David and the Psalms

David and the Psalms

My appreciation for the book of Psalms is far greater than I had as a younger Christian. It may be because of a better grasp of the Bible, or perhaps, I have a greater understanding of the purpose of life. Most of the psalms were written by David, the man whose heart was like God’s heart. It is in the historical books we read about the thrilling events which happened in his life. However, it is in the psalms where David opens the depths of his soul so we can learn about his heart. Look at Psalm 131 to see this.

In the psalms of David, we find hope.

In the psalms of David, we find hope.

David, himself, and the world. “Lord, my heart is not haughty (marginal reading is “proud”), nor my eyes lofty (marginal reading is “arrogant”). Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me” (v. 1). Our world is so amazingly complex, and all that happens in it can so easily distract us as we try to figure it all out. Wars, rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, revolution among the nations, political unrest in our own land and the struggles created by ungodly men can so easily overwhelm us. There are those things which are, to use the words of David, “great matters” and “too profound for me.” David’s solution was not to become haughty or to focus his eyes on such matters. David understood there were greater matters and more lofty matters on which to focus. What are these greater matters? Look at the next verse.

David, himself, and God. How did David react with the complexity of life around him? “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul. Like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me” (v. 2). A newborn baby is helpless, for he understands nothing about his new world. One thing he does know is that his midnight cries bring his mother to hold him, to embrace him and to nurture him. There is no place more comforting on this earth for that infant. The same is true of a child who is weaned. He no longer needs his mother to feed him, but, oh how much comfort his mother’s kisses, hugs and loving words bring to him—even as an adult. David had found the way and the perfect place to have that same peace in his life.

David, himself, and the future. Where was that place? “O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever” (v. 3). David, how do you handle the “great matters” and the “things to profound for me”? How do you handle the profound complexities of life? His answer—hope. One word sums it up. God is in charge, and He promises He will handle our future (Heb. 13:5-6; Rom. 8:28). How did David instruct the Jews to deal with “great matters and profound things?” One word—hope! How does David’s psalm show us how to deal with things we cannot understand or control? One word—hope! If a young child finds comfort when held by his mother, how much more should we find comfort in His arms? Remember David’s one word—hope!

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El dominio Propio

El dominio Propio

El dominio Propio es un concepto totalmente Bíblico, y es aquello en el cual el ser humano puede refrenar y controlar sus deseos y sus emociones. Existen únicamente 3 textos en el Nuevo Testamento donde son mencionados con exactitud estos son: Hechos 24:25,  2Timoteo 1:7,  2 Pedro 1:6. En el caso de Hechos 24 el Apóstol Pablo se encontraba frente al Gobernador Felix cuando es usada esta palabra. Dios ha querido que el ser humano controle sus emociones y sentimientos y que más bien al expresarlos pueda hacerlo de una manera correcta donde pueda glorificar a Dios. El mismo Señor Jesús fue muy cuidadoso en cuanto a sus palabras y cada uno de sus actos, hubieron momentos claros donde la parte humana pudo haberse manifestado y dar rienda suelta ella, Mateo 4:1 -10, es uno de estos ejemplos cuando él mismo fue tentado por el diablo. Satanás nunca intentó tentar su parte divina sino que se fue a la humana, obviamente conocemos el final de la historia, pero el Señor utilizó el dominio propio y las escrituras para superar el asunto. El apóstol Pablo también fue tentado el en diferentes maneras, una de ellas está muy bien señalada en 1Corintios 9:5 donde él reclama sus derechos de apóstol. El podía tomar una hermana por mujer como también Pedro lo hizo pero obviamente el dominio propio que él tenia le sujetaba a trabajar primeramente para Cristo. Este mismo gran hombre de Dios tuvo la oportunidad única  en el mundo, el fue trasladado por Dios mismo hasta el tercer cielo donde vio cosas inefables que no le es dado conocer al hombre. 2Corintios 12 :1-13  narra de su experiencia de una manera  muy peculiar procurando controlarse  para dar la gloria a Dios. Sucede que cuando no se tiene Dominio propio es lo que pasa; la gloria termina siendo dada al hombre antes que a Dios tal como lo hizo Herodes en Hechos 12. Es trascendental tener  dominio al igual que es fundamental fomentarlo en nuestras vidas y en la de los demás, de esta manera las relaciones entre familia mejorarán en gran manera y sobre todo la relación con los hermanos también será mucho mejor.

Siempre que el hombre decide no usar el dominio propio se ve envuelto en grandes problemas, tan solo imaginece amado lector, que usted no dominara sus pensamientos, que pensara siempre en voz alta o que simplemente se expresará abiertamente frente a sus amigos lo que siente o frente al vecino. Es realmente lo que le sucede a algunas personas quienes no dominan sus impulsos naturales, y luego se justifican diciendo que así son ellos por naturaleza y que no puden hacer ningún cambio al respecto. En el plano espiritual quienes profesan la religión del Nuevo Testamento necesitan aferrarse a las santas escrituras diciendo la verdad pero en amor. Usando dominio propio tal como lo disertaba Pablo, animar a otros a obedecer el evangelio (1 Pedro 3:15) y no solo a eso sino a ser mejores personas, a llevar mejor calidad de vida frente a los demás y ser esa lumbrera en el mundo (Mateo 5:16). Necesitamos sin duda alguna necesita enseñar a los miembros del cuerpo de Cristo a conducirse como es digno del evangelio (Col 1:10)  a mostrar integridad y seriedad a las almas perdidas(Tito 2:7). Un famoso dicho popular no se equivoca al citar la siguiente frase: “El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero piensa todo lo que dice”. ¡Dios nos ayude a poder vivir sabiamente y nos ayude a construir del dominio propio.

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Measuring Growth

Measuring Growth

Attendance. Baptisms. Contributions. The “ABC method” of measuring congregational growth. Man’s methodology to be sure – but not necessarily God’s.

Now we all know that divisiveness, division and denominationalism are all dead wrong; they all run completely contrary to the Savior’s prayer for unity (Jn. 17:20-23), and are therefore thoroughly condemned throughout the entirety of the Scriptures (Prov. 6:12-19; 1 Cor. 1:10-13, 3:1-4; Phil. 1:27-2:4; and etc)… for the most part that is…

You see, as the females in my family are often so prone to remind me when it comes to their hair, “In order for it to grow out and be more healthy, you have to cut it back” – or, “trim off the split ends” as it were. The same thing is true in gardening, as sometimes certain plants have to be pruned in order to be more productive. It was to this truth that Jesus alluded, and then went on to apply to the spiritual world as well (Jn. 15:2).

Sometimes in order for a congregation to truly grow spiritually, and to grow more healthy – and healthfully – in the eyes of God, it must first be pruned and/or cut back. Division must, in some cases occur first – as mandated by Scripture! “For there must also be factions {divisions} among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you” (1 Cor. 11:19). In other words, the aforementioned “ABC method” of measuring congregational growth must be set aside in certain cases wherein sin is seeking entrance into the camp. When attendance, baptisms, and contributions are the one and only exclusive standard by which congregational growth is measured, then we are headed for certain disaster (Matt. 7:13-14; 1 Ptr. 3:18-21).

Keeping up the count at all cost, will eventually cost us everything. Some of the key considerations concerning God’s kingdom congregations, are the “righteousness and peace and joy” they are to enjoy, as well as the edification and encouragement that identifies them (See Rom. 14:16-19).

Attendance at the expense of righteousness is not only not healthy growth, but actually instead, quite deadly in both its influence and its outcome. There are times when we must divide from those who would bring certain, sinful, seductive and satanic elements into our congregations. And we must do so quickly; long before and lest their evil and ungodly influence has a chance to spread like leaven in a loaf, or gangrene in an otherwise thriving body. For if we do not, then the evil we’ve allowed to gain a foothold will eventually extend to epidemic proportions, infecting and infesting the entire congregation. And so, we must divide from those people who would spread these spores of sin and unrighteousness – no matter how much money they might place in the plate; how many people they may help put in the pews; or how much power and influence they might wield in the community. And the fact of the matter is, that God demands we do no less!

God’s list of those we must divide from, would include: those who would try to teach us to do things today that are contrary to, that deviate from, and/or that are not contained in, the doctrine of Jesus through His hand-picked apostles, as taught to the Lord’s churches (congregations) in the first century (See: Jn. 16:12-15; Acts 2:42; Rom. 16:16-18; 1 Cor. 14:33-37; Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Thess. 2:15; 2 Ptr. 2:1-3 and 3:1-3); those who are divisive, malicious, and factious (Titus 2:9-11); as well as those who are sexually immoral or deviant according to God’s definition (1 Cor. 5:1-6:11; Eph. 5:3-11; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Rev. 21:8).

These are a few of the most prominent, promiscuous practices that simply cannot be allowed or tolerated in our congregations today, if they are to be considered as righteous and growing healthily for the Lord – even if it means our “attendance, baptisms, and collections” measurement must meander backward for a while in order to divide from such folks. Only such faithful and purposeful congregational and spiritual pruning will eventually bear much righteous growth and fruit for the Master. Let us never sacrifice holiness and righteousness as the people of God, for such man-made markers of success as such sins may masquerade as providing!

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Hate Your Traditions Yet?

Hate Your Traditions Yet?

Is our religion formed by the traditions we hold? I mean, when there is a tough issue raised in the church, we may say we go by the Bible, but do we really or do we ultimately err on the side of traditions? For instance, I love a cappella worship and most would agree. But, is it wrong if we have more than 7 songs? I remember getting corrected once for leading too many song (10) and in fact, I was scolded by one. For what? For singing too many praises to God? Uh-huh. I was shocked when someone even started citing “preference” rules to me as to why I was wrong. Another even went to the point of saying that I sinned. Extreme?? Yes, just a tad. Others have been corrected for not holding to similar “traditional practices.” Obviously, people can make whatever decisions about the church they want to make and claim it is essential to salvation.

Do you follow the Bible or traditions?

Do you follow the Bible or traditions?

We cannot make the argument that “I just want what I grew up with…” and it not be about tradition. The appeal itself is about past practice, which is, by definition, tradition. It puzzles me how many times Christians make mountains out of molehills. And, if you listen to some of the arguments carefully, many of them boil down to an appeal to church of Christ tradition, such like: “I don’t have a problem with it, but…” or “I don’t think it’s wrong, but…” or – and this is the granddaddy of all traditional arguments – “I don’t think it’s a salvation issue, but…”This is what is often the cause of numerous, numerous divisions and splintering.

So, are there traditions that we should hold to? Yes. Paul said, “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). What traditions? The ones man makes up? Nope. For Paul also said, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8). Furthermore, Jesus said,“…And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3). Paul told Timothy, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). I know. WOW!

So again what are the traditions that Paul talks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:15? Paul is talking about the authentic teachings of the apostles that were handed down orally before the New Testament was even available. O.K. So, what were they? Well, the people were warned against the traditions of the elders, which displaced and made void the commandments of God. Jesus said, “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men…” (Mark 7:7-8). So, the traditions that Paul speaks of are those which had been taught by inspiration because there is a night and day difference between the traditions developed by man and those which have been revealed by God. Today, those “traditions” is called the Bible: “knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

But, what about man-made traditions, like the length of the sermon or what days (other than Sunday) we should worship God collectively? What about the order of worship? Or, are we under the impression that the Bible says, “Thou shalt not change any items in the order of worship?” What about the role of the preacher: Many church members have a clear expectation of what “their” minister should do despite the fact that the Bible already outlines what a minister is to do. Many consider the preacher as an employee or servant of the church and therefore, the church is an employer that determines the scope and duties of the work of their employee. Some make the statement: “We pay the preacher and we tell him what to do.” But, the Bible already tells a minster what to do (Romans 1, 10; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:2; Ephesians 4:11-12; 2 Timothy 3:14-17). And, if we go by the Bible, we learn that the minister is God’s minister (Romans 1:1).

Still, other traditions are things such like: Why do we have committees? Why can’t we use better curriculum if it is better? Must we make the rule only use the KJV or don’t come preaching here? Do we have business meetings just to have them so we can argue over non-important issues? There are too many others to write.

My purpose for writing this article is that we be cautious about traditions. None are set in stone. None are a test of fellowship. None are essential for salvation and it is sad to see all the heartache in the church because well meaning brethren could not distinguish between “law” and “tradition.” We need to study the Scriptures more (2 Timothy 2:15). We need to realize that even if some things were done by pioneer brethren years ago, this does not make them the authoritative guide. We must have a greater sense of tolerance for brethren whose practices, in areas of judgment, vary from ours. Sadly, man-made traditions are running people out of the church and keeping them from coming back. This should never be the case. This is why Paul states, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself” (Philippians 2:3). And, as simple as this verse is to understand, it has been quite difficult to fully believe and live out in the church. So, let us all have more Jesus and less ruthlessness in the church. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

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The Problem with Presumption

The Problem with Presumption

Presuming things.  Making assumptions.  Unfortunately, most of us are guilty of this.  Some call it “jumping to conclusions” (which, as it has been noted, can be a very painful exercise); others, “reaching a verdict without a trial.”  This usually happens when we venture to guess another person’s motives or judge a person’s life without having all the facts.  The danger of this is that we can be certain of our conclusion, then find we have missed the truth by the proverbial mile.

Presumption?  Presume Nothing!

Presumption? Presume Nothing!

Assuming things causes us to “know” before actually having information.  Solomon, by divine inspiration, wrote, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Prov. 18:13).  That applies to poor listeners in a conversation, but also faulty perception about one’s circumstances.  It is a biblical principle to be certain of a situation before ever uttering a word about it.  Think of how foolish it is to pass judgment without a full hearing!

Presumption also causes us to have boldness without a true foundation.  In 2 Peter 2:10, Peter refers to certain unrighteous people, saying, “Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”  They fearlessly and recklessly speak against others, even those in authority, based on personal opinions they confuse with the truth (here is the idea of “self-willed” or “arrogant.”)  They rant and rave about the object of their fury based on preconceived notions that they will not clutter up with the actual truth.

Furthermore, jumping to conclusions causes us to sin without restriction.  This is why David prayed, “Also keep back your servant from presumptuous sins” (Psalm 19:13).  It is a prayer for self-control against willful sinning.  He is speaking of this same arrogant spirit, using a word which is translated elsewhere as “proud.”  Willfully entering into sin hardens the heart, including saying something against somebody which we are certain we do not know with certainty is true.

It is so easy to convince ourselves that we know what is driving people or what has landed them in their present circumstances.  Job’s friends got into a lot of trouble because they unrighteously judged Job (John 7:24).  Let’s learn from their error and not make the same mistake.

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