Comfort in Hardship (3)

Comfort in Hardship (3)

Have you ever considered that your faith has a big spotlight placed on it every single time you as a Christian have to endure hardship in your life?  It’s true.  There are many who are watching Christians to see if we are living consistent lives.  They want to know if we really trust the God we claim to believe, so they want to know how we react when we are in trouble.

You may suffer hardship for your faith. Take your comfort in God.

You may suffer hardship for your faith. Take your comfort in God.

Fair or not, this is a reality, and our Lord recognizes that.  It is for this reason that he inspired the apostles to write, “If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation…so that many will give thanks on our behalf…”(2 Cor. 1:6, 11), and, “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation”(1 Pet. 2:12).  Faithful wives who have disobedient husbands – a serious burden for the wives, to be sure – are told to be subject to them…why?  So that “they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives”(1 Pet. 3:1).  Our conduct, how we act…especially in the face of suffering and hardship…matters.

Here’s a good question we should ask ourselves.  What should a suffering Christian look like?  For one, he should show gratitude to God.  Look at Paul, who in the midst of talking about his and his fellow Christians’ hardships in 2 Corinthians 2 didn’t forget to be grateful to God (2 Cor. 2:14).  When he exhorted the Philippians to bring everything to God in prayer in order to get unimaginable peace in the midst of hardship, what attitude did he go out of his way to tell them to have?  An attitude of thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6-7).

When we complain about our trials, all we are doing is increasing our anxieties and worries.  However, when we choose to instead thank God for his goodness even in the midst of suffering, we will have more peace.  Is this hard to do?  Sure.  Are most of us not very good at doing this?  Yep.  Most of us count our problems rather than our blessings, and by doing so we forget that God, even during the hard times, still provides us with every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).  Have we forgotten that as Christians we have more spiritual blessings than we could ever enumerate?  (Eph. 1:3)

Life’s difficulties remind us that we cannot make it through this life by ourselves.  When we remember that and act accordingly, others will notice…and that is one way we can open the door to bring the gospel to them.  Not only that, but we should also be reminded that life is temporary, and we are strangers on this earth who have citizenship in heaven rather than here (Phil. 3:20).  The Greek word translated “citizenship”in this passage describes the homeland of an individual who has been taken into captivity in a foreign land.  Such an individual would say, “Yes, I might be here as a slave against my will TEMPORARILY, but my citizenship is back in my homeland.  I have my name written in a register back in my own country to prove it.”  This is how it is with Christians in a spiritual sense.  We are here on this earth for a short visit, but our homeland is in heaven.  Our Father and our Savior are there, and our name is written there.

So we must remember that there is something better waiting for us (2 Cor. 4:16-17).  Jesus promised he would go and prepare a place of rest for us and that someday he would take us home to be with him in this place of eternal rest (John 14:1-3).  Where are our treasures…here, or in heaven?  (Matt. 6:19-21)  We can be thankful that they are in heaven rather than here on earth.  However, as long as we are here the God of comfort will bring rest and peace to our souls as we long for that eternal home.  We can rejoice in this, even while we are suffering, and especially when we realize that our joy in the midst of trouble gets the attention of others and can open doors for them to come to learn and obey the truth of the gospel so they can start on that road to heaven themselves.

I will never forget something that Terry Knighton, one of the shepherds of my congregation, told me once:  “During life, we have ups and downs.  But no matter what, we have an Advocate, Jesus Christ.  We must cast our cares on him.  If we have a good day, we must thank him.  If we are having a bad day, we must talk to him about it in prayer.  If you bring your troubles to God, he will find a way for you.”  That is very true.  That’s what God wants us to do.  That’s what God promises to do.  Let’s always remember that.

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Comfort in Hardship (2)

Comfort in Hardship (2)

Finding comfort…in hardship.  How can that be possible?

God provides comfort during hard times.

God provides comfort during hard times.

For one, we can find comfort in hardship because hardship equips us to bring comfort to others.  All of us who have gone through hard times know how comforting it is when someone else comes up to us and says, “I understand how you feel, because I’ve been through the very same situation you are going through right now.”  Christians, when a brother or sister in Christ comforts you in this way, what are they doing?  God says that they are using the comfort which he himself has given them in order to comfort you (2 Cor. 1:4).

Until we have experienced pain, we really cannot sympathize with hurting people…not in the way we can after our own pain.  One who has lost a child, a parent, a sibling, or a close friend can better understand people who are going through a similar situation.  A person who is suffering with cancer can better understand when others deal with this dreadful disease.

When we go through tough times, we are enabled to identify with someone else who has a similar experience.  Why do you think support groups are so popular?  No one understands the agony of divorce like somebody who has been divorced.  No one understands the pain and humiliation of having a family member in prison like someone else who has a family member in prison.  When people get together who have common experiences, they can encourage and comfort each other.

The Bible says that God is “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3).  “Mercies”is sometimes translated “compassion.”  Did you notice how Paul distinguishes between mercy/compassion and comfort in this verse?  There’s a difference between the two.  Compassion has more to do with understanding, while comfort has more to do with putting that understanding into action to help others.  No wonder “comfort”in the Greek literally means “to come alongside.”  That’s what people who comfort do.  They come alongside.  The comforter listens, encourages, and assists (James 2:15-16).  They will work to make the situation better.  They will take the initiative to make the visit, pick up the phone, prepare the meal, or tap the sufferer on the shoulder and say, “I understand what you’re going through; I’ve been there.”  (2 Cor. 1:6-7)

So we can find comfort in hardship from others, the ones who have experienced the same or similar sufferings.  So when we experience hardships, let us do our best to rejoice, knowing that now we are better equipped to be a more comforting blessing to more people.

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Comfort in Hardship (1)

Comfort in Hardship

I believe there are two basic human needs that every individual has…forgiveness and comfort.  I also believe that only God can completely meet both of those needs.  We all sin (Rom. 3:23), and so we all need God’s grace.  We all suffer, and so we all need the peace that only God can provide (Phil. 4:6-7).

Every Christian needs encouragement at various times throughout this life.  We suffer due to family problems, health concerns, natural disasters, spiritual weakness, emotional trials, problems at work, and even difficulties in the church.  This is nothing new, for there were problems in the church even during biblical times.  In the church of Christ at Corinth alone, we read of division, immorality, lawsuits between brethren, incorrect worship practices, abuse of miraculous gifts, lack of love for one another, and misunderstandings concerning the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the dead in the last day.  Corinth, like most every congregation of God’s people, was filled with hurting people.  This is why God inspired Paul to give them a lot of encouragement (2 Cor. 1:3-5).  They needed to grow stronger and remain stronger and more faithful, and encouragement would do that.

There are people around you who are hurting.  We live in a broken, fallen world; thus, no life is free from hardship (Job 5:7).  However, what we see in life is not determined by our own vantage point…but rather how we view life.  Sometimes the hardships of life beat us down, and it is during those time that we must need to be encouraged (2 Cor. 1:5; John 16:33; 1 Pet. 4:12-13).

Why rejoice when fiery trials come upon us, Peter?  Because with those hardships come opportunities to receive God’s comfort.  Yes, I know that we think that we can do it all ourselves, that we have convinced ourselves that we are invincible, that we think we are self-reliant, that we think that if we obtain enough wealth and possessions we do not have to depend on God, that if we can educate ourselves enough we can determine our own morals, laws, and guidelines so we have no need of the Bible, that if we can be busy enough with programs, plans, and activities, we will have no need of the church…but God knows differently (John 15:5; 2 Cor. 1:9).

Hardships have a way of bringing us to our knees and reminding us of our great need for God’s comfort (Heb. 12:7-11).  So instead of running away from God during the hard times, let’s run TO him (Heb. 4:16; 1 Pet. 5:7).

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Child of God

Child of God

What does it mean to be a child of God? It means being a part of His family and enjoying all the blessings that come with that privilege. God has adopted us to his family when we obey the gospel through repentance, confession, and baptism: the price of the adoption was paid for with the blood of Christ. We then, being His children, have a place at his table. But the continued blessings (and an ultimate receiving of the inheritance) of being His child require certain things of us.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

In 1 John 3–5, John tells us that the child of God: 1) Purifies himself (3:3); 2) Does not sin (3:6), because he continues to walk in the light and the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse him (1 John 1:7–10); 3) Is not deceived (3:7); 4) Does righteousness (3:7, 10); 5) Loves their brethren (3:10, 14, 17, 4:20); 6) Cares for his brothers (3:16); and 7) Keeps his commands (3:22–23).

This tall order is fulfilled in daily, faithful Christian living. Fervent in prayer, diligent in study, faithful in assembling, and using every opportunity to serve God and each other. This is all possible because He that is in us is stronger than he that is in the world (4:4). Be not afraid and keep His commands, knowing and enjoying the blessings of being the sons of God. Be faithful!

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El asunto tiene que ver directamente con la adoración a Dios. Un par de hombres y mujeres en la Biblia pudieran ayudarnos a entender mejor la lección sobre :El tomar las cosas divinas a la ligera. El primero que puede responder sobre este asunto sin duda alguna es David. En una ocasión él ayudó a transportar el arca del pacto incorrectamente y el resultado acabó en un muerto a su cargo; Uza (2 Samuel 6:7). A la lista se añade: Los hijos de Eli, Ananías y Safira entre un par más, que aprendieron, por la mala a no tomar lo divino  tan a lo fácil.



Hermanos han considerado el hecho de poder ir a la playa, al volcán, a las aguas termales, a un parque o la orilla de un río el día Domingo y han caído en uno de los pensamientos mas chuecos, vacío y tan sin sentido que muchos ni siquiera se dan cuenta de lo insensato que es: “Allá celebramos la Cena del Señor”. Todo esto es parte incluso de los asaltos a la adoración que debe hacerse en Espíritu y en Verdad. Para empezar, tal acción atropella la adoración pero el problema principal es que casi todos los que hacen así no tienen idea cual es el propósito real en la Biblia de la verdadera  adoración.


La palabra que se traduce por adoración en el idioma Griego aparece en 3 diferentes formas: 1) Proskuneo, aparece sesenta veces en el Nuevo Testamento y siempre se traduce adorar. Esta palabra significa: hacer reverencia, dar obediencia, postrarse, besar la mano.

2) Sebomai, aparece diez veces en el Nuevo Testamento, seis de las cuales se traduce adorar y cuatro veces a un equivalente de adorar. Esta palabra significa: Venerar, honrar, reverenciar. También significa: Tener un sentimiento de maravilla o devoción. 3) Latreuo, aparece veintiún veces en el Nuevo Testamento. 17 veces se traduce Servir y cuatro veces adorar. Esta palabra significa: Dar servicio u homenaje religioso.

Lo cierto es que la adoración envuelve participación. La Iglesia no es la audiencia al momento de adorar , sino Dios y nosotros los adoradores. Cuando vamos a adorar a la Iglesia no debemos ir como cuando vamos al cine, con plato de palomitas a ver la “función” sino a adorar a Dios, pero TODA la iglesia como tal. El hermano Douglas Alvarenga menciona lo siguiente al respecto:

También, debemos de tener en mente que cuando venimos al edificio a adorar no pensemos que con solo estar presentes ya estamos adorando. Todos debemos acercarnos a Dios y adorarle con el corazón. Recordemos que adorar significa venerar, honrar, reverenciar. ¡Algo que envuelve acción por parte nuestra! Es triste ver en muchas congregaciones a muchos hermanos que no cantan, que en vez de orar andan viendo de un lado para otro, y no ponen su corazón en los servicios de adoración. (Douglas Alvarenga; adorando en espíritu y en verdad, pg 2.)


Después de haber considerado, el concepto de adoración ¿que tiene de malo que yo vaya con mi esposa a la playa un domingo y adore ahí?.  Varias cosas a considerar y de ahí concluya usted.

Primero: “para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora manifestada a los Principados y a las Potestades en los cielos, mediante la Iglesia” (Efesios 3:10, BDJ). Dios se complace con la adoración de la Iglesia. Si usted está un Domingo en la playa y piensa que no hay problema con celebrar la Cena allá, recuerde Dios recibe adoración mediante la Iglesia, usted y yo somos solo parte de ella. Si está totalmente alejado y no tiene medios como adorar, es comprensible. No lo es, ni tampoco justifica sí usted está cerca de una congregación sana en la doctrina y decide adorar por su propia cuenta. Igual está en su obligación de buscar una congregación cercana usted aún antes de planificar su viaje.

Segundo:  Efesios 5:19, enseña: “…hablando entre vosotros…”  la idea en el original griego es de cantando los unos a los otros, no que cantemos a nosotros mismos sino que cantamos a Dios entre nosotros mismos (Acción reciproca). Si usted se reúne por su cuenta, estando una Iglesia de Cristo sana muy cerca de usted este mandamiento se quebró. Mismo caso para la Cena del Señor, porque el propósito es que la Iglesia conmemore ese sacrificio de Cristo que nos ha dado entrada al nuevo pacto, y de ésta manera tener “Koinonia” unos con los otros, eso no sucede si usted adora a la orilla de un río por su cuenta.

Tercero: Algunos han ido tan pero tan al extremo, que en su viaje de vacaciones deciden hacer únicamente la Cena del Señor, pensando que es el acto más importante, pero disculpe la expresión ¿Quién dijo que era el acto más importante?  Cuando Cristo habló de la adoración en espíritu y en verdad (Juan 4:23-24), no implicó que iba a haber un acto de adoración más importante que el otro. Si se participa de la Cena del Señor solamente déjeme decirle muy afirmativamente que su adoración quedó en vano, no agrada a Dios y por lo tanto no es aceptable por haber despreciado los otros 4 actos de adoración.

Si usted desea ir a las aguas termales a relajarse o al Volcán a contemplar la majestuosidad de Dios, pude hacerlo cuando usted quiera  pero recuerde que el día Domingo, es para reunirse con la Iglesia de Cristo  y adorar al Padre eterno. Quedarse en su casa no le pone en contacto con la Iglesia que es el cuerpo de Cristo (Efe 5:23), y que ultimadamente es la Iglesia de Cristo la que está destinada a ir al cielo (Efe 1:3-8). Entonces concluya usted, ¿Que hay de malo?

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