder, being a thief, or being an evildoer according to almighty God! Really. “But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters” (1 Peter 4:15). I would additionally herein remind us of Miriam, the elder sister of both Aaron and Moses, who, over an approximately 90+ year span, served so well and saw so many miracles performed by her brother Moses whom God had chosen, but who, in the end, even after all that: presumptuously meddled in the affairs of God’s chosen leader; potentially disturbed and disrupted the peace of God’s congregation in so doing; and summarily suffered the God-caused consequences for her prideful and presumptuous sin, shortly before succumbing to her own death (Numbers 12:1-16; 20:1).

And so we see that this problem was far from new to these first-century Thessalonian saints. And in fact, Paul had actually also addressed it in his earlier epistle to them as well. But yet this pride-driven, peace-shattering problem still persisted! This, despite the extremely simple, scriptural, and straightforward solution which he had, by divine inspiration, previously provided and prescribed to them. Although they already loved one another deeply and it was obvious (1 Thess. 4:9), the fact was that they still needed to increase and mature even more in their love for both their brethren (vs. 10) as well as outsiders (vss. 11-12). And as an integral and essential part of that maturation and peace-providing process, Paul’s prescription, which was both priceless as well as timeless for all such saints in the Lord’s church, was simply and powerfully stated – yea commanded – in 1st Thessalonians, chapter 4, vs. 11:

…That you also aspire (“make it your ambition, or goal”) to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.

How much more peaceful, joyful, and profitable, every saint obeying this command of the Lord would not only make life in our congregations overall, but also, how much more peaceful, joyful, and profitable, every saint obeying this command of the Lord would additionally make it on any and all of the loving, hard-working, soul-shepherding, and God-honoring leaders of our congregations as well – as well it should be (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17)!

Now of course this doesn’t mean that we stop serving the Lord or being involved with loving, serving, and even correcting – when necessary – one another (1 Thessalonians 5:14-22). God forbid! (Truth be told, once one stops wasting their time and energy getting involved with what they ought and need not to anyway, it might even give them more time and opportunity to take up the righteous, more appropriate, and personal God-given responsibilities they should be more involved in to boot.) But what it does mean, is that we need to obey this commandment of the Lord not to be a “busybody,” “meddler,” or “one who needlessly and presumptuously seeks to insert themselves into some other saint’s business where they don’t belong or need to be in the first place,” just like any other. And when we do, the God of peace will be with us (1 Thessalonians 5:23), and the peace of God will preserve us (2 Thessalonians 3:16)!

And, after all… Who wouldn’t want more peace amongst the membership of the congregation in which they work and worship anyway? “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which we may edify one another” (Romans 14:17-19).


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Sin of Lust

Heart of the Matter: Lust

In a hyper-sexualized nation we have almost become desensitized to it: lust. Scantily clad billboards are the norm. Restaurants featuring immodestly dressed women are not just doing well—they are thriving and new chains, also featuring immodest waitresses, are sprouting up in cities all across the nation. Television has become a parade of indecently dressed actors and actresses. Even many commercials use sex to sell products and feature immodest actresses.

lust simplifies man down to an object

Lust simplifies man down to an object.

Many people are dressing not just to just attract attention, but to also accentuate their bodies. Our society feels very comfortable wearing very little or very tight clothes. A Christian would be hard pressed to go to a local mall and not feel visually assaulted. Add to this the epidemic of Internet pornography and you can easily see the recipe for disaster. Infidelity has become the norm in television sitcoms, and marriages are falling apart all across the nation. And if we are honest with ourselves, lust does not stop at the doorway of a church building.

Here’s what I intend to teach my children regarding lust.

God created our bodies—and He created them “good.” The human body is an amazing thing. Unfortunately, many people have taken the human body and turned it into an ungodly object. A simple definition of lust is longing for someone to whom you are not married. Lust is not something that Christians should be doing. Jesus said, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).

I believe part of the reason Christ said this was because the act of lusting removes the “human” element that was created in the image and likeness of God, and reduces that person down to an object. It also causes your mind to turn away from good things and to focus on fleshly things. In that moment you are walking away from a holy God.

Your mom and I have tried hard to shelter you from much of this filth during your short lifetimes—and we encourage you to do the same in your homes. We know you are exposed to many sexual images when we go out in public, but we do everything we can to limit that exposure and to protect your hearts and minds. Many people would argue that children should not be sheltered because they claim that protective “bubble” is not what the real world is like. However, God does not (and does not need to) immerse His children in vile and graphic details so that you can “learn” and recognize sin. You do not need to experience sin to know what it is (e.g., Jesus did not need to experience sin to know what was sinful). We have reared you in such a way that hopefully you will not even open your minds to the sin of lust.

Many people lust because they view it to be a “secret sin” that no one else is aware of. However, God is aware of everything—and please remember that what you are doing is bringing your mind into darkness instead of the light. The writer of Proverbs instructed his son to keep his father’s command, “To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattering tongue of a seductress. Do not lust after her beauty in your heart” (Proverbs 6:24-25). Later in that same book we read, “The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught by their lust” (Proverbs 11:6).

Lust is a battle of the mind. What you must do is constantly discipline your mind against going there. Paul in writing to the church at Galatia admonished, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish” (Galatians 5:16-17). Every time you find yourself in that battle, consider that it was our wretched sin that put Jesus Christ on the cross. Force yourself to consider the real cost of making someone into an object for your pleasure. The cost of sin is death—it’s not worth a few minutes of mental pleasure.

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The Way of Jeroboam

Cheap Religion

many religious people follow the way of jeroboam

Many religious people follow the way of Jeroboam.

In the Old Testament, we read of Jeroboam.  This king had a very different religion than that of David’s (1 Ki. 12:25-33; 2 Sam. 24:22-24).  His religion was also very different from the apostle Paul’s, who counted all things loss for the cause of Christ (Phil. 3:7-8).  Jereboam’’s religion was different in that he wanted to change the Lord’s way.  Jeremiah recorded, “. . . what a horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” (Jer. 5:30-31).  However, God’s ways cannot be changed (Rev. 22:18-19).  Alas, as in the day of old, so it is with the new, where it does not matter to some who desire to change the Lord’s ways.

Take for instance, salvation.  We know, according to the Bible, that we must wait on the Lord and that we cannot do anything alone.  We can only be saved by the Lord’s way.  Jesus said, “. . . But whom say ye that I am?  And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God . . . Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:15-16, 24).  This excludes and prevents our way from being considered or accepted.  Immersion is another problem that people have.  Is immersion really that hard to follow?  You would think this is the case since many are prone to sprinkling or pouring water, calling it baptism.  Did you know that five times it is mentioned, both Philip and the Eunuch are in water (Acts 8:26-39)?  Paul said that immersion is related to being buried with Christ (Rom. 6:3-4).  If people want to sprinkle or even turn the garden hose on someone and call that immersion, do people not know that this is not the one baptism that is authorized by the Lord (Eph. 4:5)?

These sort of problems are made public because people do not want to see the standard of authority.  They say all things are acceptable including, but not limited to, joining the church of your choice.  They have no religious conviction nor do they have a “thus saith the Lord” for what they do.  Despite the fact that the Bible says there is one body which is the church (1 Cor. 12:20).  People seem to believe what they want to believe and do things in the way they want to do them, like Jeroboam.  Thus, compromises in truth are clearly evident making the Lord’s ways seem cheap and easy.  No conviction.  Cannot say anything against someone.  They just want the smooth road and believe that you will go to heaven since there has been a blanket of grace put across mankind and that nothing we do really matters.  This could be called Jeroboamism.

The way of Jeroboam really was accepted with people in that he gave them convenience and compromises.  Today, it is no different as the people are given the opportunities to partake of the Lord’s Supper any day they want, who no longer have Biblical preaching, but entertain themselves to the point that they are lying on the floor with marshmallows of joyous entertainment attached to their faces.  But you know, the Lord is not amused.  How can we ignore Scripture as Jeroboam did?  God is not pleased with selfish pursuits and we should not be like those who poorly attempt to make going to heaven, cheap or easy.  Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24).  Let us be faithful and be able to say, as Paul said, “. . . I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day . . .” (2 Tim. 4:6-8).  Let us not make Christianity cheap like the world does.  Let us do things the Lord’s way.

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