Alcohol and Sin

Alcohol and Sin

Alcohol from the moment it touches the lips, affects the body.

Alcohol from the moment it touches the lips, affects the body.

Alcohol is a device Satan uses to deceitfully destroy the lives and souls of many people.  Over 1/3rd of Americans drink, meaning that, 10 billion is spent on liquor every year.  Thus, it is sad to consider that while people are losing their jobs and homes, they still refuse to remove the pacifier of alcohol from their mouths.  Alas, people continue to drink despite the fact that 20-50% of hospital beds are occupied by people whose illness is associated with alcohol use.  People drink alcohol despite that over 50% of all arrest are due to alcohol and that over 50 % of seventh graders and nearly 90% of high school seniors have tried alcohol.  Alcohol is further consumed despite the fact that alcohol is the leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds and despite that 40 – 60% of all fatal crashes involving a young driver who had been drinking.  When is it enough to realize alcohol is a problem?

Well, God has always known.  It should be no mystery to anyone that drunkenness is included among the works of the flesh which will not allow an individual to inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21).  In addition, the use of alcohol impairs the qualities one must possess to be pleasing to God such as self-control, reason, and sound judgment (1Peter 1:6; 4:7; Galatians 5:23).   Now, it is difficult at times to live and act properly before God when one is sober, let alone while under the influence of alcohol.

However, some ask, “If drinking is wrong then why did Jesus turn the water into wine in John 2?  Surely Jesus would not provide for some what He condemns for others.”  Jesus did not make alcoholic wine, but fruit of the vine.  That which was not fermented.  Besides this, it is a fact of history that what was drunk at the table in the ancient world was not the intoxicating wine of today.  Not only the Greeks, but the Hebrews and Romans alike cut their wine with 3 and 4 parts water to drink as a beverage.  Now, wine that was not deluded and was not the fruit of the vine, was referred to as strong drink, which the Bible so clearly warns against.  Every product that anyone would drink as a social drink today, such as beer, wine, or liquor, has alcohol content classifying it as strong drink.

Now, some defend social drinking by stating, “I can control my drinking, I don’t get drunk.”  Well, drunk by whose standards: yours or God’s?  Besides, you should know that the very example that drinking sets before others condemns it before God (1Timothy 4:12).  So, could anyone who defends social drinking be willing to say: (1) That they believe they could convincingly have a righteous influence on others with a drink in their hand?  (2) That they would want others, especially children to follow their example?  (3) That when Jesus comes in judgment they would be perfectly comfortable meeting Him with a drink in their hand?

Sadly, billions of dollars are spent to advertise the use of alcohol as fun and glamorous. To drink, we are told, is to “go for the gusto,” “the high life.”  We are told that when you drink “it just doesn’t get any better than this” and that when you drink, “life is good.”  You must know that Satan never gives the true picture. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).  Never do the alcohol commercials show the guy in the gutter in his own vomit.  Never do they show hungry children where some mom or dad drank up the paycheck. Never do they show the dead and mangled bodies in a pile of twisted metal where a drunk has hit a car head on.  Neither do they mention God’s displeasure with it all.  Make no mistake, sin is deceitful (Hebrews 3:12-13).

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Stop Inviting to Church

We Must Stop Inviting People To Church!

“We have to stop inviting people to church.” Those are probably words you never thought you’d hear from a preacher. Let me add to your conundrum: “We have to stop inviting people to church… if we ever want to see the church of our Lord truly grow.” How is that even remotely possible you ask? Let me explain.

How are you inviting others to Christ?

How are you inviting others to Christ?

First off, anyone can invite anybody anywhere. Chances are that if you have a friend you’re considering inviting to ‘church,’ several others have already invited them to ‘their church’ as well – if, indeed, they don’t have ‘their own church’ already. And so, because your friend, not knowing the Scriptures (and hence, not knowing anything about the uniqueness and distinctiveness of the Lord’s one New Testament church as seen in those Scriptures, as opposed to all of the man-made denominations all around them), simply therefore views your invitation as nothing more than only one of many different offers to attend only slightly differing religious organizations which will all accomplish the same thing (at least in their mind), they have no real and reasonable reason to choose attending ‘your church’ over any of their other friends’ ‘churches.’ And then, when they additionally discover that the other groups have bands, light shows, contests, and allow both sexes to be involved in church leadership and are therefore much more “progressive,” exciting, and entertaining… well, is it any wonder we lose out and they go elsewhere to “church” with their other friends? We have (in their minds) become just one dull, archaic offer amongst many more intriguing, exciting, and otherwise much more entertaining options.

But wait a minute you say! We have to preach and teach the truth of God’s word exclusively! That’s what makes us completely unique in today’s religious landscape! We are not only constantly ‘in the word,’ we’re actually ‘in the word’ (Romans 16:16)! This isn’t about entertainment; this is about almighty God’s eternal grace, truth, and love, and our subsequent love for, and loyalty to, God, through our faithful obedience to His word! This is about growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord; about rightly dividing the word; and about learning, knowing, and obeying the truth that will set people free! Yes, I know all that – but they don’t. Satan has the whole world completely convinced and deceived (1 John 5:19-20) into believing that ‘all churches are the same,’ and that one only need ‘attend the church of their choice’ because any ‘one church is as good as another.’ Yours and my biblically uninformed and denominational friends and neighbors haven’t got a clue about the scriptural Jesus; the gospel plan of salvation; spirit and truth versus vain worship (John 4:23-24; Mark 7:1-13); or the essentiality, exclusivity, or eternality of the Lord’s one, New Testament church (Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:4-6) – or else they’d be members of it! And they’re not going to get a clue either unless God’s people use the proper approach in getting these truths of God to them. Instead, those friends and family we claim to love are going to become just another ‘Christian entertainment casualty’ at the casually dressed, culturally addressed, ear-tickling and people pleasing contemporary denomination down on the corner unless we alter our approach (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Galatians 1:10). AND PLEASE NOTE: It is NOT our Spirit and truth worship patterns and practices that make us the kind of worshippers the Father is seeking (John 4:23-24) which need to be changed; it is our practice and approach at getting these vital, biblical truths to others that needs to be changed! And so, the question is, how?

Well, we see ourselves as the church in the Bible, right? Right! We claim to want to restore first-century Christianity in the modern world, correct? Correct! We ‘pride’ ourselves on ‘calling bible things by bible names,’ and ‘doing bible things in bible ways,’ don’t we? We do! So how about going back to the bible and honestly examining exactly how the church grew so fast in the first century, as opposed to how it’s NOT, now?

And the number one thing I DON’T see? Anyone inviting anyone to church. That’s right. Re-read every New Testament conversion account you can find. And the one thing you won’t find? Anyone inviting anyone to church! Invitations to church by congregation members are as absent from the biblical text as the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation sake! (So… quick question here…. How can we have such a problem with the latter as being completely and blatantly unscriptural, and yet practice the former as universally and unquestioningly as we do?) And yet, the church grew on a daily basis (Acts 2:47). Why? Because instead of inviting the lost to come to church on Sunday and giving them time to come up with a myriad of weak excuses as to why they couldn’t, they taught them Jesus right then and there. Because instead of inviting them to come to church on Sunday in hopes the preacher would convert them (After all, that’s what he gets paid for, correct – to do the evangelistic work that is biblically speaking, every Christian’s responsibility?), they taught them Jesus right then and there… and lost souls were saved by the thousands!

So why don’t we do it that way? Why, instead of taking the time and personally putting in the effort to teach the lost the truth the same way these first century saints did at every opportunity they had, do we invite them to church in hopes the preacher can reach our friends better than we, their friends, can? Because Satan has given us way too many convenient-sounding and self-justifying excuses to not even try to evangelize as effectively as God’s word shows us they did and we should. We say we don’t have time when we all have all there is (See: Matthew 6:19-34). We tell ourselves we don’t have knowledge enough as “lay-people” to teach the lost. To begin with, “lay-people” isn’t biblical, it’s Catholic. If we are “in Christ” (Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:26-27), we are all a part of His royal priesthood (2 Peter 2:9-11). And as such, each and every one of us as individual Christians are summarily commanded to “sanctify the Lord God in [our] hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks [us] a reason for the hope that is in [us]” (1 Peter 3:15). If we are not capable of doing that, then what on earth have we been doing (2 Peter 1:1-11)?

The first missionary (chronologically speaking) that Jesus ever sent anywhere, was one who had known of or about Him but for only a few hours at best (cf. Mark 5:1-20). He was told to: “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled” (Mark 5:19-20). Can you do that much? If you are a ‘saved by the blood of Christ’ New Testament Christian, can you tell – are you capable of telling – others “what great things the Lord has done for you?” That’s all the Lord requires. Notice Jesus never said “Go home to your friends… and invite them to come out to hear Myself or John the Baptist preach this coming Sabbath!”

What about the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4)? She had just one meeting with Jesus, realized Who He was, and then went back and talked to her whole hometown about Him. She told anyone and everone who would listen about what Jesus had said and done… and caused them enough curiosity so that they all came out to see – and came to believe in – Him! Can you do that? If not, why not? One reason: Because Satan has us wrongfully convinced that we can’t do that. (By the way, is Philippians 4:13 still in your bible? Please take a moment right now to check and see, if you would.) Satan has us convinced (despite the lip-service we sometimes pay to one of our favorite slogans), that instead of truly ‘doing bible things in bible ways’ with every Christian personally bible studying with all their lost friends and neighbors at any and every opportunity, the same exact way they did in the first century when the Lord’s church was growing and spreading like wildfire, the best way to evangelize is to maybe invite our lost friends to church – if we can somehow gather up the courage to do even that much – then just and have the preacher convert them like we pay him to do. And of course when the numbers continue to decline because we are not truly, personally, individually or congregationally following the Lord’s infallible New Testament pattern for evangelism by spreading His word one on one, with everyone, everywhere we go (Acts 8:1-5), we can always blame and then terminate the preacher, and try to find another, better one, who will hopefully do a better job of converting our friends and family and growing the church, while we fully and fatally continue to convince ourselves that we’ve certainly, personally done our part. After all, don’t we put part of the preacher’s salary into the offering plate… and occasionally even maybe invite somebody to church when it’s not too inconvenient or uncomfortable to take a second or two to do so?

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Whoever Verses

Thank God that I am a “Whoever”

The Bible is filled with verses that use the word “whoever” or “whosoever.” I am so thankful that this is true. In Old Testament times, God had His chosen nation called Israel because the rest of mankind had turned away from Him. However, such is no longer true for the New Testament is fill with promise to the “whoevers.”

Whoever desires to come to Jesus is invited.

Whoever desires to come to Jesus is invited.

Can you image how tragic it would be to have the knowledge you have of God, of His purposes and His providence if you were not part of that plan? Imagine knowing the one mediator between God and man and you being excluded from the picture. Imagine knowing of the words, “Come you blessed of Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34), and you being excluded from them! God perish the thought!

Take time to read these “whoever” verses, and then imagine you are excluded from them.  Think about it. Then, read them a second time and take time to thank God you are included. Think about it.

God’s “whoever” verses. “Whoever offers praise glorifies Me and…I will show the salvation of God” (Psa. 50:23). “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Joel 2:32). Think about it.

Jesus’ “whoever” verses. “Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32-33). “Whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15).  “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (John 4:13-14). “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:54). “Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:26). “Whoever believes in Me shall not abide in darkness” (John 12:46). Think about it.

The apostles’ “whoever” verses. “But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him . . . Whoever believes in Him will receive the remission of sins” (Acts 10:35, 43).  “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame” (Rom. 9:33).  Think about it.

The last “whoever” verse. Now go to the last page in in the Bible. Read the final words of God. “The Spirit and the bride say ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17). As you read His words, just imagine what it would be like if you were excluded. How blessed we are. Think about it!

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Dealing with False Teachers

Dealing with False Teachers

Do you know someone in the Church with beliefs that you do not think are in accordance with God’s Word? Have you done anything about it? Are you doing anything about it now? What should you do? Are they keeping their beliefs to themselves or are they sharing them with whatever audience they can muster? What is their attitude and behavior about studying the matter? These are all questions that need to be asked when dealing with beliefs that conflict among brothers and sisters in Christ.

False teachers are like wolves in sheep's clothing.

False teachers are like wolves in sheep’s clothing.

1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

 We are beyond the age of the miraculous, but the above verse has meaning. When there is a strange teaching that does not appear to jive with the Bible, we need to look closely at it. We need to examine the scriptures as the Bereans did with Paul (Acts 17:11). Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17) and so ought we to do the same with our brothers and sisters, examining ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5) and encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:24).

When someone sins against us, we go to them (Matthew 18:15-17). When a man sins, he does not do so in a box affecting none. He sins against the body of Christ, the Church (I Corinthians 12:26). When this is known by others, we admonish them (2 Thessalonians 3:15) because we love them and are concerned for their souls. We call the brother or sister to repentance (2 Timothy 2:24-26). We study with them defending the truth (1 Peter 3:15, James 5:20). If we do not do approach them, shame on us (James 4:17).

If the brother does not listen to us, we involve others. If he refuses to listen to the others, we take the issues before the Church (Matthew 18:15-17). When is a matter taken before the Church it is because a brother has an attitude and behavior that says, “I will not listen!”. If that brother does listen, he may disagree initially, or for a long period of time. Strong convictions are not easily dropped. However, one who desires to do the right thing listens and considers what is said (Proverbs 10:8). Elders who counsel others regarding sinful behavior are often believed by the uninformed to act too slowly. What they are exhibiting instead is the fruit of the Spirit – patience (Galatians 5:22-23).

Sometimes, there are certainly false teachers in our midst (2 Peter 2:1). We need to be vigilant to uncover the truth to questionable teaching (James 1:19-20). We must not be apathetic such that we endanger our souls and others (2 Peter 3:17). Is the individual sharing false teachings with others, unrelenting, unrepentant, and ignoring pleas to relent (I Timothy 6:3-5)? Is he forging onward despite admonishment and risking the possibility of division (Titus 3:10-11)? Then let him be cursed (Galatians 1:8-9). Withdraw from him and save your soul and that of others (2 Thessalonians 3:6-7).

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Promises, Promises

“He that Sweareth to His Own Hurt”

“LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? . . . He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.” (Psalm 15:1, 4)

Do you keep your promises?

Do you keep your promises?

In the year 2000 I lost my job at EDS and began searching for employment. I picked up some part time work in the interim. While I was committed to a project, I got a call from the Compaq Corporation. I scheduled the interview and met with a manager.

The job they wanted me to do was a “dream job” in the computer industry. I would be technical support for the outside sales department. I would get a company car, have access to a large computer lab facility, be able to take clients out for lunches on a regular basis at the company’s expense, and all the perks.

At the end of the interview, the manager looked at me and said, “I would like to hire you. When can you start?”

I replied, “I have a previous commitment with another company to do a temporary project and in two weeks after that project is done, I can start.” He said that he appreciated my honesty and character; we parted company and he never called back.

We live in a society that by and large values compromise above principle, subjectivity over objectivity, and relatives over absolutes. It would be an understatement to say that it is easy to get away with not keeping one’s promises in our society.

“Things happen.”

The weather changes. We don’t feel good. Other people don’t follow through. There are any number of reasons that we could enumerate and by and large most would accept our excuse.

In contrast to our society, God’s people, God’s society, are called to a higher standard. It is a standard that transcends the bounds of society, time, and culture. It is a standard based upon the eternal character of God. It is a standard upon which God expects us to live (Romans 12:1-2).

Our God is a God who always keeps his promises (Hebrews 6:17-18, Titus 1:2). If we desire to dwell in His holy hill, His tabernacle, His church today, we must practice His standard of righteousness. When we are willing to suffer to keep our promises, God says that is when we are most like Him.

May we, as God’s people, resolve to keep our word and dwell in unity with our God.

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