Marriage Vows

What God Joined Together

When two people come together under the idea of marriage, they stand before a man to recite wedding vows to each other.  But, what does this mean?  Consider if you will, the words both the male and female make: “Will you take this woman/man to be thy wedded wife/husband, to live together in holy matrimony?  Will you love her/him, comfort her/him, honour her/him, and keep her/him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?  Will you take thee to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, and to love and cherish each other till death do you part?”

Your marriage vows are before God, do you mean it?

Your marriage vows are before God, do you mean it?

When a marriage comes together, those involved in that marriage make this promise to each other and to God.  They believe that they will be together forever.  However, many times, this is far from the truth.  Separations occur and eventually divorce comes (annulments included).  But, what is divorce?  Divorce is a legal dissolution of a marriage.  It is a ceasing, a breaking, to let go, or to release from bonds that terminates a marriage.  But what is ceasing?  What are things that break in divorce?  Could we say that we are breaking two hearts in a marriage or breaking a family into jagged pieces?  What are we letting go?  Could it be the bond that was first made on the wedding day between each other and between God?  But, why the release?

Did not Jesus say to the Pharisees who came tempting Him with questions on divorce that, “. . . a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh” (Matt. 19:5)?  Two lives join into one.  This is why the bond of husband and wife is stronger than that between children and parents.  And, to be as one means that they are to be the only ones together.  Yet, if this is true, then what comes in between them?  It should be said that when something comes in between the one flesh, it must be a painful experience seeing as how pain always comes when something is inserted between flesh.  With a marriage, this insertion is planned and cannot happen by accident and once it is between flesh, it separates it and divorce is seen shortly down the road.

Jesus said, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matt. 19:6).  Now, what could be so forceful that it could separate flesh?  Perhaps a friend?  Maybe they just drive each other crazy.  Could it be that they are just not compatible?  Jesus again speaking said to the Pharisees, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery . . .” (Matt. 19:9).  What is fornication?  It is illicit sexual intercourse.  It is sexual intercourse whether it is with a man, woman, homosexual, lesbian, animal, etc . . .  Jesus said that for this reason only can one divorce.  Why?  It is because sexual intercourse breaks the one flesh into two.  It is because there is a foreign flesh attempting to rip part of the flesh from the rest.  It is because it breaks the covenant relationship between man and woman.  It is because it breaks the covenant relationship with God because once you are in a marriage, you are commanded by God to keep it (Rom. 7:2).  Men can attempt to justify this by saying that the laws of the land permit other actions.  Well, so did the laws of the land in Jesus’ day (Matt. 19:1-9).  But, just because it is a law of the land, does not give us a right to violate God’s law.  The apostles, which were led directly by the Holy Spirit said, “. . . We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Therefore, if God defines what a marriage is and what it is not and also defines the reason to end a marriage, we must obey God rather than man for only God can dissolve a marriage.

Divorce that comes outside of fornication, happens when men forget God (Rom. 1:18-32), when they forget His word (Psa. 119:11), and when they want to do what is right in their own eyes (Jdgs. 17:6).  May we each do the will of the Father (Matt. 7:21-23).

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Hurting Spirituality of Youth

When the Church Hurts Young People’s Spirituality

I have been a Christian for several decades now, and I still struggle with an observation that I see throughout the church. Allow me to explain. When children reach fourteen or fifteen years of age parents collectively hold their breath until those children make the decision to obey the Gospel and be baptized. Afterwards there is rejoicing as Mom and Dad breath a sigh of relief. Cards are sent. Prayers are offered. And we may even allow the newly converted male children to wait on the Lord’s Table.

Instead of social functions, why not focus on youth service to God?

Instead of social functions, why not focus on youth service to God?

But after a few weeks/months that young person’s zeal wanes, and we all return back to the “normal” activities of life. We don’t expect much from this new Christian. In fact, truth-be-told, we don’t expect anything except for them to continue attending services. After all, they have demands at school and will soon be heading off to college.

It is like baptism is their “cape” that will get them into heaven, and as long as they have that somewhere nearby then that’s enough. And so, our young people get into the habit of obtaining their cape, and then promptly hang it on a nearby coatrack. Surely we don’t expect them to fly right away … right? It’s like we baptize our children and then put it on cruise control until we once again collectively hold our breath to see if they escaped college with their faith in tact. Why have we allowed this to be the normal? This is not the pattern we find in the New Testament—so why is this the pattern we find in the church?

Here’s what I intend to teach my children regarding putting off your service to Christ.

Once you make the decision to follow Christ that becomes your lifelong commitment. It doesn’t officially start once school is out or at a more convenient time. Rather your decision to step onto the narrow path begins once you put on that new man (Colossians 3:8-10).

Saul (who would later become known as Paul) was persecuting Christians. He was a dangerous man for Christians to be around. In Acts chapter 9 we find Saul’s conversion and baptism. Saul went three days without food and water (verse 9) and then Ananias came to him and taught him the Truth. We then learn “So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus. Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God” (Acts 9:19-20, emp. added).

Saul didn’t wait years and years to begin bearing fruit. The text says “immediately” he preached Christ! This is a man who was radically changed and wanted to tell the world about Jesus Christ. He wasn’t interested in waiting a few years or waiting until he was out of college. He wanted to tell the lost about Jesus.

My prayer is that you will have Saul/Paul’s attitude—that you will immediately look for opportunities to teach the Truth and bear fruit. Don’t buy into what the world is promoting that you don’t start life until you are out of school. You are already alive and you were created for good works (Ephesians 2:10)! God has blessed each of you with talents. Look for ways to use those talents for Him.

If you take the world’s mentality of waiting until you are older then several things are likely to happen: (1) you will become cold and apathetic; (2) you will waste several years that you could have reached lost souls; (3) you will help perpetuate this false notion that only older people can bear fruit for Him; (4) you will lose sight of the importance Christ should have in your life!

Don’t wait. Come out of that water looking for ways to serve Him. Turn the world upside down and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t! After all, you are a new man with God on your side.

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The Virgin Mary

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy – the Son of God.”

Luke 1:26-35

Earlier in the chapter, an angel had announced to the elderly priest Zacharias that he and Elizabeth would have a son, John (Luke 1:5-25).  Six months into Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Gabriel now appears in the town of Nazareth of Galilee to her relative Mary, a virgin who was betrothed to one of King David’s descendants, a man by the name of Joseph.  Most likely in her teenage years at the time, Mary is disturbed when the angel greets her and tells her that the Lord is with her and favors her.  Gabriel tells her to not be afraid because she has found favor with God, and then foretells her conception and pregnancy which would result in a son, Jesus.

Gabriel then informed Mary that her son would be “great,” and would be called “the Son of the Most High” (v. 32).  This would be what Jesus would come to be called, for at the time prior to his human conception he was known as the eternal “Word” (John 1:1-14).  The angel foretold that the Lord God would give to Jesus the throne of his ancestor David, a genealogical fact recorded in Matthew’s genealogy (Matt. 1:1ff).  Jesus receiving the throne of David would be the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy God gave to David through the prophet Nathan centuries earlier (2 Sam. 7:12-16).

Premillenial dispensationalists talk a lot about how Jesus will reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years, but God’s messenger Gabriel gave a different prophecy to Mary when he foretold that Jesus would reign over the house of Jacob “forever,” and “of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:33).  So much for a reign of one thousand years…

The Jews of Jesus’ day made an erroneous assumption similar in one respect to the error of today’s premillenialists in that they also thought that Jesus’ kingdom would be a physical one (Luke 17:20-21; Acts 1:6).  In reality, Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).  It is a spiritual kingdom manifested today in his body, the church (Eph. 1:22-23).  Just as the church is said to never die (Matt. 16:18-19), so this kingdom will last forever also (cf. Dan. 2:44).  The members of the church are the citizens of this kingdom, this spiritual Israel (Gal. 6:16; Rom. 2:28-29; Col. 1:13; 1 Thess. 2:12; Heb. 12:28; Rev. 1:4, 6, 9; cf. 1 Pet. 2:9).  If we as Christians grow to be like Christ as God directs us, an entrance into the eternal kingdom will be abundantly supplied to us (2 Pet. 1:5-11) at the end when Christ delivers the kingdom back to his Father after having conquered all his enemies on the day of Judgment, including death (1 Cor. 15:24-26; cf. Rev. 20:11-14).  However, if we fall back into unrepentant sin we will be taken out of the kingdom on that day and will be cast into hell (Matt. 13:40-42; cf. Rev. 20:15; Heb. 10:26-31; 2 Pet. 2:20-22).

Mary understandably wanted to know how this could happen, considering that she was still a virgin.  Gabriel then told her that her conception would be miraculous, that it would happen by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the child to be born of her would be Deity, the Son of God, holy and set apart from the rest of the world.  Despite the erroneous teaching of Catholicism that she would perpetually stay a virgin even after the birth of Jesus, the New Testament very clearly states that after his birth Mary fulfilled her betrothment to Joseph by having sexual relations with him in marriage that would result in more children (Matt. 1:24-25; cf. 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; 7:3-10; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19).  However, she miraculously conceived Jesus as a virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit in order to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah concerning the birth of the Messiah (Matt. 1:18-23; cf. Is. 7:14).

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Exact Essentials

Exact Essentials

That which is essential is that which is fundamentally necessary and indispensable. Cereal boxes talk about essential vitamins and minerals. These are things the FDA says are necessary and indispensable for our physical well being. There are other things that are essential as well, such as a drivers license for legal driving, flour in a recipe for pancakes, or a car seat for a new born. Essentials are things that must be.

There are some things on which we must be right!

There are some things on which we must be right!

The charge has been leveled against us “that the Church of Christ is the one and only church in human history that is 100% correct on everything, and everyone single other person, every single other church that has ever existed, is wrong and hellbound.” Such an assertion is misrepresentative and misleading concerning what many churches of Christ truly believe.

Consider first of all that there has never been any mere mortal in human history that has been 100% correct on everything. We can all say with absolute certitude, “I am correct about some things,” however, we would be wrong to say, “I am correct about everything” because some things are beyond our knowledge and hence our ability to be either correct or incorrect. The assertion that the “Church of Christ is 100% correct on everything” is exaggerative and factually incorrect.

On what, then, must we be correct? There are things that are essential and there are things that are optional. In things that God has made essential, we must be right and cannot be wrong. In things that God has made optional, we are allowed to be either right or wrong. So the question becomes: what things has God made essential? This is where the discussion ought to begin. If God tells us something is essential, then it is my obligation to get it right. How does God tell us? He does that in His word, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:15-17). How can I know that what God says is essential? The Scriptures will tell us of its essentiality. A good example is Acts 17:30, “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent.” Repentance is something that is essential. Therefore, we must be correct on that point; we don’t have the prerogative to be wrong.

Second, the churches of Christ today don’t claim to be the only church in human history that is correct. The church that the apostles established in the New Testament was correct. Other churches that have existed throughout the ages have been correct also. So, what is the “beef” that the churches of Christ today have with other churches? It is that many are incorrect in matters that God has made essential. In that regard, failure to be correct is to place one’s soul in jeopardy and because we love our fellow man and want him to be saved, we feel the obligation to warn him regarding his error.

Yes, there are some things on which we must be right! God has told us what is essential and what is optional in His word. Let us read it, study it, learn from it, and know it so that we can be right where we must be right and so that others may know wherein they must be right as well.

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Realmente reconocemos la confusión que existe alrededor de este tema o más bien estos 3 temas que se encuentran entrelazados el uno con el otro; matrimonio, divorcio y segundas nupcias. A causa de esa confusión muchos han adoptado posiciones que no tienen el respaldo de la palabra de Dios y como tal es nuestro deseo y nuestra única intención presentar este material para su consideración. Siempre animamos a cada lector u oyente a comparar, a revisar con sus Biblias si nuestra exposición es correcta. Si no lo es, rogamos por favor hacérnoslo saber con la evidencia contundente, pero sí lo es entonces nuestra exhortación a usted es a abandonar cualquier doctrina que esté en una clara contradicción con la Biblia. Jeremías dijo: “¿Acaso se avergüenzan cuando cometen abominaciones? ¡No!, ciertamente de nada se avergüenzan, Ni aun saben ruborizarse. Por tanto caerán entre los que caen, Al tiempo en que Yo los visite, Serán derribados, dice YHVH.” (Jer. 6:15 LBT).

El asunto del divorcio realmente se soluciona tan fácilmente como regresando a Génesis 2.

El asunto del divorcio realmente se soluciona tan fácilmente como regresando a Génesis 2.


Tal y como lo hemos mencionado anteriormente cuando tratamos el asunto del matrimonio, algunas personas quieren hacer una separación entre matrimonio de Dios (por la iglesia) y el civil, con el divorcio sucede lo mismo pero al revés, cientos de individuos creen que pueden divorciarse legalmente y estar bien con Dios hasta volver a contraer nupcias. El aspecto legal del divorcio es algo simple de determinar; la el divorciarse ante la ley o de la manera legal de hecho no constituye un divorcio correcto ante Dios. En este aspecto la parte legal esta en segundo plano y esta regla aplica a todos sean o no cristianos.


El asunto del divorcio realmente se soluciona tan fácilmente como regresando a Génesis 2. Dios creó un hombre para una mujer para toda la vida. Realmente esto es lo que originalmente estaba en la mente de Dios desde el inicio para el hombre. Cristo lo afirma con autoridad en Mateo 19:4-6 en el matrimonio la pareja pasa a ser una sola carne y así unidos para toda la vida excepto por causa de fornicación. Es decir cuando una parte le es infiel a la otra parte entonces ahí sí puede ocurrir un divorcio Bíblico en conformidad al versículo 9 mientras que la parte agravada queda libre para volverse a casar. Así de claro así de fácil. Varias nuevas versiones en inglés han causado más confusión para aquellos que están buscando razones ajenas a las que dio el Señor. ESV traduce en vez de “fornicación”, “inmoralidad sexual”.  En español algunas versiones han hecho un pésimo trabajo en la traducción de este versículo, por ejemplo: TAC( Traducción al leguaje actual) “pecado sexual”, BDHH( Dios habla hoy) traduce “unión ilegal”, NVI (Nueva versión internacional) “infidelidad conyugal”, aunque quizá estos términos se asemejan al concepto o la idea principal ,la palabra en el original griego es πορνείᾳ= porneia= fornicación. De acuerdo a Vine él dice que este pecado incluye adulterio y lo define como; intercambio sexual ilícito. Bueno y ¿ y cual es la diferencia?.  El pecado de la fornicación de la que menciona Jesús en el Mateo 19:9 siendo la única causa de divorcio, amigo “porneia” implica contacto sexual y el problema grave con las traducciones modernas es que abren la puerta donde la Biblia  NO lo hace. Por ejemplo suponga usted que una pareja decide divorciase porque el esposo fue sorprendido mientras miraba pornografia, eso es un su definición correcta “inmoralidad sexual, pecado sexual”…etc y ciertamente lo es pero NO ES la causa por la cual Cristo autorizó el divorcio. A esto puede sumarse maltrato físico o asuntos menores tal como que la esposa no cocina bien o que el esposo deja los zapatos tirados por toda sala todo el tiempo por tanto …. ¡DIVORCIO!. Absolutamente no es correcto ante Dios, el fue claro en acentuar una causa y se llama fornicación. Ahora bien que no está correcto, ciertamente no lo está pero hay otros pasos a seguir sin llegar a la disolución de la unión. Hay un pasaje que me gustaría mencionarlo en este escrito que está dando problemas de interpretación a muchos predicadores e incluso han llegado a pensar y enseñar que este pasaje enseña una segunda causa de divorcio veamos:

1Corintios 7:10-11 “Y a los que se han casado, ordeno, no yo, sino el Señor, que la mujer no se separe del marido; 11. y si llega a separarse, que permanezca sin casarse o se reconcilie con el marido; y al marido, que no abandone a la mujer.” (LBT énfasis nuestro añadido). Observe por favor las dos palabras subrayadas, mi pregunta es: Sí el pasaje se está refiriendo a divorcio (separase) ¿Entonces porque dice al final que se reconcilie con su marido? desearía escuchar una buena explicación de aquellos que abogan por el “privilegio paulino” del uso de la palabra marido en el mismo contexto. El hermano Roy H. Lanier Sr. excelente predicador del pasado dice lo siguiente sobre este pasaje: 

“Pablo nunca violó, ni añadió a la enseñanza de Jesús acerca del divorcio y segundas nupcias entonces él nunca cedió la licencia de casarse de nuevo fuera de la fornicación o la muerte de la otra parte.” ( Espada espiritual Vol 6, Num 2. Enero 1975, matrimonio-divorcio-segundas nupcias, pg 34.)

En el pasaje Pablo está tratando de la unión entre un cristiano y un no cristiano, y el dice que el hermano o hermana no está sujeto  a servidumbre (dedoulotai) de la raíz  de “esclavo”. No está el hermano o la hermana en la obligación de servir como esclavo pero no está disolviendo la idea del matrimonio , por eso dice reconciliase con su marido. El hermano Roy C. Deaver primer director de la escuela de predicación Brown Trail  señala lo siguiente: 

“No existe ninguna otra causa para el divorcio más que la que Cristo señaló, sí eso es el caso entonces la Bíblica contiene una contracción ya que el dijo “excepto” este imperativo saca y elimina automáticamente todas las demás causas dejándonos una y solo una… a saber fornicación.” ( ibid. pg 14)

Tambien el hermano Willie Alvarenga puntualiza lo siguiente para este pasaje, note:

            En este pasaje el apóstol Pablo esta discutiendo un caso en el cual el cristiano es forzado a dejar a Cristo por que el no cristiano se lo esta pidiendo. Si este es el caso, el cristiano tiene una responsabilidad de permanecer fiel al Señor. El cristiano no debe de separarse, pero si no hay más solución al problema, entonces el cristiano debe dejar que el no cristiano se separe. Pero, nuevamente, si el no cristiano se separa, ambos tienen la responsabilidad de no casarse, basado en la enseñanza de los versos 10-11. Cristo enseñó muy claramente que la única razón por la cual las personas pueden divorciarse y el inocente volver a casarse es por motivo de fornicación y no otra razón. Pablo no esta enseñando algo diferente a lo que Jesús enseñó. Pablo tampoco esta contradiciendo lo que Jesús presentó en Mateo 19:9.

             Muchos argumentan que Pablo esta dando otra razón por la cual la persona puede divorciarse y volver a casarse. Llegar a la conclusión de que Pablo esta enseñando esto es enseñar algo para lo cual no hay apoyo bíblico. No debe de haber conflicto entre estas dos enseñanzas.

         Algunos argumentan que la palabra “obligados” (douloo) denota que la esposa no esta obligada a seguir con su esposo y que esto significa que la relación de matrimonio se ha acabado y que ambos pueden volver a casarse. Este no es el significado. Esta interpretación no esta apoyada por la palabra “obligados”. Esta palabra básicamente denota que el hermano o la hermana no son esclavos del no creyente. El tiempo presente pasivo en esta palabra 31“obligados” denota que el hermano o la hermana nunca han estado ni estarán obligados o en esclavitud al no creyente. La relación del matrimonio no es considerada una esclavitud. Por lo tanto, el apóstol Pablo no esta proveyendo otra razón (el privilegio paulino) por la cual la persona puede divorciarse y volver a casarse. Tenga mucho cuidado de que nadie lo engañe en creer algo diferente a lo que nuestro Señor Jesucristo enseñó en Mateo 19:9. Muchos vendrán y tratarán de engañarlo y confundirlo en cuanto a este tema, sin embargo, tenga mucho cuidado de no caer en su confusión. 

Definitivamente deja asolada la falsa idea de una segunda causa, que tanto afirman algunos de nuestros hermanos, y varias de nuestras escuelas e institutos. Es el mismo caso con Romanos 7, en el contexto de ese capitulo Pablo está lidiando con el asunto de la ley y que ésta ya no está en vigencia desde la muerte de Cristo (Rom 10:4). Y así pueden haber muchos otros pasajes pero la clave es Mateo 19:9 y concluimos con tal declaración: la única causa de divorcio es la fornicación. Necesitamos con urgencia respetar la autoridad del Señor (Mateo 28:18-20) y no intentar pasar por encima a su enseñanza únicamente para justificar en algunos y muchos casos el apetito sexual que es el problema de todo. Dios no pensó en el divorcio en el inicio, nosotros tampoco deberíamos. 

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