Hate Your Traditions Yet?

Hate Your Traditions Yet?

Is our religion formed by the traditions we hold? I mean, when there is a tough issue raised in the church, we may say we go by the Bible, but do we really or do we ultimately err on the side of traditions? For instance, I love a cappella worship and most would agree. But, is it wrong if we have more than 7 songs? I remember getting corrected once for leading too many song (10) and in fact, I was scolded by one. For what? For singing too many praises to God? Uh-huh. I was shocked when someone even started citing “preference” rules to me as to why I was wrong. Another even went to the point of saying that I sinned. Extreme?? Yes, just a tad. Others have been corrected for not holding to similar “traditional practices.” Obviously, people can make whatever decisions about the church they want to make and claim it is essential to salvation.

Do you follow the Bible or traditions?

Do you follow the Bible or traditions?

We cannot make the argument that “I just want what I grew up with…” and it not be about tradition. The appeal itself is about past practice, which is, by definition, tradition. It puzzles me how many times Christians make mountains out of molehills. And, if you listen to some of the arguments carefully, many of them boil down to an appeal to church of Christ tradition, such like: “I don’t have a problem with it, but…” or “I don’t think it’s wrong, but…” or – and this is the granddaddy of all traditional arguments – “I don’t think it’s a salvation issue, but…”This is what is often the cause of numerous, numerous divisions and splintering.

So, are there traditions that we should hold to? Yes. Paul said, “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). What traditions? The ones man makes up? Nope. For Paul also said, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8). Furthermore, Jesus said,“…And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3). Paul told Timothy, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). I know. WOW!

So again what are the traditions that Paul talks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:15? Paul is talking about the authentic teachings of the apostles that were handed down orally before the New Testament was even available. O.K. So, what were they? Well, the people were warned against the traditions of the elders, which displaced and made void the commandments of God. Jesus said, “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men…” (Mark 7:7-8). So, the traditions that Paul speaks of are those which had been taught by inspiration because there is a night and day difference between the traditions developed by man and those which have been revealed by God. Today, those “traditions” is called the Bible: “knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

But, what about man-made traditions, like the length of the sermon or what days (other than Sunday) we should worship God collectively? What about the order of worship? Or, are we under the impression that the Bible says, “Thou shalt not change any items in the order of worship?” What about the role of the preacher: Many church members have a clear expectation of what “their” minister should do despite the fact that the Bible already outlines what a minister is to do. Many consider the preacher as an employee or servant of the church and therefore, the church is an employer that determines the scope and duties of the work of their employee. Some make the statement: “We pay the preacher and we tell him what to do.” But, the Bible already tells a minster what to do (Romans 1, 10; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:2; Ephesians 4:11-12; 2 Timothy 3:14-17). And, if we go by the Bible, we learn that the minister is God’s minister (Romans 1:1).

Still, other traditions are things such like: Why do we have committees? Why can’t we use better curriculum if it is better? Must we make the rule only use the KJV or don’t come preaching here? Do we have business meetings just to have them so we can argue over non-important issues? There are too many others to write.

My purpose for writing this article is that we be cautious about traditions. None are set in stone. None are a test of fellowship. None are essential for salvation and it is sad to see all the heartache in the church because well meaning brethren could not distinguish between “law” and “tradition.” We need to study the Scriptures more (2 Timothy 2:15). We need to realize that even if some things were done by pioneer brethren years ago, this does not make them the authoritative guide. We must have a greater sense of tolerance for brethren whose practices, in areas of judgment, vary from ours. Sadly, man-made traditions are running people out of the church and keeping them from coming back. This should never be the case. This is why Paul states, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself” (Philippians 2:3). And, as simple as this verse is to understand, it has been quite difficult to fully believe and live out in the church. So, let us all have more Jesus and less ruthlessness in the church. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

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The Problem with Presumption

The Problem with Presumption

Presuming things.  Making assumptions.  Unfortunately, most of us are guilty of this.  Some call it “jumping to conclusions” (which, as it has been noted, can be a very painful exercise); others, “reaching a verdict without a trial.”  This usually happens when we venture to guess another person’s motives or judge a person’s life without having all the facts.  The danger of this is that we can be certain of our conclusion, then find we have missed the truth by the proverbial mile.

Presumption?  Presume Nothing!

Presumption? Presume Nothing!

Assuming things causes us to “know” before actually having information.  Solomon, by divine inspiration, wrote, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Prov. 18:13).  That applies to poor listeners in a conversation, but also faulty perception about one’s circumstances.  It is a biblical principle to be certain of a situation before ever uttering a word about it.  Think of how foolish it is to pass judgment without a full hearing!

Presumption also causes us to have boldness without a true foundation.  In 2 Peter 2:10, Peter refers to certain unrighteous people, saying, “Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”  They fearlessly and recklessly speak against others, even those in authority, based on personal opinions they confuse with the truth (here is the idea of “self-willed” or “arrogant.”)  They rant and rave about the object of their fury based on preconceived notions that they will not clutter up with the actual truth.

Furthermore, jumping to conclusions causes us to sin without restriction.  This is why David prayed, “Also keep back your servant from presumptuous sins” (Psalm 19:13).  It is a prayer for self-control against willful sinning.  He is speaking of this same arrogant spirit, using a word which is translated elsewhere as “proud.”  Willfully entering into sin hardens the heart, including saying something against somebody which we are certain we do not know with certainty is true.

It is so easy to convince ourselves that we know what is driving people or what has landed them in their present circumstances.  Job’s friends got into a lot of trouble because they unrighteously judged Job (John 7:24).  Let’s learn from their error and not make the same mistake.

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One Cup Call III

One Cup Call III

This little three-part, “ One cup ” article mini-series began with a simple phone call (Please see: http://churchofchristarticles.com/blog/administrator/one-cup-call). It continued in response to a request by a dear and beloved brother (please see: http://churchofchristarticles.com/blog/administrator/one-cup-call-ii). And it now concludes with this third and final installation, simply because I could not consider it as being complete without including the following, final, all-inclusive and incredibly informative and insightful passage, as recently pointed out to me by my brother, preaching peer, and fellow-author on this website, David Hersey – a brother whom I have never personally met, but to whom I am deeply indebted for his recent e-mail, emphasizing Luke’s account of Jesus’ institution of communion…

One cup literally? Is that what Jesus desired?

One cup literally? Is that what Jesus desired?

If you are one of my brethren of the so-called “one-cup” persuasion, may I very humbly and respectfully ask you to please consider with me, a couple of extremely important questions? While you are absolutely correct in noting from Matthew 26:27, that Jesus, “…took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying ‘Drink from it, all of you,” then how, and what, exactly, did Jesus Christ the Lord tell His disciples to do with “it” at that exact point? Matthew doesn’t give us the immediately following details, but Luke does. He furnishes us with some further, additional, and very insightful instruction, straight from the lips of the Lord and Savior Himself that occurred on this occasion. Please note very precisely, exactly how and what Luke reports Jesus personally and specifically instructed His disciples to do with “it” at that point. (The “it” being the fruit of the vine that is, because there could be no way when Jesus said “drink from it,” He was commanding that they all drink from the same, one, literal container; and this for at least a couple of immutable reasons: #1) He was speaking metonymically as discussed in “One Cup II,” and #2) Luke 22:17 itself):

Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, ‘Take this and divide it among yourselves…” (Luke 22:17).

Obviously they did not take out a saw or chisel and cut or split apart and divide up the literal “one cup” into multiple parts! (If they had, it wouldn’t have held any liquid at all.) But they sure were commanded by Jesus Himself to divide “it” – that is to say, the container’s contents up – before they drank of the fruit of the vine. As long as it was in that one container, the fruit of the vine was not divided as Jesus commanded. And, when they did divide it up among themselves… what exactly would they have put it into? The only obvious answer here that I can see, is that the only possible way they could have complied with Jesus’ commandment to divide it up amongst themselves, would have been by each one pouring a portion of that fruit of the vine into their very own, personal, individual containers before partaking. Otherwise, they weren’t complying. Otherwise, they weren’t dividing it up as He had instructed… were they? How could they have been?

And so, with all due diligence, respect, humility and love, might I therefore say, that if indeed it is true (as some of our so-called “one cup” brethren seem to have concluded), that using more than one cup during the communion celebration Jesus was instituting that evening is indeed a sin… then the very Son of God Himself, both sinned and commanded and supported His disciples’ sinning that evening as well – therefore condemning Himself even more by insisting on their sinning (Romans 1:32). Additionally, isn’t it therefore true that for anyone to condemn, refer to as heretics, or to see as unsaved, those who would simply make use of multiple containers in this celebration instead of just the one, is to condemn, refer to as heretics, and view as unsaved, Jesus’ apostles, and yes, even Jesus Himself! (And what Christian would really want to separate themselves from Jesus and His disciples? But to insist on separating ones’ self from any and all ‘multiple cup’ groups, would have to mean separating from this one which divided it up and then drank… wouldn’t it?)

I hope that someday the good sister who inspired this discussion with her phone call might somehow see and explore these articles. And I hope that after careful and prayerful biblical re-examination of some of their one-cup convictions, both she and her husband might be able to one day make their way to Cleveland, where they will then be completely comfortable worshipping with their beloved and blood-bought brethren here in the one body of Christ.

But I hope and pray that even more than either of those two things, that perhaps in some corners of our beloved and blood-bought brotherhood, some honest hearts might be truly touched by these three articles; touched enough that honest and sincere biblical re-examination and study previously-held perspectives might occur; and that maybe, just maybe, the one body of Christ might be pulled just a little bit closer back together, as we draw together on the Lord’s Day to celebrate what gave us that divine unity and priceless oneness in Christ in the first place – not the container, but what it contained represented: the all powerful and all-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ the Lord! God bless!


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Transgression or Progression

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“Pero tú habla lo que está de acuerdo a la sana doctrina” Tito 2:1. Necesitamos colocar este pasaje en rótulos, calles, puertas, ventanas… además de que es   uno de los mejores textos a memorizar,  a su vez una de las más delicadas y continuas exhortaciones para el cristiano. Siempre que hablamos de temas Escatológicos en la Biblia. Algunos pueden decir; ¡Es que es difícil de interpretar!, Pero la realidad es que debemos de conformarnos con solo lo que las  Santas Escrituras,  nos enseñan y no lo que los hombres vociferan . La palabra Rapto ni siquiera es una palabra bíblica, tan solo con esta evidencia podríamos decir con Certeza, que todo es una fantasía inventada por los premineliaristas. Aún con todo nos disponemos a estudiar lo las Graves implicaciones que conllevan para quienes lo predican y quienes lo creen.

La palabra Rapto ni siquiera es una palabra bíblica, tan solo con esta evidencia podríamos decir con Certeza, que todo es una fantasía inventada por los premineliaristas.

La palabra Rapto ni siquiera es una palabra bíblica, tan solo con esta evidencia podríamos decir con Certeza, que todo es una fantasía inventada por los premineliaristas.

Las aseveraciones sobre estos aspectos son graves ya que atentan contra las claras enseñanzas de la Biblia y sobreponen las doctrinas de los hombres antes que la de Dios. La doctrina del “rapto” es acogida por casi todos los denominacionales a acepción de los Católicos Romanos entre otros pocos. Note lo que cita Albert Gónzalez, escritor catóico:

   La alusión a un rapto en la cual Jesús aparecerá en el cielo al final de los tiempos de forma invisible para raptar a la Iglesia es totalmente falso, Jesucristo vendrá al fin del tiempo pero será una venida visible y gloriosa que nadie podrá ignorar”.

Claramente hay una fuerte diferencia, sin embargo las herramientas utilizadas por ellos son el catecismo romano y el credo para llegar a estas conclusiones. El rapto para los demás consiste en la Venida secreta de Jesús por su pueblo. Tim La Haye  y Jerry B. Jenkins son los principales promotores de esta idea, que cobró fuerza por los 60s , pero que jamás estuvo en la doctrina de la Iglesia ni de los apóstoles de Cristo. Algunos afirman que no es su segunda venida sino solamente el arrebatamiento de los fieles ,y los infieles se quedaran en la tierra enfrentando: la gran tribulación, el anticristo, el Armagedón y otras cosas, pero tales ideas no están ni cerca de ser bíblicas.

En Hechos1:11, cuando el Señor asciende al cielo se expresó que así mismo como lo habían visto ir asimismo vendrá. Categóricamente Jesús Vendrá por segunda vez, el ángel no dijo a los apóstoles “como le habéis visto ir así vendrá tres veces más” . Hebreos 9:27 Se enseña  que la muerte ocurrirá y después de esto el juicio en otras palabras un solo juicio, una sola venida. Ahora el hecho de que Jesús regrese por segunda vez es   el acontecimiento más grande de la todos los tiempos, por eso hay  que estar preparados (y bien preparados enseñando sola la sana Doctrina 1Pe 4:11) no solo  tratar de especular sin bases lo que la imaginación provoca pensar sobre el futuro, creando en la mente los oyentes nada más que una fábula silenciando los textos bíblicos ,remplazándolos por explicaciones personales. Lo revelado ya en la Biblia debería de ser más que suficiente para todos nosotros hoy. Existe una marcada diferencia entre el supuesto rapto, a la segunda aparición de nuestro Salvador. Cabe recalcar que con esta teoría errónea ella misma trae muchas inconsistencias las cuales no armonizan con la lógica  ni con la Biblia, es sumamente importante que el lector y la audiencia se informe muy bien cuando lea o escuche sobre esto, porque la astucia del cómo se pinta la fantasía está bien elaborada.

La Biblia marca bien la línea sobre la segunda venida de Cristo y nos brinda algunos detalles sobre ello:

La segunda venida de Cristo será visible: En 1Cor 15:52; se hace mención de la trompeta “Se tocará la trompeta”. Entonces ¿existen Trompetas en el cielo?, ¡de ninguna manera!, no existen, la razón por la que se utiliza es porque corresponde a un símbolo. Se dice que en la antigüedad cuando iban los ejércitos a la Guerra se tocaba el mismo artefacto, que  se usa aquí para indicar que la venida del Señor será anunciada, será más que visible. Apoc 1:7 va mas allá y expresa que todo ojo le verá, no es una venida Secreta. Se nos menciona también algo similar en Mateo 24:30 tomando en cuenta el contenido completo del capítulo y su contexto histórico aplicado como una profecía hacia el tiempo de la destrucción de Jerusalén, cerca del Año 70; este versículo esta refiriéndose claramente a la venida del Señor Jesús por segunda Vez donde una vez más a todas las personas será visible. La segunda venida de Cristo será un evento mundial tanto para cristianos como para no Cristianos.

La inconsistencia de los que lo enseñan y acogen: Es interesante ver como las denominaciones no se llevan entre sí en muchos puntos de sus corrientes de pensamientos, pero en el Rapto si unen pensamientos. La Versión de la Biblia Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de los testigos de Jehová en Mateo 24:37-39 “Porque así, como en los días de Noé así será la presencia del hijo del Hombre”. Puede usted notar cómo se Traduce Presencia por Venida, ellos piensan que Cristo vino y llevo a los apóstoles al cielo y pasajes como este, lo aplican enseñando que Jesús Volverá, pero se quedará para pelear en Armagedón esto fue lo que descubrió el Señor Carlos Russell en su gran gama de “nuevas ideas”, enseñando así en algunos de sus escritos, su creencia en un rapto secreto(Razonamiento a partir de las escrituras, pg 434), cosa que en la actualidad sus seguidores niegan. Produce una gran decepción  ver como Adventistas, Mormones, y otros más aceptan las mismas ideas premilenialistas  sin embargo desechan las demás doctrinas que les separan. Cuando notamos esto podemos hacer un claro contraste con los Cristianos del Primer siglo, ya que ellos esperaban una sola venida del Señor, incluso se les amonestaba constantemente a vivir y pensar de acuerdo a esto idea 1Tes 4:15. Nunca se menciona la idea de una venida en Secreto o algo por el estilo.

Lo que es la verdadera venida de Cristo: La verdadera venida de Cristo será visible, será un único y solo evento.  1Tes 5:1-11 dice que vendrá como ladrón en la noche, esto significa que será una venida repentina.  El conocido ‘pastor’ ecuménico Darwin Ureña cita lo siguiente:

      El Rapto sucederá en “un abrir y cerrar de ojos” (1 de Corintios 15:52). En este evento, los muertos que hayan creído resucitarán primero, seguidos en un instante de tiempo por los cristianos que aun estemos vivos (1 Tesal. 4:16).

Podemos decir que lo que sucederá en un abrir y cerrar de ojos será la segunda venida no el rapto, y en este evento resucitaran los muertos ¡TODOS! .Los Cristianos del primer siglo sabían que ya estaba “en acción el misterio” del “hombre de pecado” (2 Tes. 2:7), había comenzado la “gran tribulación” (1 Tes. 1:6; Apoc. 1:9) y existía ya el “anticristo” (1 Juan 2:18; 4:1-3) entonces si todo esto ya existía en el primer siglo ¿Porque todos estos falsos maestros apuntan a futuro?. La falacia de pautar estos eventos y seres solo como “futuros” es evidentemente un esfuerzo de satánas, para desviar de la verdad. El Milenio es un tiempo de paz y libertad para la iglesia,  que de hecho ya estamos en el seguido por el “poco de tiempo”, la Segunda Venida de Cristo y el fin del mundo. [El texto bíblico que sostiene esta última afirmación es Apocalipsis 20:1-10.  Las visiones de Apocalipsis 19:11-21 nos llevan al fin de la humanidad en la tierra. Las de Apocalipsis 20:1-10 no las siguen en la línea del tiempo sino que constituyen una nueva serie la que también termina con el fin de la humanidad en la tierra y el castigo eterno de los enemigos de Dios.]

Existe un tremendo ánimo por trazar estas telenovelas de una manera exagerada  y a futuro, el rapto de la Iglesia, categóricamente no existe. Nunca existió y nunca existirá. En 2Tim4:3  falsos, maestros iban a venir para engañar y lógicamente si hay maestros es, porque hay alumnos que quieren escuchar el error. Cuando una persona cree y acoge la supuesta Teoría del Rapto deberá adoptar más ideas premineliaristas que están en un Grave conflicto con la Biblia y solamente llevaran al abismo de la ignorancia Bíblica y las doctrinas humanas. Nos resulta increíble leer artículos donde se expresa que los niños no serán arrebatados en el “Rapto” porque no son miembros de la iglesia, y por tanto no irán al cielo, Mateo 19:14 el Señor, derriba esta idea diciendo,  “de los tales es el reino de los cielos”.

¿Señales del Rapto? NINGUNA. Por la sencilla razón que como antes lo mencionamos no existe el rapto, Mateo 24:5 es manipulado y torcido; ’’vendrán muchos en mi nombre… “, declara el texto “…y a muchos engañaran…” quienes ignoran por completo el contexto, que esto fue una profecía para la destrucción de Jerusalén sostienen que las guerras, hambres, milagros falsos y demás son nada más y nada menos que  estas señales,  pero ciertamente las Guerras, Hambres y todo eso siempre lo hemos tenido con nosotros incluso desde antes de que Jesús vinieran ya existían. Josué l0, es tan solo un ejemplo de las muchas guerras, así que debemos coincidir que la fantasía está mal dibujada, sí somos estudiantes de la Biblia serios.

“Diferencia entre el Rapto y la segunda venida”: Una vez más se hace difícil para el denominacional acomodar los puntos, colocan diferencia para armonizar  sus contradicciones y desaciertos estableciendo que el rapto es secreto pero la segunda venida entonces traerá a todos los que se raptó. El Señor (Apo 22:7; 12; 20) asegura vendrá pronto en Breve, una sola vez.


Lo que se nos presenta en Apocalipsis 19:11-21 es el panorama de los eventos finales el termino  de la vida en la Tierra. 1Ped 3:10 Se levanta de su asiento pide hablar para concluir le damos la palabra , y dice que; “los cielos pasaran con Grande estruendo y los elementos ardientes van a ser desechos…”, todo llegará a su culminación y los santos, Miembros fieles de la Iglesia de Cristo estarán para siempre en la eternidad con el Creador, Filipenses 3:20 Mas nuestra ciudadanía está en los cielos de donde también esperamos al Salvador, al Señor Jesucristo”

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