Jesus forsaken?

Did God Turn His Back on Jesus?

Please comment on Mark 15:34. Did God turn His back on Jesus because Jesus carried mankind’s sin?

Mark 15:34 says, “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Did God literally forsake Jesus when he died on the cross? This is a question that I have struggled with over the years. Just from examining the text itself, it appears that Jesus thought that God was forsaking Him. Was this what happened?

First, the statement that Jesus makes comes from one of the Psalms, Psalm 22 to be exact. This is an exact quotation of the first verse. Perhaps Jesus was merely quoting from a Psalm for comfort. However, this Psalm is definitely messianic in nature. It refers to the future suffering of the coming Messiah. There are some VERY stark predictions in the Psalm that don’t seem to apply to any other situation other than what we find in regard to the death of Jesus. So that makes this Psalm itself apply to Jesus as the Messiah. So it doesn’t really help answer our question to say that Jesus was quoting from the Psalms because the Psalm that He was quoting from is basically a prophesy of what He would say and what would happen to Him. So we still have the problem of trying to figure out what the first part meant.

Second, it could be the case that this is referring simply to Jesus subjective state while he was on the cross. In other words, while he was there, it FELT as if God had forsaken Him. Certainly it would be the case that any person in that situation would feel abandoned and rejected. However, it would have been out of character for Jesus to say that he felt that God had forsaken Him IF in fact, God had NOT forsaken Him. There was no other man who walked the face of the earth who had the type of faith that Jesus had. There was never any doubt in His faith in the Father. There was never any question in Jesus mind that the Father was going to take care of Him. Jesus had already stated that the Father was going to resurrect Him from the dead. Why would he say such a thing as this and then on the cross declare subjectively that the Father had forsaken Him?

My personal conviction and one which I believe is consistent with the Biblical teaching regarding the phrase is that the Father did turn His back on Jesus but for a moment. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 we read, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Literally, the statement is “For he hath made him sin for us, who knew no sin.” The translators have supplied the “to be” in the verse because they thought it would clear the statement up. However, I believe that the statement is fine without this clarification. Jesus was the perfect Son of God. He was both God and man. He lived a sinless life. It was through the fact that he was perfect and lived a perfect life that he could die on the cross and offer the perfect sacrifice for sin. But in order for sin to be cleansed away, it has to come in contact with a cleansing agent. Just as when we wash our laundry the soap must come in contact with the dirt to take the dirt away. Jesus blood had to come into contact with sin so it could wash sin away. This is what the expression means that both Isaiah (53:4,5) and Peter (1 Peter 2:24) state–that he bore our sins on the cross. The sins of the world were laid upon His shoulders and through His righteousness He was able to overcome those sins. God, however, cannot look upon sin. He cannot behold sin because it is nauseous to Him. God can’t have anything to do with sin and be God. So in that moment when Jesus bore the sins of the world, God (the Father) turned His back and could not look at the sin that Jesus bore. However, in the next moment, those sins had been cleansed by Jesus blood and God once more could look in favor upon His Son. While I certainly don’t know many things about how the blood of Christ cleansed the sins of mankind, we know a few things and it appears to me that this is what Jesus meant by the statement that He made.

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Echo of the Gospel

Do You Hear the Echo?

The church at Thessalonica had a very special place in the heart of Paul. He arrived in that city from his prison experience in Philippi, and, as his custom was, he entered the synagogue to tell them about the risen Christ. Many of the Gentiles who were part of the synagogue audience became believers. However, the popular reception of the gospel was short lived, and within three weeks, Paul’s life was in such danger that the infant church, in order to save his life, sent him away.

Will anyone hear the echo of your gospel efforts?

Will anyone hear the echo of your gospel efforts?

What happened after Paul left is a picture of what could and should happen in every congregation everywhere. They continued to grow in their (1) work of faith, (2) labor of love and (3) patience of hope (1 Thess. 1:3). They grew in “faith, hope and love!” What is even more remarkable than their personal growth is their evangelistic spirit in getting the gospel to others. Paul described it in this way. “For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth…in every place” (1 Thess. 1:8). They were not content to be isolated in their worship assemblies. They sounded out the word near and far.

The words “sounded forth” are so interesting to study more deeply. The tense of this verb indicates an action which did far more than just happen in the past. It includes past action, but the emphasis is on the fact that the effect of that action was so powerful that its impact was strongly present. It was as powerful in the present as in the past.

This same concept is shown when we see that the root Greek word used is echos, from which we get our word echo. It is used in the Bible to describe the sound of the ocean when the waves are crashing on the shore (Luke 21:25). Such sound can be heard hundreds of yards away. It is used to describe the “echo sound” of the trumpet which was heard at Mt. Sinai (Heb. 12:19). Its impact was such that it filled their hearts with fear.

This word used to describe the church in Thessalonica is even stronger. A prefix is added to the root word to indicate that the sound was not just there, it echoed out. It echoed out not just in a limited area but echoed out to the world in every place.

What does this have to do with us? Our theme this year is “I’m NOT ashamed,” and the emphasis for this month is “I’m NOT ashamed to spread the gospel.” Do NOT be ashamed to encourage others to give sacrificially to spread the gospel. Do NOT be ashamed to do everything you can to help.

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Following an Example

Whose Example Do You Follow?

Whose example are you following?  Why?

Whose example are you following? Why?

Setting the proper example has been at the forefront of my mind since 1998, the year when I was elected to be my Christian college fraternity’s “preacher,” and realized soon afterwards that I would have to start “practicing what I preach” if I was to be taken seriously.  As a minister, being a good example has always been a goal of mine, and even more so now that I am a father.  I do not always meet this goal I have set for myself; nonetheless, it is still a good goal to have and work towards, and I am still working on it.  It is a goal that God want all Christians to have.  Scripture tells us to imitate others who in turn imitate Christ (1 Cor. 11:1; cf. Phil. 3:17; Heb. 13:7).  Therefore, it would be good for us to consider  who our own role models are, who looks up to as an example of right or wrong, and most importantly, what kind of examples we set as Christians.

First and foremost, Jesus Christ should be whom we strive to imitate (1 Cor. 11:1).  He must be the example on how we strive to please one another (Rom. 15:1-3), love one another (Eph. 5:1-2), look out for one another (Phil. 2:4-5), and how to suffer patiently when mistreated (1 Pet. 2:20-23).  Our Lord said, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40).  How much like Jesus are we?

The apostle Paul would be another role model to emulate (1 Cor. 4:6; 11:1).  He must be our example on how to avoid offending others (1 Cor. 9:19-23; 10:32) and how to serve others to their benefit rather than our own (1 Cor. 10:33).  Paul recognized that he had not obtained perfection, something we must always remember as well (Phil. 3:12); however, he also did his best to mature in the areas he needed to (Phil. 3:12-15), to never regress back into immaturity (Phil. 3:16), and to enjoy a close relationship with God (Phil. 4:9).  We should follow his example in these ways, as well as in choosing to receive God’s Word even in the midst of hardship as he did (1 Thess. 1:6) and avoiding being a burden to others (2 Thess. 3:7-10).

Paul also told us, “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” (Phil. 3:17).  The writer of Hebrews likewise exhorted Christians to imitate the faith and patience of their fellow inheritors of God’s promises (Heb. 6:12), and to follow the faith of our leaders (Heb. 13:7).  Many Christians today provide examples worth of emulation; whose example are you following?

Even more importantly, whose example are you?  I think we forget sometimes that the people sitting around us in the pews on Sunday follow our example, for better or worse.  This is why God wants us to mindful of the example we set for others (1 Thess. 1:7; 1 Tim. 4:12; Tit. 2:7).  Others, such as children (Matt. 18:6) and unbelievers (1 Pet. 2:12), are watching us, easily influenced by what they see in us, carefully observing us to see if we “walk the walk.”  Oftentimes, the unchurched decide just how worth their time it is to follow Christ by looking at what kind of example is set by those who profess to follow him.  Christians need to remember that.

What kind of example are you?  Is it indicative of a faithful Christian?  Do you show the world what it means to be an obedient follower of God?  Do you show spiritual infants what maturity means?  Is your example helping others to become a disciple of Christ…or discouraging them?  Is your example helping the church grow?  How often do you show up when the doors are open?  How interested are you in developing skills needed to help the church grow, and how interested are you in using your talents to serve God’s kingdom?  Is your example helping or hindering the progress of the church?  If every churchgoer was exactly like you, would the church be strong and growing?  Would it even exist?

None of us are perfect, and all of us have room to grow.  We should not be discouraged by our shortcomings, nor should we harshly and hypocritically judge each other without patience and love when we see faults in others.  Instead, let the questions asked above challenge us all to take Christianity more seriously and, with God’s help and grace, become an example worth following and help others to do the same.

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Taking it Personally

Taking it Personally

Treated poorly by the world?  Do not take it personally.

Treated poorly by the world? Do not take it personally.

It has probably happened to all of us at one point or another. You’re out in public and someone suddenly sees and then seeks to avoid you like the plague, simply because you’re a faithful member of the Lord’s church. It might be some formerly faithful, but now fallen away, out of service member who has foolishly and fatally chosen to go back to the things of the world (1 John 2:15-17; 2 Peter 2:20-22). On the other hand, it could be some devoted denominationalist who knows from former conversations that they can neither find biblical, “book, chapter and verse” validations for their religious convictions, or, knock you off of yours (2 Timothy 3:14-4:4). Or, it could simply be someone who refuses to even want to acknowledge God’s existence – although they certainly ought to know better (Romans 1:18-32). To any and/or all three of these tragically God-forsaking groups, you, as a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and member in good standing of His one, New Testament church, are a constant, visual, hated and much-loathed reminder of their sinful choices and unsustainable self-justifications, just by your physical presence. You don’t have to say or do anything. No matter how nicely you seek to try to treat or to greet them, it doesn’t matter. They will go in circles around the supermarket; studiously stare at an item they don’t even want; perhaps pretend to be engaged in perpetual and important conversations on their cell phones; or simply stick their noses up in the air, contemptuously turn their backs, and disdainfully stroll away in a different direction; all in an effort to avoid coming face to face with you. No cause for alarm or surprise; Jesus said that for those who would faithfully follow Him, it would be exactly that way (John 15:18-25).

And whatever you do, don’t take it personally. In fact, if you truly know the scriptures, then you obviously know enough not to. But while you can’t take it personally, you must take it prayerfully – for them that is. Jesus taught that we must pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:43-45). The apostle Paul later echoed similar sentiments to our first century brethren in the Lord’s church in Rome (Romans 12:17-21). We must pray for them just as our Lord and Savior prayed for those responsible for leading Him to the cross to be crucified. Because just like His persecutors, ours too – no matter which of those three aforementioned groups they may fall into – “know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) either! If they did, then the vast majority of them certainly wouldn’t dare do it.

You see, when people turn their backs and contemptuously walk away from or avoid us, simply because we’re faithfully following God and His word and they’re not… they’re not truly rejecting us, but God Himself. Just as He had to remind Samuel, so too, God reminds us today: “They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.”

The New Testament too, repeatedly reinforces this same exact point. Read and re-read the great Judgment Day depiction of Matthew 25:31-47. And as you do, please notice in that text, that the dividing line of distinction between those who will go away into everlasting destruction and those who will enjoy the utopia of everlasting life with Jesus, comes down to just one thing: whatever they did or did not do, to one of the least of Jesus’ brethren! That’s it! Because just as Jesus Christ Himself assures in that very passage, whatever anyone does or does not do to even the least of one of His brethren (which we are – Hebrews 2:10-18), He takes it as if they did it personally and directly to Him!

We see this same truth portrayed loud and clear by our Lord and Savior yet again, when He said to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus as Saul was in the process of persecuting members of Jesus’ one, New Testament church: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting…” (Acts 9:4-5). In that passage as well, Jesus reinforces the fact, and makes it absolutely, abundantly, and unmistakably crystal clear, that those who avoid, dislike, persecute, disavow, reject and rebel against, and disdainfully and contemptuously turn their backs and walk away from God’s people or Christ’s church, do so absolutely and directly to none other than Jesus Christ Himself as far as God and His word are concerned! And to continue to do so, is to do so to ones’ own, self-induced destruction (2 Chronicles 29:6-9)! Do you now see why we need to pray for, and reach out to such people? Surely when they do such things to us, they know not what they do – to Him! But one day they will…

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Preparation and Action

A Time for Preparation and Action

Following the death of Moses the children of Israel, led now by Joshua, made preparation to enter into the Promised Land. The Lord commands Joshua concerning how the new nation would go forward and be successful (Joshua 1:1–18).

Have you engaged in preparation so you can act accordingly?

Have you engaged in preparation so you can act accordingly?

We too need to make the necessary preparations for our entrance into the Promised Land of Heaven. As the children of Israel did not merit or deserve the land God gave them, but where led therein by the captain of the Lord of hosts, so we too do not merit or deserve the home Jesus has gone to prepare for us (John 14:1–3). But His leading us into that land demands that we prepare ourselves and faithfully follow Him and fight the good fight in order that we may receive the victory in the end.

 Be Strong and Courageous. Joshua and the people are told to be strong and of good courage. They were going into battle, but God was with them. Doing God’s will is never easy. No one said it would be! The minute one decides to act on the Lord’s commands one’s faith will begin to be tested. Satan himself will put seeds of doubt into your mind. Friends and family members will belittle you, try to pursued you, and even forsake you. It’s easy to live and act like everyone else, but the worldly are like water and electricity, always taking the path of least resistance. The successful prepare and labor in the face of every obstacle!

 Be Obedient. The people are told to “observe to do accord-ing to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you” (1:7). Many today will tell you that you do not have to do anything, that obedience to the law of Christ is noth-ing more than “legalism” (a word that is thrown around quite a bit without understanding the true definition of the word). These naysayers are friends of those mentioned above. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My command-ments” (John 14:15). This includes repentance of sins (Acts 17:30), confession (Romans 10:10), and baptism for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21).

 Be Faithful. The children of Israel are also told not to turn away from the law, “to the right hand or to the left” (1:7). There may be no more important word in all of sacred scripture than the word faithful. It is what is required of every steward (1 Corinthians 4:2) and is the word every Christian longs to hear (Matthew 25:23).

 Be Meditative. The children of Israel are told that they should meditate on the law “day and night” (1:8). Preparation for eternity means spending time with the word of God. Daily Bible study and times of regular group study are impera-tive to knowing, understanding, observing, and remaining faithful to the law of Christ. Remember the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11).

 Be Successful. The Lord promises Joshua and the people that if they will do these things they will make their way “prosperous” and then they would have “good suc-cess” (1:8). Without proper spiritual preparation and action there is no spiritual prosperity or success.

The people responded, “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we heeded Moses in all things, so we will heed you…Whoever rebels against your command and does not heed your words, in all that you command him, shall be put to death” (1:16–18). A spiritual modern day parallel applies here too…we either prepare and act or we too shall be put to death (Matthew 25:46). Have we made the necessary preparations? Are we faithfully following the Captain of the army of God? Be faithful!

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