Creation Speaks

Get Better Acquainted with God

We need to all get better acquainted with God. Moses for example, got acquainted with God in a burning bush and you may find God there too, for God’s creation speaks to us today.

God speaks through His Word and His Creation.

God speaks through His Word and His Creation.

God speaks through the beauty of our world—in the thunderous waterfall, the lofty mountain, the onrushing river, the red, red rose, the green fir tree. When you climb some high peak and you look down into the valley below, the only word that will truly define your feeling is God!

God speaks also through the orderliness of His creation. The stars move in their orbits; the seasons come and go with regularity. Our world is at that exact spot where life may exist. Now, I do not know if we were closer to the sun, everything would burn up or, if we were farther away, everything would freeze. But I do know that planet earth is the only planet that sustains life and it does so because of how God has designed the universe.

But nature does not reveal all the nature of God. So, you will need to keep on reading your Bible. The Bible tells of a God who created the universe; of a God who chose the Hebrews as the race from which Christ would come; as the God who is the Father and who loves His children enough to send His Son for our salvation.

The highest revelation then of God is in Jesus. For, Jesus was also a person who gave us His Gospel. And, He is truth, love, beauty and strength! And, as we go through this life and study more about Jesus, we get better acquainted with God.

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An Accident Going Somewhere to Happen

Your life is not an accident.

Your life is not an accident.

Let no one think this is a blanket condemnation of motorcycles. It is not. Illustrations from life and personal experiences, however, sometimes can be helpful in understanding principles. When I was seven or eight years old, my oldest sister married a long, tall, thin drink of water named “Jack.” Jack loved motorcycles. He owned the biggest Harley available in west Texas in the early 1950s. My Momma said, “That is just an accident going somewhere to happen.” Sure enough, before my sister’s first anniversary, Jack took a bad spill. Scab from head to toe he laid unconscious on a bed in our house for a long time. That scared me as a little boy. Since that time I have found no joy but rather terror in the use of motorcycles. Don’t misunderstand. I’m no coward about this. I have not only ridden with others on cycles, I have ridden alone. Never comfortable. Other folks are afraid of other things. Some just can’t fly, but I love flying. Some people can’t go near water but I love water and swimming. Because public places are inundated with practical nudity, I don’t swim much any more.

I don’t believe in “spiritual accidents.” Unlike happenings in the physical realm where, an attempt to do something or merely being an “innocent bystander” can result in accidents that can either maim or kill, in the spiritual realm, when an individual commits a sin, it is no accident. James, the half brother of Jesus said in 1:13-16, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no man: but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away buy his own lust. and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth death. Be not deceived, my beloved brethren.”

Not only is sin no accident, but salvation is no accident. One of this scribe’s favorite Old Testament passages is Isaiah 35:8-10 in which God said, “…the wayfaring men, yea fools, shall not err therein.” When I was a boy listening to Gospel preachers I often heard them use this as proof of the simplicity of the Gospel. The follow up statement was usually, “Anyone, even fools, can understand the Gospel.” However, I am sure, now, that this passages teaches that no one enters this way as a matter of accident. Jesus said, in Luke 13:24, “Strive to enter in by the narrow door: for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” No one strives to accomplish an accident. In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus said, “Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby. For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it.” No individual becomes a Christian by accident nor does one remain in the faithful category by accident. “Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful, 1 Cor. 4:2. Salvation comes to those who “obey” Jesus, Heb. 5:8-9. We are to “observe all things whatsoever I (Jesus) commanded you” Matt. 28:20. The apostle Paul was inspired to put it this way, “Know ye not, that to whom ye present yourselves as servants unto obedience, his servants ye are whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness,” Rom. 6:16.

I don’t like accidents in the physical realm. No innocent victim is blameworthy in a genuine accident. God will not accept an excuse proffered under the disguise that sin is an accident. No wonder Jesus said, “If any man willeth to do his will…” John 7:17. Thank God that when we do sin (no accident) He has provided conditions for forgiveness both for the alien sinner and for the saint who falls. Eschewing an excuse, no accident, learn what Jesus requires in His last will and Testament to become an heir and to remain in that eternally beneficial position.

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Poor Innocent Aborigine

Heart of the Matter: May I Strip Away Your Excuses

I have looked into the tearful eyes of many parents as they shared the details of their children abandoning Christianity. While I have learned a great deal about why young people leave the Church, one nugget that has stood out  from such conversations is that there are millions of miles between our children “going through the motions” in reference to their spiritual life versus our children possessing hearts that dictate their actions. Thus, I think it is vitally important for parents, teachers, preachers, and elders to get to the heart of the matter. In this column, I hope to share with you what I hope to instill in the hearts of my own children and those whom I love.

As a parent and teacher, I am acutely aware of the questions that many pose as a means to absolve themselves from any responsibility toward God. “What about the poor innocent Aborigines in Australia? Is God really going to send the “poor innocent Aborigine” to Hell—even though they have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ? Furthermore, is He really going to send millions of “innocent” people to Hell just because they have not obeyed the Gospel?” While I won’t judge the motives of the individual asking the question, I am inclined to believe that this question is often used as a deflection or an escape tactic by those who do not want to humble themselves before Almighty God.

Is the Aborigine innocent?

Is the Aborigine Innocent?

Here’s what I intend to teach my children regarding this question:

First, I have never met a “poor innocent Aborigine” from Australia or any other country. The key word there is “innocent.” Innocence would indicate this person has never sinned and is therefore not in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly indicates that , “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23; cf. 1 John 1:8-10). So we can safely know that every person of an accountable age on this planet has at some point sinned—an act that separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

Second, the sad facts are that there are people on this planet who have never heard the Gospel. While the Bible indicates that all men in times past heard the Good News (Colossians 1:23; Matthew 24:14), we know today that many generations have passed since that declaration. Sadly, the population has been steadily increasing, while the zeal and evangelistic efforts of many Christians have been steadily decreasing. (As we discussed in the October 2007 issue of Think, one of the problems facing Christians today is apathy—something for which we will stand in judgment).

So what then of the poor “sinful” Aborigine? Do they get a free pass to Heaven? Absolutely not! The inspired Word of God indicates that sin separates us from God, and therefore they too are separated. But what about that word “innocent”? Are they truly innocent? Could ancient tribes of Indians, or children reared in a predominately Hindu culture grow up on this planet and never see evidence of a Supreme Being?   In other words, can someone know God exists without being taught? Again, I believe the Bible addresses this as well.

In Romans 1:18-20, Paul is discussing the wrath of God on those who are unrighteous. In verses 19-20, he wrote, “Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (emp. added). Paul was telling those Christians in Rome that God’s invisible attributes have been clearly seen since the Creation of the world. He then stresses that even His eternal power and Godhead can be understood. But notice the last phrase: “So that they are without excuse.”

While many people living in America today are counting on playing the “ignorance” card on the Day of Judgment, Paul tells us that it is not going to work! It’s not enough to say to God, “If only I had known. If only You had given me a sign.” Paul is revealing that those signs have been around literally since Creation! Paul, in essence, has stripped away the excuse that millions of people are counting on for that Great Day.

This truth does not give me any pleasure, and it certainly does not rest easy on my mind. In fact, I believe it places a tremendous burden on those of us who know the Truth. Since my children were little, I have taught them that their number one goal in life (above everything else) is to get to Heaven. The second goal in life that I am trying to instill in my children is that we are to take as many people as we can with us to Heaven. Only when we realize just how many individuals around us are in a lost condition will the importance of this goal be fully comprehended.

As further evidence that God can be known, the inspired Psalmist observed, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). The implication is that the existence of God can be known through His creation.

I think it is important that our children recognize that prior to the birth of Jesus that millions of people were guilty of rejecting God—not Christ, because He was not here yet. Thus, several generations of people were judged guilty by God not for rejecting Christ, but for rejecting Him. God expected these people to come to know Him and ultimately obey Him. Where does this judgment leave those “Aborigines” who are also rejecting Him today?

From these simple points, we can know that all humans have sinned and that our iniquities have separated us from God. We can further know that the existence and power of God can be known simply through His creation. Yes, many people (like the militant atheists of today) will suppress that truth, but this does not negate the fact. Now back to the individual living in the backcountry of some third world country, or the millions who have not obeyed the Truth. What is their fate? Is it hopeless for them?

Again, we must turn to God’s Word. In Deuteronomy 4:29 Moses wrote, “But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all of your heart and with all of your soul.” This proclamation is confirmed in Jeremiah 29:13, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search with all your heart.”

Clearly, the text indicates that if one truly seeks God, then he or she will find Him. I firmly believe that this is where faithful Christians must zealously step into the picture. Through actions (funding and sending missionaries to other countries), through print (magazines, tracts, study courses), through media (internet, radio, and television), we must be there for those who are seeking.

The heart of the matter is that there are no innocent people on the planet. Sin separates people from the Creator. However, God can be known, and those who seek Him will find Him. How will these truths affect your daily actions?

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Salvation in the Hands of God

Salvation in the Hands of God

Salvation comes from the mighty hand of God.

Salvation comes from the mighty hand of God.

After David’s sin with Bathsheba he was approached by the prophet Nathan and told the story of a poor man and his beloved lamb. A rich neighbor sent and killed the poor man’s lamb to feed a traveler who had stopped to visit. David’s anger was kindled and declared that the rich man would die for his actions. To this Nathan replied, “You are the man!” (2 Samuel 12:1–7).

Soon after these events David sits down and penned Psalm 51 and acknowledged his sin before God. What made David such a great man was his humility and trust in the Lord. His love for God trumped everything else that he could have put his trust in. Whether it was sin, an enemy, or the betrayal of a friend David put his hope and trust in God. He knew that this is where salvation came from!

The truth is that we too need to come to the same humble conclusion and place our trust and hope in the Lord. So many put their hope in financial independence, luxuries of life, governments, armies, sinful pleasures, and even fleeting inanimate things such as time. Common sense and God’s word tells us that such things are not lasting (James 4:14) and that what is really important are the treasures we lay up in heaven (Matthew 6:19–20).

There is no hope without Christ for without him we are strangers to God and lost in our sins, separated from Him (Isaiah 59:1–2; Ephesians 2:12). There is no salvation (1 Timothy 1:1; Hebrews 6:18–19) and only sorrow (1 Thessalonians 4:13). Hope cam by the grace of God (2 Thessalonians 2:16; 1 Peter 1:21), is available through the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:23), and will be realized in eternal life at the resurrection and the return of Jesus (Titus 1:2; 2:13; Titus 3:7).

We must humble ourselves and acknowledge our utter dependence on Him. Peace, joy, and hope will follow! Let us be faithful to the One in whose hands is our eternal salvation. And let each of us hold fast to this hope (Hebrews 10:23).

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God Hates Abortion

God Hates Abortion

(Warning:  This article will contain descriptions and pictures of aborted infants which are quite gruesome.  Please do not read this article if you are easily offended or physically sickened by unedited pictures of violence done to human beings, or while in the presence of small children or those who have weak physical constitutions.)

When the American Medical Association was formed in 1847, abortion was commonly practicedHowever, the efforts of the AMA joined with anti-obscenity crusaders and (ironically) feminists would make abortion illegal in this country by 1900.  This would change in 1973 and then again in 1976 when the Supreme Court ruled that abortions done by licensed physicians were constitutional and could be performed in minors without the knowledge or consent of their parents and on mothers without the knowledge or consent of the father.  Thus, abortions are currently legal and widely practiced in this country…and our God is very angry about it.

A human being eight weeks after conception

Why do I say that?  God is our Creator.  He formed us while we were in the womb (Ps. 139:13-16; Job 31:15).  He did not “knit” together a mere chemical activity, cellular growth, or other vague force like pro-abortionists claim the fetus to be.  The Hebrew for the “unformed substance” in Ps. 139:16 that God saw has to do with the embryonic state, the first eight weeks after conception.  So long before even the mother can feel life in her womb, God knows…and cares.  He formed us in the womb, human beings in his own image.  Jehovah was and is personally involved in our development while we were inside our mothers, so do you think he is pleased when we go out of our way to destroy the work that he made and cares for?

Exodus 21:22-25 gives us the answer to that question.  God decreed that if a man harmed a pregnant woman who later gave birth and it was proven that any harm came to that unborn child due to the man harming her, then that man would pay back wound for wound that was inflicted upon the unborn child.  And if the unborn child had died while in the womb and was delivered as a stillborn, then that man would pay with his life!  “Life for life…”  How could God say that if life doesn’t begin until birth like abortion proponents claim?  You see, there is life in the womb, before birth…and so any taking of that life is an abomination before God.  Babies, both while in the womb (Rom. 9:10-13) and after birth (Ezek. 18:1-20), are innocent…and God hates hands “which shed innocent blood” (Prov. 6:17).

So what is happening in our nation today – the mass killing of innocent life which takes place through abortion – is an irreverent assault on the unique work that God performs.  It is an abomination to him, something that he hates not only because it destroys the work of his hands and the life that he gives, but also because of how it destroys that life.

Brian Peterson and Amy Grossberg
Melissa Drexler

Do we look at this atrocity in the same way?  It’s something to think about.  We react with horror and disgust when we read about parents like Brian Peterson and Amy Grossberg who gave birth to an infant at a hotel only to then kill the baby by shaking it and bashing its head in and stuffing the corpse in a nearby garbage can, or Melissa Drexler who gave birth in a bathroom at her high school prom only to then suffocate her son and stuff his body in the bathroom trash can before going out to the dance floor…but where is our horror and disgust for what happens when a baby is aborted?


9-week human baby after being killed through abortion

Forgive my sarcasm, but what if Brian, Amy, and Melissa had realized what proponents of abortion are saying, that there are other “more civilized” ways to get rid of a baby?!  If they had only possessed the “dignity” to have their babies “professionally” killed, they could have avoided arrest and bad publicity!  When Amy and Melissa had first learned they were pregnant, they could have hired a “doctor” to employ a vacuum tube with a sharp blade attached to it, and he could have sucked the child from the womb, dicing it up into several pieces.  Or, in their seventh and twelfth week of pregnancy, a “doctor” could have entered their wombs with a loop-shaped steel knife and sliced the placenta from the walls of the uterus and cut the baby’s tiny body into pieces.

Baby after being killed via saline abortion

Or, between the twelfth and eighteenth weeks of pregnancy, they could have had a “doctor” take an instrument very similar to sharp-toothed pliers and dismember the baby part by part until all parts were removed from their wombs.  Brian, Amy, and Melissa could have also chosen in the sixteenth week of pregnancy to hire a “doctor” to insert a long needle through the mothers’ abdomens into the babies’ sacs and inject a solution of concentrated salt.  The babies would have breathed in the salt and been poisoned by it, and the corrosive effect of the salt would have burned off the outer layer of their skin.  An hour after those injections, their babies would have been dead, they would have then delivered dead children about a day later, and it would have been the “doctor” rather than the parents who would have thrown the corpse into a trash can.

You know, it wasn’t that long ago that Amy and Melissa could even have had a partial-birth abortion, and that with the approval of the president of the United States!  In March of 1996, Congress gave final approval to a bill to ban partial-birth abortions, except when necessary to save the mother’s life.  However, President Clinton vetoed the bill, thus allowing partial-birth abortions to continue to be performed without restriction!  Thankfully, Congress was able to pass the bill banning this heinous act in 2003, and President Bush signed it into law.  But before then, Amy and Melissa could have killed their baby via partial-birth abortion with the permission of the President and Supreme Court, and thus avoid the indictment of murder!  A partial-birth abortion would have been their ticket to freedom from the baby and freedom from legal action!

A partial-birth abortion procedure

Here’s how it happens.  A “doctor” – while watching the infant’s heartbeat which is clearly registering on the monitor– actually delivers the baby’s body and arms, everything but his little head.  Then, while the baby’s feet are still kicking, the “doctor” jams scissors into the baby’s skull.  He then opens the scissors to enlarge the hole in the baby’s head.  Of course, the impact of the scissors causes the baby’s arms to jerk out in a flinching, startled reaction, like a baby does when he thinks he might fall.  However, the pain wouldn’t last too long, because the doctor would then stick a high-powered suction tube into the baby’s head and suck the baby’s brains out!  The limp and lifeless body of that body would then be disposed of, leaving the parents free to leave the hospital and pursue their hopes and dreams!

Do you see the inconsistency here?  Why are these people found guilty of crimes for killing their babies in gruesome ways outside of the womb…but not if they had hired “doctors” to do pretty much the same thing to those same babies a few months earlier while inside the womb?  Where’s the consistency?  Where’s the outrage?  (Is. 5:20)

The Holocaust

Reader, are you outraged by what you just read and saw?  Are you sickened?  Are you unhappy that you just read of and saw such terrible things?  If you are unhappy for reading about them, I am sorry…but I made the decision to write so plainly about what happens in abortion procedures and show the gruesome results because there are too many of us, especially those in their 30’s and 40’s like me and the younger generation of teens and 20’s, who have not truly been told about what happens to a baby when it is aborted.  If we are told, it is usually in a way that is extremely edited for content in order not to disgust.  While this is understandable, what happens as a result is that too many of us look at the abortions of today in the same way that we look at the Holocaust of the Jews in the previous century…as a mildly unpleasant historical fact that we are far removed from.  That needs to change if abortion is to stop in this country and in the world.  We must hate abortion just as God hates it, and for the same reasons.

As a father, it sickens me just to consider the thought of someone harming my little girl. May we all have the same disgust and horror to the crimes committed against children who are still in the womb!

What can also help us hate the terrible deed of abortion like God hates it is when we understand why it is happening.  James gives us one reason when he said, “You desire and do not have, so you murder…” (James 4:2).  What do the parents of aborted babies desire that would lead them to murder their children?  More financial security?  More leisure?  More education?  More unrestrained sexual activity?  More career options?  Avoiding a child who may be handicapped?  Less hassle for the next 18-25 years?  All of us desire things and have goals…but may we work hard to never be so self-absorbed and covetous that we miss out on – or even purposefully kill – the most important things in life!  (Heb. 13:5)  When we love the world rather than God, we follow Satan rather than resisting him (Eph. 2:1-3; James 4:7).  So let us work to have a heart that is deeply submitted to God, that reverences his word and work above all worldly self-enhancement (James 4:6).  This will help us to look at things differently, react differently, want different things, and hate different things…the same things God wants and hates (Rom. 12:1-2).

God hates abortion, and so must we.  We must not hate those who practice it, nor treat them in sinful ways (Rom. 12:17-18)…but we must hate the terrible deed itself, and do our best to not support in any way those who would practice or condone it (Rom. 1:32).

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