El 20 de Mayo de 2009, un Joven llamado Lucas vecino de la provincia de Alajuela Costa Rica, de 15 años de edad, apareció sin vida cerca de las 7:30 de la mañana del mismo día. La ultima nota que escribió fue: “La vida no tiene sentido, no existe ninguna razón para seguir en este mundo y solo quiero descansar”. Conocí a él muy bien tanto que tuve la oportunidad de predicarle el evangelio. Era algo que le gustaba porque parecía llenar su vacío sin embargo no tomó la decisión a tiempo. Cada año se suicidan casi un millón de personas eso equivale a una muerte cada 40 segundos. El promedio mayor está entre 15-40 años de edad esto sin incluir las tentativas de suicidio que son 20 veces más que los casos de suicidio consumado.Entre los principales responsables están el trastorno por el consumo de alcohol y la depresión(Agosto de 2012 organización mundial de la salud, OMS)



El suicidio deporsí ya es un problema pero la raíz del mismo es lo que nos preocupa, la depresión es un enemigo silencioso y el veneno puede ser mortal si no se toma un antídoto eficaz. El apóstol Pablo dijo tiempo atrás que nuestra lucha, no es contra sangre o carne sino contra fuerzas espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes (Efe 6:12). Aunque en su contexto Pablo escribe a un grupo de Cristianos para que se mantuvieran firme luchando contra todas las oposiciones que presentaría el diablo para destruir el plan eterno de Dios, a saber la Iglesia de Cristo, la idea sigue ahí; hay una batalla librándose todos los días y es de carácter espiritual. Sea usted cristiano o no, vaya a la Iglesia todos los domingos o no, nuestra mente está siempre tratando de decidir entre lo bueno y lo malo. Si usted en este articulo busca algo que le puede ayudar a salir de la depresión y le llamó la atención el titulo porque realmente en algún momento de su vida a pasado una ráfaga ligera con esa palabra “Suicidio”, y quiere saber más permítame ayudarle con 5 verdades para deshacerse para siempre de este asunto y que nunca más se sienta culpable de haber pensado en algo tan espantoso.

RECONOZCA SU CONDICION: Cientos de personas terminan en lo peor de los casos con una historia muy triste. Es de vida o muerte que usted pueda reconocer que se encuentra en una depresión y que necesita ayuda. Otro viejo enemigo que estorba en el camino para hacer que eso se vuelva imposible se llama; orgullo. El orgullo jamás va a permitirle a usted reconocer que está envuelto en un problema, que ya usted no puede hacer nada más al respecto y que desesperadamente necesita ayuda. Note Proverbios 16:18 y 18:12, para observar como Dios se expresa del orgullo, por tanto cuidado con él. Reconocer su condición y buscar ayuda, recuerde No cualquier ayuda sino gente que sí va a colaborarle de corazón. Si usted es cristiano tenga presente que por esa precisa razón Dios nos colocó en una familia, la familia de Dios (Efe 2:19). Y si no es Cristiano busque a uno, ellos le ayudarán con honestidad y desinteresadamente.

SOLUCIONE UN PROBLEMA A LA VEZ: El apóstol Pablo expresó lo siguiente en Flipenses 3:13 “…pero una cosa hago, olvidando ciertamente lo que queda atrás y extendiéndome a lo que está adelante”. Note dos cosas: 1) Olvidaba y 2) Se extendía hacia adelante. En el contexto de este pasaje Pablo hizo un recuento de su vida pasada y de sus méritos pero ahora lo tenía todo por “basura”, para ganar a Cristo. Hay muchas personas que guardan la basura en la repisa. Es decir no permita que el pasado venga y lo atormente de mil formas, por su bienestar entienda que usted está en el hoy y ahora, así que enfoquecé a solucionar un problema a la vez así como a vivir un día a la vez. Cristo dijo: “…basta a cada día su propio mal” (Mat 6:34). Tratar de solucionar todo al mismo tiempo solo le traerá más congestionamiento.

NO TRATE DE LLAMAR LA ATENCION: El buscar la atención de la gente siempre va a resultar en fracaso aún cuando se es Cristiano. SI usted está en un pozo de tristeza no trate de llamar la atención de la gente para atraer lástima y compasión a para con usted. Me parece que esto solo lo hundirá más al verse decepcionado por todos o ignorado (a). Permítame sugerirle en primer lugar pensar sensatamente y hablar con Dios en oración, no importa que usted sea pecador o que no haya actuado bien con Dios en los últimos meses, lo bello de El, es que siempre está ahí como un amigo que le va a escuchar y que a travez de su providencia (usar las cosas y personas en nuestro entorno para obrar) le va a ayudar a salir adelante y sí su corazón es sincero como el de Cornelio en Hechos 10 va también a encontrar la verdad y paz que solamente Dios da para quienes cumplen sus mandamientos en el Nuevo Pacto (Juan 15:14 leer por favor). Cuando vaya a abrir su corazón a alguien para buscar ayuda, piense sea sabio y escoge a la persona más ideal, pero no divulgue su problema porque al final el divulgado será usted mismo y le escribe alguien quien ya paso por esa misma carretera donde esos “atropellos” son fuertes.

APRENDA A TENER DOMINIO: Cuando “suicidio” atraviese sus pensamientos aprenda a tener dominio propio y bloquee esos pensamientos. La manera más fácil de hacerlo es pensando en otras cosas, casi que diríamos; obligue a su mente a hacerlo (Fil 4:8). Pablo predicó en un par de ocaciones acerca del dominio propio. Quería él que sus oyentes aprendieran a tenerlo y usarlo. Exactamente como un automóvil, el automóvil no le dice a usted a donde ir, sino caso contrario usted maneja al automóvil. Solamente piense que fuera el auto quien decida a donde ir… ¡accidente seguro! así sucederá si permite que los pensamientos le controlen a usted.

MIRE POR LA VENTANA DE LA ESPERANZA: Deténgase y piense que no todo está perdido y que no hay ya más salida que abandonar este mundo. Amigo mío no existe mejor remedio para el suicidio que pensar: Si lo hace, le espera de seguro condenación eterna por haber transgredido la soberanía de Dios tal como lo hizo Judas (Hechos 1:18), es triste pensar que alguien ha sido infeliz aquí y ha sufrido pero se quita la vida pensando que va a escapar de sus problemas cuando más bien los va a empeorar. Si no lo hace puede que usted encuentre solución y que su estado venga a ser mejor que el primero( Vea el caso de Job).

Solamente permítame mencionarle una historia que pudiera ser parecida a la suya. Este hombre es un guardia de seguridad hace muchos años y no podía dejar escapar a ningún reo, ya que si se le iba uno el precio que debía pagar era su propia vida. Una día entran a la prición, dos hombres muy peculiares y son llevados a máxima seguridad. A media noche acontece un fuerte terremoto y los barrotes que sostenía a los presos se caen. Al llegar al lugar el oficial se percata que no era uno ni dos sino que muchos, por no decir todos los presos ya no estaban, así que la mejor decisión que toma es sacar su espada y suicidarse. Al momento escucha la voz de uno de los presos y que dice: “ Aquí estamos todos, no te hagas daño”, el hombre desesperadamente pide ayuda y aquellos dos presos “peculiares” eran nada más y nada menos que predicadores del evangelio. El conoce, se arrepiente y se bautiza con todos los suyos para el perdón de sus pecados y ahora es feliz que vio una luz en medio de la obscuridad, miró travez de la ventana de la esperanza y se encontró con la salvación eterna y el gozo incomparable de ser un cristiano. Esta historia de hecho puede encontrarla en Hechos 16:19-34. Usted puede encontrarle sentido a su vida en el evangelio, Cristo puede devolverle todas las ganas de vivir, pero irónicamente tiene que morir (espiritualmente en el bautismo) para alcanzar salvación.

Talvez le sorprenda lo que voy a decir a continuación, pero pensar en quererse morir no es pecado, la acción del suicidio SI lo es. Pablo deseaba morirse pero no sabia que escoger porque quedar en el cuerpo era de más utilidad (Filip 1:21-22). Mi más sincera oración es que usted desee morir pero porque tiene la certeza que estará con el Señor para siempre por haber obedecido sus mandamientos y por haber servido arduamente en su obra. Le animo a que puede acercarse a la Iglesia de Cristo más cercana de su comunidad, ellos, le garantizo podrán y desearán ayudarle y usted encontrará una familia, tal como la encontré yo.

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Why the Question?

Why the Question?

The Bible records the question "Why?" in many places.

The Bible records the question “Why?” in many places.

“Why” is a word used 261 times in the Bible.  It is a word that is used to begin a question or to state surprise.  However, I would like to use it in regards to impress something of supreme importance.  Beginning with Judges 6:13, it states, “Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”  Gideon’s why was one of faithlessness and doubt.  He had the audacity to ask “if” the Lord was with them because he doubted that He was.  Yet, we should learn that we should never doubt that God is with us and that He can do great and mighty things with us if we will trust Him.  Later, when Gideon followed God, He used Gideon to deliver His people.  How can we possibly forget that, “If God be for us, who can be against us” (Rom. 8:31 & 35-39)?  Sometimes we forget that one man and God make up a mighty majority!

In the days Jesus walked the earth, Jesus mentioned some why’s, especially when the multitudes were following Him.  He asked, “Why are you worried?”  Put the kingdom first, and it will eliminate the world (Matt. 6:25-34).  Again though, Jesus asked His disciples, “Why are ye fearful?” (Matt. 8:26).  He then asked a multitude, “Why call me Lord and do not the things I say” (Lk. 6:46)?  Why, why, why?  So many why’s, yet, are we following Him yet (Heb. 5:8-9)?  Are we realizing that our Master once asked His Father in Heaven, “Why hast thou forsaken me? (Mk. 15:34) as His breaking heart was enduring the death of the cross?  Must we continue to ask why or can we resolve to follow Him in all things?

Then there are the “why’s” of Peter who asked the Jews, “Why marvel?” (Acts 3:12).  Jesus can do greater things for you (Acts 3:12-19).  Sadly though, Peter asked Ananias, “Why hast Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?” (Acts 5:3).  Ananias and Sapphira as we know, were the first examples of sin in the first century church.  They lied to Peter and the leaders of the church, and most importantly, to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  And as a result, they were struck dead.  Satan, the father of lies, had filled their hearts with sin and that is what he does when our hearts are empty.  But, we should not give Satan any room in our hearts, but to fill our hearts with good things.  In fact, our hearts and lives should be full of good works like Dorcas (Acts 9:36).

From Pilate asking, “Why? What evil hath he done?” (Matt. 27:23), to Paul’s saying, “Why do you judge your brother? (Rom. 14:10-12) or “Why do you glory as if the things you possess are your own?” (I Cor. 4:7), perhaps, no better why is asked than that of mighty Ananias, who when faced with a murderer of Christianity, said, “Now why tarriest thou?” (Acts 22:16).  We should never hesitate to do God’s will.  We ought to obey Him (2 Cor. 6:2).  Sure, we may have many excuses of “Why not.”  But you know, a preacher asked a man who was offering excuses for not obeying the gospel to go home, get a pencil and paper, and write down every reason he had for not obeying the gospel.  The man came the next night and was baptized. He said he could think of many excuses, but not one reason.  We should know that we have no reason for not following God.  The Lord is with us and we should not worry to follow Him.  So, let‘s put God first and maybe start using the word “why” to ask ourselves, “Why are we not doing more for the Lord?”

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Pierce My Ear

Pierce My Ear

In Exodus 19 we read about the preparations made before Moses goes up to Mt. Sinai to receive to Ten Commandments. In chapter 20 the commandments and in chapter 21 we have some explicit ordinances commanded by God. Particularly, in 21:1–11 there are restrictions given about owning a Hebrew male slave. No one could own a Hebrew male slave for more than six years. At the end of the six years the slave was to be set free, including his wife and children. But only if he was already married and had children prior to his servitude. If the master gave the slave a wife during his service, the wife and any children born to the union belonged to the master. At the end of his six-year service he had a decision to make. He could leave and be a free man without his wife and children, or he could choose to remain a servant, keep his wife and children, and serve the master for the rest of his life. “‘I love my master, my wife and my children; I will not go out as a free man,’ then his master shall bring him to God, then he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him permanently” (Exodus 21:5–6).

As Americans we like the idea of freedom, yet we often take our freedom for granted. Many Christians likewise take their freedom in Christ for granted or fail to understand the what true freedom is because we like to attach to it our own definitions and concepts. We are to be permeant slaves for Christ (Romans 6:17). We were once slaves to sin but Jesus bought us and we are to have had our ear (heart) pierced in eternal devotion to Him. Romans 6:18 says, “and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of right-eousness.” We make a choice, we can either become a slave to righteousness or a slave to sin.

The law of Moses was not about vengeance, but justice. God protects the helpless, provides for the needy, and blesses the righteous. He gave the children of Israel a pattern to follow in all things. He too gives us a pat-tern and a law. Indeed, if we love the Master, and our families, we will allow Him to pierce our ear, and we will serve Him forever (21:5–6). Be faithful!

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Transgender Ideology

Do We Have the Guts to Flush The President’s Bathroom Policy and Actually Sacrifice?

Is America willing to put its children at risk for Transgender Ideology?

Is America willing to put its children at risk for Transgender Ideology?

Two weeks ago, box-store retailer Target announced a transgender bathroom policy that caused many concerned Americans to boycott the store. Husbands spoke out about privacy and safety concerns for their wives and children after Target announced individuals would be allowed in whatever bathroom they “identified” with. Over 1.2 million people have already signed the American Family Association’s petition to boycott the stores. Target’s dangerous decision is coming with a high price. According to Breitbart news the store has lost $4.5 billion in value since they instigated their new policy and sales continue to go down (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/05/12/target-ceo-says-reaction-bathroom-policy-just-like-first-used-blacks-ads-2/).

When I first reported on this story I pointed out the lunacy of this policy, given the small number of people who identify as transgender today. According to 2011 findings from the Williams Institute, the transgender population represents about 0.3% of American adults. To put this number in perspective consider that since the Social Security Administration started in 1936, only 135,367 people have changed their name to one of the opposite gender, and in those 80 years, only 30,006 changed their sex accordingly. (Bear in mind the population in America is currently sitting around 318 million.) If one calculates the number of Target shoppers and stores, then on average each store averages about 1.5 transgender people visiting each store per day! And yet, this retailer is making bathroom policies that threaten the safety of the overwhelming majority.

Logic reveals this is a dangerous policy and it makes sense to boycott an institution that elevates an ideology over the safety of women and young girls. After all, money is the one common language that everyone speaks.

Now enter the President of the United States—who has, in effect, decreed the same policy is now in effect for every public school bathroom in our nation (see http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-administration-directs-public-schools-on-transgender-bathroom-rights-1463112023). Acting on his own, the President sent out a letter to every public school (yes, even yours!) that was endorsed by the Department of Education and Department of Justice decrying that bathrooms be open to all, in order to prevent any type of “discrimination.” In other words, the President just advanced Target’s bathroom policy to every public school in the nation. According to the report in the Wall Street Journal,

Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina.

The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex (see http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-administration-directs-public-schools-on-transgender-bathroom-rights-1463112023).

Have we lost all ability to reason? What happened to common sense? For that matter, what happened to the way in which we pass laws in our country? Furthermore, is the president more worried about his ideology than he is the welfare of young people?

Earlier this year the American College of Pediatricians went on record to call transgender ideology “child abuse.” The ACP warned educators and legislators that “a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex” is dangerous for children (see http://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-ideology-harms-children). In their strongly worded statement they continued by declaring, “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.” It describes such thinking as problem that exists in the mind and not the body and “it should be treated as such.”

Add to this that suicide represents the third leading cause of death in young people—and yet researchers have shown suicide increases among transgenders who are using cross-sex hormones or undergo sexual reassignment surgery “twenty times greater” than the rest of the population. The American College of Pediatricians concluded, “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse” (emp. added).

And yet, our president is threatening school systems if they don’t support this ideology and his new bathroom policy. This new decree—made in the late night hours without any input from Congress—is not law, but the President is making it clear that those who do not abide may lose federal funding.

If you honestly think this will be the last assault on decency and common-sense in our school systems think again. There is already a movement underway to get rid of pronouns like “he” and “she” in public schools because they are deemed discriminatory.

Our current society no longer wants little boys to be told they are boys. And we certainly don’t want our little girls to act like little girls. No, everyone has to be looked upon as “equal”—even though this is a biological fallacy and utterly ridiculous.

So one wonders, will Christians once again step up and boycott? Will Christian parents march to schools and demand they get rid of this dangerous policy? Will we continue to allow superintendents and principals to hide behind the excuse that their hands are tied? Will we collectively say we have had enough? While millions chose to boycott Target, I suspect many Christian parents will continue to send their children to public schools. After all, consider for a moment the sacrifice it would require to pull our children out. Boycotting schools would require parents look into some alternative like private schools, church schools, or home schools. (And let’s be honest, many Christian parents are unwilling to sacrifice things like sports, band, theater, and art in order to make a statement to the world that we will no longer support dangerous bathroom policies.)

Far too many Christians believe they can live certain parts of their lives “neutral” to the concept of God. Sure, we will keep God in a worship service, but during the week—at school or at work—we will put Him in a little box out of sight and remain neutral. After all, we don’t want to ruffle any feathers. Friends, the very act of trying to be neutral is antithetical to all that Jesus died for. When will Christians set aside their neutrality and truly make sacrifices for Him? When will we stand up and let the voice of God be heard across our nation?

When God called Abraham to leave his home country Abraham was not sure what the end result would be. He was a man who made a huge sacrifice to follow God (see Genesis 12). Rather than offering up excuses Abraham did as God commanded. We saw this same attitude in Noah as he was preparing the ark (Genesis 6:22). Likewise, when Jesus came to this earth for mankind He sacrificed everything—all to reconcile man to God. The Bible is replete with people who made sacrifices—major sacrifices—in order to follow after God.

Fast forward to 2016, when the President of our country is espousing that biology has nothing to do with a person’s gender and that people ought to have the right to marry whoever they want or go to whatever bathroom they want. Some would argue that boycotting schools would not work. However, let me remind you that our children represent dollars to every school system. According to a June 29, 2015 study, America spends over $550 billion a year on public elementary and secondary education in the United States. On average, school districts spend $10,658 for each individual student. Imagine the impact that could be made if next fall 2-3 million young people did not show up for class.

The problem is many parents have comfortably donned a pair of blinders and they see no other option. They are unwilling to consider or do “the hard things.” Instead, they continue to complain about the problems of evolution, atheism, humanism, and Islam being taught in the classroom—only to continue to allow their children to be indoctrinated.

Logic reveals Target’s policy is dangerous and deserves to be boycotted. Logic also demands a similar approach be considered for public schools that adopt this dangerous policy that elevates an ideology over the safety of women and young girls. One wonders if this new bathroom policy will finally cause Christians to engage in the battle for the souls of their children and grandchildren? One wonders if we will find the courage to boycott this immoral decision. One wonders when we will start sacrificing? One wonders what it will take to turn our nation back?

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Heaven in the Assembly

In the “Foyer” of Heaven While in the Assembly

Last week, we studied the words of Solomon who described himself as “…on the verge of total ruin, in the midst of the assembly and congregation” (Prov. 5:14). What caused this? Because he hated instruction, despised correction, chose disobedience and refused to listen.  Every Christian needs to be aware of how this could happen to them in the assembly.

On the other hand, in that same assembly of Christians, there are those who understand that in so many respects the assembly of the saints is like entering the foyer of heaven. A foyer is a space near the entrance of a building, hotel or theater. We are not yet in heaven but are in the adjoining foyer!

Worship is a “foyer” because of the praise and adoration of God. Almost every picture of heaven shows it is filled with praise and adoration.  Hundreds of years before Jesus came, Isaiah saw heavenly beings above the throne praising God and saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts” (Isa. 6:3), and in the last book of the Bible those words are still being said (Rev. 4:8).

The same book then looks at all the creation, and John hears the voices of myriads of angels praising God. He then says, “And every creature which is in heaven and in the earth and under the earth, and such as are in the sea…” were all praising our Lord (Rev. 5:12-13). The same happens in our assemblies! Being in worship is like being in heaven’s “foyer.”

Worship is a “foyer” because of the association with the saints. Since the beginning there have been godly people, sanctified by the blood of Jesus, who will be in heaven. Imagine being around all those who have loved God with all their being and loved their neighbors as they loved themselves. That is who is in that heavenly assembly, and that is the nature of many who worship with us every week. We associate with the godliest people on earth, with whom we will worship eternally with all the godly people who have ever lived. Worship is truly a “foyer” of heaven.

Worship is a “foyer” because of the association with our Lord. Someday, we will be with the Lord forever and ever, but that association with Him begins on this earth. In the assembly, we pray in His name, give our gifts to Him, listen to Him speak, eat around His table and sing with Him (John 16:24; 2 Cor. 9:7; 1 Thess. 2:13; Matt. 26:29; Heb. 2:12). The association does not begin after the resurrection. It is here now—in the “foyer” of heaven!

Our attitude of heart in the assembly determines whether we, like Solomon, are on the verge of ruin in the assembly or are sitting in the “foyer” of heaven while we are experiencing that which we sing about, “Blessed assurance…Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!” It’s up to us.

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