Comfort in Hardship (1)

Comfort in Hardship

I believe there are two basic human needs that every individual has…forgiveness and comfort.  I also believe that only God can completely meet both of those needs.  We all sin (Rom. 3:23), and so we all need God’s grace.  We all suffer, and so we all need the peace that only God can provide (Phil. 4:6-7).

Every Christian needs encouragement at various times throughout this life.  We suffer due to family problems, health concerns, natural disasters, spiritual weakness, emotional trials, problems at work, and even difficulties in the church.  This is nothing new, for there were problems in the church even during biblical times.  In the church of Christ at Corinth alone, we read of division, immorality, lawsuits between brethren, incorrect worship practices, abuse of miraculous gifts, lack of love for one another, and misunderstandings concerning the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the dead in the last day.  Corinth, like most every congregation of God’s people, was filled with hurting people.  This is why God inspired Paul to give them a lot of encouragement (2 Cor. 1:3-5).  They needed to grow stronger and remain stronger and more faithful, and encouragement would do that.

There are people around you who are hurting.  We live in a broken, fallen world; thus, no life is free from hardship (Job 5:7).  However, what we see in life is not determined by our own vantage point…but rather how we view life.  Sometimes the hardships of life beat us down, and it is during those time that we must need to be encouraged (2 Cor. 1:5; John 16:33; 1 Pet. 4:12-13).

Why rejoice when fiery trials come upon us, Peter?  Because with those hardships come opportunities to receive God’s comfort.  Yes, I know that we think that we can do it all ourselves, that we have convinced ourselves that we are invincible, that we think we are self-reliant, that we think that if we obtain enough wealth and possessions we do not have to depend on God, that if we can educate ourselves enough we can determine our own morals, laws, and guidelines so we have no need of the Bible, that if we can be busy enough with programs, plans, and activities, we will have no need of the church…but God knows differently (John 15:5; 2 Cor. 1:9).

Hardships have a way of bringing us to our knees and reminding us of our great need for God’s comfort (Heb. 12:7-11).  So instead of running away from God during the hard times, let’s run TO him (Heb. 4:16; 1 Pet. 5:7).

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Child of God

Child of God

What does it mean to be a child of God? It means being a part of His family and enjoying all the blessings that come with that privilege. God has adopted us to his family when we obey the gospel through repentance, confession, and baptism: the price of the adoption was paid for with the blood of Christ. We then, being His children, have a place at his table. But the continued blessings (and an ultimate receiving of the inheritance) of being His child require certain things of us.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

In 1 John 3–5, John tells us that the child of God: 1) Purifies himself (3:3); 2) Does not sin (3:6), because he continues to walk in the light and the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse him (1 John 1:7–10); 3) Is not deceived (3:7); 4) Does righteousness (3:7, 10); 5) Loves their brethren (3:10, 14, 17, 4:20); 6) Cares for his brothers (3:16); and 7) Keeps his commands (3:22–23).

This tall order is fulfilled in daily, faithful Christian living. Fervent in prayer, diligent in study, faithful in assembling, and using every opportunity to serve God and each other. This is all possible because He that is in us is stronger than he that is in the world (4:4). Be not afraid and keep His commands, knowing and enjoying the blessings of being the sons of God. Be faithful!

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El asunto tiene que ver directamente con la adoración a Dios. Un par de hombres y mujeres en la Biblia pudieran ayudarnos a entender mejor la lección sobre :El tomar las cosas divinas a la ligera. El primero que puede responder sobre este asunto sin duda alguna es David. En una ocasión él ayudó a transportar el arca del pacto incorrectamente y el resultado acabó en un muerto a su cargo; Uza (2 Samuel 6:7). A la lista se añade: Los hijos de Eli, Ananías y Safira entre un par más, que aprendieron, por la mala a no tomar lo divino  tan a lo fácil.



Hermanos han considerado el hecho de poder ir a la playa, al volcán, a las aguas termales, a un parque o la orilla de un río el día Domingo y han caído en uno de los pensamientos mas chuecos, vacío y tan sin sentido que muchos ni siquiera se dan cuenta de lo insensato que es: “Allá celebramos la Cena del Señor”. Todo esto es parte incluso de los asaltos a la adoración que debe hacerse en Espíritu y en Verdad. Para empezar, tal acción atropella la adoración pero el problema principal es que casi todos los que hacen así no tienen idea cual es el propósito real en la Biblia de la verdadera  adoración.


La palabra que se traduce por adoración en el idioma Griego aparece en 3 diferentes formas: 1) Proskuneo, aparece sesenta veces en el Nuevo Testamento y siempre se traduce adorar. Esta palabra significa: hacer reverencia, dar obediencia, postrarse, besar la mano.

2) Sebomai, aparece diez veces en el Nuevo Testamento, seis de las cuales se traduce adorar y cuatro veces a un equivalente de adorar. Esta palabra significa: Venerar, honrar, reverenciar. También significa: Tener un sentimiento de maravilla o devoción. 3) Latreuo, aparece veintiún veces en el Nuevo Testamento. 17 veces se traduce Servir y cuatro veces adorar. Esta palabra significa: Dar servicio u homenaje religioso.

Lo cierto es que la adoración envuelve participación. La Iglesia no es la audiencia al momento de adorar , sino Dios y nosotros los adoradores. Cuando vamos a adorar a la Iglesia no debemos ir como cuando vamos al cine, con plato de palomitas a ver la “función” sino a adorar a Dios, pero TODA la iglesia como tal. El hermano Douglas Alvarenga menciona lo siguiente al respecto:

También, debemos de tener en mente que cuando venimos al edificio a adorar no pensemos que con solo estar presentes ya estamos adorando. Todos debemos acercarnos a Dios y adorarle con el corazón. Recordemos que adorar significa venerar, honrar, reverenciar. ¡Algo que envuelve acción por parte nuestra! Es triste ver en muchas congregaciones a muchos hermanos que no cantan, que en vez de orar andan viendo de un lado para otro, y no ponen su corazón en los servicios de adoración. (Douglas Alvarenga; adorando en espíritu y en verdad, pg 2.)


Después de haber considerado, el concepto de adoración ¿que tiene de malo que yo vaya con mi esposa a la playa un domingo y adore ahí?.  Varias cosas a considerar y de ahí concluya usted.

Primero: “para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora manifestada a los Principados y a las Potestades en los cielos, mediante la Iglesia” (Efesios 3:10, BDJ). Dios se complace con la adoración de la Iglesia. Si usted está un Domingo en la playa y piensa que no hay problema con celebrar la Cena allá, recuerde Dios recibe adoración mediante la Iglesia, usted y yo somos solo parte de ella. Si está totalmente alejado y no tiene medios como adorar, es comprensible. No lo es, ni tampoco justifica sí usted está cerca de una congregación sana en la doctrina y decide adorar por su propia cuenta. Igual está en su obligación de buscar una congregación cercana usted aún antes de planificar su viaje.

Segundo:  Efesios 5:19, enseña: “…hablando entre vosotros…”  la idea en el original griego es de cantando los unos a los otros, no que cantemos a nosotros mismos sino que cantamos a Dios entre nosotros mismos (Acción reciproca). Si usted se reúne por su cuenta, estando una Iglesia de Cristo sana muy cerca de usted este mandamiento se quebró. Mismo caso para la Cena del Señor, porque el propósito es que la Iglesia conmemore ese sacrificio de Cristo que nos ha dado entrada al nuevo pacto, y de ésta manera tener “Koinonia” unos con los otros, eso no sucede si usted adora a la orilla de un río por su cuenta.

Tercero: Algunos han ido tan pero tan al extremo, que en su viaje de vacaciones deciden hacer únicamente la Cena del Señor, pensando que es el acto más importante, pero disculpe la expresión ¿Quién dijo que era el acto más importante?  Cuando Cristo habló de la adoración en espíritu y en verdad (Juan 4:23-24), no implicó que iba a haber un acto de adoración más importante que el otro. Si se participa de la Cena del Señor solamente déjeme decirle muy afirmativamente que su adoración quedó en vano, no agrada a Dios y por lo tanto no es aceptable por haber despreciado los otros 4 actos de adoración.

Si usted desea ir a las aguas termales a relajarse o al Volcán a contemplar la majestuosidad de Dios, pude hacerlo cuando usted quiera  pero recuerde que el día Domingo, es para reunirse con la Iglesia de Cristo  y adorar al Padre eterno. Quedarse en su casa no le pone en contacto con la Iglesia que es el cuerpo de Cristo (Efe 5:23), y que ultimadamente es la Iglesia de Cristo la que está destinada a ir al cielo (Efe 1:3-8). Entonces concluya usted, ¿Que hay de malo?

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Comfortable Christians

Internal Battles

Just how much do we value feeling comfortable? I believe the preaching over the last 15-25 years reveals that modern Christians in the New Testament church want sound preaching, as long as it doesn’t force us out of our comfort zones. We want to be able to sit back and listen to a well-prepared preacher from padded pews or chairs, and then slip right back into our normal walks of life afterwards. The take home message: “Don’t convict me too much and don’t weigh your lesson down with too much application. Because then you’ve gone from preaching to meddlin.”

Comfortable?  Like the fluff and social programs rather than God?

Comfortable? Like the fluff and social programs rather than God?

So what happens when a family truly engages in the Culture War? Or what happens when someone begins to really carry out the great commission? Having traveled all across the country I have had the pleasure of meeting individuals who “get it.” I have spoken to Christians who desire more than comfortable Christianity. They understand the gravity of the situation, and they are doing whatever they can to ensure the spiritual well-being of their children/grandchildren, all the while looking for ways to reach out to the lost around them.

The problem is these individuals often make “comfortable” Christians in their own home congregations feel very uncomfortable—and this discomfort often results in an internal battle. Maybe it’s because these zealous Christians desire to study the Bible deeper and spend less time on fluffy topics. Or maybe it’s because they won’t allow their children to participate in certain worldly activities. Or maybe it’s because they are constantly pointing out additional ways the congregation could outreach. Or maybe it’s because they are tired of all the “internal” programs.

Whatever it is, these individuals often stand out—like a fish trying to go upstream against the current, when all the other fish are swimming downstream. Their existence among comfortable Christians causes friction. These zealous Christians honestly desire to be Holy, and so their entire lives focus on how to be more Christ-like and how to share the good news. Yet, they are surrounded by people who are comfortable right where they are—people who believe they have checked all the right boxes, and therefore they don’t want someone constantly reminding them they could be doing more or could be shaping their own lives better.

Many older Christians view these zealous Christians in a critical fashion. Rather than support the quest of those who want to be more Holy, comfortable Christians end up tearing them down and question how they are raising their children. After all, they believe if it was good enough for them, then it ought to be good enough for everyone. (These are the same comfortable Christians who totally ignore the real statistics of how many of our children we are retaining in the church.) And sadly, these zealous Christians wake up and discover one of their toughest battles is actually in their own congregations.

I have seen it all over—people who earnestly desire focus their entire lives on Christ who have been basically ostracized by those who have grown comfortable in the pew. Some of these “comfortable” Christians describe themselves as pillars in the congregation, and yet they stopped growing spiritually years ago. For those of you who are zealous and looking for more ways to follow after Christ, let this be an encouragement to you. Do not grow weary in well doing (Galatians 6:9). Keep on teaching your children His ways. Keep on distancing yourself from the darkness of the world. Keep on looking for ways to tell people about Christ. Don’t be satisfied with the “norm.”

For those who are comfortable—might I suggest you consider your ways (Haggai 1:5,7) and examine yourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5)? Have you ever considered what your discouragement is ultimately doing to His kingdom? Might I suggest that comfortable preaching has duped you into thinking you are a pretty good person. And maybe you are when compared to the world. But you are not so “good” when compared to a holy God (Isaiah 64:6). Stop using the world as your standard. Repent from trying to dim the light of those who seek to serve Him more faithfully. Tame your tongue and look at the fruit (Matthew 7) that a comfortable life produces, versus one who is truly committed to Christ. Stop trying to silence those in your congregation who desire a closer relationship with Him and look for ways to relight your own fire. Stop warring against brothers and sisters in Christ and go after the real adversary! The reality is we are on the same team—isn’t it time we started acting like it?!

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LGBT: Let God Be True… (2)

LGBT: Let God Be True…

…But Every Man A Liar (Romans 3:4)

(Part Two)

In Part 1 of this article (please read before continuing) it was well-chronicled that God, from the very beginning up until this very second, has only created humankind as either male, or female, and has done so with absolutely no in-betweens, combinations, errors or confusions. Both males and females were created, both for and with, certain anatomical, behavioral, and psychological abilities, in order to fit the specific situations, roles, and responsibilities which God wanted them to fulfill in the physical world which He created. Any subsequent gender confusion, corruption, or perversion has thus and since not ever come from God, but from the Satanically-structured deception, environment, and biblical ignorance which such confused people find themselves inevitably immersed, overcome, and engulfed in.

God Did Great Male and Female Perfectly. There was no LGBT Rebellion.

God Did Create Male and Female Perfectly. There was no LGBT Rebellion.

As Christians, it is hoped that we would all hurt for, and would thus help to heal with the living word of God Himself (Hebrews 4:11-13), such painfully deceived, deluded, and gender-confused people. Certainly we as Christians should all want to be on the same page and would never want to participate in contributing to any such Satanically-induced corruption and confusion of the sexes… would we?

You see, the reason I ask is because it seems to me that there is just as sinful and tragic of a gender-confusion promoting element amongst some of our very own people today. An element that seems bent on incrementally implementing into the Lord’s church, a similar ideology, and one that is no less sinful, ungodly, or anti-Scriptural, than the one being perversely perpetrated and pushed by our current president onto the American people! In fact, when one considers the unbelievable similarities, they are incredibly frightening!

Please re-read and reconsider 1st Timothy 2:8-15. That text, which takes you back to the very same, exact beginning of time in the Garden of Eden as the above and aforementioned, establishes once and for all time, God’s perfect and eternal pattern of things when it comes to His creation of men and women, both for and with, certain anatomical, behavioral, and psychological abilities, in order to fit the specific situations, roles, and responsibilities which God wanted them to fulfill in the SPIRITUAL world as well. These ageless, timeless, and divinely-inspired and dictated (Ps. 119:89; 2 Tim. 3:16-17), gender-confusion-negating and neutralizing “commandments of God” when it comes to each member’s gender roles, responsibilities, and restrictions, are also very clearly pointed out once again in 1 Corinthians 14:33-37 (please see).

And that brings us to this… A newspaper associated with the churches of Christ, and one that is notorious for continually seeking to support and further promote gender confusion by publishing stories, articles, and advertisements which help blur the lines between the sexes when it comes to their God-designed and defined roles and responsibilities within the Lord’s church, recently published – under the heading of “Opinion,” no less – responses from several Christian women to a question they had earlier posed, regarding ‘What to tell our daughters about the proper role of women in the church.’ I’m somewhat glad they didn’t ask men like me that question – and probably they are too! (After all, I’m guessing my comments never would’ve made the final cut). But just in case, here’s the answer anyway. (And by the way, before continuing, just let me say that my wife and I have two very faithful adult daughters who grew up in the church and continue to serve faithfully and steadfastly to this day – within their God-given, defined, and designed roles of course. In fact, I notice that there are no spiritual gender-confusion issues amongst them whatsoever… and here’s how that can be accomplished…)

My first response is that this question is not a matter of “opinion” by any stretch of the imagination, and doesn’t belong anywhere near, or under such a heading, ever – unless of course one has an agenda to please people and give them what they are clamoring for instead of humbly, lovingly, and faithfully giving God what He has clearly commanded (Galatians 1:10). Matters of “opinion” are only those issues about which God has ruled and declared absolutely nothing, hence leaving them up to us. While this would include things like which hour we meet on Sunday, the color of the carpet, and the order of our worship, gender-behavior within our assemblies is assuredly not one of them! See: 1 Corinthians 14:33-37 and 1 Timothy 2:8-15.

Secondly, this question is about as easily and decisively answered in the spiritual world of the church, as whether or not one is a boy or a girl in the physical world around us. Simply observing and accepting what is obviously in evidence in certain areas is more than enough to clarify and answer the question once and for all time. In the case of this question, one need only honestly look at and accept, once again what they clearly see in 1 Corinthians 14:33-37 and 1 Timothy 2:8-15.

In response to ‘What to tell our daughters about the proper role of women in the church,’ I would additionally answer with the following:

1) Christ says our love for Him is directly proven – or disproven – by our willingness – or lack thereof – to humbly submit to and obey His commandments (John 14:15). Their subsequent, submissive silence, and loving lack of leading (whether it be leading prayers, leading singing, or as we gather around the table where Christian men are present) is very clearly, concisely, directly and undeniably commanded by God in 1 Corinthians 14:33-37.

2) In exactly the same way as any physical gender confusion can be easily cleared up by simply, honestly, and sincerely going back to the beginning and understanding that “God made them male and female,” and therefore designed them for, and assigned them with, certain very specific roles and responsibilities, so too are we taken back to that very same beginning in order to clear up any spiritual gender confusion by 1 Timothy 2:8-15. That passage provides us with the undeniable and ageless proof, that this timeless godly pattern, in place since the very beginning of time and originating from God in the very same Garden of Eden, is just as culturally non-negotiable as the physical gender issue.

3) I would additionally answer by saying that just because someone may be talented or gifted at something, does NOT MEAN that they can just arbitrarily disregard the divine boundary lines which almighty God has set in place for them or that practice. And this goes for everyone, both male and female alike, for we are “all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) – despite the different talents, abilities, roles, responsibilities, and gifts we may each have to offer. For example, just because a male church member might be a great guitarist does not give him the right to outright deny and defy God’s divinely-established New Testament pattern and rebel against God by playing his instrument while offering up “psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs” to God – especially when the Lord specifically commanded that all His saints simply sing (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). After all, as Samuel rebuked king Saul, “Has the Lord as great delight in… offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice… For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you…” (See: 1 Samuel 15).

And finally, as to any promoters and perpetrators of some of the scripture-perverting and spiritually gender-confusing practices and practitioners present in the Lord’s church today, I would simply remind my daughters to really read and re-study the following divinely-designed and dictated passages directly from God, in addition to all of those explored and examined above: John 14:15-24; Romans 16:16-19; 1 Corinthians 11:19; 2 Timothy 3:1-4:4; 2 Peter 1:16-2:3, 2:12-22, 3:14-18; and Revelation 3:18-29… if I was asked. But of course, I wasn’t.


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