Now Fallen

Now Fallen

It is inevitable, inescapable, and absolutely unavoidable. It is every inch as certain as “death and taxes” and ought to be added to that adage of the “dynamic duo” in order to transform it into the truer and more terrible “tragic trio.” The third element in this torturous trifecta, is the inevitable fact that people… are people; and that as such, they going to let you down in your life – and that also goes for God’s people in general, and also in some cases, their leadership in particular. And when they do, it is a pain that permeates your entire being. When the once strong, scripturally solid, faithful and obedient, eventually or suddenly turn away from, and either twist, torture, or just simply deny and abandon the Lord and humble obedience to His eternal word in favor of man-made or man-pleasing self-justifications for their reversals of conviction and direction, it breaks your heart, numbs your mind, shakes your faith, and shatters your spirit. And ultimately, if not handled quickly, correctly, and scripturally, it can cause you to lose your faith in everything too; including the Lord, His word, and His church as well!

It is inevitable that man will disappoint.  To not turn back, is to be fallen.

It is inevitable that man will disappoint. To not turn back, is to be fallen.

Even King David, the “man after God’s own heart” and the “sweet psalmist of Israel” (Acts 13:22; 2 Sam. 23:1) had to deal with such senseless, sickening, soul-searching and disparaging desperation. Note his overwhelming and heart-felt horror – and almost incredible disbelief that such a thing could even possibly happen with his formerly-faithful companion in His Lord’s service… From the 55th Psalm:

“My heart is severely pained within me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fearfulness and trembling have come upon me, and horror has overwhelmed me… For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng” (vss. 4-5, 12-14).

Jesus and his first century disciples similarly experienced the excruciating pain of seeing some of their very own, once apparently faithful appearing and beloved brethren, deserting, abandoning, betraying and perverting God’s eternal truth in the first century (Jn. 6:60-66; Gal. 1:6 – 6:15; Col. 2:1-23; 1 Tim. 4 + 6; 2 Tim. 1:13 – 2:18, 3:1 – 4:18; Hebs. 10:19-38; 2 Ptr. 2 + 3; as well as others). No wonder the apostle Paul’s divinely-inspired warning to our first century Colossian brethren was so strong when he sounded the clarion call to, “Beware, lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8)!

Jesus’ disciples in the first century, as well as in every era and century since, have sadly, and tragically still continue to have to endure experiencing this excruciating pain today. It goes with the territory. And it’s about time we admitted, acknowledged, and learned how to deal with and address this tragic truth before it eventually adds us to its apostate ranks as well.

Now the point of this article is not to bash, berate, or belittle such formerly-faithful but now fallen away brethren; but simply to awaken those of us who would continually, faithfully go by what Jesus clearly said, to always be aware that no matter how faithful a brother or sister may be or appear to be today, that Satan is still incredibly strong and that we can therefore never afford to put our faith fully in any of our brothers and sisters, no matter how Scripturally strong and/or well-versed they may seem to be today. Because if we do, we are in for an overwhelming heartache and devastating fall of epic proportions in some cases. We must do everything we do in our Christianity because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ exclusively – and NOT in His people. Because even some of God’s most devoted and faithful-appearing people today, still have the capacity – and even tendency – to someday let you down, disappoint you, start redefining God’s terminology, reject and desert God’s truth, and go back into the world. And sadly, terribly, tragically, if your faith is in them when they go astray and fall away they are liable to take you with them! That is one of Satan’s best and most effective weapons! (See Deuteronomy 13, and Galatians, chapters 3-5).

And as to the ever-present threat, reality, and presence of such reversals of once faithful brethrens’ convictions in the Lord’s church, the apostle Peter explained that:

“…there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive (“damnable”- KJV) heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness (“greed” – ESV, NASV) they will exploit you with deceptive words… (2 Ptr. 2:1-3).

From the divinely-inspired and eternal truth of this text we glean some terrifying tidbits of insight into such horrible and heart-breaking reversals of spiritual direction. For instance, these were once faithful, blood-bought children of the living God – a fact which Peter later, further reinforces when he refers to them as “accursed children” who have “forsaken the right way and gone astray” (vss. 14-15). We would also note from this passage, that in some cases, although they have “forsaken the right way and gone astray,” they have neither forsaken the assembly, nor gone from, but in fact are still amongst, God’s people – a sobering reality which Peter, later, also further reinforces (vss. 12-14). This is what makes their insidious effect and influence so much more imminently and intrinsically dangerous. If I may paraphrase David, “If this were an enemy, then we could more easily recognize, identify, and decisively deal with the situation. But it was you, my friend, my equal, my companion and co-worker in the kingdom; you with whom we used to take sweet counsel and teach together from the word of God…”

Let us never put our full and utmost faith in any preacher, teacher, elder, or bible class teacher, but only in the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and Him alone. Even the great apostle, elder, evangelist, and divinely-inspired disciple Peter, had to admit to Cornelius and his household that even he was only a man (Acts 10:24-26). And as such, even he could – and actually did – make a massive doctrinal error that required immediate, public, congregational correction, in order to avoid and escape, widespread brotherhood corruption and destruction (Gal. 2:11-14). Anyone, no matter how strong in the Scriptures, can still be tempted to pull and drift away from the truth of God’s word (Heb. 2:1-4, 3:12-4:11; Gal. 5:4). Let’s make up our minds today to make sure that they do not take us with them when and if they do go.

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What Brothers Can Do (2)

What Brothers Can Do (2)

Brothers are truly wonderful.  In 1 Peter 3:8, we find this passage dealing with an inward unity in spiritual things which make schisms unthinkable.  Brothers are full of sympathy and share their feelings to unite alike in sorrow and joy.  For, this is what it means to have love as brethren or brotherly love.  And, it is indeed glory to God when brothers have compassion for one another, cherishing one another and honoring each other, being humble minded.

Brothers can make each other better.

Brothers can make each other better.

Now, if we have this attitude of brotherly love one for another, we would no longer be afraid to speak to one another.  It’s nice to be able to sit and write or speak to brethren from different parts of the world and carry on a conversation without fear of persecution, without fear of being labeled as something your not.  In our brotherhood, there are those who by their jealousy, hatred and ignorance, try to stamp the love out of brethren.  They attempt to kill them spiritually.  And, when the world sees the church filled with fighting, lies, deceit and pure viciousness, is it any wonder why we are not growing as we should?  And also, could it be that when there is no brotherly love, that there is a lack of respect for God’s authority?

We should not be afraid to speak or to engage with one another.  We should not be seeking after ourselves, but giving honor to others, leading them and preferring the other.  Sometime, try to outdo in showing respect and esteeming others more highly than yourself and see what brothers can do for each other (Romans 12:10).  It’s amazing!  This is why people get so energized when they go to Gospel meeting or lectureships.  And, if we as brothers, say something that it not right, let’s sit down.  Too many preachers and elders, as well as members of the body are unwilling to admit that we all make mistakes.  What is important is that we have those with brotherly love, like our brother Aqila and our sister Priscilla who, with patience and love, makes the way more perfectly.

O, there’s so much work to be done.  But, that is sometimes a great challenge when there is a brother or a group of brethren with their feet on your neck.  You know, to love one another is to know that when a Christians is born out of sin and into light, whose heart is filled with the love of God, that we cannot help but to love others and to express it with our actions without hypocrisy.  O sure, we can still contend for the faith.  We can still stand against pseudo brothers whose life is contrary to that of a Christian (2 Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 2:4)  That is understandable.  However, much of what is fought about today has little to do with Scriptures.  When we become jealous over one another, we become hurt which splits the church and shrinks its fellowship and faithfulness to it.

Brothers, do not forget that we are to be as close “as thine own soul” (Deuteronomy 13:6).  Do not allow to have Joseph’s brothers in the midst of brotherly love (Romans 12:10).  If we are suppose to spend eternity together, we need to learn to love our family while on earth!  Consider what Jesus said in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”  Peter so rightly said, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king” (1 Peter 2:17).  When a brother knows that you love him and that he loves you, there is much that can be done.

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NO existe nada más feo en este planeta, que ser “asariado” ¿no lo cree? Ese momento en el que usted llega al banco y atraviesa la entrada principal y solamente se sienta en una de las sillas disponibles, hay una larga fila de personas y finalmente cuando llega su turno el agente bancario le pregunta: ¿Y su ficha?- usted responde ¡Cual ficha!, entonces la humillación al frente de todas aquellas cientos de personas, se hace evidente cuando usted se regresa para tomar la ficha y hacer la fila de nuevo.

¿Puedo yo saber lo que debo de hacer para poder entrar al cielo?

¿Puedo yo saber lo que debo de hacer para poder entrar al cielo?

Tal caso no posee la fuerza necesaria para realmente ilustrar la horrenda sensación cuando el Juez supremo del universo se siente, y llegue nuestro turno y El pregunte:¿Su ficha para estar aquí? y que respondamos que no sabíamos que había que tomar una ficha, entonces la humillación será eterna porque este Juez supremo, presentará evidencia de que usted si sabía lo de la ficha y no lo hizo.

¿Puedo yo saber lo que debo de hacer para poder entrar al cielo? y si ese es el caso, ¿Cuales son esas cosas?. Por favor quedase de cerca con nosotros en este breve estudio, le ánimo a que usted pueda buscar una Biblia, para que revise por usted mismo.


Cristo estableció solamente una Iglesia (Mateo 16:18), esa iglesia es el cuerpo de Cristo(Efe 5:23) donde El es la cabeza y No ningún hombre. Esta iglesia también es llamada; el reino(Col 1:13), O casa de Dios (1Tim 3:15). Así que Cristo solamente tiene un cuerpo, no muchos. Entonces las demás iglesias son denominaciones que no nacieron en la mente de Dios sino en la mente del hombre. Es simple y sencillo entender que una cabeza solamente responde a un cuerpo, UNO SOLO. La iglesia de Cristo ES ese único cuerpo con ese único nombre (Romanos 16:16). Entonces para ser salvos hay que estar en Cristo (Gala 3:27) es decir en su cuerpo. Usted no puede presentarse  al Banco de Popular, para retirar dinero de su cuenta personal en el Banco Nacional. De igual manera usted no puede estar ante Cristo con una ficha en la mano, reclamando salvación si nunca estuvo en su cuerpo( la iglesia de Cristo) que es donde hay salvación).


El sencillo hecho de que usted sea profundamente honesto y sincero no implica que el agente bancario lo va a entender sin ficha. En otras palabras, Dios NO va justificar a nadie por expresar la frase: ¡No lo sabia¡. En la Biblia, Hechos 17:30 dice: “Pero Dios habiendo pasado por alto los tiempos de esta ignorancia, ahora manda a todos los hombres, en todo lugar, que se arrepientan;”. Si vio, Dios ya no va a justificar a nadie por ignorancia. Entonces a usted y a mi nos resta saber con exactitud que…hacer para llegar a ser salvos de otra manera amigo mío, por más “que Dios sea amor” NO nos va a justificar. Se puede ser profundamente sincero y a la vez estar equivocado.


Me dirijo a usted amado lector con todo el respeto que usted se merece, como un alma infundada por el Padre Eterno, para suplicarle que no escuche al hombre. Le he animado desde el inicio a que buscara una Biblia y observara por usted mismo y será la súplica de la Iglesia de Cristo, siempre. No escuche a nosotros pero escuche a la BIBLIA.

Hay quienes tienen que ir y preguntarle a su “pastor” o líder si esto es correcto o no, pero si realmente buscamos tomar la ficha correcta debemos Buscar siempre lo que dice Dios. No permita que le vendan una ficha barata y falsa, porque como dice el conocido refrán: “Lo barato sale caro”.

Por sobre todas las cosas rogamos a usted a que evalúe la evidencia, que vea las pruebas y luego llegue a una conclusión sensata en base a esa evidencia presentada. El mundo religioso tiene como trabajo confundir la mente de las personas,  pero no existe tan cosa como “ Oh si todos adoramos al mismo Dios”, Bueno consideremos juntos esta frase. Si todos adoramos al mismo Dios, eso significa que todos vamos a ser salvos y si todos vamos a ser salvos, vamos todos a ser lo que se nos venga en gana, matar, robar y todo lo demás… ¿Verdad que no? Tal argumento no es más que un paraguas para evadir la verdad y evadir la responsabilidad que tenemos cada uno de nosotros de razonar. Por cierto la lógica y la Biblia van siempre de la mano. ¿No le gustaría a usted encontrar una Iglesia donde lo que les interese no sea su dinero sino su salvación solamente?, donde se predique de la Biblia nada más y el predicador no sustentará un titulo de “pastor” sino predicador únicamente y que él sea visto como un hermano en Cristo, igual que el resto. Una Iglesia donde no haya ese desorden, de bailes, cosas sobrenaturales sino donde se respete la Biblia y en donde todo lo que se hace hay libro, capitulo y versículo para ello, ¿No le gustaría a usted ser llamado CRISTIANO nada más sin nombre ni apellidos añadidos, como cristiano católico, o cristiano evangélico?. Bien, usted puede hoy ser libre todo esto y comprar su ficha para la salvación y pertenecer a esa iglesia de Cristo. Para comprarla debe de hacer 5 Cosas que Dios estableció:

  1. Oír. Romanos 10:17, La fe viene por el oír pero el oír de la palabra de Dios. Ese es el primer paso, Oír.
  2. Creer. Marcos 16:16, El que creyere y fuere bautizado será salvo. Creer en que Cristo es el hijo del Dios vivo y que solamente El puede salvarle (Hechos 4:12).
  3. Arrepentirse. Hechos 3:19, Arrepentíos y convertíos , para que vengan de la presencia del Señor tiempos, de refrigerio. Debe de efectuarse un cambio en  la persona debe estar decidida a hacer un cambio rotundo en su vida, morir a sí mismo y comenzar a vivir para Dios, (Ga l2:20
  4. 4. Confesar. Romanos 10:9, Si confesares con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor, serás salvo. Esta confección NO es decirle los pecados a alguien más , sino más bien una confección o una declaración de valentía al decir como Pedro “Creo que tú eres el hijo del  Dios vivo”(Mateo 16:16).
  5. Bautismo. 1 Pedro 3:18-21. El bautismo que corresponde a esto ahora NOS salva…Marcos 16:16 , el que creyere y fuere bautizado será salvo. Amigo la salvación es imposible si no hay bautismo de por medio. Extrañamente hay miles que pasan a ser hijos de Dios, con tan solo hacer una “Oración del pecador”, eso es una ficha barata.

Oro a Dios para que usted mi amigo NO  quede avergonzado frente a Cristo en aquel día. Le animo fervientemente a obtener su ficha al cielo hoy de la manera que Cristo la especificó. Jesús dijo:

“No todo el que me diga Señor, Señor entrará en reino de los cielos, sino el que hace la  Voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos” Mateo 7:21


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Church of Christ Preacher

I am not a Church of Christ Preacher

I am not a Church of Christ Preacher!

I am not a Church of Christ Preacher!

In the last few days I have been deluged with sectarian, denominational remarks. Most of these remarks have been out of the mouths of those who should have known better. One of the most bitter, cruel, malicious and ignorant is “Church of Christ Preacher.” Don’t misunderstand me; I believe there are some “Church of Christ Preachers” in the world today. The Divine, God, in His word, makes a radical and eternal distinction between the body of Christ, which is the church of Christ, and all other entities! Some religious groups call themselves “Church of Christ.” Abraham Lincoln once asked his cabinet, “If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?” They responded “Five.” To that Mr. Lincoln replied, “No, a dog has four legs. Calling his tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” ON the other hand, the Divine, God, in His word defines “the churches of Christ” (Romans 16:16) and the only two things necessary to learning the characteristics of that one, exclusive, acceptable-to-God, church of Christ are: [1] reading the words of the New Testament (Hebrews 9:15-17; 10:9-10; and Ephesians 3:3-5); and [2] being intellectually honest (Luke 8:15). The New Testament sets forth the conditions for entrance into this one and only, exclusive, acceptable-to-God church. The New Testament sets forth the worship in which this one and only, exclusive, acceptable-to-God church may engage with Divine approval. All denominations are either an apostate from this one and only, exclusive, original, acceptable-to-God church or apostate from some other apostasy. The church of Christ stand today as the one and only product of the one and only seed {the New Testament} that produces only after its own kind according to Divine law given in Genesis one and it has no hybrids (Galatians 1:6-9). This church ordains no ministers, preachers, elders, pastors, bishops, etc. Every member of the churches of Christ is ordained by the Gospel of Christ to be a priest of God (1 Peter 2:9). Every member of the churches of Christ is called by the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14). Thus, while it is possible to be a “Church of Christ Preacher,” I am not one of those. As a preacher of the Gospel, God has obligated me to reject all such evil (2 John 9-11). Because I am a Gospel preacher God has obligated me to preach the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The truth is the New Testament and it alone (John 17:17). It is the word of Jesus (John 12:48), which came from God the Father (John 12:49-50) and was left to us by the New Testament apostles and prophets (Ephesians 3:5). This New Testament is the totality of God’s message to mankind on earth today (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The New Testament alone is the “all authority” (Matthew 28:18) of Jesus Christ. From the New Testament, the Gospel, we may not vary the tiniest little bit and still please God (Galatians 1:6-9). I am not even a “Church of Christ” member, much less a “Church of Christ” preacher.

[Editor’s note: Nor do we preach “Church of Christ” doctrine-we preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2); nor are we “Church of Christers,” we are Christians (1 Peter 4:6); nor is the building the “Church of Christ,” we, the people, are the church of the Christ. Some do use “Church of Christ” as a denominational label; but let it never be said of us that we do such!]

I have some relatives and friends who have left the one and only, acceptable-to-God body of Christ and it is these who delight in using these sectarian phrases in my presence. They are cold, cruel, heartless, and lost. My heart hurts for them. My heart hurts to an even great extent when I contemplate the effect they are having on their children, grand children and other extended family members, directing precious, impressionable souls into eternal damnation and doing it with joy, good feelings and unbounded arrogance against God and truth. In 1 Corinthians 4:6 God inspired Paul to write “�that in us ye might learn not to go beyond the things which are written; that no one of you be puffed up for the one against the other.” According to 1 Timothy 3:6 this, not abiding in the word of God, and becoming puffed up, is the very sin of the devil.

I am not a “Church of Christ Preacher.”

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What Brothers Can Do (Part 1)

What Brothers Can Do (1)

In the inspired, inerrant Word of God, the word brother and it’s root occur 630 times.  And, the word means not only brother, but friend.  Of course, when we think of brothers in the Bible, we tend to describe a brother as the son of one’s mother.  Such as Cain and Abel.  And, these brothers were, by our understanding of the Hebrew word aaaaahf) (ah), extremely close at one point.  In Deuteronomy 13:6, Moses penned that brothers then were as close, “as thine own soul . . .”  Sadly though, Cain allowed jealousy to reign in his life which turned to hatred and he killed his brother.

What does it mean to be a brother?

What does it mean to be a brother?

Later, we read of half brothers such as Ishmael and Isaac or Joseph and his half brothers (Genesis 10).  As for Joseph’s brothers, they too were extremely jealous of Joseph and turned to hatred (Genesis 37:2-5).  So, they sold their brother as a slave and considered him dead.  In both instances, the brothers showed symptoms of jealousy.  But, was their jealousy, in the eyes of God, acceptable?

No.  God showed his disapproval for such animosity.  Cain was cursed (Genesis 4:10-12) and Jacob did not fully become Israel until after he reconciled to Esau (Genesis 35:10; 32:28; 33:4).  In Exodus 20:5 and other areas, it states that God is a jealous God.  This word is interesting because )fNaq (qanna’) is solely used by God and only when dealing with idolatry.  In the New Testament, the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:2, said that he was jealous.  However, he meant a godly jealousy which arose from his desire that the church be faithful to Christ and not turn aside to another.  And, while we can have godly jealousy, the Old Testament used the word hf):nIq (qin’a) for jealousy.  In Song of Solomon 8:6, “. . . jealousy is cruel as the grave . . .”  This type of jealousy shows to be no good.

Now, did Cain display godly jealousy when he killed his brother Abel?  Which did Joseph’s brothers have for him?  Which jealousy did Absalom have for Amnon which resulted in his murder (2 Samuel 13:29)?  Or what about Jacob and Esau?  Whatever happened to brothers being as Moses said, “as thine own soul?”

In the New Testament, we find more than 350 uses of brother.  And, there are three different words used for brother, but primarily, we find the word, adelyov (adelphos).  This of course refers to male children of the same parents (Matthew 1:2) or male children of the same mother (Matt. 13:55).  And, while it can also refer to a brother-in-law, or countrymen, it also refers to persons united by a common interest (Matthew 5:47), persons by a common calling (Revelation 22:9), the disciples, which means all believers (Matthew 28:10) and this even includes sisters that are believers (1 Timothy 5:2).

But, what can brothers do?  Well, consider these verses: 1 Peter. 3:8, “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.”  Romans 12:10, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”  1 Thessalonians 4:9, “But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.”  Hebrews 13:1, “Let brotherly love continue.”  1 Peter 1:22, “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.”

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