En este pasado mes de Marzo del año 2016, los medios de comunicación han publicado un espantoso video de unos jóvenes arrestando a una tortuga viva con su automóvil del lado del caparazón a lo largo de una calle en Limón Costa Rica. Tal video circuló al rededor del mundo como uno de los actos de crueldad en materia de maltrato animal jamás visto he indigente. Por cierto en los últimos meses en este país se ha n presentado una serie tremenda de crueldad animal, solamente en ese mismo mes de Marzo poco más de 30 perros fueron envenenados sin razón alguna, y las historias de crueldad animal continúa una y otra vez a lo largo y ancho de este planeta.

Gran cantidad de personas han pensado erradamente que los animales son seres inanimados, que no poseen ningún tipo de sentimientos a partir del hecho que no pueden hablar. Quizás pase fugazmente por su mente, amado lectora pregunta como;¿Que relación tiene este tema con las grandes doctrinas Bíblicas, con la salvación eterna de nuestras almas o  con ayudarme a ser un mejor cristiano? Con este articulo espero lograr establecer ciertos principios totalmente Bíblicos.   ¿ Que dice Dios al respecto?

En la historia de la humanidad sobre la faz de la tierra uno de los más emocionantes y cautivantes eventos es el del diluvio universal. El cómo un hombre llamado Noé fue salvo junto a 7 personas más de una catástrofe mundial. La narración inspirada de Moisés sobre el diluvio cita lo siguiente : “ Y todo lo que vive, de toda carne, dos de cada especie meterás en el arca, para que tengan vida contigo; macho y hembra serán.” (Gen 6:19). Evidentemente Noé salvó y preservó la raza humana, pero Dios estaba interesado en la preservación de los animales también. Dios tuvo cuidado y misericordia de los animales ya que para salvar a Noé se hubiese necesitado un arca mucho más pequeña para él y su familia. Entonces al pensar en la magnitud de ésta arca, el tiempo y el recurso que invirtió nos queda únicamente escalar hacia una sola conclusión… tal magnitud fue debido a los animales.

En Levítico  17:11 la Biblia declara que “la vida de la carne en la sangre está…”  por este pasaje aprendemos entonces que los animales poseen un alma.  La diferencia entre los animales y los seres humanos es que nosotros poseemos un alma pero también un espíritu (1Tes 5:23, Heb 4:12) y el espíritu es la única parte que trasciende(Ec 12:7), es decir; cuando un animal muere, hasta ahí llegó toda su existencia. El alma entonces es la parte que contiene las emociones (dolor, tristeza, hambre, alegría, amor, placer…etc). Amigos míos los animales pueden experimentar cada uno de estos sentimientos por los que nosotros también atravesamos. Paradójicamente no logramos comprender como algunos seres humanos son tan “inhumanos” para pensar que NO existe dolor alguno en aquellos pobres gallos que se desangran a muerte en tantas peleas ilícitas o las tantas apuestas a perros que brutalmente pelean, siendo manipulados por dueños mientras sus acciones únicamente obedecen a sus instintos naturales.

Otro de esos relatos Bíblicos con el que nos hemos sentido intrigados es Balaam  y el asna. Números 22:21-40, relata la insensatez con la que obró este hombre entre muchas otras lecciones espirituales prácticas. Sin embargo no podemos obviar el maltrato administrado al asna. Sobrenaturalmente parte de la replica del asna fue ¿he acostumbrado a hacerlo así contigo? (Números 22:30). Cuando los ojos de Balaam fueron abiertos y ve al ángel de Jehová, el primer reclamo del ángel fue: ¿Porqué has azotado tu asna estas tres veces? (Números 22:32). Parece ser un acto injusto, tanto que si el ángel tenía que escoger a quién matar, hubiese matado a Balaam y dejado con vida el asna. Sí amigo lector, Dios tiene cuidado por los animales, esto es algo que establece el mismo Señor Jesús (Mateo 6:26), la razón, porque somos parte de misma creación.

Jonás, profeta del Antiguo Testamento que tuvo como trabajo predicar a Nínive, nunca estuvo tan contento con la idea de salvación para esta ciudad. Al término de este bello libro,leemos una de las frases más impactantes en relación a este mismo tema de poca relevancia para muchos. Dios mismo en su diálogo con Jonás y su deseo de salvación para la ciudad expresó lo siguiente : “¿ Y no tendré yo piedad de Nínive, aquella gran ciudad donde hay más de ciento veinte mil personas que no saben discernir entre su mano derecha y su mano izquierda y muchos animales?” ( Jonás 4:11,Enfasis  nuestro). ¡Oh cuanto amor de Dios para con su creación!, estuvo él dispuesto a detener un juicio por amor a las personas y por amor a los animales. Si El creador a tenido respeto y amor, ¿no cree usted que nosotros debemos actuar en la misma dirección?.

Estas evidencias no significan que no podemos matar ningún animal, o ningún insecto. El punto central es el de no actuar en pro del maltrato y el sufrimiento de los animales, estoy seguro de que existen muchas maneras de sacrificar aquellos animales de los que consumimos sus carnes constantemente sin que ellos tengan que sufrir “inhumanamente” antes de morir.

Cada cristiano serio respetará todo aquello que sea parte de la creación de nuestro Padre, seria muy deprimente entrar en la gran corte del trono blanco, pensando que hemos hecho todo lo que debíamos de hacer, pero por crueldad, maltrato e irrespeto a la creación, se nos aparte de la presencia del Señor por una eternidad. Vivamos intachables en esta vida buscando siempre la santidad y la integridad.

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Repentance or Perish

Repentance or Perish

As children grow, parents teach them to say, “I’m sorry.” Yet, children learn to say their sorry before they understand what it really means. Some children intentionally do something they know is wrong, then immediately say, “I’m sorry” thinking that those magical words are the cure all for the deed they just did. All children have a bad habit of this at one point in their lives. Yet, somehow we must instill in our children an appreciation and understanding of what it means to be genuinely and godly sorrowful for wrongful deeds done. Yet, this is also something that adults need to practice.

Repentance is a choice of heart and action.

Repentance is a choice of heart and action.

Repentance is one of the most basic biblical concepts and an integral part of the salvation process. Yet, the subject is often ignored due to its simplicity and because it is by far, the hardest of all God’s commands. It is the most difficult thing in life because repenting has a convicting, pride swallowing effect. It is interesting that when Christians neglect the worship services for a time and then slowly start coming back around, they think that this is repentance. This is not repentance. Repentance involves more than restitution of the sin which makes it the hardest step in the plan of salvation. In fact, repenting is the hardest thing we will ever do because we turn away from that which is most comfortable and sinful and begin looking toward God.         Before one can determine what Biblical repentance is, we must define what Biblical repentance is not.  It is not simply being sorrowful or regretful about something because Judas was sorry for betraying Christ, but he never changed his heart (Matthew 27:3-5). Repentance is not being fearful you will get caught for Felix was fearful and trembled about the judgment to come, but never repented (Acts 24:25). It is not godly sorrow because the apostle Paul said, “godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation . . . ” (2 Corinthians 7:10). It also is not some type of positive change in your life because many make positive changes to their lives and still will not repent of sins. It is not confession nor is it being in attendance at the worship assemblies (Hebrews 10:24-25). Repentance is not just stopping the sin. Now, it is good when one stops doing wrong, but that sin is still charged against one in heaven until he or she repents of their wrong. Repentance is not feeling the Gospel prick your heart for those on the day of Pentecost experienced this, but still had not repented (Acts 2:36-38).

The word repentance means remorse, to regret accompanied by a true change of the heart toward God. It means to know and therefore, repent after knowledge. It signifies a change of mind after understanding what was wrong. It is a change in will brought about by a deep sense of godly sorrow, knowing that our sins have offended God, which leads to a reformation of life, turning away from sin and evil and turning unto God and his righteousness while restoring things as must as possible to the way they were before the sin.  Repentance is a must for salvation and therefore, one cannot be saved without it!

We read in the Bible how Peter denied the Lord in which he later repented (John 21:15-17). It is hard to face the facts that people that love the Lord are still those who can deny him and need to repent. Paul shows us that he repented when he realized he was wrong about God’s Word (Acts 9-28). Therefore, if, “godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation . . .” (2 Corinthians 7:10), it is a divine requirement which Jesus confirmed saying, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). Repentance is mandatory for all mankind and because no one wants to perish meaning, to spiritually die. Yet, repentance is necessary because everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Therefore, one repents so they can move toward salvation because that is what God requires.

Now, Those who are Christians, know this: you can fall from grace! It is possible to be an erring child of God which requires repenting and we do the erring child of God no good, when they need to repent and we just accept them with open arms not holding them accountable for their sins. The Church cripples itself each time this happens. The apostle Peter assured Simon that his Christian heart was not right in the sight of God and needed to repent of his wickedness (Acts 8:20-24). Congregations can be lukewarm (Revelation 3:15), lose their love with Christ (Revelation 2:5), be spiritually dead (Revelation 3:1), accept false doctrine (Revelation 2:14), permit sin who have been seduced by it (Revelation 2:20-21) and still not even know themselves that they are lost!

It is terrible when this fact is presented because people are quick to justify and rationalize themselves while attempting to remove their guilt that involves themselves. But you know, king Saul tried this by seeking to defend himself by his excuses (1 Samuel 15:13-22). It did not work. The fact is, the goodness of God should motivate an individual to repent (Romans 2:4). Why? Because it is a command from God and the coming judgment should motivate individuals to repent (Acts 17:30). One should be motivated to repent if they are at risk of eternal spiritual death (Revelation 2:5).

Those who are shamed, those who have done wrong, those who need repenting should think very seriously about doing so. The Scriptures tell us many will die and live eternally in torment (Colossians 3:5-7; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Revelation 21:8). Is it finally time for you to repent in your life? The story of the rich man and Lazarus emphasizes the importance of repentance (Luke 16:19-31). The tortured unrighteous, who had died physically, strongly desired to return to their physical family in order to convince them to repent. If the unrighteous dead could speak to us today, they without a doubt, would tell us first and foremost to repent. And once you are there, no person in this world or out has the authority to remove one from it! Once you are there, it is permanent! Jesus said, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Lk. 13:3). Do what is right.

Robert Notgrass

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Rest from What?

Rest from What?

Everyone wants rest, but there is a time and place.

Everyone wants rest, but there is a time and place.

There is a rest for the people of God (Hebrews 4:9). But just who are these people. Satan would have religious minded people believe that all who claim faith alone in God are the people of God. This lie has been extremely successful! No one faithful to the Word of God would teach or believe that folks could earn their salvation. But the truth is no one faithful to the Word of God would teach that there is nothing you have to do either.

Just as God ceased from His work in order to rest he offers rest for us from our own works (Hebrews 4:10). Does this sound like God doesn’t expect us to do anything? The fact is, it means just the opposite, we must stop liv-ing for ourselves and strive to do those things that are pleasing to God in order to receive His rest (Hebrews 4:11). Jesus left us the prime example by being made perfect through his obedience to the will of the Father and not his own. He then becomes the author of eternal salvation to all who likewise are obe-dient to Him (Hebrews 5:8–9).

When we are obedient and faithful to Christ he becomes an anchor to our souls (Hebrews 6:19), and we find rest. Do you enjoy that rest today? Do you rest in the assurance of eternal life? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31), repent of your sins (Acts 17:30; Luke 13:3), confess the name of Jesus with your words and your works (Matthew 10:32–33), and be baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38). Once you have done these things you must then be a good steward (1 Co-rinthians 4:2), must be faithful in all things (Revelation 2:10), and labor in anticipation of the rest to come (Revelation 14:13).

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Legacy of Faithfulness

The Importance of Leaving a Legacy of Faithfulness

Walk through any cemetery and glance at the dates that surround you. Many tombstones speak of an individual who lived before computers, cars, or indoor plumbing existed. In my hometown of Franklin, Tennessee, we have a cemetery in which many soldiers from the Civil War are buried. Many of these soldiers have been dead for close to 150 years. Consider for a moment that aside from these pieces of granite or marble, there are relatively few “material” possessions from these soldiers still in existence.

What is the legacy you will leave behind?

What is the legacy you will leave behind?

So what did these men of previous generations leave behind? Simply put, every single one of them left behind some type of legacy. Americans spend an enormous amount of time amassing “material” things—so we certainly don’t like to think about the very real fact that one day, all of it will be gone. Our cars will rust and probably be recycled into future material. Our homes will decay and one day be replaced. Our stocks, clothes, and electronics will be things of the past. The only thing that will be passed into the future will be our legacy. While we draft up wills in consideration of where our earthly possessions will go, we don’t give much thought about passing along a living legacy.

Here’s what I intend to teach my children on their legacy.

When I die, each one of you will receive some of my physical possessions. While I hope those goods help you in your future walks of life, my prayer is that you will treasure the spiritual training that your mom and I passed on even more than the material things. I have shared with each of you that my greatest desire is to see you in Heaven—for you to marry strong Christians and rear future generations of Christians. For you see, this will be my legacy.

This is what I will be passing down to generations I will never live to see. Consider how it would feel if you knew someone back in 1912 was working diligently to make sure you remained faithful to God. That is a unique feeling and one you may struggle to truly grasp. My prayer is that you will look into the future and consider what you can do to ensure future generations of Harrubs will be faithful. The reality is in 100 years people will not care what your career was—and more than likely you will be forgotten. But your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will still be affecting the world. Start thinking now about what your legacy will be. Maybe for you it will be 100 years of no unfaithfulness to God in your lineage. Or maybe your legacy will be 100 years without divorce or alcoholic beverages. The point is you need to consider what your legacy will be, and then start working diligently, with passion and perseverance, toward that goal (Proverbs 16:3).

One of the greatest blessings in the Bible was given to a family that held to a family legacy of no alcoholic beverages. In Jeremiah 35 we learn about the Rechabites. The Rechabites were the descendants of Rechab through Jonadab (or Jehonadab). This special family belonged to the Kenites who accompanied the children of Israel into the Promised Land and dwelt among them. We know for instance Moses married a Kenite wife (Judges 1:16).

In Jeremiah 35 the descendants of Jonadab are offered wine. We find their response in verse 6: “But they said, ‘We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, “You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever.’” Because of their obedience, this family receives one of the strongest blessings in the Bible. And Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Because you have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he commanded you,’ therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not lack a man to stand before Me forever’ ” (Jeremiah 35:18-19, emp. added).

My children, this is a legacy! This blessing is worth far more than any material possession I can pass along to you. The reality is we will all leave behind a legacy. I pray that your legacy will be seen through future generations of faithful Christians. Always remember Judges 2:10, “When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.” Hopefully your children will grow to be future elders, preachers, and Christian homemakers.

Consider the words of the inspired psalmist: “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. You shall keep them, O Lord, You shall preserve them from this generation forever” (Psalm 12:6-7). Now if we can just figure out who gets my collection of ball caps when I’m gone.

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Are You Ashamed?

When I Am Ashamed—My Belly Is My God

There is a marked contrast between Paul’s attitude when he said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Rom. 1:16), and the attitude so many have today. Tragically, there were those in the first century who were ashamed of the gospel, and the same attitude is found in our day.

Do you feel ashamed?  Why?

Do you feel ashamed? Why?

Some are ashamed of brethren who boldly speak the truth. When David, the young shepherd, visited his brothers and heard the challenge of Goliath, he could not be silent. Every word he said that day was true. He asked, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1 Sam. 17:26)? His own brothers were ashamed of him and did all they could to silence him. They were not truly servants of God. They put themselves above truth.

Some are ashamed of brothers who have done wrong and then change and do right. An illustration is the attitude of the older brother of the penitent prodigal son (Luke 15). Look as his heart. He was quite content to ignore his brother’s behavior in the foreign land. But when the prodigal returned, his self-centered heart became obvious. Tragically some in the church can so easily ignore brethren who have gone astray, and deep in their hearts hope they do not have to deal with them if they return. They are truly self-centered!

Some are ashamed of the teaching of the Bible and change what they teach to avoid criticism. We live in a land where the attitude which demands political correctness has entered the hearts of some Christians. This attitude seeks to avoid all confrontation with error. (The blessing of church problems is clearly shown in 1 Cor. 11:19). There are those who want peace whatever the cost.

In the first century, there were those who sought to compromise the truth about religious circumcision. They were fearful that the consequence of the apostles’ teaching would create more opposition and hardship from the Jews. They wanted peace above everything and changed their teachings (Gal. 6:12).

How does the Bible describe those who will not stand for truth? There is a remarkable phrase used by God which graphically depicts them. When men take God off of the throne and replace Him with their self-centered desires, God is no longer God. David’s brothers removed God from His place and put their own needs first. The older brother rejected the heart of his father and replaced his father’s wishes with his own desires. Those who changed God’s teaching about circumcision no longer had the God of truth on the throne. What is that phrase God used to describe them? Their god is their own belly (Phil. 3:19). Wow! Think about it!

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