VBS Gone Wild (Part 1)

VBS Gone Wild (Part 1)

VBS - Vacation Bible School.  A circus doesn't save.

VBS – Vacation Bible School. A circus doesn’t save.

VBS – “Vacation Bible School” starts in many American communities as soon as vacation from secular schooling begins.  Its duration typically varies from a single day to a week for an hour or two, but historically averaged a month to all summer long for many hours a day.  Its core objective revolves around building knowledge of God through the Bible predominantly to children and in different locations adults.  Numerous religious bodies have adopted this activity since its inception in the late 1800’s.  Different opinions exist regarding the year the first VBS began, its name, and its originator; however, such information stands irrelevant to VBS today.  Safely stated, VBS dates back over a century.  Moreover, studying scripture from God dates all the way back to the giving of the Law of Moses to the Children of Israel (Deuteronomy 6:1-7).  Accordingly, God’s desire for man to know His Word did not change with the coming of the new covenant in Christ (2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Corinthians 14:20).  Developing an understanding of scripture directly relates to the function of the individual as a member of the Body of Christ.  Walking in the good works of God stands as the purpose of man (Ephesians 2:10) and involves teaching others (2 Timothy 2:24).  Preaching the gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls as assigned by God represents the duty of the Church (Matthew 28:19-20, I Corinthians 1:18, Romans 10:13-15).  Thus, VBS stands as a great opportunity to instruct young minds in the life that God appointed for them.

Today, in most communities, man can see the story of VBS gone wild.  Quite alarmingly, very few VBS occasions achieve the goal of properly instilling scripture into young minds.  Some of this dilemma simply harkens to the time spent with the youth.  VBS used to be treated as a school.  Students spent hours a day for weeks or months coming to know God.  Now, a child may likely hear only 20 minutes to 2 hours of watered down Bible “stories” over the full duration of the average VBS.  No sin exists for those loving Christians who for whatever Godly reason cannot offer more time in holding a VBS.  However, a great difference exists in not finding the time and not taking the time.  If finding the time existed as the only obstacle to delivering proper authorized Biblical education during a VBS, a vast sigh of relief would go up throughout the kingdom of God.  A large number of VBS could find more time by focusing upon the original goal of teaching scripture and removing unscriptural practices found in their VBS.  Finding time relates to good stewardship (Luke 12:42-48).  Taking the time relates to an issue of the heart (Matthew 22:37).

As a boy, the congregation I attended held a VBS each year.  Like most individuals who attended VBS as a youth, I look back fondly on the memories.  The VBS lasted only a week and we met at the Church building.  During the week, I went to VBS for two hours.  The first 50 minutes saw me separated into an age specific class.  Then with all the children I enjoyed a 20 minute break outside in the gravel parking lot talking or eating a snack brought with me from home.  Finally, I returned to class for another 50 minutes of study and quizzes or competitions against my classmates on what we had studied.  The VBS held true to its name: Vacation Bible School.  Our entire group of young people looked forward to VBS.  No question would exist in regard to authority for what happened at the Church building.  Ask someone today to describe their VBS and hear the following:  “They decorated the entire Church building to look like the ocean and the teachers dressed like crabs. We made crafts, watched a play, heard a Bible story about a guy who got eaten by a whale, sang songs – I clapped and stomped my feet with my favorite one – I won a prize in kickball, and we ate hotdogs and hamburgers afterward”.  Excuse me?  It seems a whole lot goes on that bears a second look in many VBS gatherings.

Christians imitate Christ.  The Bible directs Christians to operate according to the authority of Christ in both word and deed (Colossians 3:17).  This includes VBS.  Most certainly, many churches need to focus on restoration.  They stray far from the authority which originates with God.  They wear the name Christian, but fail to uphold the principles of Christianity.  What happened to BCV (book, chapter, and verse) for the VBS?  If God desired Christians to treat studying the scriptures like a carnival atmosphere could He not convey that thought?  Rather, within the pages of scripture, we find Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”   Furthermore, we find Hebrews 12:28-29, Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.”  Man should revere God in his service, not offer Him frivolous pabulum disguised as Biblical teaching.  The behavior of many congregations does not imitate Christ.

The activity of teaching and preaching the gospel demands the full authorization of God.  Biblical authority comes from the commands, examples, and necessary inferences found within the Bible.  To properly examine the practices of a VBS, the concept of Biblical Authority as it relates to expedients and edification must be understood.  In 1 Corinthians 10:23, Paul declares: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.”  The context and meaning of the comments “all things are lawful” relates to the command by God that man could eat all meats.  However, Paul identifies that “rights” must be put aside when they do not expedite or edify.  The same concept must be applied when contemplating the actions of the Church.  An expedient is a help or action which will bring about an advantage.  If an action brings about harm or disadvantage, by definition it cannot be an expedient.  As an example, consider the many congregations which do not take the time to create their own VBS material, but rely upon the purchase of a pre-made / themed VBS package.  Possibly, there may be no harm in relying upon the efforts of others who created sound material.  However, consider the impact of area denominations utilizing the same package.  To the community member, it appears as if the religious bodies teach the same thing and there exists no difference.  What appeared as an expedient really exists as an impediment to Biblical instruction and cannot with Biblical authority be engaged.  Good stewardship from the beginning solves this potential dilemma.  The apostle Paul also spoke of edification.  Edification or edify means to build up or strengthen.  If an action fails to build up or strengthen the student, no Biblical authority exists for it.  Consider a VBS which focuses on a study of Islam, yet never addresses its evils or contradiction with scripture.  Such teaching would not edify or have the authorization of God.

Proper teaching from VBS efforts results in strengthened souls.  Yet, not all VBS opportunities end with fully positive outcomes.  It’s VBS gone wild!  Examine your VBS practices.  Provide Biblical instruction with reverence for God.  Pattern every VBS after the manner of Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles.  Make every word and deed grounded in the foundation of Biblical authority.  Make certain the VBS expedites learning about God and edifies the students.

2 Timothy 4:2“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

“VBS Gone Wild” (Part 2) will examine specific “problem” practices of congregations in regard to VBS.


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A Better Altar than God’s

Finding Something “Better” Than God Planned

For more than two hundred years, every person who entered the temple saw everything the way Solomon had established it. Entering through the east gate, one first saw the magnificent bronze altar designed by David and built and dedicated by Solomon. That was exactly the way it should be. One should not approach God’s holy presence without a reminder of man’s need for redemption from sin.

Is the altar of man better than God's?

Is the altar of man better than God’s?

However, in the reign of Ahaz it all changed. As men entered through the east gate, the altar was not there. It had been removed toward the north side of the temple area (2 Kings 16:14). There was another altar, even greater in appearance, that now stood where the one dedicated by Solomon once stood. Men had forgotten that when Solomon finished his prayer of dedication of the temple, God sent fire from heaven to burn the sacrifices placed on the altar (2 Chron. 7:1). Yet, somehow that very altar had been replaced by a new one!

How had all this come about? King Ahaz (the father of righteous King Hezekiah) was in dire circumstances because the Syrians had come and besieged Jerusalem. Instead of turning to God for help, he asked the Assyrians to come help him and send treasures of gold and silver from the temple as gifts to the king of Assyria. The Syrians were defeated, and Jerusalem was saved. To show his gratitude for the help given to him, King Ahaz traveled to Assyria and while there saw the beautiful altar used in pagan worship. He made drawings of that altar and an exact copy of it was soon brought into the holy temple in Jerusalem. God’s plan for the bronze altar was rejected, and now a pagan altar stood in its place.

Evidently, King Ahaz saw the new altar and the pagan gods worshiped at that altar as being more desirable than the true God and the altar He had dedicated. Ahaz did not use the altar to worship pagan gods, he just preferred that altar above what God had designed.

Isn’t this precisely what has happened to the holy church designed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus? It is not that difficult to read the New Testament and see what He planned. That church had no clergy/laity concept with a religious hierarchy ruling over His people. There were no reverends, vicars, or elevated priests. Morality was not defined and changed by church conferences or conventions where mortals decided the acceptability of the LGTB lifestyles of our day. It was so different then—baptism was always by immersion; the Lord’s Supper was observed every Sunday; worship was designed to appeal to God rather than to entertain men.

Ahaz thought human wisdom was superior to God’s wisdom, and America is making the same mistake today!

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Laboring for Food? John 6:22-27

My Thoughts On John 6:22-27

After miraculously feeding five thousand men and walking on water, Jesus went to Capernaum.  When the crowds Jesus had fed discovered he was gone, they followed him and, upon finding him, asked when he had arrived (vs. 22-25).  Jesus knew that they wanted only another free meal, and so admonished them, “Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life…” (vs. 26-27).

What food gets the bulk of your effort?

What food gets the bulk of your effort?

Our Lord knows that we need to devote some attention to work for material necessities like food (Gen. 3:19), so he is not telling us that we shouldn’t work for physical food.  Rather, he is telling us to not give our primary attention to the material things of this life.  Our primary focus should be on obtaining that which will give us eternal life (Col. 3:1-2; Matt. 6:25-33).

It’s no secret that God tests our faith and loyalty to him (Gen. 22:1-12; Heb. 11:17).  It’s easy for us to sing None of Self and All of Thee…but do our actions back up our words when tested by God?  On Super Bowl Sunday at churches that offer evening worship services, will we choose to not assemble to worship our God and learn from him because we’d rather watch the Super Bowl…or will our focus be primarily on what will help us obtain eternal life?  Today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter, will we take a decent amount of time before or after work to study God’s Word and pray to him…or will recreational activities or more work be more important?

God tests our loyalty every day.  Are we passing his tests?  Are we truly laboring for the food that endures to eternal life?

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Does Doctrine Matter?

Does Doctrine Matter?

Several years ago, Rick Warren released a book called The Purpose Driven Life. While the premise of the book is a good one, much religious error is propagated throughout its pages. It is not a book that should be read or studied by those who do not have a good grounding in the Scriptures, as they may be misled by the author’s errant views.

God's Word is the authority regarding Doctrine.

God’s Word is the authority regarding Doctrine.

Take, for instance, what Mr. Warren says on page 34, concerning the final judgment: “God won’t ask you about your religious background or doctrinal views. The only thing that will matter is, did you accept what Jesus did for you and did you learn to love and trust him?”

Think about this statement for a moment. Does not one’s “religious background and doctrinal views” depend directly upon one’s acceptance, love, and trust of the Savior?
If one truly accepts Jesus, he will follow Him. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Do you accept Jesus as the only way into a righteous relationship with the Father?

If one truly loves Jesus, he will follow Him. “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Do you obey Jesus, or do you only say you love Him?

If one truly trusts Jesus, he will follow Him. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16). Do you trust Jesus, or do you “explain away” this crystal-clear statement?

One who accepts, loves, and trusts Jesus will have the “religious background and doctrinal views” that God expects and desires of His people. “But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1).

Doctrine does matter! We must give heed to those things taught in the New Testament—not only accept them as true, but obey them! If we reject the words of the Lord, if we rebel against Him and refuse to obey, we have no one to blame if we are lost (John 12:48).

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Dress Test for Men

Dress Test for Godly Men

In the beginning God created mankind. They sinned and realized they were naked. They covered up their loins, but they didn’t cover all their nakedness. God would soon cover the nakedness of both man and woman. There was no “cultural definition” of nakedness. What God established from the beginning is the definition of nakedness for all time. What God covered them with was a “coat”. By definition, such an article of clothing begins above the shoulders and would go below the loins. This means chest, stomach, and back were also covered as naked. However, this term “coat” is not the same as the jacket we know today. It was much longer. What additional nakedness did God cover? By God’s definition of nakedness, the coat would cover the thigh going all the way down to the knee (Exodus 28:42). Dressing Godly, does not just involve covering nakedness. Test your own manner of dress by asking yourselves a few questions:

Do I meet God’s standard for covering nakedness? (Genesis 3:21, Exodus 28:42) Will any of these areas be exposed when you sit, stand, turn, or bend down?

Am I dressing so women will see me as a good man or a good body? (I Thessalonians 4:3-6; Galatians 5:19). Lasciviousness is an attempt to draw someone to lust after you. Clothes which allow others to see through them to your skin or are so tight no part of the anatomy is left unnoticed have the end result of creating lust. Yes, women do have desires. See examples of Potiphar’s wife and her advances on Joseph (Genesis 39:7-10) or the desire of the Shulamite for her shepherd (Song of Solomon 2:3-7).

Am I concerned about keeping the purity of others?(Matthew 18:7, 1 Corinthians 8:9; I John 2:10, Ephesians 5:25-27) Each man should work to protect and keep every woman he encounters pure, as if she were his sister or wife. This means you.

Will my clothing help or hurt my influence for Christ? (Romans 13:10; 15:3; Philippians 2:3-4, 2 Peter 3:14) A man should strive to be without blame in regard to his clothes.

Will What I am wearing identify me as something other than Godly? ( I Corinthians 10:31, I Timothy 3:7) Do your t-shirts have lewd or suggestive sayings? Are your pants down below your butt making you look like someone from a gang or prison?

Is it appropriate and respectful for the occasion? (Genesis 41:14; Matthew 22:11-14) Going to the ball game is definitely different than going to Church. God wants your best. Indeed, it may be your best jeans and shirt, but he still wants your best.

When you are in doubt… Remember I Thessalonians 5:22.

Now go share this dress test with others!

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